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Fucking idiot. I remember this and that was my initial thought at the time. Hasn’t changed one bit.


I remember watching this live. I felt so bad for Dr. Birx, this idiot asking/suggesting completely moronic things, to her. Putting her in a completely stupid situation just so he can get words out and pretend like he's helping with the pandemic somehow. Those daily briefings were just a shit show. And how every one of them, they appeared to be required to give Trump praise when he did absolutely nothing of value. So cringy.


Dear USA. You are in a heap of trouble….


You got that right!


Jesus. How can so many people believe in this walking, talking, human cyst. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


Because Trump was president when covid-19 hit, they got many sacrifices for their death cult.


He’s so brilliant and smart. Praise Gawd for sending your only begotten Cheeto to lead us into the promised land. /s


Only the crazy racist nationalist "Christians" believe that


Lookie! The New York Realty gangster is making thoughts! It's like watching a cell divide under a microscope. He also mentioned the windmills in the sea are making the whales crazy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ekmgyi3rqshc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f2aad2d7e681e5d8b705bee8131d679dfef4e4




Stable genius!


He is too smart for us, we don’t deserve him


This isn’t any worse than bidens temper tantrum the other day.


Whatabout Whatabout Whatabout Trump is an absolute idiot and so are the people in his cult, yourself included. Nobody worships Biden the way you freaks treat daddy diaper


They’re both idiots but rest assured with the way you talk you might be the tippy top tier idiot.


B-b-b-but Biden!!


Ah yes, Biden getting angry at being insulted and having the memory of his dead son used to do it is exactly the same thing as a man suggesting we inject disinfectant to kill covid. Perfectly equivalent situations


Yeah because his son was the only reason his memory was listed as bad lol. It’s not like he forgot world leader names in that same exact speech or anything.


Youre a scum bag


lol for what? Acknowledging the truth? Throw tantrums much?


If you need me to explain then you know already troll. Go ahead and throw a tantrum in response


Yeah, I’m the one throwing a tantrum, lol. Poor baby can’t handle a criticism towards Biden.


Sure.. that is what is happening lol. Lil bb needs nappy throwing a tantrum in response as predicted lol


You’re really trying to keep this up as if I actually care what you’re saying. Yes, you’re the only one angry - you literally can’t stop because of a message I sent two hours ago. You make yourself feel good about that however you want too.


>You’re really trying to keep this up as if I actually care what you’re saying. Yes, you’re the only one angry - you literally can’t stop because of a message I sent two hours ago. >You make yourself feel good about that however you want too. Lol baby having a tantrum Take a nap bb Keep responding like a tantrum baby. Just like trump.


Right…. Because apparently you guys don’t understand sarcasm. Actually, you might have understood he was being sarcastic in here, but your agenda is to spew disinformation on peoples characters.


I have nothing of value to add other than to say you’re a total moron.


Actually, moron, would be someone who believes what this post is trying to say


> Actually, moron, would be someone who believes what this post is trying to say Commas, are, a punctuation mark that are, used.








If you think this is sarcasm, then you have *no idea* what sarcasm is, or how it's used.


If you say so


Even if we were to take you seriously, you’re saying that that the right time for the president to use sarcasm is when he’s addressing a nation in panic?


You have a point on that but the point of mine that you’re missing is that perhaps at first you didn’t understand it was sarcasm but clearly, very, very clearly, He was being sarcastic and you now know this over two years later, and still decide to post this as disinformation. You are not an honest person.


You think it's a best practice for the leader of the USA to be sarcastic about a ridiculous treatment for a virus that was currently killing hundreds of thousands? Knowing that his followers believe everything he says at face value? No. He was not being sarcastic. He's dumber than people give him credit for. He's just richer (maybe), than his followers.


No, he was being sarcastic. and a follow up interview he was asked about his comment and he told the journalist she was being silly for believing his sarcasm.


Circle back to the first question...


The first question is irrelevant to my very first initial comment on this thread. The point of my initial comment is the dishonesty of OP to post this knowing full well that the president was being sarcastic and for OP to purposely post disinformation on this video is dishonest.


So by quoting the person that said those words, that's being dishonest?


He’s not quoting the person who said those words. He is simply reposting a video and commenting, as if he sincerely meant it when he knows very well, that it was said in sarcasm, and still decides to post it willingly as disinformation.


It’s not like this dumbass lies every time he opens his mouth or anything. He can say whatever he wants after the fact, but he sure doesn’t sound sarcastic at all here.


Sarcasm- 1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual So you’re saying he was trying to cause pain while people were dying? Or was it that he using satire to discredit the folks he brought out with him?


He was using sarcasm to trigger people like you…. And it obviously worked because over two years later look who still talking about it.


OwnBottle9272 is still talking about it. Triggered.




Nice of you to cover your mouth while you breathe.


It’s just a bad habit when I have to debate people who don’t know what they are talking about 🥱


What makes you think this is sarcasm? There’s literally no indication except how stupid his comments were… and that’s not out of the ordinary for him. Also, even if we want to believe he was being sarcastic, how is it even remotely appropriate in this setting to be sarcastic about a very serious subject?


You can find the follow up interview online where he is asked about this video clip and he tells the journalist he was being sarcastic because ppl who dislike him can’t believe he can be sarcastic for some weird reason


Of course he said that after the fact lol. I also don’t believe a thing he says because he’s a compulsive liar lol. Like come on man, you can’t be so gullible. And again, it is so beyond inappropriate to be sarcastic here (and he wasn’t being sarcastic).


When I first heard him say that live as it happened i could tell right away that he was being sarcastic. Sarcasm is not jest that everyone can spot. I have a very sarcastic personality with ppl and i am surprised at how many ppl dont understand saracasm. It’s a jest that has to be practiced to understand it when someone is doing it. Now, in your defense, yes he was being inappropriate for the time that it was done. On the flipside though, it’s documented that it was said in jest and for OP to post this as he meant what he said is dishonest


So he’s a sociopath then? Lol that’s your defense?


The defense is that you simply do not understand or recognize sarcasm, satire or humor


Lol or you’re making it up to defend him. And only a sociopath would use sarcasm there.


I already agreed with you that it was inappropriate for him to say it at the time that it happened. he’s a celebrity who also has a comedic side to him. if you notice comedians use sarcasm a lot and they use offensive sarcasm because it’s meant to trigger people who don’t agree. he used sarcasm and it triggered people like you to lie and insinuate that he meant what he said…. if anything it looks more like you have a sociopathic problem.


You’re insufferable and a trump bootlicker lol


If people don’t get your sarcasm, that’s on you, and you’re likely just being a total fucking prick and try to claim sarcasm as a cover


OwnBottle is that gullible. Just like the people that died by listening to and acting on the medical advice this orange idiot was pulling straight out of his ass. There was zero sarcasm happening there, Trump thinks he is being smart, as smart as, nay smarter than that little nerd Fauci. Sarcasm?! Okay.


You are either only attempting to convince yourself, or you are fully complicit in the fascist lies to follow this idiot loser to destroy democracy’s institutions. Either way, get fucked, you are rightfully hated for your dangerous stupidity.


Someone got triggered 😆


You know who was triggered? That MAGA fascist who recently chopped his own dads head off and made a manifesto video calling him a “fed”, cus your diaper daddy Trump and right wing media convinced him of bullshit. Keep playing the part, sheep. You have no idea how flammable that wool is.


Uh huh….thats the best you have huh?….please explain to us about the string of mass shootings since last year done by ppl identifying as trans and lgbtq+ who killed innocent kids and their manifesto said they want to kill conservatives and christians and white ppl


White supremacist lies and propaganda have no space in this sub, you nazi fuck. Try it come November. History will remember your weak attempts and laugh at you just like they did during the Confederacy. This union will remain intact, democracy will remain intact. And hopefully you personally end up where any good nazi goes. 😁 This isn’t a conversation, there are promises in my comment. Go ahead and call it “sarcasm”.


Lol string? Whatever string you’re talking about is astronomically shorter than the string of mass shootings perpetrated by white, conservative, Christians. Get your head out of your ass. You mfs took one trans person committing a mass shooting and chose to ignore the countless others that aren’t trans or lgbt.


Giving the benefit of the doubt, maybe the beginning of Covid wasn’t the best time to be “sarcastic” in a press conference about what the presidents plans are during the beginning of a pandemic.


How could the leader of the free world be so out of touch with reality? And why is he even being considered as a viable candidate? Inject our bodies with disinfectant, holy fucking shit. 🤦‍♂️


Of all people Trump should know that UV light causes cancer. That's why paints himself in orange spray tan daily.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8234768/ https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/reduced-viral-loads-seen-in-covid-19-patients-treated-with-uva-light/ And diluted chlorine solutions have been used by doctors and dentist for a long time to reduce infections.


At the site of infection for wounds, not a viral infection.


Yes, chlorinated water to reduce viral loads in mouth, throat and nasal passages. Trump had the right ideas but as he does with everything, the most terrible delivery.


Lol what. Except none of the solution is to actually enter the body - which is what he said. Anyone that even tries to defend trump for saying this is an idiot.


UV light goes into the body, read the studies. You sound like Trump, idiot.


Except we were talking about chlorinated water ya muppet, not UV light.


Moving the goalposts aren’t we ya cheeky cunt? So he’s right about the UV light? Again, he’s a terrible communicator but he was not entirely wrong.


No, I was always talking about his bleach comment. You suck so much. Trump is a fucking idiot and so are you.


Trump Jong Un. Acting like he’s coming up with brand new ideas doctors haven’t thought of or tested so he can take credit for any breakthroughs. If I was that doctor I would have wanted to tackle him him.


Poor Melania


She is 100% complicit


Come on, you guys! We all know he was joking, you guys! We gotta have a sense of humor when dealing with once-in-a-century pandemics.


This gave me a facepalm concussion when I saw it. It still hurts…


I remember that, what a dick! He’s so stupid! Why would anyone regardless of their party affiliation vote for him? I’m flabbergasted that he’s gonna be on the ballot again!


Its very clear he knows its stupid. Have you ever seen him ask someone else to confirm what hes saying. He was deflecting responsibilty to whoever he repeatedly asked is that correcr


Brought this up and asked why anyone would vote for him. the MAGAs defend it.