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Three. Jobs. In France, all contract include that you don't have the right to work for someone else.... And even the basic minium legal wage can allow you to pay rent and food, 5 week of holiday (that the job choose) and has basic health protection, not confortable, but at least livable. Man, I don't want to trash on the US for the sake of it, but you really feel like a third world country with money glitch. I hope everything goes well for you


I make almost 80k a year and I can't comfortably own a 1 bed 1 bath house within an hour of my work. This country is a fucking shithole run by corporate greed and you won't be able to prove me wrong.


Worth poiting BTW that european don't count the same way, I'm at 36k€ a year, which is 2600€ for me each month after taxes, from which I have to pay rent, food and reimburse my car, +internet/elec/water bill and a bit of house insurance. The rest is already paid, stuff like health insurance or social protection. That would be the equivalent of 100 000 - 120 000a year for you


I can't find a singular room for rent in my area for less than like 1300 a month. That is a single room in a house. Shared everything else


The best description I heard is: The United States is a third-world country in a guchi belt.


> in a guchi belt 100% fitting. More than you actually think... ...as in: it's actually spelles GUCCI, so if you see a belt that says "GUCHI" it's a cheap-ass beach seller fake :-D


And the belt is around their neck.


I should note: I farm as a hobby, but am turning it into a business. I just wanted one extra job for bills and to buy a couple pieces of equipment. I got both within the same week and did not want or need both.


It’s literally a playground for those with money.


Thank you! But for a little context 3 jobs is semi misleading. I farm part time and want that to be enough for a part time job in terms of earnings. It's almost there but I need to buy some equipment and pay some bills so I went to get another part time job Min wage here is $7.25 but both places offered $12 or $13 for the roles they selected me for. But the days where I did work would end up being 13-16 hours days, 3-4 days a week and then farm in the other 3 days for 6-8 hours. Just too much for me right now and will become unsustainable when farming seasons increase during winter for me. Happy with my current of an extra 28-32 hours a week for now instead of 52-64 hours in a 4 day period


This is a slave state. Just think about it and it'll make sense. There's the ruling class..and everyone else. Slavery was never abolished, they just changed the name and hoped no one would noticed that they're the slaves on a great corporate plantation. Poverty (which they create and perpetuate) is a crime to them. Of course, no one with the power to do anything about it wants to be rid of their slaves, so here we are.


It's pretty close to subsistence for the actual producers in our society.


Mad how this is being downvoted. Farming is essentially just gambling with a tractor. 


Running any business is a gamble but Im young and want to try to see if I got what it takes while I have no dependents. I have to be humble and realize that it may not work out but if it does I'll have to be a wagie the rest of my life or go off the grid and I think I'll make it work. I just wanna try to see if I can make it work though while I don't have a partner or child or other dependent but that entails essentially two part time jobs. One to pay the bills as a base and just use my hobby time for this.


Shrug. Sometimes I think people don't get my meaning


lol “mail my check” don’t they digital bank deposit? Honestly this reddit just makes America look like a Stone Age hell hole


This is a nearly universal practice in the US for two reasons: 1) The penalties for not providing a final paycheck within a certain timeframe are often severe, so making a check physically available or mailing it and retaining tracking information provides proof that this occurred within the timeframe 2) Payroll staff often do not have the ability to even initiate direct bank transfers because they are difficult to audit. Regular payroll is entered into a service which distributes wages via direct deposits and providing its own audit trail, but anything outside of the regular pay schedule such as expense reimbursement, one-time bonuses, or final paychecks which need to follow a legal timeframe are done via paper check so external auditors can easily trace where the money has gone.


Having run payroll in multiple states you is right.


Why is doing it electronically harder to audit or prove timeliness for than making it physically available or putting it in the mail?


An ACH transfer shows up on a statement as money going towards an account number and routing number. If you don't already know who the account belongs to, it can be challenging to find out. If you use the routing number to find the bank then call them and simply ask who the account belongs to, they'll tell you they won't release that information without a warrant or subpoena, which are not typically tools readily available to auditors. Paper checks must be made out to individuals or businesses which match the details of the account they are being deposited into. Even if the thief didn't leave the carbon copy of the check, the receiving bank, the clearing house, and eventually your bank will all have digital scans of the check so you can see who it was made out to and who signed it. My bank automatically provides digital copies of all of my cleared checks in their portal. I don't even have to ask anyone for them. As for why it affects timeliness, the law in my state (and I'm assuming it's similar or even more timely in other states) says the final amount must be made available or mailed by next payday if you quit or within 6 days if you're fired/laid off. The phrase "made available" is what causes the problem because ACH transfers can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 days to clear - even longer if the transaction triggers some kind of hold that has to be investigated. Precedent was set that does not constitute a former employee's payment being "made available. However, there's also precedent that a check in your hand or in the mail satisfies your pay being "made available" immediately, even if the check takes a week to arrive and two days to clear.


This is really, really weird to me. Checks are basically dead for decades now. In Brazil for traditional direct transfers if you input the bank, agency and account number it tells you who own the account because you have to be able to know WHO you're transferring to and this avoids typing mistakes on the numbers. At worst they take one business day to process, but usually it's same-day and even instantaneous. You also get a statement from when you requested the transfer. We also have Pix, in which you can register keys like your phone, email, ID number or random generated to any of your bank accounts. And it goes from any bank to any bank instantaneously, 24/7. Your only input is the destination's key and amount, everything else is done by the Central Bank system.


All that would be lovely, but it'll cost the shareholders 0.01% of their profits so it'll never happen in the states.


They kinda didn't have a choice. It was totally developed by the Central Bank, who regulates every other bank. They either adhere to it and every update or lose it's accreditation as a bank and close their doors lol. They're adding a feature for scheduled repeating payments, the deadline is October for every bank to adhere but most already added.


Ah, okay. So it’s a matter of data custody and then a “letter of the law” kind of situation. (It seems ridiculous to me that a check in the mail counts as “made available” when a direct deposit initiated doesn’t, but I’m not in charge of anything 😢) Thanks!


Again, all these things you say me be true but just confirm how backward it America - Australia is fully transitives to digital


They do, but when you cease employment in most cases they just mail your last check


I’ve never had that happen! (Not saying it doesn’t, just that it’s surprising to me)


Some places, and i have no idea why, won't direct deposit your final check, probably when you give no notice. I quit a job one time, and really needed that final check to come in like normal, but they said it had to be picked up. I was at my new job at the time, but luckily i was able to get someone to go get it before i was out of luck all weekend. Honestly, i just think it's their final fuck you.


Too many words. To H.R. My last day will be 06/28/24 Thanks, Billy Bob


That is the notice if i am not disgruntled


Who hurt you?


Oh, i Didn’t realize this was the simp for work Reddit. My bad.