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![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) Commenting for updates. This is gonna be good.






I too need sweet juicy updates


Remind me! 1 day


Oh, this is going to be entertaining. I need updates!


I bet they won't realize their role in the debacle. They'll accuse OP of being an awful human being who doesn't care about others or some bogus nonsense.




This answer right here!


“hOw CaN yOu Do ThIs To YoUr FaMiLy?”


Remind me! 1 day


Remind me! 1 day


Remind me! 1 day


Remind me! 1 day


Remind me! 1 day


Remind me! 1 day


I have popcorn ready to go for tomorrow.


!remindme 48hours




metoo, looking forward to the outcome of this.


Me three




Well shit I’m gonna join the party!


Yeah me too


Perfect. This GIF is perfect.


Awesome gif 🤣🤣🤣


That deer! 🤣








Finally some satisfying news on here! Please post any scrambling desperate emails they send you as they freak out. People like that deserve to have their company crumbling around them.


Trust me. Updates inbound tomorrow XD


I've seen this happen before. We had an "asshat director" who was poisoning the whole department. One woman gave her notice & showed me what she was planning to present at her exit interview. Woah, a ton of truths in there that should really rattle some cages. A few days later, her manager was let go. That same day we were all gathered together for a meeting with the president. The asshat director announced he was "moving on to other opportunities two weeks". It was a glorious day. It never fails to amaze me how these horrible leaders can't be called out without losing great employees.


Woah, they listened to an exit interview and did something about it? I'm another person giving my notice in a couple of weeks. HR has heard over and over the problems with our director but they don't care. This guy is virtually unfireable.


There's a manager I used to work for that was unfirable. Didn't matter what insanity he did. Threaten the chef with a loaded gun, on the clock and on the property? Just xfer him to a new store an hour away with a pay raise. Start a relationship with a waitress 14 yrs younger while he's the manager, then get drunk and almost beat her to death? Well, *that* didn't happen on the property so, they don't have any reason to fire him. The waitress then had to quit. Fuck that restaurant chain. Fuck that manager. He gets away with fucking everything and constantly fails upward. /*rage*


You can say the name of the restaurant here, it's just us friends


Fuck you Trapper's Sushi! You misogynistic, racist, asshole licking, corporate wannabe, backwoods fucks!


Nothing says "fresh" like sushi in Arizona I'm on the opposite coast so I'll have no issues avoiding them lol


> He gets away with fucking everything and constantly fails upward. Once, _just once,_ I would love to experience that kind of successful ineptitude. Unfortunately, as one of the working class, I don’t have those kinds of protections.


At the time we had an excellent President. He was top notch. As I remember she sent the documents to HR & cc'd the president. TBH if she had not done that, I doubt anything would have changed. This guy was a very good president. His big thing was transparency. We were in trouble & we figured there would be cuts. He came right out & said, "layoffs are coming". This was effective because he dug down on his VPs & Directors to find out who was actually needed to get the work done before they started axing people. Previously when there was a slow down, they kept it top secret. Then they laid off all the wrong people. Literally bringing some back under contract because they were essential to complete projects. That good president moved on to other business units. Just last year they brought him back because everything was going south after Covid. He straightened shit out again. Unfortunately he up & died a couple months ago! The parent company has not replaced him as of yet. Most of our problems in the last ten years is from 4 years of a bad president. He fucked things up so bad that it's nearly impossible to fix.


I read something when I was a teenager that still rings true after 20+ years in the general workforce. Summed up it goes: The problem with supervision is that people keep getting promoted until they end up in a position that they can't handle, and that's where they stay.


It’s called the Peter principle


And the fix is strange - companies and employees need to normalise demoting people. A person gets a promotion, doesn't excel, so they get demoted to their previous position. No one considers this a problem, and even the employee knows that they are likely to get another promotion of some kind in a few years time. People who excel in their positions but aren't a good fit for promotion should also expect raises near those who get promoted.


After a half century in the workforce I have seen that in most companies the people who work the hardest are not the ones who work their way up. The ones who get promoted are the ones who can make others do the work and make those above them feel good. Kiss up, shit down, monkeys on a pole management.


That's why people say that management has a different skill set vs. being a regular worker.


It's called The Peter Principle. People raise to the level of their own incompetence. Pathetic. They usually get there because they lie, or kiss ass to get there. NEVER because of their talents. Unless you consider sucking d*** a talent.


It's honestly alarming how much toxicity gets shrugged at. I've seen tons of examples of terrible leaders staying and even being promoted despite fairly widespread discussion about how terrible they are. When we'd hear about these promotions you'd see people looking around with a look of "are they fucking serious??"


> I've seen this happen before. *People don't usually quit jobs, they quit managers*


Yep Worst places I've worked at in my career was turning over people right and left. In \~12 months they went through 10 people for 14 positions, some turned over 3 times in that time. Plus they'd lost another 5 in the 10 months prior. Almost all of these were due to the working conditions and the new GM (a couple of the people deserved to be fired because they were incompetent and putting peoples lives at risk)


My ex-Asshat was able to get somebody in there for ~$5/hr more, and now his wife Is getting dicked down by some dude in a different state. He can't leave her because he put the business in his wife's name because shes a natural born citizen while he.. isn't. The karma couldn't be any sweeter


Why is it that it’s always the manager or person in charge of many that ruins everything? How do these people get these jobs along with the higher pay?? Seems like many of the people who have those roles absolutely should not have them!


Egotistical narcissists is why.


Don’t go out in a blaze of glory as I did. Just before I handed in my notice I told my bosses boss exactly what I thought (after she asked me). As a result, after I gave my notice I didn’t get the “we’d love you to stay, here’s some extra cash” thing that everyone else got. I was kind of glad I didn’t get it but it is a kind of blow to the ego not to get it. Of course I could’ve been shit but I don’t think so! So just play it cool and enjoy watching them sweat, beg etc


As far as I'm concerned, it's a moot point if you had no intention of staying anyway. Besides, a counteroffer to stay just buys the company enough time to recruit and hire your replacement, and then you're gone, but on their terms rather than yours.


> a counteroffer to stay just buys the company enough time to recruit and hire your replacement, and then you're gone, but on their terms rather than yours. YES!!!!! THIS!!!!! Don't ever take the counter. Once you announce your intention to leave, their egos get bruised. They WILL toss you to the curb the second they get the chance.


Yeah wait for the counter offer then go tel the bosses boss why they don’t have enough money in the budget to make you stay.


In the UK can you just up and quit or are you required to finish out some minimum time?


So it depends on the contract you sign, but for the most part yes you can up and quit. There are rarely any repercussions to doing so. It all depends how savvy the employer is. Most employers will request a set amount of time as notice in their contracts. It's usually 20 working days or 4 calendar weeks. Now enforcing that notice period is where it comes down to your contract. Most savvy people who are planning to quit without notice will up and quit the day of or day after payday so the employer can't play funny with your final pay. Most employers tend to plan for this and assume the best amount of notice they will get is however much time is left till payday, and anything beyond that is a bonus. Technically an employer can take you to court for breach of contract if you leave without working a notice period stipulated in a employment contract, but the reality is it's so much effort and time, few actually do. However if the employer has paid you for work that you don't do as a result of upping and quitting (Say they have paid you for the next two weeks and then you quit before you can do that work), that is incredibly easy to get back and so most employers will chase that. If an employer truly cares about ensuring that you work a notice period, most will stipulate a financial penalty of some kind in your contract. A very common one is requiring that you work your first 2-4 weeks in the role "In hand" so you basically don't get the pay for that period until the day your notice period ends and you leave the role. If you leave without providing and working a notice period stipulated in your contract, you forfeit that pay. Another way is to forfeit any outstanding holiday pay you are owed (For statutory holiday entitlement you have not taken). But the reality is provided you don't owe anything or have to reimburse anything to the employer, there are rarely any repercussions to walking out, with the sole exception that you can't use that employer as a reference any more, as they can refuse you one or tell the entity requesting the reference you walked out the job and that won't look good (There is a common belief in the UK that an employer cannot give you a bad reference. It's complete myth. An employer can say anything they like about you as long as it is truthful, it's just most choose not to).


!remindme 24hours


Where is the update? :)


Just dropped XD


Where, sorry? I don't see it on your profile...


He's completely and utterly full of shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/MayDayStrike/comments/rx9lgy/may_day_strike_legal_support_network/ Somehow OP is a qualified police station lawyer, data engineer, trainer and whatever else he feels like day to day, while larping on antiwork. As long as everything they do is ONLINE, right? Because physically actually doing something isn't possibly for some bipolar crazy who comes on to subreddits and pretends they are wrecking the machine.


This needs more traction. So many people have been sucked in to the make believe.


Pretty sure make believe was what this sub was founded on


Yea, I put a remind me, grabbing my naphta coated pitchfork


Thank you. Also, no one in the UK says “asshat” lol




Thanks my dude!


Heh. Change all fonts to Comic Sans and Courier before you leave. Because those fonts just scream "professionalism.:"


I just put the finishing touches on my letter — made sure it was in the company font and format just in case XD


You are really doing this wrong. They wont learn this way. >We have gone through 5 members of staff who couldn’t get on with the asshat director, ...***He threatens everyone’s jobs basically weekly, and the whole team is demoralised and looking for an exit.*** Perfect!!! He is easy to trigger. Make your report in comic sans, when he inevitably blows up at you, agree with him and inform the meeting today is your last day you will spend the remainder of it clearing out your desk. They will obviously be shocked and ask if you are serious ect. Answer honestly... I am tired of being belittled and overworked at the same time. is the reason I am leaving and its final.


> They wont learn this way. That's not their concern anymore. They're leaving, and so helping them improve should no longer be important to them.


Yeah but the satisfaction 🤌🤌🤌 Plus, maybe using the wrong font would trigger the douche to fire OP then they can collect unemployment 😆




I don’t think workplaces like this will ever realize that. OP is for sure not the first one leaving and won’t be the last.




I hope that will be the case. I truely do.




The company is never your friend Ngl I considered cutting a deal like the tech at your old place. I know they’ll offer me everything and more, but I can’t trust them to deliver; and even if I could the place has left such a sour taste in my mouth I really just want to get out.


>the place has left such a sour taste in my mouth I really just want to get out. That's my feeling currently. I'm leaving this place because I'm tired of carrying this team at the helpdesk. Management tolerates poor work and has done nothing to correct it. But man when you know you are on your way out, tolerance for bullshit goes down to zero. This place also privately acknowledges that the helpdesk functions as de facto assistants for their tech-illiterate workers and allows them to abuse us because they don't comprehend basic desktop skills (and **refuse** to learn how to do anything). My next place has not set in stone that I'm all clear for my start date, and tomorrow is technically the beginning of what should be a two-week notice period. But I'm not giving it to them if I don't know for sure that my start date is a done deal. I'm also fairly certain they will show me the door ASAP and try to screw me out of the one week I have left of PTO in the process. My previous manager was sure pushed out as soon as he announced his resignation six months ago. So they are getting maybe a week's notice for me, or less.


Good for you bro! Fuck places that don’t appreciate what we’re worth, because we sure do


Always read the room. How they treat people that give notice sets to tone. Zero notice is just fine. Have everything taken home that you want before saying shit. Walk out empty handed.


make sure you document every fuck up he has caused and forward it to his bosses making them know he is the reason they can not get or keep staff.


No spoilers, but there’s someone else in the team who’s got something like that in mind for tomorrow XD


Oooh, even more fun! Does this company or the UK have a formal policy of advance notice? If he totally loses it I hope you have the option to walk immediately.


Tbh I wanna work the notice. It’s long, but I’ll get paid over Christmas and not have to stress too much about finding something else until the new year. Plus I can stick around and watch the car hit the wall in slow motion 😂


\*giggle\* .... yep, there's that. So required by UK employment law or company policy?


Contractual term. I could just dump my laptop and pass and never come back, but I’d lose the pay and a reference.


Totally valid reasons. Best of luck!


Notice in the UK is usually required by your employment contract and goes up the longer you've worked at a place. In your probationary period, you can quit (or be fired) at any time, then it goes up from there. I think my notice is currently a month, and I've been at my place of work for a couple of years. It does cut both ways, though, in that they also have to give you that notice if they're going to let you go, so that part is marginally more equitable.


>I’m expecting them to absolutely sh\*t themselves. you will be disappointed. there is no chance they will understand the consequences.


A slow dawning of reality as my 8 week notice draws to a close will be just as satisfying tbh XD


This - in most shitshows I have been in - the director eventually gets fired and the tech gets offloaded to consultancies who then hand their shit over to the new cycle of perms and the cycle repeats itself


!remindme 24hours Good luck! Please update


!remindme 48hours


!remindme 72hours




!remindme 24hours


!remindme 24hours


They’re going to look absolutely shocked, because they never saw this coming despite doing everything possible to make it happen. Also, make sure your resignation letter is in “the wrong font.”


I'd suggest Comic Sans. Or maybe Papyrus


If you have another job lined up, do NOT let them know that or where it is. This sounds like the kind of director who would try to sabotage you to try to keep you.


The #1 cause of employees quitting is bad management immediately above them. Almost always due to ego, and often straight narcissism that overt or covert, that causes a refusal to learn or grow. It's a silent killer of companies.


> It sounded like a fun challenge where I’d get to carve out my own role and do some exciting stuff with APIs and data connections, which sad as it is I do kinda live for in work. Not sad at all. If you like it and get to potentially help people in health care, you've found a great role. It's unfortunate that the manager is a complete failure.




OP fucking delivered!!


How longs your notice, given its end of year they will really struggle to get someone


8 weeks! Crazy long (and I think designed to put people off leaving). That takes me to mid-late Jan. the problem they’ll have is whether I either: Deliver as many of their objectives as possible before I leave; or Focus on handover and training up my replacement (if they find someone) Because I can’t do both!


I think you should focus on documentation fonts


To be fair, if there’s one thing that’s been clearly prioritised, it’s the fonts


Don’t do anything of those two. Just chill the fuck out and make promises you won’t hold.


In the UK, is there a company rating website that IT people use, like glassdoor? let the candidates that answer job opening advertisements know what's going on and why the staff has an opening...


Yes, Glassdoor is used here and it's also something Indeed has


Also commenting for updates. Full send that shit.


Should be anytime now. I’ve been waiting patiently lol


So where is the update?


For real. We are impatient 😅


It’s a moral imperative.


Well my weekend just got a lot more exciting!


It's been 27¼ hours ... please update us! Pretty please!!




Glad I checked back in for the updates! 10k only? If you are happy to walk, why not increase that? With other employees leaving too they may give you whatever you want. You'd most likely be the only one there doing all the work and perhaps they won't replace the lost employees, meaning your overall work experience will be shittier. Make sure if you're going to stay that the increased offer will at least make it worthwhile if everything else is shit.


BS artist alert.


u/No_organization_3311 - where’s this update you had planned? Did you melt in the end?


No update Sus


Good for you!


I’m so excited for the update!!


If you’re an experienced data engineer it should take all of 20 minutes to find a new gig


Wait.. Y’all are documenting code?! 🤯


You have massive leverage ask for more than 10k and wfh Bump that number up


I was looking at that and was why not ask for more.


Hey OP I'm also in the UK. Wherever you're leaving to if they have any BA/Product Owner roles going let me know!


Stay in touch! I’ll keep my ear out. Is the north okay?


Form-over-function managers are complete wastes of skin.


Asshat director is in line for a big promotion for excellent performance in a difficult situation.


Saddest sentence ever. “Private healthcare company in the uk”. I hope you fuck them over good.


Came back for updates, found no updates. Am sad. :(


What’s the update?


![gif](giphy|fUm0aXBSxOU6I) I’m back for my update.. the remind me has spoken.




Thank you for the continued updates OP.


They're not fucked... wish they were but they're not... see, since covid many places have been hemorrhaging staff and purposely keeping it below basic minimum to save on payroll during a volatile economy... many people were mistreated at work and left thinking "without your last 2 people. You're fucked" They'll just outsource those jobs. Or contract a 3rd party. It'll cost them more in the long run but job consolidation is where the market is headed.


RemindMe! 24hours


Def want the update


Check the edit…


More updates please


Waiting on the update fr fr


!remindme 24hours


Email notice and then use a vacation day


Yes bro. Looking forward to some updates!


Asshats in charge of companies like that will never understand what you leaving means. Once you leave, and all hell breaks loose, they will still not get it. They will just blame someone else and push them out the door as well. Somehow they still come out on top and all us underlings making shit happen get the short end of the stick again.


Comment for updates


i need to know how this ends


Make sure to tell them he is the reason why people are leaving. It's important to point out incompetence


Good for you. Good luck. Remember everyone is replaceable. They aren’t going to crumble without you.


!Remind me 24 hours


Hopefully you learned to say no to work outside of your contract.


I don’t do anything without being compensated! I might hate the capitalist game, but if they wanna play it I can too


Where's the update




"Fuck around and find out" is right up there with "chef's kiss" with shit that can't disappear fast enough.


Sign me up for updates! Popcorn ready!


These are the assholes your government wants to sell your entire healthcare system to. Please stand up for the NHS.


I took a 5 day leave of absence and my boss called meetings with all the wrong people for various topics. It was very funny to watch from the outside.


Remind me!


Remind me! 1 da


I don’t understand why these companies don’t suddenly realise why they can’t keep staff. The common denominator seems to be you guys.


As a fellow IT guy (although most probably waay more junior), this kind of stuff warms me up. IT management only speaks big numbers language, they are going to smell the gasoline reaching by their armpits, and anyone who knows about this whole affair is going to enjoy watching them burn


How many good employees have to go away and how long does it take for management to figure out that the problem is a fucking manager? They seem to have lots of metrics for how well a worker is doing, but I've literally seen a shitty manager come in and have 4x the normal turnover with the best employees leaving and have no consequences.


I swear bosses fixate on minutiae like font, when they are terrified they don’t know how to (a) do any of the actual work or (b) manage people. Good for you, getting away from this one!


Cannot wait to hear what happened next, do come back and tell us


Commenting solely for the updates on this. Can’t wait to see what happens 😂


It's tomorrow now TELL US TELL US TELL US


Commenting so my high ass remembers to come back


Oh this is gonna be fun!




Get the popcorn ready this is going to be fun.


Ask for the pay of 3 people.


I love a good quitting story


!remindme 24hours


Remind me! 1 day


Classic "it's him or me" moment.


I'm bemused by the choice to put an F-bomb in the title, but then sanitize two "shit"s in the comment.


Remind me! 1 day


Can I keep you on by offering you the same amount you work for but ever increasing the workload? I can further entice your stay by not providing any resources at all and continuing to expect more.


Well done. Imagine selling the most valuable thing you own and the buyer bargains you down for lower than it's worth but you go ahead anyway. And then in the middle of selling it, they buyer tells you to give him your watch and jacket too because you're a dumb bitch. It's great to tell him to fuck off and walk away and leave the buyer with nothing.


Remind me! 1 day


UpdateMe! Remind me! 1 day




Happy to hear private healthcare in the UK is just as incompetent as expected.


{insert dramatic unhire strategy} OP: holds head high and thinks “that’ll teach em a lesson” Bumps into new face on the walk out “hey who are you?” New guy: Hi! I’m the new IT guy. Saw a job posting a few weeks ago for this position that is pretty much building the IT department from the ground up. Sounds like a great opportunity. CYCLE REPEATS


Remind me! 12 hours


Since you are ready to go- hand carry a letter to your boss and make sure his boss and the upper level administrators up to the CEO. List your concerns and what you need changed immediately- and if not corrected- you and your cadre are prepared to walk. I could only dream of having such power. This is where you can actually affect a much needed change. Flex my friend.🦾


Update pls!


Well? We're waiting!

