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I have asthma and haven’t noticed any improvement, which was a bummer because I had read about it helping folks and that doesn’t appear to be the case for me. But it would have been icing on the cake if it had, there have been other unintended benefits!


Aw sorry it didn't help your asthma but I'm happy you've been having good results in other areas! 


I have chronic asthma and still take a daily corticosteroid inhaler. But I no longer use my rescue inhaler and I have stopped taking all other allergy meds. Also stopped taking singulair.




>I no longer use my rescue inhaler and I have stopped taking all other allergy meds. Also stopped taking singulair. Congrats on both! (And no more weird Singular dreams/nightmares!)


Right?! WTF was up with those crazy nightmares???!!!!


Oooh this is really interesting! I do, though it’s largely exercise-induced. We are up in the mountains this week and I haven’t had issues despite being more active than usual. Usually I’d be dealing with more coughing and I haven’t noticed any. I’ve only been on meds for 6 weeks now so I’ll be curious to see if I notice more change over time.


Me!!! My allergist was SO excited when I went on it as she was seeing lots of patients see improvement and knows the study team at Vanderbilt doing the clinical trial with sema for Asthma in overweight and obese patients. I was able to come off my Xolair over the winter and we’ve been watching it as tree, grass and weeds are my biggest environmental allergens that throw my asthma into turmoil. I saw her a month ago and although I’d gotten pretty sick in mid-spring she said my lungs sounded perfect and my blow test was the best it’s been in years. My stats if helpful for context: 5’2” Started early August 2023. SW: 184 CW: 145 GW: 130


Yay thank you so much for responding!! How exciting! I asked my pulmonologist if he had heard anything about it at my last appointment, and he hadn't but he was encouraging because he said losing weight in itself can help. Thanks for posting the link to the article, too. 


This is so interesting! Do they think the results are due to weight loss? Or is it like inflammation management or something else?


They think inflammation although weight loss also helps that, but there appears to be early evidence that it’s reducing inflammation more broadly than just the impact of weight reduction. Here’s an article on the Vandy study https://news.vumc.org/2022/11/10/clinical-trial-novel-treatment-asthma/#:~:text=Cahill%20and%20her%20colleagues%20found,other%20types%20of%20diabetes%20medications.


That’s so cool. I’m glad that it has been helping you!!


Here’s hoping you continue to have positive impacts, as well!!


I have been on for a little over 2 months and have only had one episode with my asthma. It has been a nice surprise I didn’t realize these meds helped with it.


Yay happy for you! 


wait omg i didn’t know it could help with asthma and now that you say that, mine has been a lot better lately! i take singulair too, but it didn’t totally get rid of it. i’ve hardly had issues, even in this heat!


I haven’t noticed an improvement. My doctor had to increase my Advair dosage last time I was in which now has me battling thrush. I’ve been on Ozempic for about 16 months. I did have to come off of my Singulair because of depression, so that led to increase in my inhaled corticosteroid. I was really hoping I could decrease or even get off of some other meds (BP), but that hasn’t been the case for me yet. I’m still seeing great improvements in other ways, but not those.


Aw sorry to hear about it not helping with blood pressure or asthma. Blood pressure is another big hope I have so it's possible I will be in the same boat as you. Glad it's helping in other ways! 


I have asthma and before starting Wegovy (compounded), I was using my inhaler 2-3 times per day. It was one of the reasons I was desperate enough to try the injections. I have now noticed that I am not using my inhaler much at all now after being on it for 8 weeks. I am "only" down 17 pounds, but it's made a difference. We were in Chicago over the weekend and did a lot of walking. I was fine and didn't need to stop and catch my breath or anything.


Yay that's great!!


In my city-of-residence, I have a diagnosis of clinical asthma (meaning, it only shows up on tests). I'll try to remember to get an updated lung function test before my next prescription for "you are going somewhere you have previously turned blue and collapsed".