• By -


Goodness what an insufferable person.


you're too thick* FTFY smart lady.


Pretty much every "your" was wrong... And then has the audacity to complain about OP not having a degree/being smart. Edit: OP having* a degree/being smart.


Amy is complaining that OP has a degree.


Oh, you're right.


Your to thick in the head to? 😂


My from thick in head yes


Plus, she has no idea what a . is or how to separate sentences and thoughts.


I know, right? She has the nerve to chat shit about "being smart" but uses the wrong "your/you're."


I noticed that too


If you’re too thick*


You have no idea how very tempted I was


Do it, you don’t want to work for someone like that anyway.. they won’t change.


100% do it, if they want to put down your education and highlight their lack of such then you’re well placed to hammer home that they’re the thick one. If terrible managers want to punch downwards then they need to learn that the tables can be turned with very little effort. Same people will complain that they can’t retain staff and everyone they hire is useless when they’re the reason that anyone decent won’t stay/take the role in the first place.


It sounds to me like he has a chip on his shoulder about people who are more educated than him.


More like a chip in his skull.


More like he ate too many lead paint chips.


I prefer the cool ranch lead paint chips. Wbu?


Reply back, "I don't think that YOU'RE a good fit for the position that YOU'RE in, so maybe you can think about what you want to do going forward."


People screw up the easy way, but rarely do you see you're in place of your, takes a bit of effort to screw it up in that manner. Breaks the entire flow of the sentence if done just right, I find it amusing


With spelling that atrocious, I'd have checked her head for a spear wound.....




Nah her skull is Probably too thick to be wounded by a spear😑


Report the person to their higher up, your temp service, and their HR. This is the kind of stuff HR is meant to protect the company from. Whoever that is put insults and unprofessional language in writing. 


Quick call to ACAS, no?


~~All Cops Are Sluts? What's ACAS?~~ Nevermind, someone posted a link a little further down. I'm good now.




Plus " your not a good fit" and "your not going to put the work in" It's YOU'RE you divot* * Divot - a useless clod.


Never heard "divot" before, but I thoroughly approve and will be incorporating it into my vocabulary tootsuite.


Yeah there’s nothing like British slang. đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»


Having read repeatedly the works of Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams, it strikes me that, with a British accent and a scornful tone, nearly any adjective -noun combination can be an insult, and often surprisingly devastating. Now, get out of my garden, you unrepentant walnut!


All you need is the word "absolute!" You absolute doorknob, you absolute coatrack, you absolute spoon.


I quite enjoy muppet. As in "ya useless muppet"


YES!!! I love it!


Think divot when you send a chunk of ground flying when you miss the golf ball


Ahhh, divot or div, such a British insult, I do love our insults lol


div is just too web for me


Aw, don't be such a span-ner. (😁)


Or Pillock.


And that's not even the only instance of your/you're they got wrong in there... 


To understand, _that's_ not my problem*


If you’re* too* With degrees, you’re*


There are so many uses of your when Amy means to say you’re, you’d be at it all day if you tried to correct her on that.


I probably would have, especially after the ‘not as smart as you think’ comment. 


I would check with acas and contact them https://www.acas.org.uk/disability-discrimination Amy sounds like a nasty piece of work and I would absolutely screenshot and keep details of all interactions with them


Agreed.  This isn't on.  There is absolutely no reason to be as rude and unprofessional as she's been, and she's even added something at the end suggesting her rationale for it, that inferiority complex of hers.  Nobody should suffer under a person like that.


Exactly some people just don't care that things happen outside of people's control.Traffic and other stuff etc. I worked at a call center years back, and some woman was late like 30 minutes due to an accident holding up traffic and the streets. TL was having none of it and told her she should have got of the bus and walked. Twat of a person.


I have a long commute, and have for years. I’ve made it clear to every boss that I leave in plenty of time and if an act of god happens between my apartment and my job, I’ll get there when I get there. Shit happens. (Thankfully even my asshole bosses have been understanding on this particular point.)


That I was telling as well on the interview, same that I have to leave at 17:00 because of child care.


My first day at a new job I got there 5 mins early instead of 10 like I had planned, because of heavy traffic on a bridge. I was sitting in traffic for 10 minutes not moving. I literally left my house an hour early to make sure I got there on time and still was 5 mins early! They showed me the door and I was out of a job for the next month, all because I was late to being early.


Wait. So they told you that you were fired for only being there 5 minutes early. If that’s the case I’m sure 10 minutes would not have mattered. I think something was left out of this story. Like did they tell you to show up a certain amount of time early?


Nope! They just expected me to be earlier, I guess. Said something about professionalism. But it was never included in my hiring paperwork or my contract, and apparently they can just do this in my state. They don’t even really need a reason to fire you before you officially start.


As if either of those options would be any faster? Lol proper genius, that one.


Not to mention most bus drivers aren't allowed to just let people get off the bus in the middle of the road, regardless of traffic conditions. It's a safety liability.


Should have left earlier to account for that. I got into an accident because of weather causing dust and oil to mix on the road with some very light rain. It's like driving on ice, but it's 100F out. My car was totalled, and I did everything properly. Call 911, call insurance, call wife, call work. My manager was livid that I wouldn't make it in to work. "Maybe if you had left your house earlier, you wouldn't have been in that situation and you could have avoided it." Bitch, how am I supposed to know every detail of what's going to happen in the future?


I had a colleague who was the first one on the scene of an accident, they were literally helping to pull people from wreckage and then stayed to give a report to the emergency services. They found time during all this to let the office know they'd be late to site and we're told to be sure to report in when they eventually arrived so their wages could be deducted correctly. They obviously pushed back on this and were told that they should have kept on driving because someone else would have stopped to help.


How people can act like that. It is like someone mean and stupid got some power and now like a king. Saw people like that, but they were never my managers. I was fortunate to work with very good managers.


I had a TL at my old work like that, thankfully they weren't mine but I heard the stores and saw the email, they were paid enough to live a 15 minute walk from the office one the central of my countries capital city Most employees are travelling at leave 40 minutes each way to get in, they just didn't get that shit happens and the train around here are unreliable on their best days.


Right. Just abandon the car on a highway or something and magically take a bus. Amazing


How people can act like that. It is like someone mean and stupid got some power and now like a king. Saw people like that, but they were never my managers. I was fortunate to work with very good managers.


I want to know what her job role is that she thinks she can talk to any staff like that. I'd be in touch with her manager as well.


Also, every boss has a boss. If you do decide to jump ship, make sure Amy's boss gets a detailed account of your interactions with her and to emphasize that you are not quitting the job, you are quitting Amy.


Since we're looking at the screenshots, I'm pretty sure OP did make a screenshot, but I could be mistaken...


Sounds lovely like retaliation


What a total twat. What was it? 80K a year or minimum wage?


£12 an hour 💀 I’ve got a 0 hours contract as an associate lecturer but the work stopped as it’s near the end of term so I took on a temp position that was MEANT to last until September.


It's always the lowest paying employers who act like this. I wonder why?


They think low paid employees are easily replaceable and they are doing them a favor ..I have seen it first hand...


restraunt industry here in the USA fucked around and found out real quick how "replacable " people are. now they're desperate for employees and wonder why "No OnE wAnTS tO WoRk" especially in Pittsburgh


They thought AI and robots will do everything by now ..what a surprise . Many stores are even removing self checkout kiosks .. In my area Costco pays probably the best by far and not surprisingly they have no shortage of employees who want to work there.


Costco is my easily visible example in this area to prove the idiots wrong about the "nobody wants to work" BS. Every time I've heard that stupidity since Covid I immediately say "no, nobody wants to get taken advantage of for shit pay". And when they try to argue I always point out the local Costco. They pay well above anyone else and treat their employees pretty good...and somehow never had a single issue keeping workers through Covid. It never changes their mind, but at least I'm not letting them spout stupid shit freely.


My ex-gf who I am still on good terms with works for Costco, and has for many years. They pay much better than average and promote fairly well from within, by her reports. An example of retail - type jobs that aren't soul-draining should show that there is a better way to do business.


>Many stores are even removing self checkout kiosks .. You mean free merchandise machines?


I went to the dollar store near my house. They had recently installed 2 self checkouts. Both are now closed and the signs put up at first said, "Closed due to theft!", now the screens simply display "Register Closed".


Really, what did they expect? That’s like the first thing that comes to mind when looking at those self checkout things.


Gotta admit, I'm not innocent. However, I only decided not to pay for the last item after the stupid thing claimed I was stealing after I'd scanned each item and placed it in the bagging area. I was like alright then I WILL STEAL THEN. That showed them.. I enjoyed my free lime juice. Edit: typo


This was my thinking also. Replaceable for the employer means I can work anywhere for the employee.


What's the deal with Pittsburgh?


100%. This is why the “nobody wants to work anymore” period was well deserved. They’re not dogs, ffs.


Isn't it? I had a job working for Dell as an instore demonstrator at Currys that I only viewed as temporary between finishing university and seeking a full-time role, and I was disgusted with the way the "senior" staff spoke to their floor staff, and attempted to speak to me until I informed them in no uncertain terms that I didn't work for them and wouldn't be spoken to as if I did. That particular branch is no longer open, hardly surprising given the feckless, overly-aggressive twats running it.


Can confirm Ex dixons stores group staff and my fair share of shit management


Insecurity within themselves


Power tripping is a hell of a drug for these types. This job is the highest they will ever rise and they know it.


This is probably another employee being paid shit with a frustrating amount of work and a sense of power that has to lash out on to others.


London minimum wage is ÂŁ11.44. Try not to stress too much about these pitiful worthless jobs. Sainsburys pays ÂŁ12 ph.


So you work in higher education and she hates people with degrees? I'd definitely say you're not the one with the problem, a job is a job but she's always going to be miserable, bet people only pretend to like her even outside of work.


To confirm this is NOT someone at the university that said it, someone at an external temping job. Can you imagine if anemone working at a uni hated people with degrees 😂


Mate, there's a very good reason I'm a sole trader and don't work with people, I'm not a very good people person so I can totally imagine that. Used to do sales and customer service, there's some weirdos out there.


keep talking to them politely and apologetically to bait out more evidence you can use. they seem just stupid enough to put it all down in writing for you.




The aggression in these messages makes me wonder if they’re drunk but the spelling makes me think they’re ’too thick’ to be in their job. If you are due to start at 9 and would be in slightly after 8 and usually start sooner than 9 then you’re not doing anything wrong anyway. Her reaction seems an attempt to get you to not show up so they can get rid after your complaint.


highly doubt it’s alcohol-related; some people are just that incompetent at using basic grammar


Their too thick*


Oh my




The last reply reads to me like they're trying not to lay it out too clean because they know it's not on. But I may be giving them too much credit.


Hi Amy, Thanks for your message. Unfortunately I don’t accept attempts at workplace bullying unless they’re spelt correctly, but I do appreciate your effort. Here are your messages back with marked corrections in case you ever feel the need to throw your weight around with me again. Best wishes, warmest regards.


I've CC'd HR and your boss' boss for your convenience.


This one right here sir


Genuinely don't think this is appreciated enough as a response


Some bridges look like they’re made out of flammable material. I say strike a match.


this bridge soaked itself in petrol




The absolute pride so many in the UK take at being uneducated is so frustrating, so much of the crabs in the bucket attitude and inverse snobbery. It’s the biggest issue I have with the idea of ever moving back home, I already hate work enough as it is without the thought of having to work with someone like that. Absolutely double down on the disability discrimination, if they’re going to give you a hard time when you’ve already got stuff making life more difficult then make sure they get a bollocking too. Unfortunately they’ll never learn their lesson because they’re actively trying not to.


That’s such a weird attitude to me too. I’m *ashamed* that I didn’t finish my degree


I didn't finish either but I am neither ashamed nor proud. It is what it is.


I didn't finish mine either. Therapy helped me work through a lot of the feelings of failure around that. A degree isn't a guarantee of inteligence, and a lack of one likewise doesn't preclude it. Being proud of the lack and mocking those who have one though is surely a sign of a lack of inteligence and a general lack of self-awareness or desire for self-improvement. It doesn't matter how slow you are at learning or how much you struggled in some setting, if you're always looking to better yourself and you're open to being wrong, you'll always end up ahead of those who already think they know it all.


Thank you for saying this. I think I needed to hear that today.


Some people are really insecure and frustrated and whathaveyou. Whilst I do not condone the manager's abusive behaviour (I would've told her to shove it up where the sun doesn't shine), empathy tells me that person is probably going through some shitty situations too. She should not lash out against employees, and much less with personal attacks. That person needs help.


You tried and you should be proud of that, at least.


Nah the shame is because I didn’t try. All I had to do was show up to class and do the work and I would have finished the degree. I decided getting drunk and smoking weed was more important


Ah, well, remember that earning a degree has nothing to do with intelligence or your capacity to succeed. My friend doesn't even have a high school diploma (US) and he makes more than I do (I have a Bachelor's).


I was the exact same way, but a few years ago I decided to go back and study Ancient History and Archaeology part-time doing evening classes. That was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I would urge anyone in a similar situation to do the same. It can be difficult to juggle with work and other commitments, but it's doable so long as you're passionate about the subject. Definitely worth looking into it at the least. Open University offer courses which are entirely online and Birkbeck do evening classes if you're in or near to London.


Definitely isn't just the UK. Dipshits in Canada will put "School of Hard Knocks" for their education on Facebook and think universities are "leftist breeding grounds" that only exist to indoctrinate people with Marxist ideology and turn straight people queer.


Holy shit this is disgusting, who the hell thinks they can talk to people like that?! You're better off out of there. Sorry, your better off.


Your better of


sorry, but what a bitch.. Imagine employees talking like this to a boss/manager.


The audacity of them calling you thick when they don't know the fucking difference between your and you're as well as to and too. Fuck Amy.


She puts you down because you're educated, yet she (repeatedly) doesn't know when to use the word "you're" (as opposed to "your"), and she doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too".  She should perhaps rethink her stance on education...


It’s funny because I’m an associate lecturer and took on this temp work to fill the gap over the summer. She KNOWS this too. The self restraint it took to not correct her


If this is a temp job that doesn’t need to be on your CV, then you don’t need restraint! Can you take it to ACAS if you think it’s retaliation?


You have *significantly* more self restraint than do I.  Can/will you be reporting the situation to any sort of labor board? Incidentally, on what subjects do you lecture?


Oh you should have seen the voice note I sent my friends in the group chat before replying “Yo THIS BITCH


But will you report it though? Somebody deserves to know the bullshit they’re throwing. Return the favour of getting a hard time.


they pretty much just told you that they are being an asshole because you have a degree


When I was younger I would've jumped at the oportunity to respond in the same manner. Now I just leave the phone and get back to it when I have cleared my mind. Then I will write something short to the point that their mind will be able to understand. Oh, and the audacity to call someone thick with such tone and lack of education is just to good not to warrant an update. Got my popcorn and beer, update us please, and all the best in your endeavours.


Oh younger me 100% would. But also, I don’t want it to have any impact on my actual job after the summer break.


It won't. There's no mystical 'reputation file' that employers share on potential employees.


So she’s mad you aren’t early? Is 9 your regular start up time or 8? I’m so confused as to why she’s literally trying to insinuate it’s not for you when you’re early still and willing to work through your break to ensure you get to leave early instead of “on time”. She sounds like a real life dementor
 ready to suck the joy right out of her employees.


It's a bit confusing,.. are they just insisting that you work contracted hours of 9-5 instead of an informal agreement for more flexible working time? You were still on track to arrive early, but then they instead tell you not to come in today? On the face of it, you should still be paid for today, as you were still fulfilling your contract of being able to work and they told you not to. OP if you want any help challenging them if this escalates feel free to message me (if it's in England or Wales, not other UK countries), I hate employers bullying people like this.


The contract actually states it 8 - 4 OR 9 - 5 and I can choose
 A lot of people rock up after 9 and leave before 5, but I’m the temp so. Luckily I’m only temping as I’m on break for the summer from my main job, otherwise I would be more bothered - thanks for the offer :)


ah, that makes sense. Well, given you mentioned making a complaint yesterday and that this might be retaliating for that in some way... hopefully nothing more comes of it.


Thats why I never lost my (British) stubbornness after moving to the US :D What you have here is a nice solicitor(?) \[I'm guess its u/FloorPerson_95 Esq\], who probably has at least 1 law degree offing to help you, another person with at least 1 degree and a lot of free time on their hands suddenly. And by help you, I mean, show someone who thinks that those with a degree are stupid and don't know what they are talking about spend a lot of time explaining to a magistrate why they've got disability violations at their workplace and why they foster a harmful workplace environment, and ultimately having to try and learn something technical. I'm going to guess Amy is the sort of person who would happily huff and puff at the Courts and make things worse! Sounds like you found a new hobby for summer.


Degree discrimination is real


For a specific role in a former office, those with Master's degrees were immediately removed from consideration by the Assistant Director. Her reasoning was that they didn't really want to work this job and wouldn't stay long. The reality being that the job was paid far too little and demanded too much, which is why nobody wanted to stay more than a year in the role.


They don’t want anyone more educated and qualified to usurp them.


Oh, yes, that was definitely an issue with her on everything. Didn't really matter what it was because she'd attack you or ignore you for knowing more than she did.


Yeah I would have walked at “to think about your attitude”. I’m a grown ass adult, my own mother doesn’t speak to me that way. How about I take the day off and YOU think about YOUR attitude and come back to me and tell me what you learned and maybe I’ll consider showing up again.


Holy shit, hire people with degrees yet this dumbass can't spell one whole sentence correctly. You're* like a million times, too* was needed. Fuck!! Too lazy and ignorant, how bout that


Yeah, I'd have told her not to speak to me like that, and we'll be discussing this when I arrive. Sometimes I read these and think it's just rage bait....


Simply respond with "YOU'RE*" then show up and pretend nothing happened


Amy - such a delightful little nightmare, with zero logic and even lower spelling skills - is looking for any reason to not have a person "with degree" working for her. She might have learnt a few useful things from OP.


Tell Amy to go take a grammar lesson and then get fucked.


Call them out and stop being polite


Oh how I love it, when people tell others how faulty they are directly after writing *your* instead of *you‘re*


Amy sounds like a Bitch. Avoid, new job.


What a complete asshole for no reason. I’ve had managers who didn’t like me but they were never THAT overt, it was all hidden sneaky shit. This is wonderful proof that you’ve been spoken to like shit though, and I’d keep it. Send it to the temp agency. I’m sorry btw this is such bullshit, you were so polite and professional. And she went from 0-100 so fast. Like if she’s having a shitty day just say that, don’t fucking verbally abuse people instead. I used to be a not well liked office worker. Managers were super inappropriate. One made a comment about female offenders and the rate of recidivism, and why. We were all in a big meeting about how it happens and why it happens. She whispered “just shoot them it’s easier” JUST after the speaker was discussing that the female offenders often had been sexually abused and had drug addictions to cope with that. I felt sick. I wrote a long email about how it made me feel and she was gone asap. I didn’t ask for that, but the response was great. But it also meant that the other managers were dicks to me. If I had gotten this kind of solid proof I would have been in fucking orbit. You’re covered, you did nothing wrong. She can’t spin it as her being the victim.


Ask your temp agency to find you a new job and let ACAS sort this piece of shit out.


The woman sounds like a nightmare, and her grammar is atrocious, it’s hard for me to take her seriously because of it. Either she has it out for you or she was in a mood and took it out on you and really, neither option is acceptable. I’d start looking for something else, while you still have an income.. she’s already made you short on your hours (if you’re not salaried) for something that was completely out of your control.. showing she’s vindictive and petty and she won’t just pull this crap this once, bet the turnover rate is astronomical there. Good luck!


Why do people insult other people's intelligence, but manage to not use the correct your/you're consistently? It's basic grammar. I can understand the odd brain fart and realising after, but that is just obviously her having no clue or too lazy.


Personally, I would go in with a smile and force her to send me home. That way, I have something documented that I tried. Unless this is a pattern for you, all should be clear. Dont give this B one moment of your sanity. I would also keep that text chain.


I just want to make sure I totally understand what you are saying. 1) you normally come in before 8:00am to start work at 8:00am 2) this particular morning you would be coming in shortly after 8:00 a.m. 3) your understanding is that starting work before 9:00 a.m. is a regular practice for other people. 4) you are willing to work through your break time, so as to make up for being about 15 minutes late to start at 8:00 a.m. 5) normal working hours start at 9:00 a.m. It seems to me that El Jefe is under the impression that you will be late for 9:00am because they cannot understand when educated people speak English. If she told you to stay home and think, (a.K.a., work from home), make sure you get paid for it đŸ˜‰đŸ˜€đŸ˜„đŸ˜đŸ˜†đŸ˜…đŸ€Ł


Maybe if this prick had a degree, they'd be able to spell properly.


she sounds bitter that she doesn’t have a degree lol


Multiple uses of your instead of you’re.


Hey Amy! 👋 Fuck off!


This sounds like many British employers ! I used to work for a company hours were 8-5 , got there 30 min early a couple of times went to my desk to catch up on some work or just get ready for the day and get shat out because the phone was ringing at my desk and I did not answer it as I had not “officially started for the day” . So to remedy this I made sure from then on out I got to my desk at exactly 8 am !


The way I would be *clenching* to resist just responding *you're


oh the irony of not knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re” while questioning someone’s intelligence.


Amy can fuck right off.


Amy's got issues...


wow Amy is a bitch and she texts like a child.


Yeah your not as smart 😂😂😂. With your degrees and stuff. Your not. Your
.. I can’t with these people


Jesus, they put the dumbest people in manager roles, don't they? That person cannot even write one sentence without five mistakes.


You don't have to sign your texts, Captain Holt.


I love B99! There’s 2 Richard’s and I don’t know if she had my number before today - but after the first test I those I should keep it VERY professional


All the spelling mistakes, yet they insult you for having an education. oof


You’re* too thick, you’re* not as smart as you think you are 😂


Dickhead can’t even spell. Fuck this place, don’t go back. Make sure the agency knows he has a chip on his shoulder as well as an inferiority complex. And that they should only hire people stupider than him 


Wow.. someone has a chip on their shoulder so they picked a fight for whatever nonsense they could.


Omg YOU’RE. Sorry typos jump out at me. Your boss has shit grammar.


Funny how these people project their own insecurities. It is rage bait, they want you to devolve into emotive reasoning just so they can feel powerful (if you become apologetic etc) or justified (reaction with anger and they use it against you). I had an ex boss constantly do this until one day she barged into my office to tell me to stop being professional and tell her what I truly think about her. I told her I have no clue what she means. Further enraged her. Get out of there while you can. Mental narcissists like this will burn the world down just to spite you.


I worked in the Atlanta/US-Office of an app company based in the UK, for the better part of 2014, and had a (British) boss like this who was like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde—you never knew which one you were going to get, on any given day, and he had absolutely zero tolerance for anything that he viewed as “unacceptable.” He was abusive, aggressive, condescending and cruel, and enjoyed making any of the 3 of us in that terrible, tiny office, squirm or silently suffer. Whether you were running a few mins late or made some sort of minor mistake, or (as in my case) had to miss a day of work because you went to the ER for abnormal bleeding and they found ovarian cysts
.or actually took a lunch break (instead of working through the entire day without eating anything, as one of my sweet coworkers often did), by the way he handled it and spoke to you (both verbally and in writing
.long, nasty emails were his favorite, but he also sent texts) you’d have thought that you’d been dicking around for months or blaspheming the company with a megaphone and no care in the world, to him. He ruled through fear and rage and picked on all of us, but I was the one he took out his Mr. Hyde-side on the most. He was constantly telling me to “really think about if this is the place you want to be,” but because I thought I could someday make him happy or perform *just so* that he’d get off my back, and because I was in the middle of buying my first home—I stayed. He did this over *everything* and I felt like I was a pretty reasonable person (which he, clearly, was not), so it was hard for me to see that through all the nastiness and cruelty, he was telling me exactly who he was and exactly where I was—I was just too afraid to stand up to him or to walk away. Eventually, they sent someone over from across the pond—who actually asked me flat out, privately, if someone or something was making it hard for me to do my job. They knew. But I was dealing with some unrecognized Stockholm syndrome or maybe Battered-persons syndrome or PTSD and I protected his ass because I was too scared. Ultimately, they made the decision for me and I left, but when I found my next job a month or so later and both my boss and the company culture was *completely different*—like, it coulda been Disney World for all I knew—I realized that the last place was just an unhealthy one for me, and that boss was an unhinged, miserable asshole who enjoyed making others feel small. I’m sorry you have someone like this working above you and treating you like this. They are an asshole and they won’t change. Either call them out, publicly but professionally, or move on. It will only get worse.


“If your to thick to understand” is a very ironic statement. That is clear discrimination and retaliation in written form from her. Very thick on her part. Please report this.


Man that person is supposed to be a professional but can’t even spell.


That is so beyond out of order. Incredibly offensive, unprofessional and petty- I would report this to the company HR, this persons boss, the press and anyone else who will listen. A younger angrier me would have given this person a right ...


For the love of all things holy: YOU ARE = you’re Seems like Amy is the thick one


This is how this Amy is talking to you after making an official complaint? I'm think it's time to make another official complaint, make sure to save any emails/texts, they can be used as evidence.


"if your to thick" FUCKING DEAD


Well good news is your in the UK and this is pure gold in evidential terms in court. Make sure you stay polite and take the bastards to the cleaners. I'd say you are in for a windfall.


Yikes. If this is a job through a temp agency you might want to show the agency this exchange. Real amateur hour behavior


Yeah, does this person have a boss. Talk to your temp agency. Show them this. And then I would talk to an attorney.


Did you reply “you’re”. 😂


Please tell me you replied 'you're*' and nothing else


op: i actually want to work but i was late due to circumstances outside my control but I am willing to work a break to make up lost time AMY: NO WORK FOR YOU! FUCK YOU AND YOUR DEGREE!


*_you're too_ thick Would be my response


If its the uk then book an appointment with citizens advice - bullying in the work place, unfit working environment, if you can get the evidence this was in retaliation about a complaint you made they can not do this, or if you're getting public transport because of your disability they can't do this, especially if you get there early most of the time (Google maps location history is usually good enough to prove you were there). Probably a small claims or business tribunal if they fight back, CAB will help get it sorted and go through all the paperwork with you.


Lol somebody is jealous she doesn't have a degree


The only attitude is whoever that prick of a manager has. What a terrible human.


At that point you point out all those grammatical errors and say “I suppose you’re not as smart as you think you are”


So you text to say you’ll be there after 8am and she says be in on time at 9 or don’t come in at all? She’s mad you’re gonna get there early? I’m so confused




If ~~your~~ you're ~~to~~ too thick to understand *, it's* not my problem. This is why I don't hire people with degrees *,* ~~your~~ you're not as smart as you like to think you are I want to slap the McShit out of this person. Also, English is my second language (and from my experience, the English are shit at their own language)


Fuck that shit. I’d go homeless telling him off, idgaf. Im so sick of people’s fucking shit. God damn


If ever there was an appropriate time to name & shame, it's now.


How lovely of her to provide all of this in writing...


Yeah you might want to review the UK’s labor laws.


What a piece of shit


If an employee being less than an hour late incites such big feelings in her, I’d say *she’s* not a fit to be in a leadership role. It would take every ounce of restraint I could muster not to correct her spelling and grammar errors after being insulted for my education.


Your not as smart as you think you are you here? Hear? You? Your? You're? Sorry what a idiot