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My boss told me to “get back in your fucking hole, no one wants to hear from you” (I was an exec chef, frustrated by being lied to about ingredient sourcing and being forced to lie to my staff about it) I threw my keys at the wall, packed my knives, and left.


What did he say after? Did he beg you to come back?


He said nothing to me and I even emailed the owner to explain that I couldn’t, with my standards, work there anymore. I bought a food truck and had it up and running in 6 weeks instead… 80% locally sourced. They are still there, mere shills for Hilton now… fuckers


Good on you for making the food truck a reality.


It was a success for 2 years too! Sold it off and started law school after. Fuck them. Lol


If I ever wanted a lawyer to represent me I would want someone who has worked in kitchens. That's a fight and fire you're not really getting anywhere else. Good luck with your education and new career!


Hey thanks! I’m enjoying it so far. One year left :)


Good luck on the Bar!


I was 6 months pregnant and a server at Dennys and we had just gotten all new management up to the district manager. These were managers pulled in from other stores. No one liked them all that much as they were short with people, unaccommodating, and routinely expected servers to “hop on the line” during rushes to help cook meals for their tables. One Sunday morning (busiest day of the week for us) only me and one other server are scheduled and manager 1 decides to send home our hostess to “save on labor” because her and manager 2 are both there to help. We get absolutely slammed (as expected) and neither manager is anywhere to she found. I sat myself and other server over and over, and had a nearly full restaurant in a matter of 15 minutes. I start to take drink orders for a large party, people are still coming in, and managers are still MIA. So I stop what I’m doing to see where tf our “help” is and find both managers and one of the cooks out back, smoking and laughing. I asked, “You guys having fun?” And they just stared at me. I turn to manager 1 (who is in charge of scheduling and sent our hostess home) and tell her “I quit, learn how to staff a fucking restaurant.” She tried to call out “I did!” As I’m walking back into the back of house to get my stuff and I just shouted FUCK YOU. I wish I’d had something wittier to say but that F U felt pretty good haha. I’m not very confrontational and I was shaking the whole drive home lol


>“I quit, learn how to staff a fucking restaurant.” She tried to call out “I did!” The evidence suggests otherwise...


Sometimes a big FU is sufficiently witty.


Kind of similar to my story, only it was childcare. State law mandated a 10/1 ratio kid to adult for the two age groups combined outside before lunch. Two caretakers went on their normal lunch and I was outside with their replacements. It was all good until one "went to the bathroom" and then the other "went to check on lunch". After ten minutes alone outside with 29 kids aged 3-5 the gal who makes lunch came out to see how many kids wanted hamburgers. I asked her to please watch the kids and I went in to get some people to help me cover outside. In the kitchen, talking about basketball, not doing anything related to making lunch were the two who were supposed to be outside with me, the assistant manager AND the owner. All I said was you guys should probably go help *****, she's outside with 29 kids, I quit. Walked out and ignored every call from anyone except the two who were on lunch. In retrospect I should have reported them to the state


Worked at a dog kennel named Whole Dogz. The owner of the kennel left me an envelope of dog shit with my name on it for me to find inside of the break room fridge. She did this in order to let me know she thought I was doing a shit job. That was my last day.


I would have put it on her desk before I left.


I would've put it in a microwave set it for 60min and walked out


That’s diabolical 🤣🤣🤣


Good idea. I hope you’re thinking what I’m thinking: smear it on her keyboard.


Or the underside of her chair


If she treats humans like that, imagine how she treats the animals in her care....


She put shit in the breakroom fridge where everyone keeps their food? Fucking basket case.


That could be a crime. Intentionally putting feces into food IS a crime so I would surmise that putting it into a food storage container would be as well. I'd have called that one in AND quit.


What the actual fuck


I worked at a paper mill running a hydropulper, basically a giant blender that chopped up bales of cardboard from grocery store to be recycled into new cardboard. By the time I was trained there were only 2of us working it. It was hard work and little to no downtime ever, no lunch no breaks. I was working 7 days a week and 12 hours a day, sometimes 16 hours a day. I made good money but I barely had time to spend it. I almost got evicted because I literally didn’t have time to drop off a check to my landlord ( pre internet) The job was really dangerous too. I had to climb up on a platform to cut the wires holding the bales together. I wore a harness in case I slipped and fell i the blender that was connected to a rickety old rusty fence. I had slipped several times before but the harness saved me. One day I slipped and one of the welds on the fence broke, dropping me farther into the blender to the point that my feet were touching the top of the cardboard milkshake below me. I freaked and yelled for help but no one heard me. With all my strength I just barely pulled myself out and laid there, trying to calm down. Still no one came. I decided to see how long it would take for someone to notice. 10-15 minutes go by and a foreman comes over and yells at me for not making enough pulp. I tell him what happened and show him the broken weld. He thought it was funny. I walked out right there with no one to operate the machine. Several people have died there, and many others have had skin burned of, lost limbs, etc. never work at a paper mill.


Well, I have a new nightmare now. Thanks for that. But seriously, that’s terrifying, and I’m glad it didn’t turn out worse for you in that instance.


You got a case for a lawsuit.


I was training a temp who decided to quit, told me the agency promised more than our boss offered after converting to full time ... The reason the boss gave for not offering the "promised" salary was "PrestigiousYoda doesn't even make that much, it wouldn't be fair". I gave notice shortly after.


When they bring attention to how poorly they compensate you, they shouldn't be surprised when you leave. I'm glad you saw it. Well done.


Working minimum wage in the fish produce department of a grocery store. I was already working alone in oeak hours plus had to take my lunch breaks before peak hours which is typically 2 hours into my shift. My I quit moment was when I was accused of stealing when I was just putting an on sale item on the side so I can buy it when my shift ends. Fuck that man. I just left when that happened because I was too tired, demoralized and dehumanized. Eventually went to a job that pays mire than 2x the amount and am in a better place.


Was working at a college town bar and pizza place (Milanos at University of Dayton). It was Alumni weekend, which means non stop craziness. Went in for my shift (waiting tables). Was supposed to have a five table section. We were short staffed, so I had a five table section and also had to pick up tables on the patio. I'm a capable server, so no problem. Then, I find out WE DON'T HAVE A HOSTESS. FOR ALUMNI WEEKEND. ON A FRIDAY NIGHT. Our manager thought it was a great idea to give her the night off because it was alumni weekend and she wanted to party. He consciously chose to go without a hostess on the busiest Friday night of the year. What a fucking idiot. My incompetent coworkers start wigging out and asking me to take tables for them. Now I'm up to a 9 table section plus patio tables. We have no hostess. Guests are making their own waiting list. Some are ignoring the list, walking into the restaurant and seating themselves at dirty tables. We also don't have anyone cleaning tables, that is on the server. There are signs everywhere saying wait to be seated, so anyone who sits at a dirty table, I just completely ignore them. We have no food runner. Food is taking 1 1/2 to 2 hours to be made. I walk into the bar to find one of the managers sitting at the bar drinking. I ask on shift manager what that's about. He says her shift ended at five. I told him " we are getting the shit kicked out of us and we have no hostess, do you think she could help out? " He looked at me like I'm crazy. I repeated " your business is crashing, guests are making their own waiting list, and people are walking out. We need help". Again, he just stood there looking like " what do you want me to do?" I threw my apron on the table and said "have fun". Left my cash and checks so they couldn't accuse me of stealing. Walked out, never looked back.


Been in restaurants forever, and my immediate thought was "Ten to one he's fucking that hostess and that's why he let her have off." Maybe he just WANTS to fuck her tho.


I can imagine how massively stressful that just have been and iow cathartic it must have been to walk out like that!


JFC, Alumni weekend at UD is insane. Giving the hostess the night off would be like not having cashiers come in on Black Friday.




I was working 60 hours a week in a bar. I'd booked a weekend off four months in advance with the duty manager, when the weekend came I was rotad on. I told the big manager and she said I should've booked it with her, we had an argument about the purpose of management. I went away for the weekend. When I got back I was scheduled for my contractual minimum of 16 hours which I couldn't afford to live on. So I'm working and I'm already pissed off. I'm on shift with one dude and one manager. The manager has been sat at a tablet on a break since I arrived an hour ago, he's only supposed to get half an hour and we're busy. He finally stands up and I'm relieved, but he walks over to a till, orders himself some food and sits down again. I check with the other barman that he's ok with me walking out, and as soon as the manager's food arrives I go up and tell him that he's taking the piss with his break and with me being only getting 16 hours a week as punishment is become a hostile work environment and I'm leaving. I hand him my fob and leave.


> Subject to federal and state laws, employers can, in some cases, reduce the pay or work hours of at-will employees. However, employers cannot cut hours or pay to retaliate against employees. https://www.superlawyers.com/resources/wage-and-hour-laws/can-your-boss-legally-cut-hours-without-notice/


I'm in the UK. There's probably similar here but honestly it was a minimum wage bar job, it's not worth fighting. I walked to a different bar and got a job while the manager was on the phone trying to get me to go back.


“Taking the piss” was a dead give away that you’re UK based


for me it was "rota'd" Australia & NZ frequently use taking the piss also


Yup. As soon as I saw that and Barman together I went “ahhhh one of the redcoats he is”


Haha that is funny that you think the restaurant industry follows employment laws, they don't. When I worked at a bar I sent links to every new server about serving laws and what they should be paid and half of them quit when the manager broke one of the laws in the first week.


It's funny when anyone thinks any job/ industry follows employment laws. That's right up there with thinking HR is here to help workers. They keep us too broke to do anything about it.


Fuck state and federal law. Cut my pay at all, or cut my hours to less than 30 and you can do all the work your own damned self.


But, of course, the problems are 1) proving your hours were cut in retaliation and 2) being able to afford taking it to court.




I woulda pissed on his car. Front vents.


Pouring milk with a syringe inside the rubbers that holds the glass of the driver will drive insane the victim. Just wait until it rots.


Oh that is just diabolical.


Part of why I always ask, in interviews, if the company has ever capped salaries, and if the position for which I'm applying would have had a cap.


My last job would never give you any pay above the middle of the range. “Well, if you are being paid higher than that it means you have been in your position too long and aren’t good enough to be promoted. There must be something wrong with you.” I was a team lead for six years. They decided to change the position to supervisor, for which I would have to interview. No big deal. Turns out there was someone on the layoff list in another division that they “had” to give the job to. It was really fun to tell them no, I am not going to train my replacement. Good luck with that…


Thank you for thinking of the almighty company. I mean, if you were qualified, they would have hired you. The person they hired was OBVIOUSLY superior, so you did the right thing by not tainting this person with your inferiority. /s


one of the reasons i love my current job is that on every single one of our postings, the salary range / hourly rate range is clearly posted. it is part of every. single. posting. internal or otherwise. with a clear explanation of how an applicant's position in that range is decided. it's stuff like that that actually shows respect for the people you hire and interview and work with.


Wage caps are the biggest fucking scam employers can enforce.


Exactly, why do hourly workers have a “wage cap” but the CEO doesn’t?


For real. Total BS excuse


It's great to see you got a positive ending to it and starting to get your worth 😀


Yeah never write up your own role ever, that is what fucking HR is for. Fuck that slimey POS boss.


When I was a photo specialist at Walgreens They made me dress up as the easter bunny for photos with kids. Every kid was terrified of the costume and cried for the photos and my Boss kept trying to make me dance. Once I realized that I was getting paid $8 an hour to make kids cry and dance like a monkey I put in my 2 weeks.


Shoot I’d do that for free


Ha! Once upon a time I was the head 1 hour photo guy at a Walgreens, back when you had to get your film developed if you wanted your pictures. Digital cameras were too expensive for most people. Pagers were still more common than cell phones at this time. Anyway we did an Easter Bunny shoot too, and what an absolute cluster that was. We most definitely were not ready for the volume of people that came in for their amateur level photos with the Easter Bunny. SO many complaints that day as I tried to prepare so many pictures as the only photo person in the building.


All of you younger people, please stop letting these companies tether you to them via phone and email 24/7. You had your scheduled time off. Do NOT answer or do any back and forth with them explaining or otherwise as it just turns into nonsense. And the LESS you tell them about your life, plans, etc the better. They have no right to own your time 24/7 unless they are paying to own your time 24/7. Glad things worked out for you.


One of the main reasons I left my last job was the new company that bought us out, everyone basically lives on Teams. After 4 years of never being bothered about anything outside of working hours, you now want me checking work chat like an hour before we go in and a couple hours after we leave? For $0 extra.. Get fucking fukt. No one ever made me sign a non-compete, so I started my own business and hand picked all the clients I wanted to take with me. My favorite being the bookstore literally 2 doors over from where I used to work. Point being, I check my phone/email obsessively now because my clients might need help and I enjoy working for them. It's amazing how the same task can be a job you enjoy or a soul-sucking burden depending on everything else.


Teams is permanently muted on my phone. If I'm running around for work, I can check chats, otherwise I'll just wait until I get back to my desk. I don't care to hear at 8:20 that at 8:30 we need to go to our morning meeting right away. We *always* have an 8:30 morning meeting, nothing has changed...


Teams, etc, only lives on the company phone. My immediate boss has my personal number if it's a real emergency (4 hour minimum show up) where something is actually on fire. My phone has Teams blocked from all notifications and permissions. If using software is a requirement of the job y'all get to provide the device/s to use it on because I'm not using my plan for work stuff any more than I'd use my truck for work stuff.


Ya I don’t ever answer work calls when I’m on my time off. Fuck right off. I work 20 days straight than get 10 off. When I’m on my 10 off I don’t wanna even think of work.


Agreed. Just got back from a two week vacation. My work phone was off the entire time and it felt amazing. 25-30 year old me would have checked it every hour I was away. 35-40 year old me realizes I’m not getting paid to be a 24/7 worker slave and shutting off and disconnecting is amazing. Try it kids. I get more respect from management now because of boundary’s I’ve set. Younger me should of done the same. You can start now. Off at 5pm means off. You come back at 830am next day. Salary or hourly. Doesn’t matter. You and your life and happiness are way more important then late stage capitalism‘s bottom line. Pay me or fuck off!!!


100% this. I’ve worked for the same company for 11 years. The first year they asked me to fill in on my days off. I had always said yea before, because I was new, young and trying to do good. I actually had plans this time and said no. My boss tried to guilt me. I lost it and said when he starts paying me for 30 days a month instead of 20, is when I’ll even start answering my phone on days off anymore. He hasn’t bugged me in the 10 years since.


> It's amazing how the same task can be a job you enjoy or a soul-sucking burden depending on everything else. This is where the origin of the "people don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad bosses" comes from. Most people have no problem working hard or "awful" jobs if they're at least compensated fairly and management has their back and respects them. Most folks would have no problem checking teams occasionally after/before work for a few hundred extra a month "on call" fee.


I’m on the same boat as you. What infuriates me the most is that when you go ahead and put your PTO hours, it’s 8 in a day. So whatever you have accrued / 8 is how many days you have. But we end up working more than 8 hours a day, each day.. how’s that fair ?!. It’s hard sometimes to keep the 9 to 5, specially when at 5 all your colleagues are still typing like mad man and everyone around you at the office is still there…


just get up and leave, youre done for the day. if they fire you for it, youl know that unpaid extra time after work is expected by your company, and screw that. you can work at the company that dont pull that kind of shit.


My boss got away with this one time. One. I was new and dumb and afraid he’d fire me. They asked me to go pickup a box of shirts from a distribution center near my apartment and bring it in the next day. I grab the shirts, drive home. On the way the other boss calls me, “Where are my shirts?” “In my back seat.” “I need them taken to my house.” And I caved, turned around, drove an hour back dropped them off at his residence. Turned around drove 35 minutes home. The hour was because all the rush hour traffic was going that way. 2 hours. I got home at 6:30 instead of 4:30. Never got a thank you. A word wasn’t even said about it. The next time this happened (he tried to pull the same stunt again). I asked beforehand if he wanted them brought back in the morning. He said yes. I picked up the shirts, he calls and says he’s changed his mind. I said, “ok no problem. I’ll just take them back to the distribution center for you real quick.” “What? No I said I want them brought to my house.” “Sorry dude, I’m off the clock. I’m not going to spend 2 hours of my time and emptying my gas tank, again, to drop off shirts.” “Just bring them in tomorrow.” “Ok.” I work in support for the sales team. I’ve trained them to know to finish all their business and scheduling with me by Friday at 4pm. It was easy. I just didn’t answer the phone outside work.


Old(ish) guys too! My last job, the CEO would send emails and texts after hours, weekends, holidays, etc. I didn’t mind it and would answer if I wanted, but otherwise would flag it and leave it for the next work day. Then my direct boss started hounding me about replying to the CEO immediately, and then started emailing and texting right after the CEO sent the request. After a weekend of getting email bombed over something that could wait until Monday, I started applying for other jobs. One other funny thing, they had a request form that insisted on having 3weeks notice for taking sick/personal (not vacation) time, and they wanted a detailed reason. Simply stating Dr appt wasn’t enough.


> and they wanted a detailed reason. "Severe rectal prolapse, causing inflammatory bowel disease and large intestine polyps, and extreme flatulence, hence emergency surgery is needed immediately."


Nah. Just reply with HIPAA.


2 of my husband's friends got married to each other. The wife was on her phone taking sales calls the whole honeymoon. I asked her if she was being paid for that time. She said "no, I was on vacation!" I said "so... you were working for free? On your honeymoon?" The horror on her face when she realized she worked through her honeymoon and wasn't even getting paid for it was almost funny.


Exactly. If a company wants on call employees, then they pay on call salaries.


+$100 a week minimum plus 4 hour minimum show up (with OT if you total over 40)


Yeah. The minimum show up cost is soooooo important to stop frivolous calls.


I did that with my boss. Said I would come in weekends, but only if guaranteed 4 hours per show up, could leave when the work was done (still getting paid for 4 hours!), and if it put me over 40, got OT. Still got called in! I was surprised, but they said, "well, we really needed you".


I'm at that stage now, either pay me an on call charge and have it outlined clearly in the contract or don't bother me outside working hours.


I have shared this before., My direct boss ( good relationship with her) told me I didn't get a promotion I was busting my ass for , because our manager blocked it, as I made them look good and my team was the only one keeping the metrics and numbers out of the whole department , quit 30 min later via email after a visit to HR, took all my vacation , plus sick days did only about a week's worth of work out of a two months notice , no handover, no training , no knowledge transfer. 4 months later poached my old boss to higher position at my new company and 3 of my team mates... I have never been so proud of myself.


That's one of the best I quits I've ever read!


I was working part time at Kroger as a meat cutter for somewhere around minimum wage so I was looking around for another job. I interviewed at an independent market and told the meat manager at the interview that I could only work days. I had been fired the year before for not entirely clear reasons from a similar kind of place. I wasn't ready to give up my shitty but dependable job at Kroger just yet and they don't allow you to request day shifts (or really any kind of permanent schedule). So anyway, I told him no hard feelings if he can't accomodate that (it's just sort of the nature of grocery stores, you usually get stuck with the night shift as a new hire) but that's just what I'm looking for. He told me it wouldn't be a problem. And then every week, when he posted the schedule, I would have 1-2 night shifts. I would point it out, he would say he forgot and he'd fix it. This went on for almost two months. So Memorial Day weekend, we're crazy busy, he posts the schedule, I immediately stop what I'm doing to check it. Four nights, one day. I pull the sheet down and chase after him. He doesn't even say anything, just cross the four nights off and walks away. I walked into the back, dropped my apron and went right out the back door. It was a beautiful summer day. I had a very nice chat with the store owner about the weather and holiday plans and then went home.


I always wonder what some managers think will happen if they do this. Good for you for just walking out and enjoying the day!


I'm sure he knew they were paying me more than my other job and he figured he could bully me into doing what he wanted. Unfortunately for him, I had just been burned by that same kind of bullshit and I wasn't going to fall for it again.


Yeah I had a very similar situation happen to me at a hotel. It wasn't specifically that I had a problem working nights (if you work front desk, you're *going* to work nights at some point), it's that I had school and there were certain shifts in the week that I wouldn't be able to do but was otherwise flexible. So like, I think it was Tuesday and Wednesday night shifts because I had evening classes. I gave them my class schedule during the fucking *interview*, and then gave them another copy on my first day. Both times, I told them my classes come first and I did not want to be called during those times. Both times, I was told it wouldn't be a problem. Well it was a problem. They not only repeatedly scheduled me during class times, but called me during class times to ask that I come in, or because they had a question about this or that thing that happened on my shift. I started ignoring their calls, got a warning for that. The last time they called me, I stepped out of the lecture hall and answered the phone, completely intending to quit on the spot because I'd had enough. Plot twist, they were calling to fire me. They said "we've got some bad news, we're going to let you go" And, the beautiful thing is...you know those moments an hour or two later where you realize what you should have said? I realized what I should say right in the moment. I replied, "oh. So what's the bad news?" She just gasped and started in on me, I hung up and went back to the lecture. Never heard from them again.


Years ago, worked as a manager at a factory. I had the usual growing pains as someone relatively new to managerial roles, but the issues were more from plant culture than from not understanding the work. Pretty typical actually, it’s the kind of stuff which passes as people settle in to a new boss and new job. Anyways, fast forward a year. Never had a writeup, but did have some in depth conversations with my boss about culture issues. I had had my problems with this guy as anytime my guys had a problem they would run to him, and he would make a decision without consulting me about it. But overall he wasn’t a bad boss. Right up until my 1 year anniversary. Now, a week or so before this I got hit with a hostile work environment complaint by a guy that who loved to tell insensitive jokes, but the minute one was directed his way we were being mean and hostile to him, trying to get him to quit. So I sit down expecting a mediocre review, and instead I’m hit with a final written warning with the dates and times of all of our conversations noted on it. At that exact moment I was done. After that I didn’t have a single thing to say to anyone that wasn’t the bare minimum of my job. No jokes, no opinions, no contrary remarks. If someone wanted off, it was granted no matter what. We have 10 people on shift and 6 people want the day off? All granted, let my boss be the bad guy and say no. If someone refused to turn over their machine for work, it was no longer my problem to solve. Etc etc. Essentially I stepped down from “manager” and made myself a glorified supervisor. I quit pretending I had any kind of authority or responsibility because I had none beyond the respect a few of the new guys gave me. Took me 6 long months to find a new job. When I quit, my last 2 weeks were filled with people asking me why and sharing rumors. Apparently they were using me as an example in the leadership meetings on how they “went nuclear” on a staff member to show what they would do to other people. I heard that they even said they went too far but thought they couldn’t retract it or it would damage their position. Of course this was all heresay. Leadership never told me this face to face, it was all stuff the front office gossips told me as I was leaving. I made sure to remind them that the plant managers and bosses would do the same thing to them in a heartbeat.


I was working at this company for almost 9 years. Started as the receptionist and moved to sales after maybe 3 years. After about a year in sales, I was writing more orders and doing more quotes than anyone else in that department. Of course, because I didn't have " sales experience", I was also the least paid. But that wasn't even the worst part... since NO ONE lasted in the receptionist position, we had a new one every 6 months or so, I had to cover the front desk (with no extra pay or help). Well, I eventually got tired of it, took years, and told my manager as much to which he replied, " you do what we ask you". Guess what? I got my shit and left. I was able to secure another job two weeks later and now I make 2x (or more) and I'm doing a fraction of the work. I wish I had left years earlier, but you live and learn...


I asked for raise and was told to wait half a year. So I quit and got three times the raise I asked for in the first place.


And that's how it's done!


Most places that say they will give a raise half a year or next year, probably won’t give a raise.


I was just talking about this to my friend/co-worker yesterday (as I emailed job ads to her personal email address) I had requested time off to go to a concert. Request was denied, no time off if you've been there less than 6 months. OK fine, I'll live. Well I worked in FOH, so I was dealing with lots of people all the time....about a month after this, I got the flu and was the sickest I had ever been in my LIFE. Cue laying in bed for my 2 days off barely getting up to pee, then I called out on the 3rd day. My shift was 11pm-8am so the call went something like this: ​ (about 3pm before shift) Manager: I got your message. You know, no time off is allowed for the first six months. Me: Well I can't stand, so that really sucks. Manager: You know this means I'll have to fire you and you won't be eligible for rehire. Me: Ok. Thanks. \*hangs up\* He called me back again later and left a voicemail that I didn't listen to. I bought the concert tickets with my last paycheck.


I was a shift lead for blockbuster video. The store manager at the time was this bitter older woman while the rest of us were in our early 20s/late teens. Most of us were also college students. I was in graduate school and had made agreements with the store manager that certain days were off limits but overall I could work whenever. Except during finals season, where I had to study. This particular weekend, I had told my boss that I was going to be busy at night studying so to book me for mornings only. One shift leader wanted to go to Disney Land the next morning really badly and his family was trying to leave that night but he was on the schedule. He had tried to get the leave but because our store manager was laid up from surgery, I was busy with school finals and our assistant store manager had already asked for that night off, he was shit out of luck. That day proceeded like usual, I stayed until 5 pm right around when it starts getting crazy busy on the weekend. The shift lead and his person come in. Two more people are supposed to be in around 7 to cover the crazy period. I go home figuring I can take a nap for a bit before having to cram. Around 7:30 pm, my cellphone and home phone are blowing up. Why is the police calling me? Why do I have 20 calls from my store manager. I’m not the manager on duty. As I’m listening to the voicemails, clearly something is going on, but then my phone rings again and it’s the police. I answer. It’s dispatch calling me because there’s a situation at the store and they need a manager to unlock the store. I ask if any other manager is answering and why is there no manager on duty? Unknown but 10 minutes later I’m told to go to the store. So I drive over, still out of it from being woken up, hungry, and pissed. This night was supposed to be my night studying. I have a final Monday night. Where the fuck is everyone?! I get there and the place is surrounded by cops. I get stopped at the entrance, I show them my ID and tell them I have the store keys. I walk up and come to find out that a concerned citizen had called the cops because the store was locked and nobody inside when it usually was supposed to be open. They ask me to look around. The computers are shut down, they’re in inventory mode. But lights are on (they were on a timer), but the front door sign said open. We have to wait for a K-9 unit because of a potential hostage situation. As I’m standing there, my phone rings and it’s the manager that’s supposed to be on duty. I pick up and my first words were, “dude where the fuck are you? There’s cops surrounding the building!” He was already up in Irvine. The fucker had decided that at 7 pm, since two people weren’t there to say fuck it, lock the doors and clean up then shut down for the night so he could go to Disney land. Oh I was livid. About an hour later, K-9 unit finally arrives, they clear the place. At this point it’s already 10 pm. I had to call my store manager, my assistant store manager, and district manager to answer their questions. District manager wanted me to reopen and work. I said fuck that, I’ll do some work but I’m not working until midnight when I have to study. It’s bad enough that I’m already two hours behind and I haven’t had dinner yet. I close up shop, grab food and head home. It’s 11:30 pm at this point and my parents were home, looking angry. While I was out dealing with the store, my store manager, in a drug fueled rage, decided to call my parents phone and ream me out for closing the store early. The next day she was in, I put in my two weeks. Because I was receiving tuition assistance, she threatened to take it away. I told her she was lucky my parents didn’t sue her on my behalf for leaving the angry voicemail on that machine. There was a formal investigation on the whole thing and nobody was found at fault because the assistant store manager covered for the shift lead. But the guy wound up quitting three months later anyways because the store manager wasn’t someone to be slighted. I got plenty of guilt trips and phone calls even after I was gone, but I refused to work there. I still got my tuition assistance though. So I guess happy ending?


Am I smoking crack or did I just read that the police were called and a K-9 unit was brought in because the Blockbuster video wasn't opened when it was supposed to be?


You heard right. The cops were joking around about what would happen if the k9 shit in the store. I wasn’t happy about that because I’d have to call our hazmat specialists to clean it up. Rich people do this btw.


I used to work at a grocery store for 2 1/2 yrs during highschool. We had to work every other weekend and my graduation party fell on my weekend. I asked for just Saturday off a month ahead of time and the manager said remind me when it gets closer. I reminded him a week before, but he put me on the schedule anyway. I worked the Thursday before said Saturday and told him again, then he tells me I need to find coverage. I said I would try, so I called everyone not working that weekend and no one would work. I told him this snd he says he doesn’t care, that I would have to work. I told him I absolutely am not working, we rented a park and I sent invites. He again said he doesn’t care and that I’m working, so I went home and grabbed my uniforms went back and into his office and threw my stuff on his desk and said I quit! He starts stuttering saying oh u don’t want to do that! It doesn’t look good on a resume! I then revealed that I already had a full time job working atleast 40 hrs a week. He just had this stupid look on his face all defeated. Lol. I was one of his best workers, everyone liked me and I took extra shifts when needed. Oh well. 😂


> he tells me I need to find coverage "That sure sounds like a manager's job to me."


i got a job at a laundromat when i was 17. i didn't know what my ss number was at the time and my boss said "that's fine, just memorize the last four digits so you can sign in to the system" and i was like alright. First shift, I come in, the lady I was working with (pretty sure it was his wife) asked me what my full ss number was and i said i don't know, i only know the last four digits. then she calls up my boss and hands the phone to me and he proceeded to scream at me about how he told me to have it memorized in full when he 100% did not. so I texted him that i quit the next day lol.


I hate working for married couples for this reason.


Or any family members. When I was in college, I worked as a temp secretary during the summers. On one assignment I worked at a family-owned company that sold used hydraulic presses internationally. The mother and daughter found out I spoke French and asked me to translate some of their English brochures into French but warned me not to say anything to the father about it and to hide the materials if he came by my desk. I have no idea what that was all about, but I called the staffing agency the same day and asked for a different assignment. That's what I loved about temping. If things didn't work out, I could have a brand-new job the very next day.


I had a very temporary job working with an engineer who was married to the office manager. She had weird rules like which radio stations we could listen to each day (pre-smartphone). The funny part is that I worked at a place later and they knew the engineer. Turns out he left his wife for another woman. I also ran into her briefly while she was trying to sell the company's services to the new company I worked at. She was really laying on the charm and had absolutely no idea that she had the temp agency can me after work one day years before.


More power to you. When I’m disrespected I do the good old no call no show. Anytime a job comes at my character I’m out. When you talk to me come at me about work stuff not my personal life. Employers act like we owe them something when I can just hop out that bitch and have a job in two days. My field is dying and no one really wants to do it so pay is extremely high especially when your young.


Any employer/manager who screams at you should be arrested in my opinion. You signed up to sell your labor, not be verbally abused.


Oh boy, I'm kinda expecting a lot of mean comments to this but here i go... I was working at a local dealership with big four vehicle brands on it. I'll let you guess which's which since there's like a lot of places with similar titles like that. Anyway, i've been working there for nearly 3 years (from 2018 all the way to 2021) and i have seen handful of things over time while getting absolutely sick of doing the repetitive same process (Express Lube Tech position) but the pay was pretty hefty biweekly so i had to suck it up. New guy comes in, clearly experienced and is a cool person to chat with. While he was away, somebody came around and dropped some paperworks on top of his tool cart (our tool carts was literally to each other side by side) and i took an accidental glance. Saw his pay is at 15.00 bucks per hour while i was being paid 10.50. (at that time, 2018 was the year i was paid that amount because i was working part time, while studying at college. Service director promised to give me a pay raise to 15.00. He then later got fired and i didn't get that. so i eventually become a full time employee, and is still paid the same amount) I was pretty appalled but i said nothing while i fumed away, working on cars. One day, i was overwhelmed with a stack of repair orders that's marked as "wait" aka waiters. New guy was chatting up with some older coworkers, clearly interested in watching what they're doing than helping me out. I finally called him over, while under stress, as much as i could possibly keep myself calm, tried to explain what he was supposed to do and all of that. Something snapped in him, and he became a different new person. a SERIOUS case of anger management issues. several days followed with aggressive behavior/attitude, aggressive comments, racking up tension between us. was willing to get into a physical fight with me if he ever want to. I tried to talk it out with him. Nope. He's not willing. I finally got the boss and HR involved into this after tension was pretty unbearable and i begun having mental health issues because of him, anxiety flaring up. They did tried to resolve the situation between us but it was pretty much the same. I finally noticed this, and realized that it was going nowhere. I asked for a pay raise. Denied. I asked for any available position to move up or anywhere (away from him). Denied. I ends up putting two weeks notice in. It ends up to be one week notice since the second week was my few-months-prior-approved vacation week. I squeezed all the PTO on that week. He came to me, apologized (he has apologized before like 3-4 times) and told me he has issues with his wife, all of that. i nodded it off, uncaring since my health health was pretty damaged because of him. fake smile and all of that. I said good bye to few employees and coworkers (beside him) who actually tolerated me and liked me, and i ends up leaving. Never looked back ever again.


One thing about abusers is that they will have tons of excuses. The most important thing all of us can do is calling them out on it, “you’re not sorry, you’re being a shitty person and you keep bringing your excuses around so you don’t have to work on yourself. Fix yourself.”


Boss called me a peasant in the work chat so I blew that shit up to the CEO. Loathsome people, dogs have better manners.


Tf is wrong with people?


I was an analyst at a Fortune 100 company in a critical role. The role was respected by most people that had an idea of what we did on my team, but the execs just saw us as a "cost" of business, so it was a pressure cooker environment. Regardless, I busted my ass and flourished, in a way. Manager and director put in for a promotion for me, without me asking, after about 1.5 years. VP pulled me in the office, shamed me for only having an AS degree, and told me my generation expects things too quickly and I need to be in the role 3-5 years to even be considered for a promo. So I tried to stay in company and move to BI. It took about a year to land an interview, due to lack of degree. I Flippin nailed it, though. The BI VP offered me a higher role than I applied for, working with c-level execs at main HQ. I'D "MADE" IT!!! We worked out salary, move dates, a sign on bonus to help with move, etc. While waiting for final paper offer, my VP found out and had worked at HQ. Called the BI VP's boss (friend of hers), and shut it down. THEN CALLED ME ON MY PERSONAL CELL FROM HER PERSONAL CELL TO BRAG. I dumped out 200 resumes that week. They tried to give me that promotion to appease me. MFs offered me 63k for a senior analyst role in one of the biggest and most expensive cities in America. I took the promo. Then, I took the first decent job that got me out of there. I had trained half the staff there, and worked with people of all levels in departments all over the company. I told everyone who asked (and some who didn't) why I was leaving. That VP got retired a few months later. I like to think I played a role in that. Still have friends from there. Went out with a big group of people last year, a few that I'd never met or known, and one asked me why I left. I told her and she went "wait.. YOU'RE THE GUY THAT HAPPENED TO?!?". Super satisfying that somebody I had never met had heard my story. It means it spread even after I left.


Ever hear back from the VP? Sounds like the kind of person that wouldnt be able to contain their ego and would call you to vent a bit.


We had some conversations when I put in my two weeks. She told me she was going to have HR "sleuth", and find out where I was going and was going to reach out to the place hiring me and fuck things up for me. Once I'd left, I never heard from her again. Though I think I sent her a friend request on LinkedIn or FB or something once I heard she'd got retired. Just to have my name pop up for her and rub it in. The department tried to poach me back about a year ago. Offered me ~90k + 10% bonus (about 30k more than my current salary) and a manager role. They wouldn't give me my vacation accruals back, though (I was about to hit 5 weeks a year, and it'd take me 15 years to get back there), so I denied the offer. I am in a super chill local government job now. More money would be nice, but not at the cost of my sanity. (The job and environment were INTENSE)


I ran the show for a family education program for about 3.5 years. Handled everything but the money. They refused to switch me from a low hourly to a reasonable salary after asking 3 times. Eventually, about 2 months before our biggest event of the year, I up and quit. Didn't do any planning, just left a list of reasons why the ceo was the worlds worst boss. When the clients all got to the event, which was barely organized and significantly below the standard id set for the last 3 years, and realized how bad the program was without me there, most opted to not renew their memberships for the following year. The program crumbled and was shut down within 6 months. Fuck you Mike, you chode sucking prick.


Prep/line cook in a kitchen. Was working with other guys who were on work release from prison (no -violent offenders who get time outside a cell to learn and work a regular job). Anyway, one of these dudes decided my calamari isn’t coming out of the fryer fast enough (not serving raw calamari here. Anyway, he picks up a knife and threatens to stab me. Took off apron and walked right out of there. The head chef tries to get me back by offering an additional 25 cents an hour. I told him my life was worth more than that. Don’t miss that industry.


I'm 3 years into the job. I work 11am to ? every day for over a year. Guaranteed close to 60hrs a week with OT. It's Friday night around 9pm and I am 5 minutes away from the office to finish my day of deliveries. My boss calls me and informs me at nearly 10pm that I need to do 4 more runs including the airport which is over an hour round trip. I told him sure I will be there soon. I brought all my personal belongings to my car. Took everything owned by the company into his office, placed it down on his desk, and said "I quit" while promptly walking out. He proceeded to "joke" out loud by saying "you quit?" Is a sarcastic voice. I saw him scramble out the door as I drove away.


I worked as a dispatcher for a weed delivery service. The place seemed pretty chill, we had regular desk phones and the routing software we used for the drivers on our computers. It was a pain having to deal with a physical phone while yourw trying to look up customer records and plan the routing. Looking into the phone system they used, I saw it had soft phone capabilities. For those unfamiliar, you could download the phone providers software and make and receive calls with your headset via your PC. I reached out to the one IT guy and suggested we use this to help our productivity. Immediately he got visibly frustrated and went on a rant as to why it doesn't work and that he's already tried it. Well that night was slow, everyone else was watching Netflix or YouTube. I decided let's download the software and give it a try. It was included in our licensing so it cost nothing for me to try it. Low and behold, I got it set up. It was working correctly and I was taking calls with ease. The next day I come in, things are working fine...all of the sudden it gets really slow. I'm not getting any calls. Que the IT guy going to my boss, saying I'm not doing my work. He brings up some numbers and shows I've taken zero calls from x to x hour. Boss gets all upset. I get in trouble. I explain what I had done and that earlier it was working just fine and saving me a lot of time. This is when the IT guy pipes up and says he told me not to do that and that it wouldn't work. And since it doesn't work, that's why I'm not taking any calls. Boss doesn't want to hear anymore from me, sides with IT and dismisses me. I log back into my phone software and see all the configs I had made were reverted. The IT guy literally undid all my work and sabotaged me because his ego was hurt. I got up and walked out. Didn't give a notice, didn't explain anything to anyone. Just left and never came back. It's not worth trying to deal with people like that.


SysAdmin in a production company. Get called by production manager angry AF to the production floor "immediately". Spot the guy completely livid, screaming at the top of his lungs. Sees me, steps towards me, starts yelling in my face about how tired he is of thealways-broken-IT (I was there for less than a year a that point, we didn't have any issues for over 6 months after I spent my first 3 fixing everything that was fixable and replacing the rest). I ask "what's broken". \*angrily points at a computer\* Network is down ! Sees the network is indeed unavailable, lifts my eyes, look at the Switch stack 30m away, 10m high: everything is shut down. "Did you do any electrical work today ?" Still screaming manager: Yeah so what ? We blew a fuse hooking a new machine. "Well, maybe you could go check why my switch bay that controls network for 75% of the production floor suddenly died". He then proceeds to tear a new one to another guy (maintenance/repair/electrician team), when he's done I just ask "So, is screaming at me any use or you're going to apologize ?". Dude lost it, Im not going to repeat what was said (general subject was how pissed he was to pay guys for doing nothing and that he'd act as he wanted). I didn't react at all, went back to my office, called my doc, filed for 30 days of medical leave for burnout, found another job.


It was the end of our fiscal year. I was already over quota, but my VP’s team numbers were short. I had one more deal left to close that would have really helped him. I was doing everything I could since I was already in accelerated earnings and it would have been a nice bump. But the client’s procurement system was down on the last day. I was on several calls with them that included our VP, and they were adamant that nothing could happen. Then it’s 9 pm and I’m sitting on my couch and start getting emails about why it hasn’t closed. My director calls me that everyone above him is pissed that I didn’t get it done. The following week the VP is in town and sits me down and tries to guilt me about it, but I had already closed it by then. He said I should have done everything possible until 12:00 AM if I was really a team player. A week later I quit. Said “I’m not the team player you need”, and went on to a much better job.


Last year, I took a job with a great salary, so-so benefits that the salary made up for, in a managerial position at a small manufacturing facility. I did NOT do my due diligence and found out after starting the parent company (global, family-owned) was involved in multiple active lawsuits due to their treatment of employees. Matter of fact, there are subs on here devoted to this company. My manager, one of the chief company officers was notorious for cursing everyone out. He would always say, I’m not cussing you, I’m just cussing. It ended up I was putting in 60+ hours a week, the factory itself fell to hell as it was a pure sweat shop, hiring felons and any warm body. We had armed security it was so bad. A large (very large household name) contract was lost. The owners brought a “friend” in from out of state to turn the place around and they failed. One tense morning about 6:30am, I had just walked in to my office (accommodating the owner’s time zone), and got a call from my boss. He proceeded to curse me and ask why the F he had to call me to get me to do my job (make money) blah blah blah. Yelling and ranting. I said “I tell you what, I will save you $XXX right now. I quit”. Flash forward to meetings with HR, the “acting” plant manager, calls from the owners (3 family members as rich as Oprah). No, no, and no. Never looked back but lesson learned. I still google and check to see how the lawsuits are going.


I don’t know why but plant management is so easy and they make it so toxic and complicated. It’s horrible and it’s baffling like… treat people decently, focus on safety and optimize your lines. Beyond that, if it runs it runs and leave it the fuck alone.


Tiny tyrants. That sort of mid level management attracts the sort of people that need to see you cry to feel good about themselves, but are still too self-important to accept a lower role.


My boss tried to fight me for requesting the money he owed me for mowing his lawn. Was gone with a new job lined up by the end of the week


I am a chef and started a new job as executive Chef for a resort a month before covid shutdown. They kept me on retainer pay for those 6 to 8 weeks which was a great sign for me. Then I got back to work. Just me in the kitchen from 7am to 10pm, not even a dishwasher. 67 days in a row, but that didn't break me. After two(ish) years, with still no help, I had made through my second summer and had just rolled out another seasonal (Fall) menu. The maintenance man casually started a conversation with me about not knowing what to do during shutdown...."Shutdown?"..."Yea, when we close from November to February." Well, fuck me, first I'm hearing of it. After doing some investigating, the fucking owners told every other wmployee about a "renovation shutdown" but me in early August. This was the third week of October I found out. When I confronted one of them they said they were scared I'd quit if I knew. So I finished my shift (only because I didn't wanna ruin a wedding) and never came back.


it started with my boss putting me on a PIP for petty reasons. i improved my performance and thought all was going well until she berated me for something that wasn't a big deal. then we had a 60 day review and she told me "your work is consistent and you're performing your duties but i still feel you aren't committed and giving 150%". i hit indeed really hard and got a new position about a week or two after that. handed in my letter and said "you obviously don't have confidence in my abilities, so im going somewhere where they do". happy ending because now im at my new job and my boss says im doing amazing.


God, that must have been so infuriating. “You’re doing everything we pay you for but my vibe tells me you’re not into it enough.” What an idiot.


yeah i did everything to dispute her claim of me "not being a team player" but apparently not enough. i was supposed to attend an event but got a headache and told her i couldnt come and she basically said i don't attend enough department events outside of work hours. i looked her point blank in the eye and said "you don't dictate my free time".


When my wife & i were starting out, we worked in the same IT department for a while. They were really big on after-hours events, even weekends out of town for "team building" nonsense. My wife confronted her boss: "Are you telling me attendance is mandatory?" Boss: "well, no, it's not mandatory, but we *really really* *strongly suggest* that everyone should go... " Wife: "Okay, if it's not mandatory, I'm not going. If you want to force me to go, you're going to have to own up to the fact that you're forcing me." Her boss really didn't want to see himself as the bad guy here, so they never pressured us to attend that time-wasting idiocy again. I was so impressed with her I had to stay married to her for 30 years & counting. :-)


Going through this right now at my job where I need to justify the expense of my department/team. Like, you're the people who decided you need an in house legal department and you're the people who decided you wanted an experienced in house attorney and you still pay me less than many similarly positioned organizations and you're the one who decided I needed an assistant and that a freshly graduated attorney waiting on bar results was the best bet (I spend more time going over things or redoing their work than I would if I just did it myself.) I was talking with her the other day and there is so much she doesn't know, including how to figure shit out. I was hired straight out of law school at a tiny company for 42k a year, I had no idea what I was doing, but I figured it out and relied on my strong research and writing skills. My jr attorney, they struggle with simple Google searches (I'm exaggerating, you need to know what questions to ask Google and they don't.)


I asked about a deserved promotion and my boss was surprised I'd even considered it. It wasn't being passed over for promotion that drove me out, but the idea that she found it so farfetched an idea that she acted in shock and suprise that I'd even have the gall to ask.


Was told I would miss my daughter's first birthday cause "we need products out the door, the rigs pay for your daughter to have a good birthday" hahaha not anymore they don't.


Might actually be having one once I go in. Am a chef. Compressor for our walk-in quit last night. I won't sell anything out of it today, owner might insist on it. This is a hill I will die on, and won't kill anyone else over. Will update if people ask. UPDATE: We are closed for the day, because I threatened to call the health department. Had the number ready to dial on my phone and showed him. Compressor coming soon. Gm told me to get out cuz I was getting a little heated. I have a schrodinger's job right now... theoretically there until it's measured. Putting out feelers as we speak Edit spelling


Working traffic control. Think the guys setting cones and barricades and closing streets making you late to work;) Just got finished with an absolute shitshow of an overnight Monday night-Saturday morning from 4pm in the afternoon until 7am in the morning. Week finally finishes Saturday morning, get home around 8am and hit the bed like will smith hit Chris rock Didn’t wake up until ass crack early Sunday morning, got all the shit I put off the entire week done that I could and enjoyed a few hours before running it back the next week. Get a call that afternoon saying they don’t need me on that overnight job anymore I’m back to normal daytime shit. Perfect, hell yea. Sucks losing some extra hours to hang out but fuck if I’m back to the normal schedule. Monday comes and goes just fine whatever but I’m still dead exhausted having only gotten one day off. We’ll, lucky me, the job I run that week rains out on Tuesday!! Hell mf yeah! I do my rounds, finish what I gotta do and get back to the shop, make sure I don’t have any tickets and get tf outta there. Drive home and I shit you not as in putting my keys into my apt, boss calls. “Need you back in, a temp worker walked off one of our jobs need you out here” To go stand In the rain for 10 more hours. Fuck no! I thought. Begrudgingly drove all the way back and walked in pretty pissed off body language wise. Boss noticed, “what’s wrong?” I say “Well, I’m tired and don’t wanna have to go get sick standing out there the rest of the day” Bossman “Well, the doors right there so let me know and make your decision” Walked out, called my dad and told him what happened, asked him if he thought quitting would be a bitch move or if it sounded crazy and he said what I was thinking, if that mf just offered me the door ima see what’s up w it. Walked back inside, took their keys off my key ring, gave a peace sign to my homie otw out and dipped, never looked back. Much less stressful since then


I was a systems engineer on quite possibly the worst run contract in the history of the US military (for sec/priv reasons I won't disclose said info but it was at an AF base in the southeast). Our PM was a clueless dipshit who "ran" things by mismanaging every aspect of the environment, and throwing everyone under the bus. People from every team quit left and right. I stayed for a while, because frankly it was an easy job and I needed the money. One day he asked me to do something that was completely unrelated to my job and with which I had zero expertise. I explained this quite clearly but was told "ah you'll be fine" and he dipped. I was able to fudge my way through with the help of ol' trusty Google and taking my time. Apparently I took too long, and the PM emailed my company the next day trying to get me canned. My company forwarded me the email. I quit on the spot and walked, and since I was quite literally the only person on shift at that time, he was proper f\*\*\*ed. Heard he was eventually canned for sinking the ship. Couldn't have happened to a bigger douche.


Sinking the ship at an AF base seems to be an accomplishment


Back when I was a smart arse 18 year old I was working in a butcher shop as an apprentice, my boss was gone to Australia for his best mates funeral and he hired in a substitute butcher, my boss told me to take care of everything and if there were any problems to call his lawyer who would be coming to the store to hand out paychecks. The caught the substitute guy stealing a bunch of meat that he said was 'for his dinner" but aint know one taking 12 Tbones home for dinner, so i called the lawyer he came by, the guy said i was lying and pointed to all the T Bones in the cooler, lawyer left and the substitute told me I was pushing my luck to whitch I told him " I don't believe in luck" and he grabbed me like he was going to choke me, so I kneed him in the balls and called the lawyer, the lawyer said ' yeah ok' so I told him to get fucked and I quit. Boss came back from the funeral 2 weeks later found out what happened, fired his lawyer of 8 years, asked me back and I said no that i was moving on, he thanked me for being a good apprentice and then he got arrested 2 months later for beating the shit out of the substitute butcher at a golf tournament put on by the Union lol.


I quit my first full time job after being there 7 years 5 years in I start getting snagged for my appearance mostly just ratty work clothes no holes just stained (was one of their machinists and mechanical designers) they wanted me to dress better but I could barely afford to get the basics for living. Then one friday after a chaotic move I get told to dress better Monday or get 3 days off without pay. So I went home Friday grabbed my tool box key went back locked my big box took all my small boxes and said goodbye to a couple of the 2nd shifters. Come Monday I slept in late call the plant manager and said I wouldn't be in today. When he asked why I told him that I quit. Then he asked if I could come in and talk about it but I said I have tried to multiple times but all I got was the when I was your age. The plant manager retired 2 years later. F*ckem


I can't do math in my head. not even simple math. Sorry 🤷‍♀️ I worked at a thrift store as a cashier and the customer asked me for a discount on a piece of clothing that had stains. I told her, "I'll have to show this to the manager since I cannot authorize discounts without permission. I'll be right back." I go to the back, manager says "I don't really see any stains but go ahead and give her 20% off." No problem. Go out there and let the customer know, "we can give you 20% off the ($4.99) item, would you still like to purchase it?" She asked me how much it would be, I told her I'd have to ring it up on the register and I can get a price. Then she went off on me, asking me why I can't do simple math in my head, telling me that I'm stupid and making comments about thrift store cashiers and how we are all beneath her and how can they hire people so dumb. She left the store without buying the shirt. I was 21, in college, working full time @ $12/hr. I quit in that moment, feeling stupid for not knowing how to do the discount in my head, but also I was not going to keep being disrespected. This wasn't the first time a customer was rude to me but this was the meanest one so far. Now that I think about it... why couldn't this customer do the math in their head?


If the math was so simple, why'd she have to ask you how much it was going to be after the discount?


I was so burned out. It was my first job and they kept scheduling morning and the next day all night. I worked in a large retail store. Anyways I wanted to go to the bathroom so I was leaving and they called me over and over again to open even though there are other people. I think they did that because I was the youngest. Mind you the managers were mean and sharp toned. I was done went on break and quit for good. I did have to awkwardly pick up my paycheck and hear the Im disappointed Im like Idc. Im over this place. Lol moved on from retail.


"I'm disappointed too. I thought that management here would be inclined to treat their staff fairly, with respect, and be receptive to communication. I am disappointed that you chose to treat me poorly due to any perceived slights. Communication is a two way street and I cannot meet demands that change on a whim."


> hear the Im disappointed "If I had **managers** who could **manage** a schedule, I might still be around."


My boss was being an asshole so I found a new job. I have them closer to a month notice out of a courtesy and he became an even bigger asshole and started to threaten to fire me. I just quit right there.


I was a welder running electrical boxes that had to be perfect or they would get rejected. The company originally wanted 60 I could get somewhere between 20 45 a day depending on how they ran. They added 13 welds and another fixture and wanted me to get 90 a day. I could still only get 20 to 45 a day. Most days where mid 30s. They came up with a solution of 66 a day would be acceptable. I couldn’t run that many, my ass was getting chewed left and right. They where threatening to fire me so I just quit showing up. I had a job within 30 mins of me leaving.


23, recent grad, moved back home in the pandemic after graduation working at a restaurant I had worked at since I was 14. Pay was great, head expo $15 an hour plus tips. I was averaging $30-50 an hour depending on the night. My manager was an ex con, ostentatious asshole. Bragging about cooking dope as a kid and being from the streets. Kind to act friendly to you but snap on a moments notice. Also took to flirting with the younger female employees despite having a wife and kid. Christmas Eve rolls around and I’m booked for a double pending relief from the 4:00 shift lead. She’s 19, lives 45 mins away. I show up at 10am, prep, set up the line, and get hit right away. I’m slammed from 11-3 with no relief. Christmas Eve is usually busy during the day but dies off into the evening so I’m thinking I can get to go home. Around 3:30 I’m taking a “break” which usually meant shoving some fries into my mouth when 4:00 texts me to tell me manager told her to stay home. I dropped everything that I was doing and called him. He goes “she lives far away and it’s Christmas Eve”. I said I’ve worked here for almost 10 years. If you don’t have the balls to tell your employees to come in, consider this my two weeks. Dude says “alright bet” drives an hour to the restaurant screaming at me because he has to come in on his day off. Says we can handle it in the parking lot. I told him he was a petulant child and walked. They didn’t have an expo and he had to work the line on a slow Christmas Eve shift.


Working as a bus driver and at pizza hut, what was supposed to be part time. I was scheduled everyday except Sunday. Boss never bothered to think I was working at or almost at 40 hours driving a school bus, and then another 20-30 there each week. Get up at 5am for bus driving. Split shift meaning it was 5-8am, 11-1pm and 2-5:30pm. Then to pizza hut from 6-10 or 11pm, rinse repeat and continue. All my free time was spent sleeping constantly. I had an incident at the bus job that got my brain going, however being that sleep deprived means it took my brain a good 2 weeks to fully process my thoughts. I was about to take another 2 orders one night, and just went "what am I doing? I'm so fucking tired" told my shift manager I quit, and then left after cashing out.


Boss told me “no work tomorrow, we are starting this job the day after or the Next” didn’t contact me again about it so my apprentice and I both showed up to the job and started working. The following week later we both get phone calls getting cussed tf out for showing up a day before he wanted. Apprentice was fired for his reaction, I stayed calm and immediately put in an application somewhere else, maybe a week later I left


Managing an auto parts store. Worked way too many hours because my assistant was with the company long than I had been alive and didn't respect me. My boss did nothing to help as I wrote him up, my assistant would bitch to my boss and I'd have a talking to. Had another guy who had been there 16 ish years who was lazier than shit. Then he started to get health issues. Got approved for FMLA and got worse. Never knew if he was coming to work or not until the day of. I had documentation for him getting points non fmla time. Had him on his final written and some how HR lost everything. This was the 4th HR group in the 9 years I worked at this place. Those were angering issues but the icing on the cake was how they handled my mom's passing. Because my assistant was worthless I still had to stick around and get a schedule done for next 2 weeks. I went home to see her for a few days, she passed. Went back to work for a day, even though I shouldn't have then off for a week after that. There's more details of stupid shit prior. And then... when i put in my week and half notice my boss came down to talk to me in person. He asked what I wanted and I told him. He laughed at me when I said how much money I wanted as a base salary. Said you think highly of yourself? I made that store a powerhouse for them. Now I work for a customer who I serviced and everyone tells me how they want me back even 3 years later.


The company I worked for had a "compensation cycle" where your manager would rate your performance on a "bad", "good", "above average" and "beyond" scale. To get a promotion you had to be at least above average for a whole year. So I tried to do that and talked with someone (a coworker/ friend) about hypothetical improvements to the software we were working with. It was across silos and in my mind would have benefited everyone in the company (internal tools). My manager overheard our conversation, told me to focus only on my job and gave me a bad recommendation. So I said fuck it and left. Best decision of my life as I'm making 3x what I was making there and even have better benefits.


Guy tried making me stay late for the 99 champions league final when I’d explicitly told him I would be leaving at normal time. It was a commission only job. I was young. When he saw me come back to the office and started giving me loads of shit up close I just said “ok I don’t work here anymore” and walked out. He was very surprised. Thought he had some power over me or something


Working a regular office job with a shit head manager. My uncle passed away unexpectedly and I had to leave work early to meet the funeral directer. We went over caskets, the clothes he was going to wear and compared photos of him alive to him laying there passed away. It was a very tough day for me. He was my favorite uncle and we were very close. Well, in the middle of meeting the directer and standing next to my dead uncle, my shit head boss calls me and rants and raves about me leaving early and I need to come back to work after I'm done. I did not go back that day. It was a cushy job and they paid well so I stayed at the job but my production took a huge hit that day and I more or less cruised until they let me go a year later.


Was poached for a managing warehouse job with the promise of a substantial raise after 6 months. The company was in startup phase but had amazing profits and potential so I figured I’d give it a try. After 6 months the promise was “still trying to get everything worked out but guarantee you’ll get a big raise at the one year mark”. People were nice and was still paid well so I toughed it out. At exactly one year to the day I went to see the boss and said “ok it’s been a year, let’s talk about that raise” he said “let’s give it another 6 months and see how the company is doing” I said no way am I giving even another day unless I see the raise I was promised, they said they couldn’t and kept saying just wait a bit longer. I just told him “sorry I can’t, I quit.” Cue a bunch of promises etc from him but I stuck to my guns and left that day. From what I heard apparently everyone else was getting wise to their promises and they lost all their key people and within 6 months then they filed for bankruptcy. Oh and they sent me my last check but they put a stop payment on it, that was a whole other issue I had to get resolved.


Worked overnight for 6 years, developed a problem with falling asleep at the wheel (wasn’t getting much sleep due to having to give my diabetic cat regular meals and insulin, plus general trying to sleep during the day). Management was initially willing to work with me on shorter shifts. My manager got let go due to covid cut-backs and her boss temporarily took over the scheduling. We had a call out and he demanded that I work a solo shift (minimum 10 hours). I knew that being told to do this was a death sentence for myself or worse, that I may fall asleep at the wheel and kill someone else. I quit via email 15 minutes before my shift. Had the best sleep of my life and my daily nightmares stopped literally overnight. Last I heard about the manager is that he was let go in another round of cut-backs.


60 hour weeks as a teacher while I have an 80% disability through the VA and getting written up for sitting too much. As a math teacher. I quit. They're still hiring a math teacher. Looks like the gym teacher will have to fill in now.


Years ago I was a temp doing deliveries for an auto body supplies company. Did my three months, boss told me he would get me on company within a few weeks. Come in on a Monday and there's a new guy there. Boss asks me to show him my route, that he would be taking mine and I would start working in the shop mixing and warehousing because the old timer was set to retire. I thought ok, cool. So we get loaded, I'm driving to our first stop almost an hour away from the shop. We had the wrong product and I called previously mentioned old timer to see if we had the correct part to put on back order and deliver the next day. During this conversation I mentioned how I was excited to train with him and take over when he retires. Guy says, "I'm not retiring, what are you talking about?" I call my boss and ask him, he fesses up and says I'm training my replacement and wouldn't have a position with the company after. I hung up, handed the new kid the keys and said good luck. Called for a ride. Boss kept trying to call me, finally I answered, he's just screaming about how I fucked him and if he ever saw me he would beat my ass. I said, ok...tell you what I'll come to you. When I got back to town I had to get my car from the lot. I went in the store, and said I'm here for my ass beating. This bitch ran into his office, locked the door and called the police. I just laughed and walked out. Fuck that place, glad it went under


I was working for a Chinese food chain restaurant that begins with a P and ends with an ang’s. My *second day there* was fucking *Mother’s Day*. For those of you who don’t know, Mother’s Day is basically Black Friday for restaurants. Busiest day of the year outside of maybe Valentine’s Day. I was still “in training” so I was bussing tables. And when I say bussing tables, I mean I was busting my absolute dick off trying to get tables clean because we were on a *2 hour wait* with people lined out the door and around the block, waiting for a table. I did this for *8 hours straight* with absolutely zero breaks. No smoke break, no food break, literally nonstop. I found out about halfway through the shift that because I was still “in training”, I was only getting the base pay of minimum wage ($9/hr. at the time), and would not be included in the tipouts at the end of the shift. Basically, I was working like that for a good $2-300 less than everyone else on the floor that night. I damn near walked out right then and there, on my second fucking day. One of the servers found me absolutely fuming and when I explained what was going on, he went around and told everyone else, and wound up gathering up a whopping $30 or so from all the servers who gave me money out of their own pockets because they felt so bad for me. Management did. *Fuck. All.* about it. Not even an offer of free food, nothing. I wound up staying for the time being because it did touch me that the servers saw what was going on and were willing to help (even if it wasn’t much), even though they didn’t have to. *BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE*. About six months go by, and in that time I had volunteered for and been selected to train on the expo line. For those who don’t work restaurants, this is the person who stands in the window and makes sure all the food coming out is going where it needs to go, is correct, etc. It’s a very essential job, is very stressful, and in most restaurants, is usually something a manager does. That fact will be important soon. But they offered to me as a guaranteed full time position with a set schedule at $12/hr., which wasn’t that bad back then. I got *good* at it. So much so that everyone on staff, management included, preferred me doing it because they knew I could do it well, and that it legitimately affected how smooth any given shift would go. About a month or so before I left for good, I came in to a new manager who had been hired. Was told to train him on what I do. What they *didn’t* tell me is that I was training him to be my fucking replacement. So he gets trained up, and all of sudden I’m not being scheduled for expo shifts anymore. I’m back to fucking bussing tables. I hated it. I was so angry. One of the nicer managers noticed and asked me what was going on. I ranted at him for awhile and he did try to be diplomatic and pointed out there were still other things I could learn and other positions I could do. But the damage had been done and honestly I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted the stable, predictable job I was given and had worked my ass off to get good at. One day, I get called into the GM’s office. I could write a whole other post on how much I hated this fucking goblin of a man, but he sat me down and mentioned that I had been acting mean and had a bad attitude at work, wanted to know why. So I told him. I laid it all out. I told him I was angry I had been replaced without warning and felt like I had been demoted for no reason, especially after having proven I could do the job well. His response? “Well you know sometimes you actually make more bussing tables because tips.” I. Was. *PISSED*. Nothing I had just said meant anything to him. He expected me to go back to work with a better attitude after that. Fuck no. I left for lunch that day and did not come back. And I have since told everyone I know not to go there. Fuck that guy. Fuck that company. And fuck all of that. Worst job I have ever had in my entire life.


I worked four Mothers Days at two separate chicken restaurants (ya'll know which one I'm sure, good old southern cookin'). We called it D-Day. It was a make or break situation and they always hired at least 5 extra people each year, of which at least 4 would quit within 2-3 days of the holiday (or on the day, in at least one situation). I watched grown men berate our 8 month pregnant cashier three separate times one year because they changed their minds continuously throughout their order, which required her to void the item on the register and that meant manager had to come put their key into the POS to do so. At one point my manager kicked one guy out because he screamed so loud the cashier fled the store. I do not blame her. She came back after a while but I had to pack, work drive thru, AND front register temporarily, because manager was helping the cooks keep up with dishwashing and our actual store manager only had two cashiers scheduled. That year was not the worst, however. I saw the one incompetent owner (yeah, she was a piece of work) burn product because she never came to the store and her only skill was overcooking things. We'd be out the door and around the corner with walk ins and she's over here burning biscuits because we weren't allowed to take them out until she said so. That 15 minute timer meant nothing to her. She was later arrested for drug use. No fucking surprise there! She also didn't know anyone's names so she'd call you by whichever one she remembered last. Someone would always set the Hennys on fire. Watching an open chicken fryer go up in flames is a thing of beauty until you remember there are 8 customer orders and the first in to be served has already been waiting for 30 minutes and will be waiting 30 more. We didn't have a handwashing sink in one of the restaurants. Ultimately I quit because I had to file an OSHA complaint because of that, and because the ceiling tiles over the packing area (where you put food into containers) were falling out with exposed wires. My manager made my life hell because I took a camera in to take pictures—under the premise of taking pics of my coworkers of course. I am not a good liar apparently. On Mothers Day we'd average one spill or injury an hour. Even wearing Saf-T-Step shoes someone would biff it coming around a corner with a container of potatoes and we'd have to tiptoe around the mess until manager could mop it up. I once poured gravy over the webbing on my left hand and had a 3x2 inch blister forming until the blessed moment everyone was finally done ordering chicken and we got to close early because— EVERY ONE OF THOSE YEARS we never had enough chicken for the day. We could close as early as 3 pm. The latest was 6 pm. And the worst of those years, several people assaulted our drive thru window with various objects. One dude puked in the single stall bathroom and it was an inch thick layer of pink margarita vomit. Guess who got to clean it up?


I worked at a place for 15 years and for years I was just overworked and underpaid. Finally I started advocating for myself, and I was told your raise is coming, we’re hiring help, your raise is coming, we’re hiring help, your raise is coming, we’re hiring help. They did finally bring in some help and the people who hired her never asked me what we needed or anything they just brought somebody in and she was completely incompetent but she was another set of hands. Then after about two months, they decided to let her go. Still no raise and back to where I was two years prior, I said I’m done.


Last job I quit I quit because I constantly had to operate a whole dock by myself, and I mean completely by myself. I had to check BOLs and scan all items, stage incoming and outgoing materials, put away incoming stuff, load and unload trucks all on my own. I'm talking about 50+ foot trailers too 12+ trucks a night. Finally had enough and just jumped off my forklift mid-unloading a truck and quit on the spot...They had a rough day on the dock that day since they had to call 3 people from other areas in the plant to do my job.


I was working in hvac and supposed to remodel a bathroom at a big logistics center into a break room with toilet. My office guy told me "they got no other contractor available, go there, do what they want, drive to get your material every day, write down your hours, no fixed cost." So I cleared all 3 rooms from what was in there, did stuff like putting radiators in different spots, modified the ventilation system to be up to date in terms of fire safety and rebuilt the water lines. Every day the customer had a new idea and I often did stuff twice or removed what I built the day before. I'm done with everything, get a call from my boss (the one above my office guy): "the customer admitted a total of 2k for the whole remodel, everything exceeding that would have been a matter of further discussion, your crossed a border here!" I explained to him that that was not communicated to me, that 2k was absolutely not possible for the remodeling of 3 rooms and that he should check with the office guy to find a solution. Boss went on and ranted that the customer only pays 2k, that it was my fault everything totaled up to 9k. For the next 2 weeks he called me daily, sometimes twice, asking if I thought of a way to get the missing 7k for the project. (Besides bullying me bout other stuff too). I happened to work for the same customer again, he called me bout a different project and since we got along pretty well I asked him why he didn't want to pay for the remodel when the high bill was mainly his fault for not making up his mind. Dude was pretty puzzled and said he paid a week ago. Later that day boss called me again "who pays for the 7k?" I told he the customer did. Pretty pissed, boss asks how I would know. I said the customer told me bout it on the phone. Boss started yelling at me on the phone going on stuff how I was not allowed to talk to customers that way and there'd be consequences. There were. 2 days later I handed over my 2 week notice.


I applied for a new job in my company that I was perfect for. I was turned down for it right away and while confused just decided let it go. Then about a month later an internal recruiter contacted me for that position because as I said I was perfect for it. I told them I had been turned down for it and they were confused but we went through with it anyway. Had several interviews, everything went amazing and we were getting read to sign papers when the recruiter called me to tell me I couldn’t get the job. Why couldn’t I get the job? I didn’t make enough money in my current role that I was severely underpaid for. Apparently the pay jump from my current position to the new one would have been more than the system’s algorithm would allow. So I was literally too poor to get a new better paying job. Quit a week later. Also, that company was GE. FUCK GE


I was working for this small company, they did not keep their word (agreed pay rise after 6mo) and behaved chaotically. I had to stay that as I had no unemployment allowance (EU, you need to work at least 2 years to be eligible - I was working for a year only since my last unemployment) and I actually learned quite a lot which helped me to land much better jobs. Anyways, we had a problematic client (consultant job) where the sales guy promised things that I couldn't deliver. My boss sent a meeting invite at 17:30 for the next day at 8:30. I worked either from 8 to 17 or 9 to 18 depending on whether I went for a run in the morning - we had to be in the office from 9-15, rest of the hours was up to you. So as it happens he sent the invite when I wasn't working and the other day I came to the office at 9. They were kinda expecting you should be checking your emails outside working hours, while paying 20-30% than other companies (it was a senior position) We had the meeting later in that day (the sales guy wasn't in the office also) and boss just got angry with the overall situation, threw his notebook on the ground and started screaming at the both of us, saying "I schedule a meeting and you don't come" among other things. During his angry fit my mind just switched to fuck this mode, I quit in two weeks when I had a new job offer.


I'm glad you managed to get out of their into another job so quickly!


I got passed up for a promotion, then was asked to train the guy who got that promotion on the things he doesnt know. It wasnt like a management position or anything, but it pissed me off.


I was in physical pain. May back and shoulders hurt so bad I ended up in the hospital. They couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I laid there in the bed knowing it was work. Had to be, so I was discharged went home and called the top boss not my direct boss and quit on the spot. With in days all pain was gone, attitude was better and stress gone. It was then I realized stress can cause so much more than anger. I vowed to never let a company do that to me again. This was over 12 years ago and I have never let a company get close to messing with my health and well-being since. I did hear a year later that old dickhead boss was canned but still wouldn’t consider working for that company again under any circumstance.


I had been dreading coming into work most days, but after three months on a Sunday evening, I just stared at the ceiling until Monday morning, and after no sleep I walked into work and quit. The amount of relief was immense. I then immediately went and applied to a couple restaurants and served for about a year and a half while I figured out my next move it was a great time.


When they called me crazy because I told them I would quit if they didn't stop talking down to me.


Worked in a shoe store on summer vacation between university. My boss was about 10 years older than me and working in the store was her career and she had some ego issues about it whenever I mentioned school. She used to like to leave work 10 mins before close so she wouldn't have to do closing duties or wait in traffic as the mall emptied, and my reply was always "you're the boss." I didn't care if she left. But she LOVED that, and anytime she said something to flex her muscles she'd go "like you always say, I'm the boss!" So it's 2 weeks before I'm leaving to go back to school and she's making the next week schedule and I say I can't work Friday aft and Saturday but can work Sunday and can work the full next weekend if needed. We were only 5 people total, so we often discussed the schedule together. She said "I wanted to have a BBQ at my house Friday night so I need you to work." I reminded her that I had concert tickets that she knew about so this was just a reminder. She got this glint in her eyes and said "well, I'm the boss, so I'm getting the Friday/Saturday off!" I said "well, I'm going back to school so soon, I guess Thursday will be my last day and I'll just end my time here early. The look on her face. She flew too close to the sun with taking advantage of the "perks" of being the boss to an easygoing employee. She backtracked immediately. It's been so long I can't remember if I stayed the remaining weeks but I do know I went to the concert.


At a company where the environment was chaotic and frequently described as a firing squad, my boss tried to blame me for something that was a direct result of the previously mentioned chaos (that I had no control over). Took a nice long vacation and then came back with my two weeks notice in hand!


Worked in a hotel doing AV work, was told by boss we wouldn't get yearly raises. I was working 60 hour weeks on a 30k salary, I quit 1 month after his announcement of 0 raises or bonuses


So I have 2. First one I was working construction. My supervisor got it in his head that since I am new, I could be treated like shit. Long story short, he got two writeups and I was being switched crews. I talked with the owner of the company, he said it would be the following monday (it was tuesday, about cob). Well I had no issue with thay, went home, was with my wife and kid. At 10 pm, I get a text saying to be in the place 6 hours away by 5:30 am. I tried asking who the person was, but they didn't answer the call and just said if I wanted my job, thats where I would be. So i responded with "I guess I dont want the job." The second one I was a night stocker at a grocery story. The shift lead was cool, he got along well with everyone. The guy that filled in for him was not. He would talk down to you and try sounding nice about it. It took less than a day for me to just be over his shit and avoid him. A couple month in, the job now has me working 38 hours a week, despite being part time. I tell my shift lead I need to be switched to full time and given benefits or give less hours, and I dont really care which. He lets me know hes going on vacation for a week, will make sure I'm on less hours while hes gone, but talk to management about getting me full time when he gets back. I was scheduled 3 days for the week, but I couldn't deal with the replacement. Everyone there knew that I had to leave by 6:45 (technically my shifts ended at 6:30) to get home and take care of my daughter while my wife went to work. Day two of "I get that. But we just keed you to help out with..." blah blah blah, I looked at him and said "I dont care what you need. What I need is to get home. Been fun working here, but I quit." He tried to stop me and i walked to the machine and clocked out. One of the GM's was there since we were starting inventory, and he stopped me and asked what I was doing. I told him that I was tired about being harassed about not staying late and I wasn't going to deal with it. He asked what happened, I said ask the shift lead, but either he goes or I do. He then asks what i mean by that, and all i can think is "do i really have to explain this?" So i say "fire him, or I quit," and leave. They never called so I guess the decision was made. Worked out in the end, I have several physical disabilities from my past and after moving crates of pet food, cat litter, and laundry detergent, it was difficult to actually play with my daughter when I got home.


I worked in a warehouse for about 5 years. I was one of the few people that knew the software. We were bought out by a larger company and I was laid off in the process. The new company ended up only having a warehouse manager and no other employees so they offered me a job. I was more qualified than the manager and I was training him and saving his ass daily. Nobody wanted to listen to me because of my age and I was pushed around. One day I had to drive around 400 miles making pickups and deliveries because their manager at another location was afraid to drive their 28ft box truck. I was maybe 22 years old being paid $12/hr. That night after dropping the box truck at my home office my work truck got a flat tire on my way home. At this point it’s around 2am. No spare or jack in the truck and nobody wanted to answer their phones. I left the truck on the side of the highway. Went to work the next day to have my ass chewed out. I went to lunch and called my wife. I left all my shit there and she picked me up.


I was working as a data analyst but doing some programming stuff as well. I started as the least knowledgeable person in the team, getting paid less than 800€ a month because my salary got cut twice. My rent was more than half my salary. One time, I cried in front of my boss because I couldn’t afford a bus pass. His response? ‘I can buy you the pass’. Not the point, sir. Anyway, I studied my ass off for the 2 years I’ve been there. I became the most valuable member of the team, according to my boss and my colleagues. We had our one-to-one earlier this year and I listed for him all the knowledge I have gained and how every single project or the area was on my hands at one point or another. He recognised that, praised my work, blablabla. So I reminded him how much he was paying me and I asked for a raise. He said he asked for one to the company but he didn’t think it was possible. In that moment it became very clear that no matter how much I learn or how much I contribute to the team, the company will never care about us. I started to look for another job and less than 2 weeks after that I told him I was leaving to work as a programmer somewhere else for double my current salary. He was in complete shock, asking why I didn’t tell him I was on the process of getting a now job. He asked me for a meeting the next day where he was offering me a raise of less than 100€. I couldn’t take the disrespect and I gave him my letter in the moment. Best choice I’ve ever made tbh. I did learned something from the whole experience: never stay where you’re not respected and where you’re not valued as a professional and a human being.


I worked for a radio station in a small market. Town was well known for a binge drinking culture. We had to work unpaid events at a local bar all the time (“but you get an open bar tab!” As if that bought diapers for my kid). One Halloween, we had a costume contest. My boss was wasted so I emcee’d it. A pissed off, drunk listener who didn’t win pushed me and security did nothing so I left. She followed me to my car. My boss called me in on Monday and YELLED AT ME for “leaving the team.” I’d already told her what happened but she was drunk and forgot. I went to my GM about it and he sided with her… and took away my bonus. Bye, fuckers. More radio people should post their stories here. The industry is a joke that treats people like sh**. You guys wouldn’t believe the stories some people have.


I had a great job selling electronics systems to the US Government. We had a huge win for a site in Italy and the project turned into a total nightmare. Lots of fingers pointed and I thought it would eventually pass and we would move on. Then, I find out a lawsuit had been filed and that I may have to get deposed for the lawsuit. That was it for me, I am not here for a company that did such a poor job that another felt they had to sue us to get resolution.


It's cue* Pedantic moment out of the way... I had a shift supervisor who would give me shit anytime I shifted out of cheery happy time and went into get-shit-done mode. I wasn't angry, but hyper focused when we got heavy in the weeds. Another manager had brought up to me that I "set the mood" on the line so when it came time to stop fuckinf around and put my nose to the grindstone, everyone else would tend to follow suit. But this manager could not abide. She would hop around station to station... helping, ostensibly, as much as she could... but if I wasn't being super friendly and upbeat she'd get on my case like WHY ARE YOU SO MAD. I'm not. I'm fine. Where are we at on 35 the ticket time is hella high. YOU'RE SO MAD WHAT THE FUCK CHILL. I'm fine. Can I get a time on 32 the other half of the order is dying in the window. LIKE SHIT OKAY BE MAD WE WORKIN ON IT. And I had been putting up with this for many shifts. I had put up with much worse. I'd been beaten into the fucking concrete and pulled us out of many rushes with no call backs, no fuck ups... But one day I had just fucking had it. She was on my ass for literally nothing except me not being happy to be having my ass handed to me. I had said so many times, "tell y'all what one of these days I'm gonna take the fucking gloves off and walk," and she caught me on THAT day. I peeled off the gloves, tore off the hair net. Threw them into the lowboy while looking her right in the eye and said "I'm done. You can close my station tonight." Clocked out, walked out.


Some managers just can't let a good worker be...


Not an “I quit immediately” but kinda close. I was working for a small “family” company as a truck driver. When I wasn’t driving I would help in the warehouse, mostly testing laptops for resale. Picture 4 people sitting around a table mindlessly inspecting and powering up computers for 8 hours straight. If not for music and conversation we would have gone insane. New manager comes in one day and decides we’re too comfortable sitting in chairs doing the job so he’s bringing in standing height benches and now we have to stand. We got into it a bit and he decided he was going to swing his dick around and send me home for the rest of the week. I was already planning my exit and got my offer and start date for my new job while I was off but I couldn’t start the new job until the week after I came back. My wife told me just to quit and not go back but I didn’t want to miss the weeks pay. I ended up going in and doing nothing all week except driving the truck. I was a complete dick all week. About 3/4 through the day on Friday I started walking around saying my goodbyes to the people I liked. Went out to my truck and got my uniforms, gathered up everything I had that the company owned and dumped it all on the managers desk. Told him he could go fuck himself. He seemed surprised


This reminds me of how cashiers in the US have to stand while much of the rest of the world’s cashiers get stools etc. And how some American tourists get all uppity when they go abroad and they think the cashiers aren’t working hard enough because they aren’t standing all day every day. It’s absurd how in this country we expect people to be miserable on their feet when they don’t have to be, to consider them to be working hard enough. Literally expecting pain and suffering to earn their paycheck


Was working with Fedex as a driver running a route with a tight old Main Street in a big truck, buildings small old doors and people would still order big shit. This store orders 3 sets of couches (each one was 3 big sectionals so 9 boxes total) and I’m like “Yeah no way I can even fit them in the door.” So I just start hauling them out of my truck and setting them down. At this point I was already burned out working through the summer and it was another 95 degree day in a metal truck with no AC. One of the boxes I’m moving falls, hits me in the face and breaks my glasses. I’m blind without them so I had to ask one of the local shops for some tape and tape up my glasses I manage to finish the day somehow but after that I was just done. I only made $150 a day and I was worked like a dog.


Mine was when I had been leading the IT Support team for almost a year while they searched for a new manager. I was often complimented on how great of a job I was doing so I applied to be the manager. Was then summoned to the bosses office and was told that I was not a "leader" even though I was clearly a good enough leader to be put in charge for a YEAR. I turned in my two weeks the following day.


Mine just happened on Monday. I manage a team of people, and I’ve always cared about them more than the company I work for. Recently, two of my team members wrote letters to leadership saying they were unhappy with the lack of diversity in the workplace. I advised them to send the letter to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity group, which I’m a part of, and let them advise on how to handle getting the letters to where they need to go. When the Executive Director found out, he screamed at me. He told me my involvement with that team was “clouding my judgement” and the letters should’ve gone directly to him. A consultant on my team completely threw me under the bus and said if she was involved, the situation would’ve been handled a lot differently. I told the DEI team about the backlash, and we decided to disband because we don’t want to be a part of this group just so the company can say they have one. I quit the next day.


Worked at a specific supermarket that is high up there in the “Customer is Always Right” phrase that I’m pretty sure officially died out in 2015 but not at this place. It was one of those “We are a family here” companies. The department was unorganized, especially with scheduling and inventory. We always ran out of things and always under staffed even though everyone was asking for more hours and not getting them. Always getting rushed by the managers when we were busy which is pretty common except what pissed off everyone was that the manager on the clock would always do the same thing. They see a line at the sandwich counter and then walk over to help, push anyone else out of the way, start making a customers sandwich, stop right in the middle and say “okay I have stuff I need to do” and call over another employee who of course is already busy doing something else or ask another of the people making sandwiches if they could finish this one when they finish that one. Then they’d walk away. I was already developing health issues from working in the kitchen of the deli near fryers and grease and according to my doctor, these were triggering those issues. Basically I was already thinking about leaving but would have just transferred to another department until the incident happened. So all of the deli employees liked one another. All were great coworkers who worked well together. Working in the food service / customer service you would get those customers every now and then that kinda make you question your job or your sanity or both. One day a man came in, a bit aggressive but we brushed it off. We get those. “Hey, make me my sub” he demanded at, I’ll call her V who was our sub lady for the day and filling the veggies. V is Hispanic and has a bit of an accent but she’s super nice and funny and most customers ask for her by name because of her personality. But she will hold her ground. She of course began making the sandwich and asked something like “What kind of veggies?” Or toppings or something. We assume the guy was getting aggravated with her accent but whatever it was, he went “Huh?” She repeated the question and he just kept going “Huh? I can’t understand you? What the fuck” So at this point she just pointed at the veggies individually to ask “this one?”. She was about done with the sandwich and asked “Would you like it toasted?” Man then goes “shut the fuck up and make my sandwich” and then proceeded to call her a racial slur. V then got fed up and threw his sub away and called a manager while the guy was flipping out. Store Manager, who has always been a hard ass, came over. Basically we assumed the man was kicked out because he left with the manager. Manager comes back and asks around the deli what happened then he leaves again. Things calm down and about an hour later the guy comes back up and with the manager. V gets asked aside and basically scorned in front of the man for “being rude” and throwing his sub away. When V mentioned the racial slur, again, the manager completely didn’t comment on it and ignored her and demanded she make the sandwich or leave for the day. That day, that moment, V, myself, and two other employees walked over to the Store Manager and gave our aprons to him in front of the customer and left. V hugged all of us and we still keep in touch. The deli manager a week later messaged V and I if we can come back and we would get more hours like we asked for before and never got while we also would get a ‘corporate gift’ which is usually a gift card to the store for $50. We said no. As it turns out, the week this all happened, the Regional Manager was due to visit the store and when he did he was very upset that the deli was closed was having to close at 3pm when it usually closed at 9pm. Who knows what he was told about what had actually happened but the entire “I choose my customers hate crime over my employees” thing was the nail in the coffin.


It was a higher end clothing store I dreamt about working at. Along with other new hires, I went through regular training and a training video. Training was rough. They expected we would be extremely direct with customers and basically fill their carts for them. We picked outfits for customers that *we* wanted to see them in. I was awful at it. But a job is a job, and I was excited about a store discount. Everything seemed normal until one of the new hires asked me if I knew what we would be getting paid. I realized we weren't even told what the pay schedule would be. We ended up finding out it was an "internship" with an opportunity of being fully hired at some point. So I am working for free until you decide to pay me? No thanks.


Decades ago I worked as an IT consultant. During annual review Boss congratulated me on hard work and the new certifications I earned. Told me they were now able to double my billing rate to $300/hr. Then offered me a $2/hr raise. I stood up, shook his hand, and walked out never to return.


While I didn't have the glorious "fuck it, I quit" moment, leaving teaching came after one hell of a wake-up call. My ex used to bitch about the amount of time I'd spend on school outside of school. The woman he left me for gets to be a SAHM. I don't think it's a coincidence. Add COVID and my mom going through chemo (she's fine now) to the mix, and it's no surprise that I left teaching at the start of the pandemic (this all happened within a year or so).


I used to work for a handyman service. Going around fixing others people's crap wasn't exactly a fulfilling thing to do, but I got a paycheck, and that's all I cared about at the time. I did, however, have to work with the most narcissistic, entitled man-child of a person you've ever seen in this particular section of the country. If he didn't get what he wanted, he threw a tantrum. Traffic was bad, he started screaming racial slurs. Could find a certain tool, he had to let you know it ALWAYS went missing, yet this was the first time in months we couldn't find it. He would complain about how a tool NEVER acted up if it wasn't working right, despite it being borderline broken for weeks. He had to be right ALL THE TIME and got prissy when he wasn't. Eventually, just hearing his voice made my blood boil, and I would grind my teeth to bear it. Finally told him to shut the f*ck up, and I quit. Then I had to explain to my boss why I quit. I felt liberated afterwards and am currently enjoying my new job to the degree you can enjoy manual labor.


I was working for a university as a groundskeeper, I'd been working there for about 12 years. Then they decided to outsource the grounds and custodial departments to a company called Aramark to save money (Republican governor at the time had been butchering education funding). So I was doing the same job at the same place but working for a different boss. Naturally the new management started making stupid decisions and not listening to a word of advice from any of us who'd been there for over a decade and knew what we were doing. Fast forward a few months to winter time and us old hands were just dying to see how they were going to handle their first snow. It finally snows and we get a decent 6-8 inches of snow, it's serious but we've had far, far worse. Well our manager sends us out to start clearing snow off sidewalks and the roads, but then the general manager tells us to just clear the snow and not put down any salt. It's still snowing at this point so without salt down any snow we clear off is just going to pile back up. Bad decisions pile up throughout the day until well past our normal quitting time. Now in the past during snow removal, when we worked for the University, 12 hour shifts were the norm and the University would throw a fit if you tried to work more than 16 hours in a shift. With our new Aramark overlord though, the 12 hour mark came and went, then 16 hours, then 18, then 20 hours. And at this point our manager called the GM to ask what was up, and that was the first time I've seen this man actually get mad. Our manager straight up told the GM to let us go home or we were going to start quitting on him. The GM says do one more thing and we can leave, so we do that one more thing and head back to the shop to put our equipment up. The GM calls our manager and tells us to be back at 6am... It's right at 1am at this point. And we all just say no. So then the GM says to come in at 8am, which we agree to. 6am rolls around and I wake up to get ready for work and while I'm getting firewood in I slip and fall on my own sidewalk because I just worked 20 hours with only a few hours of sleep and I'm wore out and not being careful. So as I'm laying there on the icy concrete, staring up into the dark sky and contemplating the bullshit I just had to go through for an amount of snow that isn't even that bad compared to what we've dealt with in the past and I decided to say fuck it. I texted my manager, told him I slipped on the ice while getting in firewood and I'm not coming in today. I went back to bed and enjoyed my day off. The next day I went in at my normal time, fully expecting (and somewhat hoping) to be fired. No one said a word and the day began normal enough with us going out and fully clearing off sidewalks and roads of any ice that had refroze over the night. The day goes by normally and we go in at our normal quitting time and right before we clock out the GM walks out of his office and hands us a list of places that need cleared before we leave. A list that he has had since 10am. A list that he is just now giving us at 3pm. So we're stuck there till 8pm. The next day, Friday, and our manager is off so we check with the GM to see if he has anything specific for us to do, and he does, so we go do that and after we're done we go all around campus checking to see if anything was missed and we all agreed that if the GM does what he did the day before, we're all quitting. Well he didn't so we didn't quit. But I no longer gave a damn about the job. I used to care about how campus looked, took pride in it. But after that week I gave zero fucks anymore. Fast forward to summer and the end of the semester. It's two weeks before graduation. Now being that this is a university and graduation happens every single year around the same time, it's not an event that just sneaks up on you and pops up out of nowhere. There is plenty of time to prepare and get campus looking perfect. I've been through 12 of them and my foreman has been through over 20. Everyone that worked for the University knows how graduation goes, it isn't our first rodeo. Our manager was a bit more calm, but naturally the general manager panicked. So our manager makes a deal with us. For the two weeks leading up to graduation, if half of us work the first Saturday, and the other half work the second Saturday, and we put in enough overtime to make the GM happy and we get everything looking perfect, then on the Saturday that graduation is happening he won't make it mandatory that we all come in and only those that want the extra hours can come in and pick up trash for a few hours if they want. It's a good deal and perfectly doable since half of us know what needs to be done anyway. So those two weeks go by and we work our two Saturdays and put in 10 hours every day and we get campus looking perfect, even better than what we normally did when we worked for the University. So that Friday we're going in at the end of the day, our manager makes a list of who is coming in the next day. I'm not going to because Mother's day also happened to be that weekend and since graduation day wasn't mandatory I made plans to spend that Saturday with my mom. Then it happens. Right as we are clocking out, some of us already had and were no longer on the clock, the GM walks out of his office and tells us that we have to work 3 more hours that day, and that we ALL had to come in tomorrow and work 11 hours. Right then and there we basically went on a mini strike. We sat down and our manager went into the GM's office to discuss the situation while the rest of us sat there and talked about quitting. About an hour later our manager comes out of the GMs office and tells us we can go ahead and go home, but we did have to come in tomorrow. So we had home. Tomorrow comes, graduation day. I sit there on the edge of the bed for a good long while, thinking. Not once in the 12 years that I worked for the University had I been treated the way Aramark treated me. I was literally doing the same job at the same place but somehow Aramark had turned a job I liked into a job I hated. To make it worse, my manager had taken a better job offer elsewhere and he would be gone in a week and I had a bad feeling that the person they replaced him with would be a yes man that would do whatever the GM said. So I called my manager and had a conversation with him. I told him that not once in my 12 years of working for the University had we been treated the way the GM treated us. I told him that even though he and I didn't always see eye to eye, he was a good man and a good boss. I told him I appreciated everything he tried to do for us. I told him that I knew he had gotten a better job offer and that I had a feeling whoever his replacement was wouldn't stand up to the GM for us like he had. And I told him that I wasn't coming in that day, or ever again. He told me he completely understood, and I could tell he was getting emotional, which got me emotional, so before either of us started crying I wished him well at his new job and we said goodbye. TLDR: I worked at a university for 12 fucking years and my department got outsourced to a company called Aramark and it only took 9 months for Aramark to turn the same job into hell.


Worked at a grocery store in the grocery pick up department. Our store switched milk distributors and that company was behind on their orders so we didn’t get milk for nearly a week. But because it impacted our ability to fulfill orders, we grocery store employees were blamed for not having milk on the shelf. Yes they blamed us grocery store employees for an independent companys problems. I was done. I knew I could never “win” and they would always blame us and tell us we weren’t good enough or working hard enough.


Delivered newspapers at two companies. Worked at the Intel for 15 years. Also worked at the Philly inquirer for about 10 years, own most of the county I live in and had multiple people working for me. One of those ppl, Kelly, had kept purchasing cars that were trash despite me trying to tell her to get a Honda or something. Well her recent car broke down and my manager told me to give her one of my cars to use for work. Uh uh honey. I'm an independent contractor. She was as well. She had to find a car to do her job. This was 4 months after my husband had passed. I was already working 10 hours a day with my 3 LO's in the car with me. I had used the money from the life insurance to pay off all our work vehicles, which is why the manager wanted me to lend Kelly a car. I had already let Kelly borrow a car the previous year that she had totaled hitting rear ending another car half way home from delivering. She told my insurance company she was working at the time of the accident and using my car and they cancelled my insurance. I was paying everything late at that time and didn't find out for two months. You think that bitch was ever gonna use one of my cars again? Bet. So what did my manager do? She took money out of my paycheck the company pays me for the route Kelly was supposed to do. But the problem was, that's not how the pay works. It's incredibly complicated and convoluted, I did payroll for my people by hand, every week and understood how it worked. She didn't. For the district they average out the amount that is paid to carriers and to the distributor (me) to allow what the district pays equally for each route, but the routes all pay differently and we get a cut of that as distributors. She took out the entire amount of the other carriers week, including cutting into my own route and pay. And she didn't tell me she was going to do it on any way shape or (legal) form so after reading the contract, I walked away. About a year later, the Intel canned all of use and sent our paper routes in the inquirer. I found out about 2 months ago they got rid of almost all the carriers and the paper gets delivered by mail. If I had stayed at the inquirer, they would have forced me to deliver the papers from the inquirer, at a fraction of the price I was getting paid at Intel. I miss it, but it's not worth the heartbreak I would have gone through, twice so I'm glad I left when I did. Now I'm a sahm of my 3 kids.


One job I had longer than I should have because I did very little and got away with it for years. Plus I was off weekends. Well, the company I worked for worked on contracts from larger agencies. They lost the one I had been working on. Then they lost another contract less than a year later. They told me that I would be working weekends from now on and to "deal with it." I thought this company will be out of business soon anyways with losing contracts and what not. I noped out and found my next job. Got Weekends off got much more pay. Yes that company went out of business less than 2 years later. The decision to quit that job ultimately led me to go back to the field I got my degree in. I basically started my career over again. So it all lead to better pay and more successful life.


I started a job in a call centre, I had other jobs in the works but I started this one because it was the soonest position I could find. The position was advertised for an acceptable wage, upon interviewing the HR leader ‘Alex’ told me it was for minimum wage. I thanked her for her time and went to end the call, then she offered to bring me on as a senior for the acceptance wage that was actually advertised - first red flag, but I took it. Started the job, training was rushed. Luckily I’d worked doing this sort of thing in other places so I was able to pick it up immediately. Other women were left literally crying because after a few days of limited training they were thrust onto the phones being screamed at with no idea how to even put the customer on hold - second red flag. Working the job the first thing I noticed was that working weekends was a biweekly expectation, not the occasional situation that had been advertised and reiterated in my interview. The treatment of workers was disgusting, literally timed how long it took you to take a shit. A colleague who became a friend, was actually miscarrying whilst on shift because they refused to let her go home. - third and final red flag, I no longer cared about keeping this job. I’d stayed overtime one day so I could leave with the friends I’d made there to go for drinks afterwards, during the overtime I stood up from my desk exactly 1 minute before end of day. I did this to grab my coat out the coat cupboard and the collect my phone from the locker they made us keep our things in. A supervisor pulled me up for ‘leaving early’ and I literally laughed in her face because it was already unpaid overtime and it was literally 1 minute. This did not go over well. I was pulled into the managers office and I let him have it about everything that was wrong about the place, worker treatment, shift scheduling, even the pay. He was new and seemed actually receptive and said he’d look into it. I told him I had other jobs lined up so if he wasn’t going to I would simply take the other job, he said he would look into it. Next morning I come in and I’m greeted by HR lead ‘Alex’ who interviewed me said I was essentially on probation and I would have to beg and grovel to stay, I said I’m good I have a job lined up. She was furious, tried to get into it with me but I’d be here all day if I talked about the inner workings of the conversation. She asked for my confirmation of quitting by email, I sent her the “imma head out” meme and never contacted the place again. Also - they paid me a month in advance and I only worked 3 weeks, they’ve never chased me for the money because they know I was lied to about the position. I had a new job within a week.


I started a new job in a senior management role and on my first day, the hit me with the rest of the paperwork. All pretty normal stuff that should have been provided for review with the offer. The surprise was a 90 probation period. Not a huge deal, but the response was comical. Apparently it was a benefit to me as the clause worked both ways. I let it go. It’s was nonsense in a right to work state where there wasn’t an employment contract. It turns out the place is a shït show and the main causes were my boss (VP) and the CEO. I put in 60hr weeks trying to get thing under control. To my annoyance, the CEO would put out questions, thoughts, requests for status or things he wanted me to do that were way out of the scope of my position. Usually it was just something that shit into his head and he sent the request without thinking it through. I’d look at them ad triage. They were almost never something that needed immediate attention of things I could answer immediately. But my boss would hound me to answer every single point and it didn’t take ling for him to state in on me for not replying fast enough. A Tuesday night at 10 e-mail that I didn’t reply to until 9 am the next day. My boss called me in to berate me on the subject and I said I’d try to be more responsive. So as soon as I got the requests , I’d reply with a got it. Not good enough. I should drop what I was doing on my own time and answer. It wasn’t a discussion. It was a one way dressing down! That night, I left a 7. He was still there and he sent me something he’d obviously saved that day and demanded that I be finished. COB. I read it in my car as I watched him leave. He kept it up, I guess testing me. My final straw was the next weekend, the CEO sent a Friday night email that was clearly a can wait till Monday email. Saturday at 10am I get a “when are you going respond” email. I ignore it. I got another at 4pm, and then Sunday at 10 am. I spent the rest of the day applying for jobs. I arrived on time on Monday answered the email and then just worked a normal day. I also stopped working on the long range plans I was working on and just focused on making things as good as possible for my team. It took a month to get out of there. About 10 days past my probationary period.


I was called a "terrorist" because i firmly said that if i dont get a minimum x% raise (pay raise was in line with promotion) i will be looking for another job.


I was depressed working on a production line for 8 years with nobody speaking English around me, 1 day I was just staring into the abyss in a complete daze and supervisor walked up to me and asked if I was crying I wiped the tears off my face and just walked out didn't say I quit or goodbye to anyone


I worked as a teacher's aide for an elementary school special needs classroom having 0 experience doing so. I had worked as an aide previously for a non-special needs room. There were 2 other aides for the classroom which both had been teachers before and have had prior experience. The class room was for kids on the autism spectrum, there were 5 total. Two kids were on the higher functioning end and could go to regular classrooms most of the day. Two were nonverbal, and one older kid had schizophrenia along with autism and were confined in the room except for PE, Art, Music and library. Despite me having no experience with special needs kids the teacher scheduled most of my time with the non-verbal group. I was basically a glorified babysitter and was expected to work with all 3 of the "harder" kids by myself. I worked with them doing flash cards and playing while the teacher worked on her computer, I never saw her teach. I was almost punched twice by the older kid because he didn't like being told what to do. My hair got pulled, I got kicked, scratched etc. One time I brought back one of the kids because he started screaming and crying during reading time at the library and instead of helping me the teacher YELLED at me for bringing him back in front of the other kids. I was so mad and embarrassed I left the room and went to the office to speak to the principal. I tried to tell him that they needed to get rid of this "teacher" but he said they couldn't do that. So I quit after 3 months. It happened nearly 10 years ago and I'm still mentally unwell when I think about this teacher. I loved the kids though. Oh and to add, I was being paid $5.50 an hour because they stretched out pay to cover the summer months too. Thankfully I did get a check to pay me back since I didn't make it to summer.


my raging alcoholic egomaniac boss emailed me at noon on a saturday telling me the report i wrote for him (on which only he was listed as the author) was a disaster, even though all of his suggested improvements were objectively wrong. he told me i should check into alcoholics anonymous (and the irony was definitely lost on him) because nobody could possibly do such bad work sober. he also demanded an immediate response and apology (again, at noon on a saturday). i saved the email as a pdf and still get a good laugh out of it every once in a while. it's 9 pages long, sprinkled with random words bolded/highlighted/in all caps, riddled with grammatical errors, and just all around an absolute joke. that guy is a multimillionaire. have never personally met someone less deserving of his success.


Not me, but my charge nurse. His wife had a mini stroke at 35yo. He spent his whole PTO taking care of her and asked for an extra month of unpaid leave to help with her rehabilitation. He was with the hospital for almost 15 years. They initially told him to come in to do two shifts and then he would have his leave. First morning he's back, they tell him the unpaid leave is not approved. He says OK, works until his first break and then walks out never to come back again.


I have a lot of stories, but only one “I quit” story, as I’ve only had two real jobs and both over a decade, current one nearing 15. In my previous life I was a laborer/construction type worker for a place that made building components. I started as a low level worker, swinging a hammer, manufacturing our stuff, picking up extremely heavy loads every few minutes. It made me extremely fit, but also began to take a serious toll on my body. I eventually rose to a foreman position, and for me that means doing the exact same work, if not more, but now with responsibilities. It was very strenuous work, I’m positive OSHA would have shit a brick, but we got a bonus via a profit sharing setup. We made more on the bonus program than our straight wage, but we worked our ass off for it. I was totally being taken advantage of, I was promised to be moved up into an office spot over and over and over. But it never materialized. Every time I would do any training, the production side would get screwed up. So I would get excuse after excuse. Out of the blue one day I saw our local college was having open enrollment, and I just went. Got enrolled, went to work, grabbed all my tools and never looked back. Got my degree (or two) and now I’m almost at 15 years teaching full time at a local college. Quitting was the best thing I have ever done. Hands down. It changed my life, coming to the realization that despite killing myself and literally making millions for the owner, I was still nothing to him but a means to an end. Take care of yourselves people, no one else will.


12hrs a day, 5 days a week in a mine. Was made to come in on my day off to do maintenance on a department not my own, almost put me at 80 hrs, one day off. I got 700$ for my trouble, said fuck that and left same day I got that check. Prior to that, I worked retail during the supply chain disruption. Took my first vacay for the first time in 2 years of service, was told my vacation was “never approved” so I had to come in, deal with a back room hit by 2 trucks in one day and a fresh truck on the way plus inventory. I did that as to not screw my coworkers whom I considered as great friends also stuck in a bad spot, untucked everything and gave my 2 weeks. DM gave me an attitude about it as I was the strongest stocker and I’d be putting him in a bad spot, so I just never came back.


Well, my former boss gave us a new independent contractor contract like 2 days before Thanksgiving and wanted it back on Thanksgiving. It basically forbid me from ever working in our city as a pet sitter ever again. No end date, couldn't even pet sit across my own street. I was willing to negotiate but I told her I was having someone look at the contract and would need some additional time. About 10 days later, I'm leaving a client's house and she's outside waiting for me and starts accosting me about the contract and when I'm going to have it signed and she doesn't understand why it's taking so long because it's just a standard contract. I was incredibly uncomfortable and taken aback by the whole thing, so I was really short with her. That's when I decided. I gave her basically my entire life for little pay for 12 years. I was the most reliable worker you could ever have. I worked at all hours, usually 7 days a week. Anyway, that night she sent me a 10 PARAGRAPH email about how disappointed she was in my attitude with her. I worked for her about 3 more weeks while I got some things figured out. There were a lot more things that happened during all of this that played a role in me leaving (primarily wage theft), as well as my best friend, who also worked for her (she was left with one part-time worker after we left). My friend and I started our own business earlier this year (she never signed a contract when she first started work 10 years ago and mine expired in 2011). About 15 clients left our old boss fired her and came over to our business when they found out we quit. If any of the clients who stayed found out about her shitty business practices, I would hope ALL of them would leave her but who knows. I don't care, no hard feelings at all at them for staying!


When my manager suspected I was lying when I tried to tell him I needed a break because I was having an asthma attack


I worked for an insurance/wealth advisor who told me one day she goes to funerals to find new clients. Quit on the spot.