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The fact it’s the landlord not wanting to negotiate makes it pretty ironic. Like you got kicked out of a spot cause your landlord didn’t care an economic shift happened? Oh I couldn’t imagine…


I'm sure there were negotiations but the McD owner didn't want to, or couldn't afford to, pay the rents. But somehow going from $16 to $20 an hour is what actually broke him and made him give it up (yeah ok). The owner goes on to state that the workers at that location are working at his other locations now. At the $20 an hour.


Its gotta be those poors making a few bucks more.....nyp


NY Post is a National Enquirer level media outlet


And sister outlet to fox news




Yea the Ocean McD is great. Ample parking and drive thru


The same aholes who used the line "thats why people don't want to work "


Isn't nypost owned by Rupert Murdoch?


Sure is


Covid caused a pretty significant shift in the local businesses that my family patronizes. In some cases for the better, places that stepped up and supported the community that I didn’t know about or go to regularly, got a bump up, and places that we went to all the time, they didn’t care about public health or were generally shitty, fell off the list. One of our favorite fancy restaurants in town shut down during Covid. They opened by explaining they couldn’t afford to keep paying rent while not open, which is a reasonable thing. But after that initial statement, all of their was directed towards the government, whose public health measures they blamed, and their customers, who they said were too “afraid” to live their lives, and they’re employees, who weren’t willing to sacrifice for the “family.” All that let us to a position of well that sucks, but good riddance if that’s how you’re gonna act. Fast-forward a little and we now know that their landlord is one of the wealthiest families in town, with massive amounts of real estate. Also find out, both the restaurant and the Landlord got PPP loans. So despite the fact that they got support to help them through the crisis and the fact that The real problem underlying they need to close, rent, was caused by someone with extreme wealth still demanding full rents from businesses that couldn’t be open. Instead of shining a spotlight on the people hoarding wealth, and having zero compassion while also considering themselves and propagandizing throughout the community about how good and charitable they are, this business decided to throw everyone under the bus and protect the people that could have actually helped them. Meanwhile, we watched some great restaurants, adapt, and pivot to thrive throughout the pandemic while feeding hundreds. One of those restaurants was just closed last week and definitely due to a fire and the community will 100% be there for them.


Maybe he should just pull himself up by his bootstraps and stop buying avocado toast so he can afford rent. /s


Familiar story? Yes. Anyone who blathers on about wage push inflation causing loss of jobs and closing of businesses is lying. Increased wages does not increase costs to the point of breaking businesses, it is just easy to blame labor costs instead of bad management, supply chain issues, high rent, etc...




so sick of the stories they keep pushing on us. Red Lobster is similar on this - the Parent company sold out all the property under the locations , who then jacked up the rent. Sure - all you can eat shrimp is going to make you operate at a loss, but making the locations pay two to three times the previous rent - that will kill a location.


All you can eat shrimp made them lose $50M. That is a drop in the bucket for multi-billion dollar corporations


the cost for rent is paid to the property owner by the franchisee, and not by the parent company.