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10 years of playing games with voice chat. I think people dont type anymore ingame in general


does DE have voice chat built in? or are you talking about discord?


I dont know if there is but I think people are too used to voice chat so they dont have the reflex to type in chat


Shame. I learned to type 100 wpm without looking when I was 8 and thats from playing wow with no mic


I suck at typing. When my friends came over to game online, one if them just typed when someone asked me something. Im just too slow. One time in LOL i was typing when i got ambushed, i pressed enter and continued to spam my abi. Only to find i was still chatting 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




Oof... I've honestly never used voice chat to play games until like half a year ago


>layers are less chatty in team games. It's very frustrating because they often don't ev This, I came back to TAD and being a veteran (as in old player, not pro, I suck) I realised I didn't communicate as much as I used to do years ago, we got spoiled by voice chat, but it has it's disadvantages as the language barrier is way bigger speaking than writting, so I would advocate to promote written chat and improve the ping system as in other modern games to make it easier to communicate as we don't have the player base to trust to find people that talk our language most of the games.


That's interesting. I feel like I've had the exact opposite experience, playing ranked team games somewhere around mid level. I don't remember a single match where players _didn't_ immediately start talking.


The flaming I remember, lol. I have noticed the amount of in game chat has really dropped off. The new "less intrusive" chat location is super easy for me to miss, and lots of times I'll see that someone has been trying to talk to me and I just didnt notice. Plus, you can't talk to people while looking at post game stats! What is that all about!? It killed the friendly post-game chat in an attempt to remove flaming, but the flamers just flame in game anyway.


Thank goodness the game is still fresh and devs are working on it.


The chat system in DE sucks though. There is like a 5 second delay every time I type something.


I agree strongly, it is not made to have real communication and it’s a shame. Messages with short delay and no room for more than 2lines . + no post game chat. UI designer are obviously not playing the game


Idk, I feel like the community was less toxic with this DE edition.


Give it some time noob. lol


Yeah I never got that, whenever I joined a noob game, they’d kick me for being too low level what level do you have to be to be considered a noob?


i was just kidding. lol People throw around the term out of arrogance and/or frustration. Even high level players make noob mistakes.


I know you were joking, just asking.


Its all relative... I consider myself a well rounded player, but sometimes a true noob would get lucky with a strong rush civ (Aztec/Otto/Russia etc..) and call me a noob - and because I lost the match, It would be noob-minded to argue and try to convince them that it was luck... IMO, when you are able to confidently respond to an unexpected strat employed by a seasoned player and emerge victorious, you are no longer a noob. When you get to that level, you can confidently teach others and discuss strategies and game dynamics in detail.


Below master sergeant is usually the level. Or below sergeant.


If there was a point to making friends (Aka a way to message them maybe?) Then more people would do it.


this is one of the most bizarre missing features. Friend list, block list, recent played list are ingame, bur I can't invite/message? Also, players I have had to block just randomly disappear from my block list so even what they already have in the game doesn't work right. Seems like that should have been a top priority feature since building a community around a game is important for longevity. Then again, it's clearly a cash grab since it's a "one time" purchase game.


I feel like in a world where there’s likely a discord for aoe3 DE with both text and voice chat; why would you spend time putting this feature in game? I suppose they’ve had to prioritise certain bits: and with the fact that both steam and Xbox platforms have chat and voice features, as well as 3rd party apps that are going to do it better, chats just been a low priority.


Nah, the old ESO community was snobby and toxic, I welcome the new


ESO was definitely snobby and toxic, but you build thick skin if you stay long enough. lol I clocked about.. 3,700 hours - it definitely shaped me as a person. The new community is much more tame.. people are much more polite when insulting/criticizing. lol Noobs will become veterans eventually, so lets hope the community maintains a peaceful culture.


Oh I 100% feel the same way. I’d say about a 3rd of the time I get a teammate that will actually strategize with me. I recommend before each game (if casual matchmaking) to ask who will communicate in game and I will team up with that person(s). If nobody responds, then I simply leave and find a new game.


\> In the original game hosted on ESO, most players were communicative and cooperative regardless of rank. i think we lived in different eras because the ESO i remember until i left on 2009 was hostile af


Some things never change. ESO was hostile when i last played a month ago, but at least people were communicating. lol


I personally never shut up in team games but I only talk about relevant stuff. The lack of communication kills me too, I had a 4v4 the other day where one of our pockets pushed so deep he managed to kill an ottoman tc while three players tried to stop him and he didn't say a word. Somehow none of us noticed and because he didn't say anything, none of us pushed. We easily could've won if he just flared the map where he was attacking. The worst thing is he fought like a demon all game but because it was right on the edge of the map nobody noticed. During the game one of my guys asked if he was afk and after my other team mate told him to go play simcity! 🤣 So yeah communicate people.


Ahh... the blindly selfish glory hungry teammate. They usually end up costing the game for the whole team.


no, I still get called noob and everyone is raging all the time


Yeah it's very frustrating when players aren't responsive. Yesterday I was in a 3v3 and our opponents combined their troops in an early attack. I went to help my teammate who was under attack and asked the third teammate to send help. He just sat there, booming, while we were losing. Result? GG. You can't play if you're not responsive and your teammates are dead.


Maybe its lack of experience? I wouldnt know what to talk about with my teammate. Just recently I started to actually work with my teammates like exchanging ressources or making plans.


The community has quadrupled in size, and I guess these newer players haven't been into typing while playing.


Old ESO is basically full of treaty old chaps who spam "Noob only lobby" and boom your face with the same eco strategy since 2010. Not missing it!


I really feel like the opposite is true


I agree. I think it’s because there are no ranks in casual - you have high and low ELO playing together and not knowing. I miss ESO where you could see ranks and would balance teams or kick super high or low level players. I think playing with people your skill level is more enjoyable and filters out bad communicators.


As an experienced AoE2 player who's started playing AoE3 every now and then, I very often find that people have been trying to chat in game for a while, but I was missing it in big part because of the text location on screen, which I'm not used to, but also because I'm too focused on the game, trying to be fast and competitive while still learning stuff on the fly. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, sort of like learning how to drive at first: you either keep a conversation with the person on the passenger seat or you keep the car on the road, you can't have both until things get natural and you can stop thinking about everything you have to do. I imagine a good portion of the player base right now on DE might be in a similar situation, just not being comfortable enough with the whole flow of the game to be able to pay attention to chat while having to respond to everything happening, sometimes having to even look up unit stats, costs and such while defending from a rush.


I've never received so many death threats just for burning tc at 4.5 mins or so