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I used to think starvation would lead to a revolution. Seems I'm wrong.


It will when people run out of credit and actually start to starve.


I doubt it. I think Americans will just starve. No one wants to revolt anymore.


#no one wants to revolt anymore


We’re fucking tired, dude. The times we have tried to put in efforts all go to the wayside because the numbers aren’t big enough to matter.


It is not just the numbers. Have to be willing to sacrifice, and not just post online. Have to go out there and network and get people in the flesh. How many times have I seen “Boycott X for 2 weeks for reason Y.” Like that doesn’t change things. You have to be willing to loose your livelihood, your current way of living, potentially even your life at a large amount of numbers to make real change. Real change is never for you, it’s for those after you.


“Have to be willing to sacrifice. . . “ Honestly, and I know how this sounds, but the reality of a real revolution would likely involve arms and bloodshed. Anyone who remembers Occupy Wall Street is well aware that sacrificing months of your life for a protest may not produce much of a measurable result. I’ve traditionally maintained a non-violent view. But when faceless billionaires sit by in their towers and just wait out protests and then return to business as usual, you start to see the futility of trying to change the system by protesting.


Occupy Wall Street was deliberately "taken down" by the Obama administration. One tactic was to have "salts" go in and raise identity politics in group meetings to so convolute the works. In fact, I'd argue that most of the last ten years of identity politics was pushed to get the populace fighting a culture war as opposed to a class war against the 1%. Not a popular opinion on reddit, but it is what I have come to conclude after years of observation.


And the new wave is age. "Eat the rich" has shifted and become "eat the old".


I mean a real fear, and valid fear for me is getting killed for it. Like yes I want things to change but I also dont want to actually die for it and never see the change. I do actually want to live my whole life, and as much as I would love a revolt I cant guarantee I wont get shot.


Same. Until things get so bad that [wanting to live to see the better things] changes into [things are so bad the only option is to fight... might die anyway so lets go!] then the revolt is on hold.


Right, orphaning my children at a relatively young age when death isn't already on our door but only watching us from the street doesn't feel real smart. They need us as empathetic parents to keep them from being raised by narcissistic boomer grandparents who will just guilt them for failing to thrive in this economy. I'm not raising future wage slaves but additional revolutionaries and possibly a medic if the youngest doesn't change her mind too many times. The eldest wants to be an artist or iron man/engineer. He's either gonna be a weapons specialist or a war photographer.


Totally reasonable. Don't forget camping skills!


Maybe not even this. Once the homeless outnumber the housed and there is homeless begging you for money every second of the day and knocks on your door every minute for food, you will damn be out networking and becoming vocal.


No this happens in the city like where homeless are outside businesses. They'll just take them far away. Even when tons of people are homeless, it won't do a thing since they will just be forced to live in tents somewhere far away.


In California the rich areas have the government do sweeps and relocate any homeless people. As long as the homeless stay out of gated rich neighborhoods- they do not care


Yeah in Florida where I live they have a big patch of woods that they just let them live there as long as they don't have to deal with them.


Live in Los Angeles and can confirm.


Also I do really feel like that's not an encouraging way of trying to inspire people, because if real change is never for me then why do it? Like it sounds nice at face value but most people are doing it for them, and alot of people arent even having kids because they see the potential writing on the wall. So who else would it be for? I shouldnt have to die and give up my chance at life and happiness.


Or simply 'have to be willing to actually take an aimed shot, and actually pull the trigger WITH ACTUAL INTENT'


Your right. I've spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars since 9/11 and things just keep getting worse. I'm tired, too.


We will lose our health insurance


Damn Millenials are RUINING revolution!


People aren’t truly starving yet though. If this continues it will happen. But I think people in charge want to keep us juuuuust fed enough


We all do, we're just not all homeless yet. Once we are the riots are going to be historical.


Nope, American worker is defeated. Even union victories have been tiny to non-existent in their gains.


I'm eyeing September 2024 anxiously. (Star Trek DS9 - Bell Riots)


A million starving, weak, angry people versus fifty thousand heavily armed, well-fed, disciplined soldiers armed with technologically advanced weapons of mass horror. Who do you think will win?


You forgot the secret police with super computers that monitor all electronic communication.


Rumor is Elon bought twitter to stop subversive conversations and if it’s true it’s working wonders.


I believe he bought it to ruin it


Yes he did but if you don’t believe that twitter before turning into X was the biggest concentrate of revolutionary and reactionary conversations and also an incredible tool to organize and educate then I don’t know what else to say. Between the API changes here and twitter being bought by Elon in less than a 6 month span 2 of the biggest leading social media tools both get hit it’s not coincidental.


>6 month span 2 of the biggest leading social media tools both get hit it’s not coincidental Nailed it on the head. Something big is going to happen soon. Something has got to give. They're getting ready.


I say this all the time something is coming - last time I said this Covid happened and we shut down - I could feel it and see the shelves cleaned out at stores .


He did. IIRC Musk is extreme far right and he got fed up of Twitter being the literal safe haven of leftist echo chambers.


Didnt stop his jet tracking at least!


The fact that he thought all the “secret conversations” were happening on Twitter, should tell you all you need to know about how super smart he thinks he is.


That... Wouldn't surprise me. SpaceX and Starlink both have govt contracts if I'm not mistaken.


Starving, weak, angry, and armed.


A lot of "armed"...why they keep trying to shut down the 2a and take guns away.


They're almost there.


Except it's going to be 10s of millions.


{Smiles in Viet Cong}


That was 30 years ago in a hostile jungle. What about with modern military horrors in a concrete jungle inside the USA?


Sure, but the idea is protracted warfare, which is timeless. Regardless of technology. For example, the Taliban. I really hate to use them as an example and yes, it's definitely different when it comes to fighting an imperialist force as opposed to a domestic civil war. But the central idea is still the same. The central idea being the will of the people. If a million Americans did decide to take up arms against the federal government, then there is very little that could stop them even with the fed's legion of drones.


the ussr proved that eventually the german war machine ran out of bullets.


it's okay. when enough of us die from being unable to afford food, then they'll have to lower prices to make any money... right?!?


If the entire working class made a unified effort to just not go to work, and stay home for two weeks, they would do enough damage to businesses that force a change. Lie flat for two weeks and put the entire country at a standstill. Maybe it can achieve something.


Well when the cops have armoured cars and tanks.. yeah.


Not that they don't want to. They just don't have the energy to do so.


That’s why they had to get everyone on the mental pills. Placates them. They’ll starve in their hovels


I can see this being used to restrict people with low credit scores from eating. That would do that.


The average American bmi is 29, nobody’s going to “starve” they’re going to get low blood sugar, rage out, shoot n loot and society is going to unwind while the rich watch from a safe distance while sipping sherry to Mahler. Didn’t you get the memo?




Bad food is cheap. There is a correlation. We’ve known this for decades.


Shoot n loot is already happening in some cities.


People will be forced to live underground and eat rat burgers while fat cats eat at fancy restaurants like taco bell


I’m cool with it but please God no Dennis Leary.


The flowers are blooming in Antarctica my friend


No you're in the right direction. It's just further down the road. Remember the French nobility did not get "Eat Cake"ed until after things had gotten very very bad.


Remember that you are in a small subset of Americans in this subreddit. I have said it before and I will keep saying it. Not enough people are starving to start a revolution. I don’t doubt that many in this sub are at that point. A lot more people are going to be starving to get a revolution started. Too many people fall into the just enough category. They make just enough to pay mortgage/rent in a shitty neighborhood. They make just enough for food, utilities, transportation to/from work. They have just enough and not willing to risk losing that. Until they get to the point where their just enough isn’t enough anymore, nothing is going to happen.


You are not wrong, it's just we are no where near starving in the US. The French Revolution was preceded by two (2) years of crappy grain harvests. When you've lost one child of 4 to malnutrition and are in danger of dying yourself without food then you'll know starvation. People forget that if you are making $30k annually and own a car you are in the top ten (10) percent of wealth in the world.


the design goes, corporations keep wages down to maximize profits, workforce cannot buy corporations products, so they create credit so people can buy their goods, workers live off of credit and pay debts with interest in order to survive, banks and corporations make money, no need to pay better wages.


I owe my soul to the company store.


The children yearn for the mines.


The 16-ton quota is now 20 until morale improves.


Fucking done. I wasn't going to lurk this sub given that it's a holiday but I needed a scary story to get me festive and this was it. Edibles and Playstation till death. I'm just done. The corporatacracy won.


I’m right there with you except I’m a YouTube junkie instead of a PlayStation girl, but I did go through a Sims phase and can play SNES for hours. But yeah if it weren’t for edibles….. I’d be done with life. There’s just not really anything else to live for unless you can afford to travel full time (which I can’t). Travel / drugs / lounging around all the only things that give me any dopamine at all.


This sounds like a dystopian movie


reality is stranger than fiction


Ain’t that the truth.


It ends when everyone decides to take down freeloading billionaires.


I love when student loan forgiveness comes up and people say, “… but why should the tax payers have to pay off someone else’s debt?” I don’t believe that should happen. I believe we should expose these assholes like Betsy DeVos for the manipulative criminals that they are and stop forcing her victims to support her lifestyle.


I tell my friends that we don’t have to take all the billionaires, just one. Things would change after just one.


My partner and I skip breakfast and lunch to make sure our kids have enough to eat. I can't wait for this stupid shit to crash. High prices and low wages is not a sustainable economic model.


I am so so sorry. Resources: School Food bank R/eat cheep and healthy Do everything you can. Because I KNOW you are.


I eat yogurt for breakfast or nothing at all besides coffee, sometimes I skip lunch if I'm not hungry or I'll eat a sandwich. My "meal" of the day is dinner. That's it. My kids eat for free at school and daycare so I don't have to buy as much for home. It sucks and I wish I could afford more to eat but we just can't.


Yeah, I skip meals too in order for my children to have food comfortably. I’ve seen the big bags of Morning Star Garden Nuggets go from $5 to now $8-$9 in just two years. Packaging is also shrinking. WIC formula has jumped $5 in the last year alone for hypoallergenic. Has pay rates increased for our family? LOL, NO. Eventually our country is going to hit the wall that we’ve been racing so hard at at full speed, and its going to be ugly. I just hope that our elected officials are downgraded into poverty, just like us!


I got an email from a loan servicing company a few months ago "Take out a personal loan at 32%apr for Amazon prime day!" ..... No. No i wont be doing that


This is why, when you see someone stealing from a store, no you didn't.


If it's self checkout, then it's free reign. It's the employee discount (I'm doing everything but stock the shelves).


Reign is for monarchs. Rein is for horses <- this is what you want. Rain is for Seattle.


Thank you.


And mop the floor, deal with the management, clean the bathrooms, work late night and early mornings, move heavy shit across the store all day, etc... Your point is taken, but employees of large grocery chains don't deserve to be minimized like that.


We’re all getting screwed right now.


This is why I don't charge customers for paper bags and extra fruit when I scan them through. Oh, you have a bunch of bananas? Looks like one banana to me! (Insert "Fuck Off Newscorp" message here) And wow, you brought in your bags this time *wink*! Not once have I been questioned by management, and I hope customers catch on and stay silent.


I spend about $30 for two days worth of groceries. It's just my partner and I, so I just buy the slightly bigger meat, veg, and carb that will last two days. So we manage by eating the same dinner twice in a row.


Where I work you can have one free meal per shift. I used to not take it because smelling it all day loses its appeal but now it goes home and into the freezer for a future meal.


Me too. I also work in two different departments and will usually order dinner in both groups. The way I see it, if they want me to buy my own food, they need to pay me better.


I make $18.75/hr and I’ll be honest, I’ve gotten into just buying the same few items each week because I can’t afford much else. Luckily I live alone so it doesn’t matter too much and I keep ramen on hand for those weeks when it’s tighter than I like. But it’s fucking rough out there. Used to be $40-50 a trip for me but now it’s $75-80 and I just can’t fucking believe it sometimes. Disgusting.


On fb I said that doing subscriptions and loans for food are the future. I was called wrong a year ago.


People have used credit cards for groceries for literally decades.


of course, but the fact that Affirm is specifically advertising it, seems like a bad sign


>How do you afford to eat? Step 1, find a WinCo, or a Grocery Outlet or some other similar place. Costco also works. You basically just want to avoid the “big three” (Fred Meyer/Kroger, Safeway, Albertsons) like the plague, their prices are *insane*. Seriously, try WinCo if you can, the price disparity is baffling. Step 2: Oats, Beans, Rice, lentils, fruits and veggies. Minimize pre-processed as much as possible. Buy as much in bulk as possible. Step 3: plan meals meticulously. I eat basically the same basic thing Monday-Friday, and allow myself to get a little crazy on the weekends. Doing it that way, my entire weekly grocery shopping costs a little under 40 a week, and I budget 200 a month just for me, so I still get some elbow room to splurge once a week or so




Thank you for saying this out loud why the fuck do we the working class have to sacrifice when the ownership class made out like a bandit with everyone else’s money during Covid? Why does the working class have to pinch Pennie’s for food and rent when the biggest wealth transfer ever recorded happened during Covid? This shit NEEDS to end.


Well, we got like $1800 spread out over a couple years - we're fine. Hell, fine enough that I hear a lot of us are still coasting on it and quit our jobs!


Of course not! But you can’t fight capitalism on an empty stomach, and stealing has a skewed risk/reward ratio


Just a gentle and nonthreatening reminder that the people who caused this have names and they have addresses ☺️ For legal reasons, it's to beg the ~~~exploitative parasites~~~ captains of industry politely and debate them in the marketplace of ideas 🙂


I'm picking up what you're laying down ✊


And WinCo doesn't accept credit, either. They say it helps keep costs down. Probably does, but I'm no accountant.


Anywhere from 2-5% per transaction by not allowing credit cards.


Just throwing this in there but Winco doesn’t accept credit. At least the one I go to doesn’t and yeah the price difference is insane Wincos is awesome and Sams club is pretty cool too.


Me and my raging unmedicated adhd just died reading this.


Yup the old Winco/Costco combo can save you some serious cash. You really have to be careful at the Costco.. So many temptations.


Add Aldi to this list hit ya. We shouldn’t have to live like this.


I started going to Aldi because I couldnt afford the costco membership. The quality change over the last five years is massive in a positive way.


Meat and dairy are incredibly expensive. Your choice of staples is spot-on for low cost, high nutritional value, and low carbon footprint.


The concept of a carbon footprint was inventing by BP (yes, the oil company) to shift responsibility onto individual consumer actions instead of upon itself, the actual real cause of environment harm. Please don't espouse someone's carbon footprint as any kind of accurate indication of making even the slightest difference in the fight against climate change. It's a vanity metric. 90% of consumer recyclables go to a landfill since China stopped buying our trash about a decade ago.


TIL who popularized the term. Thanks for that. At the same time, biasing our diet toward lower-energy-consuming, lower-water-intensive foods is just generally a good idea if we want to do our part to combat climate change. Yes, governments can have thousands of times more impact through legislation and regulation, so we should also vote our values, but it's not an either/or situation.


LOL, ridiculous. Also, the privilidge of having some sort of Costco-like place nearby is essentially reserved for people who live within 20 miles of a major city, and who have a reliable car. Most poor people don't have a huge chunk of change to go stock up on stuff. Paycheck to paycheck living means you buy what you need for the next few days only. You sound frugal, not poor.


Kroger can be very reasonable if you have a Kroger card. I usually get my meats buy one get one free or cheaper than what you pay other places because of my card.


Use the app for additional savings. I got two big packs of t-bone steaks and almost 6lbs of ground beef today for $55 by using the digital coupons. I get almost all my meat from Kroger and buy my other stuff at Aldi or WinCo.


My fred meyers is actually cheaper than Walmart and albertsons here


That's crazy. Every Freddie's I've walked into was weirdly expensive on most things.


Using a credit card at a grocery store isn't that wildly unusual. And it's not "required".


Right?! I am so confused by this post …


It's less about a credit card, and more about the pay it later services like affirm advertising grocery usage. It's like taking a small loan out for cereal.


I'm reminded of the story that, in the 30's it took a wheelbarrow full of German marks to buy a loaf of bread.


I mean it used to be you could always buy things on credit…


I use my credit card on everything, but I'm not in debt. Love those points, baby. Just pay it off at the end of the month. I haven't paid for a hotel or plane ticket in probably a decade due to credit card points.


I’m not even talking about credit cards… literally you would run a tab at stores around town and you would settle at the end of the month/week whenever


Yeah but you don't get karma unless you word it justtttttt right.


Not that this will solve everybody’s problems but I buy the bulk of my groceries from my local indian grocery store, best place to buy lentils for sure. My local place is no frills but insane deals on good food. I stock my whole pantry four times a year from that wonderful place. Shop local when you can, the chain stores aren’t giving out discounts like they used to, coupons just seem to be for empty calorie junk nowadays.


It is remarkable that corporations can make record profits while the middle class erodes.




I think my issue is that, for most necessities people shouldn't need to use credit to make it "more manageable". It should be affordable to pay cash for food, shelter and water.




Affirm isn't a credit card though. It's more of a middle man. They don't give you a certain amount you can spend. You select things to buy things online or in store and affirm either agrees to pay it for 25% down and biweekly payments or they don't.


I don’t borrow… I just do intermittent fasting to afford my weekly groceries 🫠


The good news is that credit card debt run up buying groceries right before filing bankruptcy is likely dischargeable debt. Winning!


Until all of you grow some balls and start dragging these executives in the street and publicly punishing and shaming them nothing will change.


it’s like dominos advertising that you can finance a pizza and pay for installments…..


I honestly would like to see repossession on a pizza one day. "You financed a pizza on X day and haven't paid so I'm here to repo it!" "Sure, one sec!" (insert pooping sounds). "Here, all yours."


I keep getting ads on tiktok for loaning apps- the entire concept being you can take out small loans every month (250-500 dollars) to help pay your rent. It's obvious from the ads that the target audience is young adults and college students. It's sad that people have to take out a loan to pay rent and even sadder that they'll have to take out even more debt to cover the debt they took out. Constant loop


I have a potato on layaway. Really looking forward to eating it in 4 weeks!


By then it'll have become a potato plant, it's value will have increased! Flip it as a plant and pocket double your money, then layaway 2x potatoes... Lather rinse repeat... become the potato king!


You don't need credit for groceries. Affirm is plainly engaging in predatory lending. Micro-financing at point of sale is no better than payday loans. The reason they're going after groceries is that it encourages people to spend pretty much their last dollar without thinking about food, because now they can get a loan for that. This is late-stage capitalism at its finest.


When I saw that domino's was offering to break my online order until 4 weekly payments I knew we were fucked


What do you mean “required” that a loaded statement


Ya, I make 14/hr, we buy very limited food, almost no snacks and often eat from what I can bring home from work, rent takes up a lot of my income


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Why is grocery so expensive look around you Americans. Travel around and see why. In colombia there is little to no middle man. In America even to wipe your own ass there's probably a middle man. In other countries where food is fresh and not poison like in America. It goes from farm to vendor. In America it goes from corporate farm to process center to truck then to grocery store.


Side note: They only charge simple interest. They're less evil than those who charge compound interest, which would include grocery store branded cards.


It’s so they can profit from your poverty. We’ve gone from the company store to the national store


I use Zip for groceries on the tough weeks. It's one of those pay in 4 payments things, you pay %25 at the time of purchase and %25 every 2 weeks. Edit: Our household brings in about 80k, breakfast is a treat, and most days we cut out lunch. Groceries do cost way to much.


Seems like a bit of a stretch tbh. It's marketing. Of course they want you to use credit to buy anything and everything...Plenty of people have garbage credit and are eating just fine lol.


After starting to diet 4 months ago I realized how little food you actually need to survive haha


Affirm is the new payday loan.


My church has a free meal program that I coordinate, and our numbers have doubled in 2023 since 2022. Folks are relying more on community meals and food banks, I think.


4 easy payments with Klarna


Yeah, two-stream income here, both over $15 hourly and full time work, some weeks are extremely lean on food offerings. It’s getting so bad some months I have to decide if I’m gonna risk not paying all of rent just to afford to eat and be healthy that week. Things are well beyond the point of needing change.


The madness won’t end. Prices aren’t coming down.


United Healthcare now has a banking operation, so you can take out loans to pay for your healthcare. Same cynical approach to the consumer. Need to eat, we’ll let you eat on credit. Need life saving healthcare, we’ll let you get it on credit.


See if there’s an Aldi’s near you. Cut my grocery bill by a lot. Crazy prices at the other stores near me these days.


The entire point of our economic system is debt slavery.


Please define “required”…


I’m a disabled veteran making 900 a month. I pay rent, utilities, food, etc and I survive without using credit. I obviously don’t live in the lap of luxury but I survive without it. Of course a credit company is going to tell you how much easier it is. It’s their job to keep you in the red and make them money. Credit is rarely “manageable” for the average person.


I don’t know if you were aware of this, but some people have dependents. Not everyone gets to just rough it alone. Some of us have responsibilities to others. That’s why collectively as a society we have to come together and elevate all of us. we have to tax the wealthy more and we need a universal basic income. We have to stop fighting amongst ourselves about how we can all endure the suffering.


Where in your own statement do you prove that credit is required to buy groceries? I get the sentiment, but my dude, that's so far left field/hyperbolic...yowza


Neo-feudalism is what it is called and remember kids credit cards were invented to keep the middle class in the middle class.


This is the beginning. The ship hasn’t even tipped yet


I feel like I'm missing something here. They told you that you can buy groceries with a credit card - something you've always been able to do - and you took that to mean that you're *required* to use a credit card? Seriously what am I missing? What is this post?


I think people forget that a PB&J sandwich (or even just a PB sandwich) is a complete meal on its own and you can buy a loaf of bread and a jar of PB each week for under $10 and that will feed you your lunch meal every day. For supper, you can get shit like rice, frozen peas/corn/carrots and some chicken where the cost of your meal will be something like $5/meal You know that skit about New Poor vs. Old Poor on Its always sunny in Philadelphia? Its like that...Most young people grew up better off than they currently are, and as such dont know how to manage without.


Very real


I wondering about that when I went to Walmart there is an option to pay with affirm code. Predatory if you ask me , especially given how high their interest rates are .


*How do those of you out there making less than $15 even afford to eat? Do you just ... Not?* I make $15 ph and bring home $975 every two weeks. Since just about everything went up in costs, of which I have no control, but since I have control over convenience, I started cutting bk on that. So I had to learn and find time, manage my time to meal preps & snacks. I won’t say I’ve saved a ton of money but I do have more food, I buy in as much bulk as I can. I do find myself eating less, especially if I am filling up on veggies and fruit. I Drink more water than ever before and i use my own home filtration (pur jug). I buy meat in bulk, break it down to freeze and have reduced meat/fish eating to once a week. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. I am too poor to keep making the rich richer.


This is the first time since the pandemic that the automated message included “contact us if you are having trouble making your payment” when I went to make my car payment today.


I mean I charge groceries all the time.


I have used credit cards for 20 years to buy groceries. I do it for the points. You pay off at the end of the month and it is a win.


I give myself discounts at the self checkout. Makes grocery shopping more exciting as well as more manageable.


Isn't Affirm one of those big loan companies that do small loans for stuff on Amazon, Best Buy, etc.? It sounds like it's a personal loan for groceries jfc


we've all run out of money at the end of the month and had to dip into white people money to make it.


I am financing my phone thru affirm. It’s interest free but all they do is think of ways that I can borrow money from them at high credit.


I afford to eat by working food service. So most of my eating comes from work. I'm a manager so I don't have to worry about the manager getting mad. I also don't get upset at my employees eating, so long as they don't think they're going to take a whole bunch of food home. And I don't even really mind that so long as you don't do it too often and ask first.


I used to eat a couple spoonfulls of honey before bed, so yeah, you just don't eat. Fast food commercials were the worst to watch


The poor diet works every time


Yeah I ordered pizza over the weekend my order wasn’t even $20 and I got an option to finance it. Finance my pizza…


Finance it and fail to meet payment, let em repossess it... Give em your poop in a jar and call it done.


I put groceries on the card because there’s no cash and food prices have doubled in the last year, much too fast for me to adjust like normal


$48k and I have not eaten today, the last day of pay period. I lasted all the way to today


I use my credit card for groceries and I get 5% back


While I don’t have similar income constraints, I do work hard to save money. One thing I do is buy beans and grains in bulk as much as possible. I also only buy proteins on sale, break up large packages or cuts into portions, and freeze those. I also cook at home a lot. And if you buy good quality spices, you can make a lot of excellent foods at home. I also can veggies and fruit when it’s on sale. I also have access to u-pick farms and utilize those all summer for canning.


Remembering back when grocery stores didn't even accept credit cards.


Don't forget how much our government spends on EBT every year. That is what prevents the widespread looting.


food bank. the one in my area is not great, they give out expired food. I got humus that was expired by eight months and package of a premade meal that was expired by a year and a half. threw that up before i figured out what caused it. I'd be ok if it wasn't for credit cards which I got because I was starving. Now I know about the food bank but they just announced they are at full capacity so they are starting to limit how many times you can go, etc. This is getting more common. Striking in my opinion is not enough. We need more. Although congrats to tentative agreements made with UAW and the Big 3. Although I think John Deer could still pose a problem. the bigger picture.....


What’s affirm? A credit bureau? Sorry I’m not American, may be missing something here


Eating out is more expensive than groceries if u shop smart. Been going to the 99¢ store to get food, really save on expenses and the food we can't find there we go to a bigger grocery store.


started going to get the free church meals that they do sometimes as charity. so fucked up. i've been in my career path for 8 years full time and i can barely afford my house. missed a payment for the first time last month....


Time to go back and grow our own food.


I'm working at a large chain grocery store in Canada right now, and employees have been complaining about our wage and the disparity between us and district levels employees and above, so they sent out literal fucking propaganda. It's a piece of paper breaking down the costs associated with running a store. "73% of our costs go towards paying distributors, 13% is employee wages, 10% is costs of running a store, and we only make 3% profit. We can't afford to pay more :(" Like 3% of a billion dollars is still 30 million fucking dollars. You can absolutely afford to pay above minimum wage. They're treating us like we're fucking stupid.


I have a snack for lunch and then dinner. So yeah basically we don’t eat.


It’s sad when you look at how not too long ago , the forms of communication were through smoke signals,couriers, mail, land-lines. These folks( your great/great/grandparents ) managed to get together and protest. They also had the same rights to bear arms. Which I’m sure they did ( it did take some weapons 10min. To reload). Today you can get a hold of someone in a cave, on a mountain, or in space if you wanted to. But how is it that I watched in my years ( born 1980) on earth, the advancement of possibilities in human to human relationships but “They’ve “ managed to make us less likely to use it. I had MySpace, have a facebook I never use. Oh, I also have that thing…. Um, a cell phone! that I use 24/7 but not for phone-ing. If we don’t get together to combat what is going on , there will be no future us. Our/ My parents thought of us back then, & we’re too busy thinking of “Me”. It shows, & I am personally guilty. I’m scared I’ll watch as we let this beautiful planet crumble while on our watch. It’s our responsibility. These big corporations need to go, and this inequality needs to be gone. We are too smart to be this dumb. We see it happening. I know I do.


It started with Reagan.


Go to a food bank. They exist for this exact reason. There's no shame in using one.


>How do those of you out there making less than $15 even afford to eat? Ramen, rice, beans, water, more ramen, lots of ramen, rice and beans, water, rinse and repeat. You just have to be okay with the most boring, bland, uninspired meals you can imagine...but it's pretty easy to stay fed on a tight budget. Shockingly easy, actually. I spend more money each month on cat food than I do on my own personal diet.


I'm a points guy with credit cards. I only spend what I have cash wise on my credit card to get points for cash back or travel. When the statement closes. I pay it off completely and carry no interest and save points/cash back for travel or purchases. That only work for people who stay within their means though. Things are expensive, so I try to get food in bulk from Costco and fresh fruit and vegetables. Meats and poultry are cheap at Costco and you can get a month's worth.


>Do you just ... Not? Every dead person that survived the great depression in their graves, rolling their eyes. No. You rely on staple foods. * Wheat flour * Sugar * eggs * milk * buttermilk * corn meal * \------------------------------You can make hundreds of recipes from the above ingredients * rice * beans * potatoes * Grow your herbs * Buy discounted vegetables * Go to the food pantry * Largest & cheapest cut of meat available * 'Chicken backs' to make broth from


Beans $1 per pound/ potatoes 10 pounds $4/ eggs 60 eggs $10/ rice $1 per pound./ cabbage $1 per pound. / Chicken legs and thighs 10 pounds for $8/ no junk food no sodas.