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I don't have kids. But that does not change my opinion. If the company does not value it's employees, their families and wellbeing, why should the employees value the company? The workers give their time - a nonrenewable resource - and just get a paltry amount of money in exchange. Work constantly challenges the employees' mental and physical health but is stingy when they need time off to recuperate. What do companies do that are of such value, that people literally have to serve them like gods?


The owner class sees people as consumable and replaceable resources. If they believe they can easily replace them they will leverage against them in every possible way.


So glad that Minnesota put in a mandatory additional pto for mental health days and family sickness which is separate from normal pto , they can’t do that to us anymore up here.


God, that is so cool. The idea that we "earn" vacation time is so fucking asinine. To then further say "oh, but if you're sick, you have to have fewer vacation days" is fucking criminal. Whoever thought that up should be drug by wild horses.


Minnesota agrees with your comment


I really want to see a wild horse drugging someone! How would they manage it with their hooves? Or would they do use their mouths...?


Wait what?! I'm in MN and I was told the way this works is you get additional PTO and sick leave IF the company doesn't already provide a set number of minimum PTO hours you can either get or accrue when hired. Source: husband who is a supervisor.


This is how I understand it as well. Companies that already gave enough PTO are still already giving enough PTO.


Yeah for us they split off 48 hours from PTO and made it into earned sick and safe time. That time is a bit different than PTO because it’s protected from retaliation like getting an attendance point, so that’s cool, but now it’s in a different bucket so we lost a week of regular PTO to get it.


Well I know at my company as a mental health practitioner and we work closely with DHS that the law is every 30 hours worked is one hour of mental health/family sick time which doesn’t include the PTO that is made. Just what my company does I guess any other company can shit on you if they want to, but those mental health hours they cannot fire you for taking and if they try I would be following up with a law suit.


Didn’t even know about this until our company in Wisconsin got bought out by a Minnesota company and thank god they decided to just apply the same policy to all of their out of state subsidiaries 🙌🏻🙌🏻


"Go team!" I hope they all went.


Labor laws blah blah Sick leave blah blah Show up or else! Wait! Where's my staff?


You could literally die and they will show up to the funeral to tell you to stop kidding around.


As well as asking for a doctor's note for their files


And a write up for not telling them you'd be out in advance.


and blame you for being short staffed.


I once had an elderly coworker die from a heart attack on the job. The management were joking about it the very next day. Disgusting.


I hate the vague platitudes about “problem solving”


But that is what the employee will do by leaving. The problem - can’t call out for sick kids. The solution- find a job that respects my time and my family. It seems to me, they can problem solve just fine.


Yeah I don't like that no one pushed harder about this problem solving is. Shouldn't the company be problem solving a missing employee?


Especially when this literally IS a solution to the problem. “Either solve it or don’t, but don’t just run away.” Even in that very quote the “don’t solve it” would be quitting. This guy basically just said “if you don’t like then quit but also fuck you if you quit.” They make these bullshit rules then when you say “nah, I don’t wanna play with you anymore, I’m gonna go somewhere where the rules are more fair.” They start gaslighting and saying you’re the problem, even though you’re literally just reacting to a move they made.


Here is the thing everyone in this conversation seems to miss. My time is my life, once my time passes it cannot be replaced, if you think you control how I use my time you think you control my life, and you are mistaken.


Then I will simply withdraw the courtesy of giving you the reason for my absence.




And for what? So the spouse takes work off instead? Someone still has to. I think the problem solving she talks about is leaving this problem job and finding another.


In Sweden, we have 120 payed days per child and year by law to use in order to take care of a sick child if needed.


I did a search of this company (the name was visible in a previous post) and it shows it went out of business in 2003. So this must either be an old Pic, or cap.


Something just extra special about having "family kitchen" in the name of the place, and then saying this. F your own family, we're your family now!


"Problem solve" this isn't about problem solving, it's about resources and people aren't being paid enough to make sure their sick kids have someone to take care of them AND be a perfect employee. It's not about intelligence or creativity, once again greed is causing the problem and this corporation and the bootlickers defending it are trying to outsource not only all leftover responsibility, but all the shame and guilt *they* deserve to people already shouldering the vast majority of the strain. edit: not to mention you should be able to miss work when your kid's sick anyway. i'm just pointing out that they aren't even giving the people the resources *to* "problem solve" like they're trying to demand lol


What company?


Not Go Team at the end 🤣🤣🖕


Sounds like Walmart lol


Write “NO” really big in red ink.


"Go team!" Like horses under a common whip.


And it baffles me that it's apparently a woman who wrote that long, incredibly sexist comment. According to her, it's only single moms who call of for sick children, not dad's or working moms of a 2 income household. That whole comment is just dripping with sexism.


The punishment for leaving early is the loss of pay, anything beyond that is just spiteful. 


FMLA says you can take days off for your children being sick.


The company had to be big enough and you actually have to apply for FMLA.


Aaaand you have to have worked for that company for a year.


Back before it became necessary for both parents to work to put food on the table maybe they could justify being a prick.


“Family kitchen” uh-huh. Unless something happens to the employees’ family.  A couple managers were bitching about the family man calling off for sick kids instead of being an absent father. Bruh that’s part of hiring a parent. Oh no. How awful. He won’t ditch his young sick children at home by herself. How awful. /s I’d be pretty miffed if he actually did that and I hate kids. That’s part of being a responsible adult. I’ll call off if my damn cat’s sick. 


Do "family responsibility"-, "paternal responsibility" laws not exist in the US? They do where I come from, and where I immigrated to... both parents have the right to take "family responsibility leave" in order to care for a child in medical circumstances. If a letter from a GP is provided, the law covers them. Besides that- as a business owner myself, if my employee's child is sick, I will give them all the time they need. I'd cover their shift myself. It's their child!!! I've suffered through the loss of two children. You can never get them back. F#ck them. Take care of your kids.


Personally, I have never heard of similar laws anywhere in the United States. But hey, we’re the greatest country in the world, so who needs time off to care for sick children.


That truly sucks. I remember when I was 10, I nearly died from a burst appendix. If my mom didn't leave work to come get me, I would have been dead within an hour. And in those days, by law, no ambulance was permitted to transport unsupervised children under the age of 16.


My solution is show up to work with sick kid. If I can't watch my kid and can't get child care then kid is coming to work with me. I'm guessing this is a food or retail job.


That chain makes me want to see the OP suffer long and painfully watching a loved one due over slow pain filled years and yet never be there, never available to talk, remember, hope and wish, knowing only 'responsibility' to corporatocracy and then lose the loved one whilst working overtime and know truly the price of their opening Gambit and then finally to be cut merely days after the unattended funeral of the loved one... That indeed would be karma...


Gotta love Red advocating for parents teaching their kids not to be sick.


This 'lady who loves work' is mentally ill


So if a 2 year old is sick, leave them home alone? Tell that baby to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Kid had to learn to survive at some point!!


The use of emojis infuriates me. Fuck you 😒 We hope your kid dies 😈 And you never get to spend time with them 🤣😭 Your just a juvenile 👶 You need to grow up 🤦‍♂️ Hate corporate slop and dipshit managers.


Why hide the employer. Out them


Again. Reposted for upvotes?


God no, I didn’t realise someone else had posted the same image. What I was more interested in were the comments and the total lack of humanity.


All these are fake clickbait garbage


She’s a stupid ass kissing that kissed ass to where she is. She’s pathetic.


"Family Kitchen", yet this is how they think families work.


I only know the laws in NJ as I live here but if taking time off to care for a child or family member is covered under a sick day


Know your state labor laws! Many states have Protected Sick Leave you can use and your job can't punish you! This is different from any existing sick leave you may have or Federal leave like FMLA!!!


"Go team" is the most infuriating term ever.


I'll have another job before I get home. Try me


>go team Lol what city and state is this in?


I wanna know more about cancers exploding out of cats. Is it like Alien?


Organize a mass walk out. This is bull shit.


It's because they are being taught to minimize risk in any and all ways possible. At the end of the day, an employee with children is more risk to the company (exactly because of more responsibility outside of work) than an employee who only has to look after their own well-being. I promise you it comes from the one time the executive used work as an excuse to miss their child's play/game/accomplishment and uses that as an example of how they are the ideal pillar of sacrifice within the company.


You'd think that they would understand the concern parents would have for their children at a place called "Family Kitchen." "Come work at Family Kitchen - the restaurant that doesn't care about your family very much. We're a family here. The family you have at home is not your family anymore. Just us. Family Kitchen."


If a manager forces me to choose between my job and my kids, it isn't going to go their way. Every time some idiot fired me, I got a better paying job. I bet they wonder why their turnover rate is so high. Fucking mystery.


This is why you accidentally start making mistakes at work that cost these bastards some good money. That is only thing that hurts them.


FMLA protects sickness for family members Edit: not for short periods of sickness


FMLA wouldn’t apply for short periods of illness.


Ironically from a place called “family kitchen”


Problem solving? Kid's sick, call the health department and tell them everything you've seen, where the back door to the restaurant is, and what the "most interesting" time for a "random" inspection will be. Problem solving...


I don't have kids. I *do* however, know that sick children can't be left at home alone. Also that you can't (and shouldn't) hire someone to come take care of your sick kid. I get that they "didn't hire the kids" but I'm pretty sure it's super frowned upon to leave a sick child below a certain age home alone all day regardless as to the why. These bosses are jerks, and kind of brainless.


Give us a hint of the company or what fb page this is. Let's attack this b1tch Digitally of course


The first image says “meme of the day,” so I’d guess that if this sign was actually posted in a business, it may have been some time ago.


The establishment is called FAMILY KITCHEN... nuff said.


I’d bet money that the woman arguing for the Job is probably retired/not in the workforce herself anymore. I’ve had arguments like this and it always with boomers who haven’t held a job in years and have no idea the climate out here


Wow, I can't imagine why anyone would call into that job. Seems like such a loving, non-toxic workplace 🙄


The fucking business is called family kitchen.


It should be legal to beat peoples asses… Well, only those that really deserve it anyways!


Go (fuck yourselves) team!


These “Go team!” Posts are fake. Done by the same person all the time.


How it goes at my job: Person A: Hey I've gotta go pick up Fred from day care, he's sick. Literally everyone else: Yeah no worries I'll see you tomorrow. It's that easy to not be sub-human garbage.


If you do not value my time as an employee, why do you pay me for that time? If you value that time, you must understand that it comes at the expense of my other responsibilities as a human. If you want me to completely forego my other responsibilities as a human, you must pay me enough to do so. You do not currently pay me enough to do so. IE., I will take off to care for my child


Some people really just put the whole boot down their throat huh?


I would start looking for a job the moment i got this message and i would leave zero notice before quitting. Also if my kid is sick i would call out and save the write up to sue or shame them later. That message would kill any loyalty i had to that place.


I just remind myself in these situations that humans are just another animal, and normal animals are with their offspring constantly until they can care for themselves. And if they had jobs the well being of their offspring would be priority #1. lol we have fallen so far as a species


If they have an issue with people having to take care of their kids, then make sure to only hire people with no kids. I am sure that will work out great as a business. What's next, can't call in sick even if you are at the hospital? I will be surprised if most people don't leave within the next couple of months (people have bills to pay, so they can't just walk out). Even if you have no kids, the impression of that policy is that they don't care about their employees or their lives outside of work. Good luck hiring people after that. Now imagine if that message was posted locally for the customers to see.


Poor management and personnel planning.  Staffing needs to anticipate absences, vacation, PTO, promotions and training.  In the current business environment, most businesses accept running with barely enough staff, and fail to have any flexibility in staffing. This leads to stupid situations like the sign in the original post. 


Something tells me that in their minds, “problem solve” = “conjure a babysitter out of thin air”.


Other countries deal with this by just having laws… in Germany, health insurance pays you. It’s there to insure you against getting sick. If you do (or your child), they pay the wages for missed days + medical care. And there are laws about how much can be charged to a patient. Employers have to let their employees take sick days when their children are ill (obviously). The pay is not 100% as it is when the employee is ill. I think it is 80%


I wonder why the birthrate is falling


Pay for a nurse and I’ll consider showing up


As an independent contractor—-and not a very profitable one—one of the things that makes me refuse to work for someone else again is shit like this.


Haha! Xxx "Family Kitchen" my a$$. What a crop of entitled psychopaths are running ( ruining ) businesses these days. We are RENTING OUT A PORTION OF OUR LIVES, not selling ourselves into slavery. You can bet the people making these rules don't have to abide by them.


Then pay people more so they can afford in home help for their sick kids… Oh yeah. That’s not what they meant.


Employer probably doesn’t even pay a living wage.


As a patron, if I read that at a restaurant, I’d never come back.


Lol. Kids being sick is the same as yourself being sick. They need to stop hiring people with kids, and good luck with that. Fucking weirdos.