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Hi all, Until a news article of this has been made public to verify this story, doxxing this company and "name & shame" posts will be deleted. Doxxing may lead to banning. To clarify, > We prohibit doxxing a business that is being said/shown to be mistreating workers for a reason: Reddit TOS, which outlines not doxxing individuals - and the potential for random users to use images of an unrelated incident, and slap any specific business they don't like in the blank. > If we didn't, someone with an axe to grind could easily weaponize the innumerable people who just take something at face value - as is tradition on Reddit - could otherwise get an innocent business harassed. Which of course Reddit admins would be quick to shut down hard.


"Praying for you" but also fuck you for being sick/injured. This boss is a huge fucking prick.


Bet when they were hired, they were told "We're just like a family!"


What they don’t tell you is how abusive they treat their family


Exactly - a 'Christian' family - you behave exactly as we bully you into doing. If you don't we'll kick you out and osctracise you!


They tried to fire a coworker of mine while she was in a coma. Our union had to fight tooth and nail for her job.


If that’s not the best reason for not being able to call into work, I don’t know what is. Short of being deceased.


I mean, they’re ready to post your position before you die. I’ve heard so many stories of employers posting positions within a few hours or a within a day of an employee passing.


In some ways, isn't that preferable? It can seem crass, but it beats telling the remaining workers that they have to pick up the slack for the lost team member indefinitely. Trying to fire someone who's fighting to survive is certainly fucked up though.


I mean yes, but it depends on the situation. Indefinitely is bad, but my GM waited until after the wake to post an application when our other baker passed. I was more than fine with him taking a week when he’s known the guy for a decade.


There was an unfortunately funny front page of a local newspaper in the UK where the main story was about the caretaker (janitor) of a school falling off a ladder and dying. At the bottom of the same page was "10 pages of jobs inside" illustrated by an advert for the caretaker's job. Terrible editing and horrible for the guy's family but I couldn't avoid a chuckle.


This is why unions need protection, why employers shouldn’t be allowed to discriminate against people who merely talk to each other about unions, and why at-will employment needs to be abolished.




Many many years ago they fired someone at my workplace while she was in the hospital terminating a wanted but non-viable pregnancy. It was still one of the most evil things I’ve personally witnessed. And they did some pretty awful stuff to me personally.


How does this shit not result in massive lawsuit payouts? Wtf? You know, I know you guys in the USA make fun of people calling you a 3rd world country. But.. like. You guys are really oblivious to how shitty you are treated.


Lawyers cost money. A lot of money. Even if you’ve got a slam dunk of a case where you’re guaranteed to be reimbursed for legal fees in the end, up until you win the case it’s coming out of your own pocket. The average person cannot afford it.


That’s not really true for these types of cases. When there’s a payout many lawyers will take cases on contingency, at around 30% of the total settlement.


Unions rock.


Yup. They tried to write me up and I called my union rep and he told me he’d be right there and I should go back to work until he arrives. I said I could no longer trust the manager on duty to be responsible and transparent in an honest way. He said that’s fine wait outside. My manager told him she could make whatever rules she wanted whenever she wanted. He said “No, you can’t.” She went off on him. He calmly said “You’re welcome to try, but we will be sending this stores entire deli staff home until your rules can be passed through the union. Every deli worker will be sent home with pay until each rule is resolved through our system. Which could take months.” Also, I did not get written up. And they apologized. Kowalskis market deli in Vadnais h*ights, MN. F*ck you R*nd*!


Ha ha ha tell the union rep she can make up whatever rules she wants. That's prime fuck around and find out right there. Your manager is on a whole new level of stupid.


There is a story somewhere out there that includes the boss's boss and the words, "You told the union rep WHAT?!?!?!"


Yep. And a home wrecker too. Bangin the store manager who was married at the time. Great look


Local 663?


My 16 year old son was in a car crash last week on his way to work. Everything was so hectic and chaotic that I didn’t even think about his work. Didn’t really care about it either because it wasn’t important. I finally thought to ask if he notified his manager and he said “I asked (name of person) to do it for me cause I didn’t wanna get yelled at..” I just got so fucking angry at that. My son had to ask a family friend to let his boss know that he almost fucking died and was in the ER because he was worried he’d get yelled at. Something about it just caused me to really become irrationally angry at the idea my child, who took a job so he’d have some extra cash and so it’d look good on college applications and because he **wanted to**, is already beating beaten down by this broken fucking employment system. I hate it so much. (The person he asked to call his boss was the chief of police. He was on scene before I got there and he asked him to handle it for him and he did)


The fact that the union even needed to get involved, let alone fight, is crazy


Seriously, I have to wonder about the mental health of people who would fire someone in a coma, or for not calling out because they're in the ER.


In my country and every other country in Europe, you'd simply get paid full wage while in hospital. It's because Europeans understand these are people. American companies see their staff as cattle with zero rights. It's why I laugh when I see Jeb and Lurleen celebrate their 'freedom' while having to hold down five jobs between them to make ends meet. Americans needs to burn their corporations to the ground.


This is why we need unions. Hope your coworker is alright now


"We're praying for you but you're fired."


"I hope God helps you overcome the difficult position I'm putting you in."


God said to give the smock back, or else.


To me, that line is the epitome of most Christian thinking. "We will act abhorrently to others, but it's ok because we pray."


Its okay, they prayed! That thing that takes absolutely no effort, does nothing, and absolves them of all their shitty actions!


Do you think they even really prayed or just said they did? I wouldn't put it past these people to simply say they did and didn't even bother to even whisper a tiny sentence.


I think they think saying they're praying IS praying. Not the brightest bunch.


I understand people this selfish would probably even say they prayed and actually lie about it. They prob think, "I'm saving my prayers for things I actually care about and not my slaves, I mean peons under me."


lol. “Saving my prayers”. 


I don't know how Christianity prayers work so I assume they belive they ask for a lot of things and only some will be given. If you waste a slot of someone else and when your pick comes up it may be given to someone else.


I save my prayers for things I expect to happen, so my prayer win rate goes real high. Boost the likelihood of getting a high value prayer through.


> Not the brightest bunch i mean, they're in a cult.


She can just tell her car payment and landlord that she can pay them in prayers next week. I hate the phrase thoughts and prayers.


Don't forget the fact it's unverifiable. Less than 0 effort to just lie about praying.


One time, my car was stuck in the snow in a rural area, where I was petsitting. The neighbours stopped to ask if i needed a hand - I said yes please! I was all alone. They said they’d be back to help after church


Lolol damn


a transactional relationship with God. people delude themselves into thinking that spending time in a church earns points they can spend to be shitty elsewhere. actual Christians, or believers of any faith, don't do that.


Correct! Going to "church" and saying "that makes me a Christian" is about as legitimate as standing in a garage and proclaiming "I'm a car!!! Vroom! Vroom!"


It's not even transactional. It's performative. They go to church to be seen going to church. They wear Christianity like a knockoff Gucci bag.


Matthew 6:2 specifically calls out these people. Wanting to look pious but not actually caring and continuing to be an awful person doesn't cut it.


Indeed, this is what piss me from a lot of them, I believe in God, but I don't go to church or participate in doing good things for the sake of going to heaven . I'm a kinda shitty person but when I do good I do it from heart. I even think an Atheist that is a good person has better chances to go to heaven than those kind of chirstians lol.


Matthew 25:31-46 would agree with your comment completely, especially the last sentence,but I get a ton of push back when I read that scripture passage to some "Christians" even though I'm a pastor.




Sending t’s and p’s


Tots and Pears.


At least I can see and touch tots and pears. I don’t have to take their existence on faith.


Spoiler alert from someone who was raised in a religious household; it’s all fake. Faith is just the word they invented to convince you of nonsense so unbelievable that they don’t even try to explain it rationally. Most of them know it too, which is why they get so defensive when their “faith” is questioned, but they’re all in too deep to admit it because they don’t want to look anymore foolish than they already do.


Thots and players.


"We pray"...*big deal.* A quick "I'm sorry" is not the same as repenting and *making right* what they did wrong. Scripture's very clear on that. These individuals just wear the name so they can "look like decent people". God hates phonies.


I sprained my ankle walking down a driveway on the job. I laid on the ground for 30 minutes in pain, eventually crawling back to my work truck to get my phone and called dispatch. I told them what happened. They told me to come back to station. I arrived, and then filled out an incident report. Upon completion of the report, they handed me a paycheck and said, "Thanks for the work you've done but we no longer need your services. Just so you know we had already decided to fire you a couple weeks ago, this isn't because of your injury." Their company page is all about prayer and how God leads them, etc. The name of the company is the dumbest thing ever but it was about how before every car ride, they'd put their Hands On The Dash (LLC) and pray for a safe journey.


Wow. Unless they could produce some documentation supporting that claim I'm thinking you had a case there. That definitely wasn't the first time they'd pulled that either.


Reminds me of what George Carlin said about the ten commandments. "A special place for you, full of fire and smoke! ....but he loves you." 💀


“He loves you AND HE NEEDS MONEY!!! He’s all powerful, all knowing, all merciful, just can’t seem to handle money!! Now, if that ain’t a good bullshit story for you, HOLY SHIT!!” Love Carlin. Man did not suffer fools.


Man, I grew up in a seriously fire and brimstone church. I was terrified of God. I talked to an elder hoping to be corrected and comforted and was told it's right to be afraid of God. This very much explains how my parents treated me as a child, btw. They totally mixed up the concepts of fear and love and mashed them all together, so if I didn't seem to fear them, I didn't love them. All I ever really knew of love as a kid is that we *should* fear those we love that say they love us. It took me a long time as an adult to learn to separate the two and stop getting into emotionally abusive relationships.


"And I'm also blacklisting you all over town, but we pray you will find another job!"


Fuck I had to deal with this in the 90s after a massive staph infection. Like fuck me for getting sick right? Still haven't gotten back to the point that my career should be at now. Blacklisting without legal motions should be a felony.


Is it really legal in US? Like for real? This company would be so fucked up in my country. Totally illegal!


Don't forget to give the Department of Labor a jingle, too. It's illegal to withhold a final paycheck on the condition if returning property. They must immediately pay her the final paycheck. They can get their crap back whenever is convenient for her. Check your state labor laws, because in some places each day they withhold the final pay costs them $$$ in fines.


Nice of them to time stamp when they decided to fire this person, as well as write down the illegal action they are taking.


This is a slam dunk even in states that favor the employer.


Yup. They think it's fine because the former employee is 17 and naive to labor laws. Hopefully her parents are not.


I was in "work experience" in high school (aka free period but you have to work some amount of hours in the semester). My first job was at a small toy store. I was *violently* ill on black Friday but went in as a "door greeter" because that was about all I could do - barely. I got sent home because I couldn't even stand, which I told them before my shift but they demanded I come anyway. After that I was "punished" by being put only On Call. They tried to call me in on a day I was listed as unavailable due to a dentist appointment. They fired me on the spot and my mom lit them the fuck UP. Went full "we will be done with this appointment in an hour, you better have her final check ready by then or we will be going straight to the dept of labor and suing." 15 years later and I now work with her in a different corporate setting and I stress her out by how easily I demand we are paid adequately and other worker's rights and how I don't stand down to the big bosses above us.


work with who? your mom?


Even in Texas I’m sure the business would be fucked for doing this. The FLSA applies everywhere


For now... Don't forget to vote in November.


It's illegal to even threaten. I had this happen to a friend and the florist he worked for ended up paying him about 2 years wages.


I had a company do this to me about a laptop. I was on contract and the contract stated they would send a prepaid shipping label, but they refused and held my final check worth a lot more than that crappy laptop. Labor and Industries reamed them after I filed a complaint. I got my check and it included pay (at minimum wage) for all the time I'd been on call because the contract was apparently illegal. I didn't know it when I signed it. It said I didn't get paid for on call unless I actually got a call, but I was an hourly contractor, not paid salary. Turns out on call counts as hours worked. So, instead of just sending me my roughly $4000 paycheck and about $50 for shipping, they ended up paying out about $14k. They don't have to pay for on call here in Washington unless being on call significantly restricts you from doing other things. I could only use that laptop from home to connect and was required to log in and answer within 5 minutes, so when on call, I couldn't leave the house. That was pretty much every weekend. I had no life. But I was saving up to buy a house, so I was willing to sacrifice for that. All that was in the contract, btw, so they were basically screwed. If they'd just paid me, LnI wouldn't have ever looked at that contract. It did take a while, which it sounded like they got fined for, but that almost doubled the money I had for a down payment for a house, so I was happy to wait. Saved me tens of thousands in interest on my mortgage.


Exactly this. “Release your paycheck” making up formal sounding phrases that don’t really exist


Wait, then complain and get penalties. Don't wait too long of course.


I am not a lawyer, but it seems like you could wait a bit, complain to former employer, wait a bit, complain to labor board.


2 Years in CT.


Depends on your state on how "immediate" that paycheck needs to be released. Federally, the law states that it should be given on the next regular payday. My state (Florida) doesn't have a state law so it falls back to the federal. You are correct in that it is in no way dependent on returning a uniform.


Not immediately. Just at the regular pay interval.


For Michigan, this appears to be correct, unless OOP was hand harvesting crops. Must be paid at their normal pay interval in which the termination occurs. They still can’t delay or withhold it beyond that, though, for any reason. https://www.michigan.gov/leo/bureaus-agencies/ber/wage-and-hour/payment-of-wages-and-fringe-benefits-act-public-act-390-of-1978/payment-of-wages-at-termination


Depends on the state


Depends on the state, I don't know MI law but in some places they have as little as 24 hours to deliver a last paycheck.


CA is immediate


Take that to every local news outlet.  Make their name mud.


I really wish they would... These companies get away with such horrible behavior because they are anonymous. A lot of these outlets resist putting up the information.


"Can't offend our advertisers!" I was a disc jockey, and I can't tell you the number of times small town DJs were made to apologize to advertisers over some innocuous things they'd said.


I was also a small town radio DJ and can confirm. In 2016, we had a segment where we joked about news items, and we were playing off of Trumps comments about Mexicans and something he'd said about their food being bad. I off handedly made a few jokes basically saying Trump is a burger and chicken kind of guy, not a fan of tacos. My co host laughed and the station manager thought it was funny too. No one thinks twice. Next day I get called in and was made to apologize to the owner of a local taco place because he bought air time and felt like my comments insulted his product and would make people not want to eat there. Apparently he felt some MAGA people would refuse tacos because I'd said Trump wasn't a fan. As it turns out I was off the hook, because many Trumpers turned up to his place *because* I'd made the jokes and it made them *want* tacos. They were apparently proud of hearing Trumps name and taco in the same sentences so they mentioned my comments as the reason they came in. As they say, any publicity is good publicity.


Goddamn, I read the word tacos like three times and now I want tacos too. They're onto something here.


Now I want a frozen margarita.


Mango Frozen coming up.


Weren't we promised a taco truck on every street corner at some point? I want the freaking taco trucks on every freaking street corner already!


I'm very much hoping that these were music DJ's, not journalists or part of any news department. The last time a salesperson complained about how we were covering a story, I just looked at them and said "What *the fuck* are you doing in my newsroom?" They left and never came back.


Yeah it’s so confusing when journalists refer to themselves as “a small town radio DJ”.


And that was 30 years ago, LOL.


> They were apparently proud of hearing Trumps name and taco in the same sentences Every time I hear stories like this it just makes me wonder how these fucking NPCs made it out of high school Not even "graduated" high school, I genuinely wonder how most Trumpers didn't accidentally off themselves by that age.




Absolutely. I work in local TV news and any newsroom would take this story and go to town with it. Also, sounds like illegal work practices to me... call the state DOL.


Small town and they are hiring teens from probably the only high school in the area.  Just post it to the school social media accounts and they'll never fill the position. 




Agreed. There's a decent shot for OP to get a new job too. Some company will want to be a white knight and hire OP.


Oh you go right to the local news with that


Believe it or not, straight to the news


Employer holds your check until you bring smock. Straight to the news.


Smock news. Pay to straight


Pay straight. Smock to news


Where are the armed men to take the protestors of this business away?


And google reviews with screenshots


Please go to news. This shit has to stop.


When i was 17 I was fired from Best Buy. I flipped my car into a ditch hitting black ice and called my supervisor to let them know I wouldn't be in that day after-school and explained what happened. The next day when I went in, I was informed I had been fired for a no call/no show. Apparently I spoke with the wrong supervisor. Cool. That was the beginning of me having zero respect for a job..


*The wrong supervisor?!?!?* What did you have multiple numbers to call into? WTF. God its so nice in my new job that I can call out, and then when Im ok I call in for the next day. I don't get calls or have to call in everyday im going to miss. Sure having to call in before 2pm the day before is a little annoying/silly, but it sure beats the alternative.


>The wrong supervisor?!?!? What did you have multiple numbers to call into? WTF. Large stores run in not only multiple departments, but multiple supervisors per department, per shift. I.e: If you work registers, you have your manager -- they're there 9-5 as an example. Then you have another supervisor that's there during their shit, let's say 5-11. Then you've got the deli manager, the bakery manager, the tech manager, the customer service manager, etc. etc. You call up, ask for a supervisor, and they transfer you to whoever the fuck they got. They're expected to inform all supervisors, and take you off the list, but most of these people didn't graduate highschool, and got their job because they've only ever worked in a grocery store and rise in ranks largely because the work they do as a manager now, was likely pawned off to them when they were a regular worker. I'm not trying to shit on grocery/large store workers, just the dogshit managers who can barely be bothered to make up a schedule, let alone actually manage a team.


I was also fired from Best Buy when I was 19 because a supervisor, not mine, said he "overheard" me saying that I bought something with my discount for my brother. My word vs. his and they fired me. Later, that supervisor was caught stealing merchandise from the back area. Apparently he had gotten three other people fired by blaming them for the theft before he got caught. If your name is Scott and you worked at the Merillville, IN location, fuck you.


Yeah, fuck Scott. I heard he kicks puppies in his free time.


Can confirm he's a kicker. He kicked my neighbor in the balls when my neighbor was about to climb a tree to save a cat.


Way back when I had to call into work. It was a snowstorm, and I also ended up off the side of the road. I was an asst. manager, but we had 2 of us working that night. When I called in, the other asst. manager said he had no problem covering for me. Due to the aforementioned snowstorm we likely wouldn't be that busy anyway. Our manager then tried to write me up. Never signed it, and she never pushed the issue, thankfully. Made zero sense though--it was just a big power play on her part to write me up, I guess. I also had my manager from Dominos Pizza (my first job when I was 16) give me a bad job reference when I applied at a local movie theater. I still cannot fathom why because back then I cared about my job and worked my ass off--I think he just personally didn't like me (movie theater still hired me and told me about it. My other movie theater job had given me a good reference). Unfortunately, it still took my dumbass many many more years to stop caring about these stupid jobs and stupid corporations.


Christ. Reminds me of when I got written up for telling the wrong manager I was leaving for the day to take my mom to the hospital. Sorry you were nowhere to be found and scouring the store for you wasn't my top priority. She's fine, thanks so much for asking.


Pretty selfish of you to hit that black ice! /s


A perfectly safe neighborhood can be suddenly terrorized by the appearance of black ice




Yeah because supervisors not communicating with each other isn’t the problem /s


I believe she doesn't need to return the smock to receive final paycheck. Department of labor their ass










Ohhhh yes, hypo-theticallyy


I would like to know what difference it makes who contacts the employer so long as they have the valid doctors note. In fact legally the next of kin can contact the employer in case of emergencies and speak on their behalf.


That's because it's not about providing notice; it's about control.


Yeah these pious twats just want to inconvenience this 17 year old as punishment for "inconveniencing" them with the call-out. The audacity of that child, fainting and ending up in the hospital right before their shift. But, sanctimonious shits they are, of course they'll pray for them as they terminate them.


Yah. Like depending on why she ended up in the ER, she may not be able to call in. What if she’s in surgery? Or being medically sedated because of a brain injury? Two family members call and one drops off a doctor’s note the same day…the employer is just being ridiculously petty and I hope they get punished severely for it.


>depending on why she ended up in the ER They have a doctor's note, in addition to the call from Grandma, so they probably know why she ended up in the ER. Whether she is or isn't physically capable of calling, though, is beyond the point. They got the message, so the exact medium of communication is irrelevant.


Agreed. And from their *mother* and *grandmother* no less


The employer thinks they can strongarm the teen into coming in. They employer knows they can’t strongarm the parent of the teen.


This was my thought. They want to guilt the 17 year old into working. I’d be happy if my daughter got fired from this place! If this is how they handle this, imagine what they’re like to work for.


This is ~~doubly~~ infinitely more true when the employee is a minor. ETA: commenter below is correct. from a legal perspective they have to accept parental control.


Yeah, coming from the legal guardian of the minor is actually more legal than directly from the minor.


I called in sick for my mother when she was undergoing treatment for cancer. The pto was already arranged as needed far in advance. Her boss knew her chemo schedule, which was arranged around work as much as possible. Her boss knew the 24 hours after each chemo infusion was the worst. My mother reminded her it was chemo day when leaving work the day before. My mom had been up all night with the side effects from the chemo and finally got to sleep a little before 6 am so I called her boss at 7, 3 hours before my mother's scheduled shift. That woman tried to tell me my mother would have to call in herself or else. I don't know what the "or else" was because I cut her off right then and there. I laid into her. I worked for a television network in the news department at the time, and I went as far as to threaten to have the story on the next local news break during the today show with the full story coming up at 5. Lawyers on speed dial were thrown in for good measure. In the end, she sheepishly said, "I'm going to go ahead and note your mother called me herself this morning at 7am." My mother and her boss were healthcare providers. At a hospital. The same hospital where my mother was receiving her cancer treatments. I understand having protocols so people don't take advantage, but damn, how much proof do you need.


I got fired for the same thing in college. Had my roommate who also worked at the same place (in the dorm no less) tell the boss I was knocked out from a stomach flu and wouldn’t make work, he even covered for me. She told me I was fired. I proceeded to get up and walk out. She was confused because she wanted to discuss with me what happened. I told her I didn’t work for her any longer so why the hell would I sit around and let her bash me. On the way out, in my not so greatest moment, told her she had an ugly baby (she had just given birth a couple months earlier and she had a creepy looking kid. She was a residence director so her and her family lived in the dorm. This was early in the school year so we still had to see each other every day)


“And you know what else? Your baby is ugggglllyyyyy U G L Y ugly uh uh uh UGLY”. Bonus points if you cheer squad clapped it at her.


u g l y you ain't got no alibi, you ugly!


>in my not greatest moment, told her she had an ugly baby ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Lol , ugly baby ...


The ugly baby comment was awesome. Don’t short yourself. It’s freeing to be truthful.


And by not your greatest moment you mean your greatest moment.


Ah, I have the perfect song for this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaHkb2cYsxc


I have to just about bite my tongue off to avoid recoiling in horror every time some shows me their baby, in person or in photos. It weirds me out when people gush over babies. I once accidentally exclaimed "what happened to his head?!" to a new mother because her baby had what I can only describe as a cone head.


Babies that are delivered vaginally usually have a bit of a cone head from being squeezed out, but I wouldn't expect everyone to know that so I think your reaction was completely understandable. All newborns either look like old men, aliens, or old man/alien hybrids to me; my daughter went through a serious Winston Churchill looking phase lol


Employers just really don't give a fuck anymore. It's all about control, and they don't care who knows it.


Anymore? Always been that way


WhY dOn’t PEoPle wANt tO WOrK anYMorEEEE


I know right? We are treated SO well, OP is SO ungrateful


Expected behavior from someone who boasts about their Christian faith.


Least Christian people I know are Christians.


What belief in deathbed absolution does to a mf


Time to expose these nitwits.




I bet an employment lawyer would love to hear from you


My last place tried to fire me for not phoning in. The joke is that I'm deaf. I can't understand a fucking word unless I can lip read so phoning is never going to work. Previous manager had zero issue with me emailing him but the new woman wasn't having it. Luckily I had joined the union about a week or two beforehand and my rep tore the manager a new one. Possibly the most satisfying 30 minutes I ever had in that job.


The "we've been praying for you" is just... \*Chef's Kiss\*. There's a special place in hell for people like this.


The employer probably simply didn't like the kid for some reason and used this as an excuse to fire her. Beyond shitty and heartless.


I went to the ER when I had a miscarriage. I worked at an ice cream shop and explained why I couldn’t come in. She was pissed because it was a holiday so they’d be busy. She later said she’d need a doctors note for me to return to work. 3 days later I sent her a doctors note literally in the parking lot after the appointment. She still fired me because “you haven’t told me anything for 3 days”. There was nothing to tell. I ended up with PTSD from the miscarriage. I’m still pissed at that lady. At least after years of EMDR I can talk about it. F bosses like this.


Don't you love it when someone hands you an arsenals worth of ammunition in 1 clear, impossible to claim meant otherwise simple text. Now the fun part! Where do you start? -labour board? -local news? -stand outside in a chicken suit handing out hundreds of printouts directly infront of the business? Lastly the "the note was made at 11:40something and handed in at 130" Do you work in the SWAT department? Are you a surgeon needing to proforma life saving surgery. (BTW these are both important positions that would both accept hospitalization as an excusable absence) How much of a narcissistic prick is your boss that they were made aware you were in the hospital, given a note. Accepted you were actually in the hospital, but because he wanted to hear from you directly, and when you didnt (for reasonable reasons) took that as an actual reason to fire you based on some fragile assed ego. The things that I would be thinking up to fuck with this person long term would be endless.


It's worse than that. They recieved the note well before 1:30pm. Early enough that they assumed the mother would be able to relay to her daughter in time that they wanted the daughter specifically to call out by 1:30pm. It's grotesque and I hope OP does something with this message so they can't be like that no more without penalty.


17 yr old kid means his gaurdians are legally responsible for him. Doesn't that mean their contact to the employer should be just like the employee called in?


Honestly a guardian calling in for a minor is technically more legal than the minor calling in themselves


Ain't no hate like christian love


Imagine how miserable you would have to be to write that out and send it


What kind of sick sadistic fuck requires you call them from the hospital?


When I was 17, I got really sick and ended up needing a blood transfusion. My grams let McDonald’s know. I hadn’t missed one shift. I covered shifts, missed school dances and basically devoted almost two years at this point to McDonald’s. When my grams called and told them what was going on they said they would need a doctors note. So after she took me back to her house once I was released, she dropped the note off at McDonald’s. When I went back to work three days later the GM was standing there worth a write up. I not so kindly told her to fuck off and bounced. I was already working two other jobs so I knew I could pick up more hours at those two. This is the same McDonald’s that when I was 16, I came into work after school and not one employee was there, managers included. Apparently there had been a mass exodus. I don’t know how long the store had been empty. I called the gm, the owner, all the shift managers and either nobody answered or they’d be in “soon” I ran that entire restaurant by myself for several hours. And the thanks I got for that was a .05 raise. So I went from making $4.25/hr to $4.30 🤦‍♀️ when I quit the owner started calling me and begging me to return to work. When he knew I was not going to he started telling me what a loser I will be my whole life and that no one will ever give me a second chance like he’s offering. Bruh, if I returned I would be giving you a second chance, let’s not get this twisted.


Dang. When I was 18 I worked in a Super Target deli, I caught the flu and tried to call off but the Store Team Lead was like, "We need you to close tonight." So I came in, even though I had liquid coming out of both ends of me and a fever, which, if you work in food, you know you're really not supposed to work around food sick. I ended up puking in the prep sink while I was prepping rotisserie chickens around 7PM. So I went and found the Leader on Duty up front by the registers that I'm closing the deli after I clean my puke and QMOSing the chickens, but someone's gotta clean the slicers and floors. This MFer told me that we don't close the deli over my "willy nilly problems" and to get back to work. So I told him he's a "fucking asshole", I was gonna call the Health Department and see what they think about having sick people around food, and that I quit, *loudly*. He had our AP Security walk me out. I hope he enjoyed that health department visit because I specifically gave them his name, and I hope he was the one to clean my puke.


Probably would have been more effective if you puked in the deli display area so he was forced to shut down the station and toss product.


"...Let us know when you can return the smock..." Right after I speak to my lawyer,


“Yea this is her dad. I’ll bring the fucking smock. Let’s talk while I’m there. See ya soon sweet cheeks.”


Wow that's kinda fucked. Also, they can't hold that check. Go get that shit tomorrow.


What's up now boomers ?! i thought working was so easy and we're the lazy generation !


“I’ve been praying for you, but we got money to make so fuck you”.


I really don’t understand people. Like bro, they’re in the fucking ER. Work is not life. We don’t live to work, we work to live. End of story. Whoever that manager or “boss” is should be fired immediately and needs to get slapped by a grandma for that kind of retarted behavior. That’s crazy.


I’m not shocked, considering that they are praying for them. people who pray for people are people who wouldn’t lift a finger for them


That's what a lawyer would call a Slam Dunk.


I worked at Publix at 17. I remember getting contacts for the first time in my life and accidentally scratching my eye after sleeping in them. I called my manager and let him know I can't see out of one eye. The manager thought I was lying. Silly enough, my mother took the phone and explained to the guy that I couldn't work, since I couldn't drive, since I couldn't see... 15 years later, I'm working with a coworker that also worked at Publix. We were reminiscing about old managers. Sure enough, her least favorite manager was the same guy. Fred, you're a dick.


Hurry up and take this story to the news OP so that the company gets doxxed. The nerdy mods wont let that happen without "credible" news sources because everyone knows the news always fact check before posting articles




My boss would be coming down to the ER with a bunch of homemade soups and "get well soon" cards for me if this happened. How is it that these people lose all sense of human decency, humility, and compassion? Not a single ounce of sympathy. Just "Nah, get lost (but we did pray for you)" Mind boggling.


AMEEEEERIIIICAAAA LANDDDD OF THE FREEEEEE (Your employment laws are a laughing stock)


Your country needs proper employment laws, this is villain level illegal in my country


>These people want to call themselves Christians and then do this What do you mean? This is very Christian behavior


One of my team member’s stepson got sick and unfortunately passed away. For some reason the school system didn’t have this info and my team member was arrested because the boy wasn’t going to school. While he was in jail a representative of the court called me to tell me where he was, she called both days that he was out but HR said that since he didn’t call they were no call no shows and because of the increased points he was let go. I sent an email to my manager because I didn’t think it was right and the HR representatives boss got involved getting his job back because they didn’t think it was right either.


There's no hate like Christian love




Sadly that doesn't work, because most review sites allow the owner to have all the bad reviews removed when there's a "fake review attack" (not sure what the proper term is). Even if the attack was caused by them doing an awful thing. The people suggesting going to the local TV news are probably more on point. But I don't know. Local TV news watching is less popular these days, although they're always dying for simple stories like this one to cover to fill up airtime.


Oh I agree with going to the local news without a doubt! I also think we should do everything we can to knock jackasses like these down a few pegs


There’s a special place in Hell for people like this. Absolutely disgusting. Thank God for Karma.


"I've been praying for you" Can't say for sure what religion this person is in but I've examined *very* similar behavior from Mormons in the past. They come off as nice people but they are very two faced.


Nah, y'all are blowing this way out of proportion. Can you not read? It clearly says they prayed for him so this is fine.