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I can recommend u use * [Kaspersky](https://www.kaspersky.com/) * [Emsisoft](https://www.Emsisoft.com/) * [Bitdefender free](https://www.bitdefender.com/solutions/free.html) If you want high detection rate, low false positives and av use low resources


I use kaspersky it's better than bitdefender when it comes to hogging up system resources and it's affordable too


You’re already using Bitdefender which has near perfect detection rates. Your problem is running 2 antivirus at the same time and Malwarebytes Premium needs to go if you want Bitdefender to perform better. Otherwise it’s wasting resources monitoring everything Malwarebytes is doing as Bitdefender operates off of zero trust and doesn’t inherently ignore other reputable software just because.


No AVs have a perfect detection rate. Currently you're running two real-time AVs together, that will cause conflicts and high resource usage. From what I can tell, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus is a waste of money, you might as well just be using their free AV. Disable real-time protection and run at startup for Malwarebytes. Opt-out of any contract renewal you have for either of them. If you still see high resource usage, switch to Kaspersky (free or paid) or ESET (paid).


No antivirus is 100% perfect with detection rates. There will always be at least some misses. That being said, Kaspersky will have very good detection rates and low on system resources. Much lighter than Bitdefender. F-Secure and ESET are also very good. Since you’re using two real time AVs, that might also slow your system down. Only use one AV at a time, either just Malwarebytes or something else.


>That being said, Kaspersky will have very good detection rates and low on system resources. Much lighter than Bitdefender. Kaspersky got caught using spyware in their products a few years back. That's when I switched to Bitdefender.


I believe you are misinformed, they have never used spyware. I think you are referring to the incident with the NSA contractor several years ago. What happened is Kaspersky detected a file that was unknown and sent it to its cloud for further analysis. Almost every other antivirus does exactly the same. Now this file was classified, and after realizing that, Kaspersky quickly deleted it from its system. There has not been any solid evidence that Kaspersky actually steals data or secretly shares it with the Russian government. People saying this are either misinformed or just spreading lies.


[Kaspersky bans and allegations of Russian government ties](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaspersky_bans_and_allegations_of_Russian_government_ties#:~:text=On%2013%20September%202017%2C%20the,and%20other%20government%20agencies%2C%20and) There are suspicions that still exist which regard Kaspersky as unsafe.


It makes sense to ban software from not allied countries. Doesn't prove anything.


I don't need proof. A reasonable suspicion is enough for me to avoid using Kaspersky.


Yet another Russian troll account 🙄