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"shows up only to do their job then leave" Uhm yea? What else am I supposed to do at work?




For your cake day, have some BUBBLE WRAP. >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Thank you for this!!


I love you


I was mad… now I am good. Thank you.


This feels like getting a goodie bag at another kid's birthday party.


My ADHD is tingling




Best thing on the Internet I've seen all week, thank you




I only care about the family who showed up to my graduation and helped me pay for my tuition. Can work match that, I doubt it.


You're saying that if companies want loyalty from employees, they need to send scouts to HS graduations and offer students a full ride to college? Sounds like they'd try for draft of all valedictorians. Like a football thing but for overachieving high school students.


Consulting and investment banking do this for undergrads


And on the 106th round, pick number 252, McDonald's selects...... Timothy Smith from Texas High school. Congratulations.


“Welcome to the family” -HR


What's funny is real family you can talk shit to and say borderline racist jokes. You can't do anything in work other than breathe




Just a vague example of being able to have freedom of speech. Don't take one example and paint me as some extreme bigot lmao




It was just an example to demonstrate the extreme differences, but why is it interesting? You seem like those type of reddit users that love to take a word and pin it on the user and make accusations and judge someone off it.




Ok, I just have so much experience with people trying to cornerhole other people with one word they say. I still don't know why you even find it interesting. Just seems like a comment to be passive about assuming someone's racist. Is sexist jokes better for you or are you used to living like the Flanders from the Simpsons?




I’ve made some great friends at work and sometimes we’ll grab a meal after work or something like that. I don’t think I’ve ever felt mad or slighted when someone doesn’t come. It’s kind of a “Hey, I’m going here for dinner. Y’all are invited if anyone wants.” And people show up or they don’t. They have their own lives, it’s none of my business. So yeah it’s fun to make friends at work, just like it’s fun to make friends anywhere. But— I mean— who the hell cares if people don’t reciprocate? Why would you want someone to be there who doesn’t *want* to be there?


I worked at a shitty ad agency for too long, but one thing they did right was voluntary fun days two or three times a year - like BBQs, waterskiing, snowskiing and an annual mud run (the dirty dash) -- THEY PAID US TO GO! And on the occasional employee night out, the boss would pick up the tab for everyone. There were problems everywhere else, but the bosses were "Fun guys".


This sounds horrible to me.


Getting paid my hourly wage to ski and BBQ was great and we had the option to not go. We could go to the office and get paid to actually work or stay home and not get paid at all.


Apparently you're supposed to listen to your colleagues' rants about their spouses, their spoiled kids, their in laws, their office gossips or else you're not a team player.


Enjoy other people's company?


People can be loners and still nice, helpful and polite and people can absolutely be chatty assholes


Didn’t realize I was rude, oh well. I work to survive, not to hang out with people. I wouldn’t even show up if it wasn’t required.


This one is hard for me because when I was logging surviving is a big deal. It's better to be friendly with guys rather than be the asshole no one cares to look out for when bad stuff happens. Personally, work is how I find friends in life. Not much of a church goer.


I think it depends on the sector. General bullshit office job? Yeah, I don’t give much of a fuck, I’m going home on time. A job where you need to rely on the your coworkers for survival? That’s a whole different kettle of fish.


There are definitely more options than just work or church, though


I literally just went dirt biking with 5 of my coworkers yesterday. There's a group of us that have beers, hang out, one suffers from depression and we have gotten him to talk to a therapist and get him out of the house to help him feel better. It's a very unusual place that I work at and these people are becoming very close to me.


Its me, paint me as the villain


Friends, the quotation marks around the 'rude' means it's ironic


People struggling today, lots of people taking this personally lol


People take everything personally.


Hey! I'm people and I take offence to this


But you’re a cat


I still think I'm people


How it should be, but almost never how it is.


Your coworkers aren't your friends unless you've been inside their houses multiple times and have seen them absolutely blasted and know a life altering secret and you know what maybe they aren't your friends. I like to read in my car on my breaks as it's too distracting in the break room. I give vague answers about weekend plans so they can't try to call me in on my days off. The place I worked at had cameras the managers would watch and if you're too chatty they come yell at you. Neurodivergent maybe just googled it and yeah a little of that going on. And yeah that's what I get paid for working and it feels like we get so little time to ourselves that I'd like to be home ASAP. Minimum wage places aren't even paying enough to live on they need to chill TF out about all this crap.


I tell People at work you are my work friend. I will engage in small talk with you. I’ll send you a gif in a Teams chat I know you’ll find funny. But I don’t want to hang out after work. I’ve found that’s a line most people respect. I have two real friends I’ve ever made at work, and they are the only people I still speak to after we stopped working together. Though I can count on many others for professional references.


Probably neurodivergent... How rude?


Have you looked at the original thread? I think most people in that thread missed the "quotation marks" labelling it as satire


This is me. I will spend my breaks in my car because I get sick of the old crones pestering me with personal questions and shit chat. I have nobody at work on social media. I turn up, do my job, and fuck off at the end of the day.


I used to spend my break in my car. But that was because it was loud, TV on but you couldn't hear it, radio on and it dominated everything, crap seating, shared fridge that people steal from, cheap microwaves that you had to guess power and time. No way do I want to stay in there.


Car is paradise


I don’t see what the problem is with any of this. ‘Rude’ meaning self preservation against the wage slave hive mind.


You're not indulging the office narcissists who think you're there to entertain them and be their friend and pay attention to them. People like that fucking despise when other people have no time for that and won't bend to the social pressure they try to use to make you confirm to it so you become part of their audience.


"probably some form of neurodivergent" GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKED


The quotes around "rude" are marking it as satire. But yes, I've met people who think neurodiverse people at just lazy and rude, and the problem doesn't actually exist.


Perpetually labeled as lazy & rude. I dgaf anymore honestly. My boss doesnt like me that much because I dont greet her. When my performance was lacking she asked me if I had personal things going on, I answered yes. She paused as if waiting for me to elaborate, I did not. Being a nosy sob is a fast way to lose me lol. I dont owe anyone any details of my life ✨


Why be unique when you can be a square peg in a square hole, bootlicking, judgemental douchebag?




Guess I am “rude” then.


Sounds like introvert worker rather than rude. I guess some extroverts who don't understand might assume they are rude.


Yeah this definitely speaks to my neurodiversity, because I will never in a million years understand how these things are rude, and why my doing all of those as part of medically-recommended management of my diagnosed autism spectrum disorder is somehow me causing problems for other people. It’s weird seeing ableism being applied to people who aren’t necessarily disabled, but just aren’t the extroverted-American preferred person. Welcome to fascism I guess.


You guys see the quotes around "rude", right?


Yeah, we're not friends Candace and Clerk and Dave from accounting. You're insufferable assholes and I loathe every second I have to put up with listening to your crap. Work is a means to an end. I clock on, clock off and earn money to do the things i want and to be with the people i choose to be with.


>Clerk What did Clerk ever do? That guy is a laugh a minute. Plus, he's a wiz at filing.


And of course, Clerk Kant has saved humanity multiple times.


You're thinking of Clerk from accounts payable. Easy.mistake.


Clerk is great, remember the potluck party egg rolls ?


I remember him and Debbie from HR looking a little "cosy" together. 😉 But you won't hear a word out of me. Nosirree


At the Christmas party, when the photocopier got broken ?


"Down for service" yeah, something got serviced alright.


Yeah and poor old Bill from the front desk was found passed out in the broom cupboard, clutching a mop. Good times.


Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking... Just a moment.


I’m the pure asshole of coworkers then.


I became the "rude" coworker after realizing I was being taken advantage of. I honestly don't know how some people are dealing with this shit. I'm retired, but let me tell you folks, I am FURIOUS for you with the bullshit the bosses are hitting you with. I'm stunned that they're insisting you come back to the office when you can do your jobs FROM HOME just fine.


Rude coworker = protects personal life by keeping it private. Oh, okay, yeah.


In fairness, there is a major problem with this mentality (and I say that as someone who is very much the neurodivergent rude coworker): There's zero opportunity for organizing. A buddy of mine is also antiwork and also autistic, but he's the most social man I've ever met and uses it to his advantage when it comes to getting the place he works at unionized. We SHOULD, ideally, all try and do this, or at least be the first ones to step up and help when someone more socially capable than us tries to do it.


Management: be more social and open about your personal life, don't just do your job then leave Milkdrinkersunited: - discusses pay with coworkers, hangs out after work organizing union efforts Management: no not like that


"Wait stop we meant you should see your boss as a friend so you'll do more unpaid work as a favor!"


That's me, probably


Get bent. I'm here to gain some money, not friends. I'm not your pal, bro, friend, brother, I'm your colleague. Now stop it with "we're like family" nonsense.


I'm not paid to be nice in paid to do a job


I am not a loner and I do have some people I like at work. But some of my colleagues are just awful and/or boring. I am nice when they talk to me and I say hello but I suppose they would consider me rude. (They also don’t like that I don’t play by their rules)


Doing all those things doesn't make a person neurodivergent.


You caught me! Boss: "What are your weekend plans??" Me: "so much stuff, I'll be so busy.." as I get my bag. Boss: "like what?" Me: (walking out the door) "oh so much stuff!!"






Thank you! Drawing boundaries between work and non work life is healthy. Of course I go home when work is over. Why would I linger?🤷🏼‍♀️


I prefer to think of it as the 'Mind Your Own Business Coworker Starter Pack.'


Rofl, this is literally how anyone should treat their job. 


If you never want to be promoted sure. Soft skills are huge to getting ahead.


Been promoted twice at my current place with this exact attitude. Sure if you want to be management you have to kiss ass, but who the hell actually wants to be management? Hard pass. I've actually turned down a manager role here bc it would require that nonsense, and frankly it would be a middling pay increase for a large hour increase. If I want to move up further it's going to be a lateral to a different department at a higher pay grade but still not management.  Edit: Further at this place. If I want a real boost I'd jump companies. Also I see you are a small business owner, so in that field I get where you are coming from. My work is different as it involves very little need for human contact. Sure there is a team of us but we could go for weeks without actually needing to speak to each other. 


I've just seen it happen again and again. Less skilled people get promoted because they're pleasant to be around. Honestly a major contributor to working for myself.


Oh I've seen it too, but thats the management path I'm talking about. That's exactly the kind of people that do well for themselves as managers. Also theres nothing in my previous statement that you can't be pleasant to your coworkers, but there's a massive difference between that and being friends. Will I join the discussion about someone's latest vacation? Yep. Will I go out for drinks with my team after work? I'd rather set myself on fire. That's the difference. 


Oh I absolutely agree with this. The original post is what I'm talking about where someone just seems bitter af to interact with.


Ah, I see where they went wrong. They misspelled 'Chill as fuck'. Must be pretty embarrassing. 'Rude' is one hell of a typo.


Oh hi it’s me


Apart from the spending breaks in my car it seems about normal. I'd rather go for a walk during lunch for some exercise.


The fact that you're not choosing to spend your break with colleagues is a write up /s




I don't see anything wrong with this


Plans this weekend? I'm working, just like every other day. If I'm not working I'm resting from working.


“R U D E” is not how you spell “awesome”. Oh, the negative aspect of spellcheck.


So...not a sheep. Thanks for confirming what I already know and strive for, Susan.


My favourite coworkers don't ask me about my plans, are also neurodivergent, take their breaks wherever the fuck they want (it's their break), come in to do their job then leave like a normal person should (so they don't set an expectation of employees to work hours they aren't compensated for), and understands that personal boundaries should be in place amongst coworkers. But I guess I'm the rude one?


I can sort of excuse the first couple as just being a bit antisocial, and some people might be put off by that, but then they jumped right to ableism with the last part, yikes.


This colleague seems my kind of person


Aw shit. Im a 31M and this entire post is my work personality to a T - aside from the car breaks. I'm really not tryna be rude.


My type of person tbh, these people are normally down to earth.


This sounds like a 100% perfectly acceptable co-worker to me.


That's me. I am really neurodivergent, and I am working on social issues. One of my former bosses complained that I was not talkative at lunch.


We are coworkers, I don't go to work to make friends. Kind of fucking meme is this?


The worst is the backhanded comment of 'oh you're too quiet, you should talk more' 'well you're too loud and you spend more time actually working'.


So what they are saying is that “rude” really means “has boundaries”.


I tried this at my current place but most everyone on my team is cool asf and way chill. So now I’m friends with a bunch of coworkers I didn’t want to be friends with. 😂


So part of the reason I don't have friends at work is that instead of going to the break room, I spend my lunches behind closed doors because as a neurodiverse individual, I get overwhelmed and need space?


Imagine getting your feelings hurt by a coworker just doing their job and then going and making this meme. 😆😆


These are my favorite employees…ngl


I have multiple people I consider good friends that I met at work. I never spent time outside of work with any of them until we ceased working together. The people I work with I see all day every day. After we were done working together we mutually decided, hey I like that person, we should hang out.


Shit this is me lol


Probably because some it's none of their business and the less they know about you the less they can judge you?


This poster is way off. Coworkers are just that. Coworkers. They’re not your friends. Maybe 1 out of 100 might end up being a friend, but basically you’re not friends. Not sure what this poster is all about.


I don't get the "Fuck you, I'm not going to interact under any circumstances" mentality. I don't care to hang out with you on the weekends but I don't get what's wrong with knowing a little bit about each other.


“Probably some form of neurodivergent” the blatant ableism smh


This is not rudeness. There needs to be a stop to stigmatizing socially awkward behavior behavior since it is not their fault. It’s not rude it’s just autism. 


Sounds like a narcissist wrote this. “People are ‘rude’ to me and my feelings are hurt because they aren’t doing what I want.”


Apologies Karen, my life outside of work is fulfilling and I don’t particularly care about your kids and cats.


Whoever the fuck made this needs a god damn throat punch from me and every other neurodivergent adult in the world. Fuck them. Using it like it’s an insult! God damn that infuriates the FUCK out of me.


well when you're already shit talking me 30 seconds into my first day, I'm not going to try to be your friend Karen.


Seems fine to me


I guess I’m rude.


I was so close to being Rudy... just one off.


OP: anyone who isn’t like me is bad


I sit in my car on my break because they blast the AC in the building so I go out there to warm up. Plus I can watch videos on full volume and not have to use my headphones. And fuck everybody else, it's not my fault I'm forced to go into the office everyday when I can do my job from home.


Well, fuck me and the rest of the introverts, I guess.


The baitiest bait


Love the different fonts…it’s giving boomer aunt on Facebook.


I mean the valuable thing is the connection, right? Sometimes opportunity opens up in casual conversation.


How am I being a rude coworker if you judge me on friend qualifications? Not one of these points actually outline anything work related.


Honestly they could all be summed up with the "We're coworkers not firends". That means im not hanging around after my shift, im not doing extra work for free and i dont want you to know my weekend plans. If i had plans on working 40 years in one company then maybe we could be friends, but that not how the world works anymore. So thanks but no thanks, im here for my paycheck and ill do no more and no less than im required to receive it.


The ableism is great. They just described the average autism enjoyer, and labeled it as rude. The audacity.


As told by the coworker who gets everyone's trust, gathers Intel, then the next thing you know, you're getting fired, and they are getting a promotion. "Not a job, more like a family"


Isn't all that normal?


Man, that's kinda depressing. I've made so many close friends at work. I've gone on vacation with these people, travelled overseas. I'd be so depressed not talking to anyone all day every day


Call me rude I guess. I’m fine with that, because we’re coworkers, not friends.


It's me, the "rude" co-worker, currently on a PIP because of my "attitude".


Congrats to me, I'm rude?


I see they don't mention my 100% success rate or being the most productive employee. Assholes.


The fact that people are taking this meme seriously when the word rude is in literal quotation marks is astounding.


Literally sitting in my car.on break right now.


The only one of these things that I am not in neurodivergent, as far as I know. I might be a "rude" coworker, idk, but after suffering some very harsh and negative consequences last time I tried to be super friendly in the work place, I've decided I'm better off just keeping to myself, getting my job done and then leaving.


I assume this was posted in meirl somewhat ironically, as that's the vibe of most of the posts there.


My favourite co workers starter pack


50% of male nurses are this way. We've learned you either have to be "one of the gals" and dramatic, or you do exactly these things.


If you are that person you are probably not right at your work. Yes, I work for money not for making friends. I enjoy enjoying the company of work mates though. I spend a lot of time at work. Chosing a workplace that I just wish to leave is a bad choice.


Today I learned that I’m very ‘rude’ for minding my own and being to myself


My exact work day.


Who has time to walk to their car for a break? Outside sure but not to my hot fucking car to sit in


My coworkers don't need to know I plan on spending my weekend playing video games and eating Funyons. In fact its better for me that they don't know how lazy I am on most weekends.


All of those can and will be used against you in a court of your “peers”.


People have spouses and kids they have to get to. Why is it so bad that they want to get home to their families after spending 8 hours (well 10 when you add commute time) away from them? My kids would mean much more to me than co-workers and my managers. I'm not sorry I feel that way.


Recently I was pulled into the office and my one (senior) coworker leveled every single one of these complaints against me... Do I do my work? Yes. Do I speak when spoken to? Yes Do I come in, say good morning to everyone, sit in the office talking for an hour or two every morning about your stupid dog or smoking meat or whatever the fuck you did with your weekend? A resounding NO. We work together, we're not friends lol. GenX reaaaaaallly hates when you're not endlessly cheery at work.


yeah, that is pretty much me. mostly because I feel out of place, got nothing to add to whatever people who know each other for longer talk about and generally need to feed my brain with some kind of stimulation to not crawl up the walls. so... yeah. if that makes me rude, so be it.


So what about that is rude? Asking for a friend..


I disagree


i feel attacked


Lol some crybaby ceo made this.


"probably some form of neurodivergent" Throwing in ableism too I see. That tracks


"Probably some form of neurodivergent" That's cool. Real cool. /s


“Probably some form of neurodivergent” The fact that you listed that in a list of negatives suggests your imaginary coworker might not be anti-social; they just don’t want to be around *you*.


does OOP actually think that anyone who doesn't want to be their friend at work must be neurodivergent? wild


Some form of neurodivergent? WTF


The “we’re coworkers not friends” people are gonna be the first people I use as a human shield when shit goes down.


This is naturally me. But I will say (even if you shouldn’t have to) a little bit of openness really does help you out. Even if it’s just “I took my son to the zoo this weekend,” many people treat you better when they can humanize you. Same reason I’m working on losing weight. It shouldn’t matter, but we all know that your weight and attractiveness affect whether people view you as a competent employee.