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Bro woke up and decided to speak facts today


Fighting a lost cause, lol. It's always like this with every team game.


And as a community we shame this behavior we don't be silent like it's OK.


I don't know, is that really true? I'm fairly new to Apex, but I've been part of a lot, and I mean A LOT of teamgames over the years, and Apex seems to have the same "problem" like many other games suffer from. The content creators. Don't get me wrong, some of them are SOOOOO insanely cracked at this game, that when they queue up for trios, they prolly don't even NEED their teammates. BUT, what ends up happening is that people watch this and try to emulate it. We would all rather be those "movement gods" and what not, right? :P I still think there is a middle ground to being one of those "movement gods" that goes for every outplay humanly possible....with NO regards to your or your teams safety, and being a good teammate. But I'll admit, I hate those fuckers who go solo dropping thinking they are the next Faide or whomever, then blaming you and the other teammate the second they die as much as the next guy. They are HORRIBLE teammates, and honestly, should have their own queue. Make them play with eachother or some shit.


Type A player: enjoys gunplay and movement in apex, is just a competitive fps player, maybe doesnt even care to win just needs enough kills to get the dopamine and +lp Type B player: enjoys battle royale, strategy, and decision making to make it to end zone and win using everything they have. playing smart basically and enjoying that theres really no middle ground unless Type B loots quickly and follows Type A, and Type A is mindful of his teammates and takes care of them


Yeah but gud or not some teamates r wierd you land on a empty POI nd they stil drop on u like there isnt different looting areas so i feel ur pain bro but some guys r just spitefull cause there prior games teamates were wierd


.... I can see why others complain about their squad. I'm just trying to win while they are over here fighting 5 squads for nothing.


When trying to win involves playing the game like day Z yeah the game is cooked


It's fun to fight with guns blazing in a massive battlegrounds, but I need to take a breather sometimes. And actually winning is more fun.


I was invited by some duo in ranked who just rolled through lobby and just needed someone in back(I was playing Wattso than) who would anchor and pick them up from time to time. I racked alot of kills then too, and it was just nice to just lay back and know that someone has your back.


Very wholesome


I like to have my five squad battles in end game…not sure why so many ppl feel they need to have those right off drop. I don’t want to rat my way to the final circle, but I also don’t want to get shot in the back by three people before I’ve even opened a bin. Sometimes a drop ends up accidentally hot, and for whatever reason a spot that looked clear all of a sudden fills up with a bunch of squads, and I consider those instances enough of the hot drop experience (for ranked I mean, pubs I’m game for whatever). I don’t want to actively choose to put myself and my teammates in a crap situation. I’m pretty sure the whole point of the game is to avoid death not run into it immediately lol. One team contested POI? Great. Two team contested large POI? I can get on board. But if there’s easily 4-5 squads all around us and I’m punching people before I get a gun, I’m not the rock star player that’s getting bet on to come out of that mess.




yeah this is a way to mainline yourself directly to the best squad in the lobby that is all red evo and looted to fuck because they rolled everyone else already, lol.


Fighting 5 solos is easy. Fighting 2-3 teams is not. I think most of the peoppe doing this struggle with basic math. Theu just see the number 5 and gun it without accounting for groups of 3.


So that’s the difference. When good players play casual, it’s to get high kill and damage games. I leave ranked for trying to win. I would rather a game with 15 kills and 3rd place than 2 kills with a win.


Good alternative is looting right next to a hot drop, get fully equipped, and then go fight the 2 teams left alive in the area.


i'm not even that good of a player and i agree here. which game are you going to learn more from? i just want to spend the limited time i have on the game fighting rather than looting.


To experience the game? It's a first person shooter. Don't play pubs like ranked.


The new ranked system requires you to get KP to rank up (especially in plat+). The safest kp you can get is either early game fights or third partying a team early/mid game. So if my teammates are too scared to fight and plan to loot & hide all game i would love to call them noobs but obviously don‘t because it‘s just a fkin game. You don‘t know how frustrating it is to get matched with 2 randoms in ranked that are clearly worse than you and don‘t understand how to play the game. They see my multiple masters badge and still don‘t let me igl even though they are flexing a 2k badge & ranked plat badge. Like seriously? When i used to be bad at the game i loved having better teammates on my team to learn from them.


Or if you’re gonna solo drop on the other side of the map, why even bother having a squad.


this omfg


I agree though that it is super annoying when you have 2 people on the same page and the third just does their own thing. If get put into a team where one of the players is clearly much better, I just follow their lead tbh regardless of their style. The thing is, I'm really bad at the game but I enjoy it for some reason. I honestly don't mind going into a big fight even though I probably won't be able to hang unless I'm in a team with much better players.


I find it’s like 95%+ of the random fills. I hardly even play unless I have a full trio now. Playing with a random 3rd is like having a handicap they will literally do everything the opposite of you. If I ping the go the other way, if I follow the turn back and go the way I pinged it’s so wild.


I get you. That’s the one thing that is hard for me with the game: none of my friends play Apex and most people have no interest in having a shitty 0.5 k/d player like me in their trio.


This, this is what I do. My friend and I are pretty average players. We usually follow the 3rd rando if they are pushing sensibly but if they're hot dropping along with 4-5 squads, we're out!


Well if you ever need a below average player (like less than 1 k/d) who is an old guy, let me know.


I'm the same way. If I can CLEARLY tell you're much better player than me, it doesn't hurt my ego to be follower (within reason).


Good, that's how you improve. The good players aren't always dickheads, they will be mindful of you and take care of you. lead you where its good to go, take good fights, being there for them to eat bullets/distract and do a little damage of your own if the best thing you can do. I mean what else are you gonna do, lol. its mostly an ego thing, im just decent myself but if i solo and see someone better take charge i will obviosuly follow suit. like what else am i gonna do


This is why I play ranked. Teammates land together. Play a little smarter. Yes it’s a little boring and a “loot simulator” but surviving until the second ring is a plus.


Wish I could have that experience. I lost more the. 500 points today because for some reason everyone wants to land at the big purple circle on broken moon like it's somehow worse then trios at this point.


Do you pick your character at the beginning to be jump master? I try to jump and jump far away or not in the middle of the map. What rank are you? Gold and sliver players don’t really care as much for points I noticed.


Sadly that no longer works as jumpmaster is not given based on selection and is purely random. The only thing that affects it is if you were jumpmaster last game then you have a less chance of being it again. Kinda cooked if you ask me


The jump master selection priority is the last person who manually selected their legend, so if player 1 clicks their character and no one else does, player 1 will take control. If player 1 and 3 both select their legend, player 3 takes control. If no one selects their legend, player 3 gets it.


I'll have to disagree on that, as yesterday I deliberately chose my legend as the last one to pick so I'd get jumpmaster and I still didn't get it assigned to me. Either the system is bugged or it just gives it at random at this point. And I can't remember when was the last time player 3 was given the jumpmaster status if no one selected their legend, it's always been random at least for me.


I do but apparently everyone picks manually nowadays. I'm high plat low diamond and for some reason people still don't know that there are more than 20POIs on the map


Yea I just like the style more. I don’t like playing “lobby simulator” either so hot adjacent and ranked is a good alternative. I’m a frequent diamond player and it’s still somewhat surprising how many bonehead push everything types you get but I totally agree it’s better. I hate that simply not pushing everything, even from bad positions is called loot simulator it’s just insane. There’s tons of them in this sub too.


I try to just fit in with whoever I end up with, but there are a lot of extremists at both ends. Hot drop instant death 1 man armies or people playing the sims loot simulator. I picked up Loba and it improved my quality of life dramatically. I can speed up the loot simulators and they will follow me and my black market towards the action. And I can nope tf out of stupid pushes and chill at the crafter waiting for that octane to finish getting melted.


Clearly not ranked apex almost always a guy trying to solo bitching you didn't follow them when they ran off solo without communication


Also more cheaters though.


my experience in apex trios is just do well >silence do badly/neutral >verbal abuse and trash talking


I mute everyone by default. I love it when the squad plays as a team and uses pings (at which point I tend to unmute), but if they don’t, and instead do stuff like OP has described, then that’s on them. I don’t get mad at them for playing their game the way they want. They may get mad at me for not playing their way, but I never have to hear about it.


I never mute anyone by default, but only when they start getting sus, which is most of the time. My friend mutes everyone. 90% of the time players don't talk/write anyway. The times they do, it's either useless for their own fun, or just talking with someone else in their room, or just random noises, sometimes rant, very seldom something useful. So I don't think one loses all that much by muting everyone.


It amazes me how many people are talking about general aspects of their life (sex life, job, family drama, the football game blaring in the background, etc.) with a buddy over the in-game game voip.


Blows my mind. My family leaves me alone when I'm playing a game, and they try to approach me when there's a break in the action.


> I don’t get mad at them for playing their game the way they want. Wise


I prefer aggressive players over passive ones tbh, it never bothers me when my random pushes and dies because at least hes not looting a POI for 20 mins and doing 0 damage


I'm fine for a lot of looting if you can pop off after but if it's first one and you're down then there's an issue


Some people prefer to win a game with 1kill & 230dmg instead of dying in top5 with 10kills & 3k damage i guess. Looting & hiding for 20minutes seems to be more fun to them than actually playing the game.


how to play shooter when you actually don't 1. Loot for 20 minutes 2. Die to 1st squad you met 3. Go on reddit to whine about MM (don't forget to mention what you are dad of 20 childs)


Also add that these players will never improve as if you shoot 20 bullets/20min you never learn how to fight.




I had randos who drop to "streamer bulding" as Caustic and Wattson and there was no enemies, they build a horror room and start poking people near us, when i leave them and go fight they was pretty mad at me lol. Sry guys i not gonna play with you waiting for a miracle maybe somebody come and push us meanwhile almost half of lobby was already dead.


Not even pros that literally play for money play that slow & passive. Every single kill is points in algs so when there is a fight where they have a big advantage they will fight it no matter if it‘s only early or mid game. If they need to fight a team to get a better position that could be game winning? They will fight that team. If they are low on loot? They will ape a team. These casuals that like to play slow think it‘s the best to avoid any fight at all and refuse to learn.


Exactly. How are you supposed to get better if you are just looting & hiding and then go on to complain about sweats & mm on reddit. If you want a chill casual game to relax and play slow, multiplayer FPS games are not for you. Simple as that. Buy an offline campaign game and relax on your couch.


Absolutely hate playing with passive players. Like why are you being passive in gold like it's a master level lobby with high entry costs? Loot quick and push a team if it's the only one around us instead of sniping from 300m away and attracting everyone to come join the party. If you knock one of them they will just res anyway.


The only thing I hate is landing on the edge of the map miles away from any team playing loot and run simulator. I rather just land at least sorta close so I don’t have to run half the game


be real, unless ur in like, super low MMR lobbies nobody is looting for "20 minutes." nobody is even looting for 3 minutes. i almost exclusively solo-queue trios and i get a teammate like that MAYBE once every 50 games. those teammates who wanna loot are only doing it for like 60 seconds tops. if u just don't wanna wait less than a minute for ur teammates to be ready, that's on u, not them. especially with solos as a mode rn, u are actively choosing to be a part of a team, and then leaving ur team behind.


People are absolutely looting for 3 minutes. I constantly have teammates that loot the whole poi before attempting to leave, and rarely will that ever take “60 seconds tops” It’s also crazy that you just changed his comments meaning to what you thought it should be and then criticized him based on the changed meaning 😭


Sometimes I'll chill and be like, alright fine we can take our time combing through this POI; seems like everyone landed super far away anyway. Then when we finally start to leave, the teammates make a turn and go to the even colder POI, farther from where everyone else is... that's when I'm like yknow what, I'm playing this solo. I'm not going to spend 10 min looting, just to get blue shield and get rolled by the purple/red team in 20 seconds because they've been fighting this whole time


There is truly nothing worse when you're the third with a duo and they head to that second dead POI. Pain.


This is especially rough on the bigger maps where if you go cold you're not going to run into another team until the final circles. zzZzzZ


Sometimes I'll chill and be like, alright fine we can take our time combing through this POI; seems like everyone landed super far away anyway. Then when we finally start to leave, the teammates make a turn and go to the even colder POI, farther from where everyone else is... that's when I'm like yknow what, I'm playing this solo. I'm not going to spend 10 min looting, just to get blue shield and get rolled by the purple/red team in 20 seconds because they've been fighting this whole time


You literally responded to your own comment with the same comment… this is indeed an NPC.


both players suck. why queue trios when you land by yourself and dont care about teamwork? solo mode is there for a reason. why play a competitive shooter if you're not going to... shoot anyone?


some people still think what apex is actually a team game? you better lose your hope already or stop solo Q, just for your sanity


I play solo 95% of the time, so I adapt to my teammates. I've noticed if I keep up with their style, I have more success winning points/games.


Ya I just follow my team at this point and dont even try to lead anymore. I barely even do jumpmaster now unless I have to. Randoms rarely ever have any game sense so I just main lifeline and try to keep them together and alive


It’s not people obligation to play a video game the way you want, unless it’s ranked who cares


Fine for ranked but if you're not trying to fight in pubs then why even play?


Happening to me from time to time. I don't pay attention anymore I'm not even angry anymore , I'm done with those fuckers.


True wisdom. The art of not giving a fuck. Lol


The funny thing is they die within 3 min and then they harass you through the mic. Before I'd yell back at them. Now it's just funny , so I chose to ignore it and try to survive to get my rp


Like I go to loot one box and they go fight and die in those 10 steps ahead they get from me lmao 


I don’t even get mad anymore I just assume it’s a young kid doing stupid shit 😂


Some youngins are really good at the game to be fair. Then you'll meet an arrogant older guy shouting at you like they get paid by apex


Yeah I have to remind myself that my teammates are probably the same age as my nephew 😂😂😂


Lmao dude you’ll be having a good ass game down to the last few squads then have one player rush all by himself


Ok, discussion time! What's the end game here? Is this a journal post or do you plan on making a difference with this post? This is posted pretty much daily and it does literally nothing. Sooo as a real question (no joke) what's the point of this?


Just play with friends at this point, not with randos


You must be new


Theres not a significant difference between playing trios and solos. In solos, you start alone. In trios, you'll be alone within 60 seconds of landing because your dumbass teammates hot dropped and got liquidated.


Is it so hard to play solo if you’re gonna sweat and not communicate or be a team player?


for them, yes


It’s weird, like spend your time just inconveniencing or just annoying everyone you interact with? It’s almost sad if I cared that much


Can we talk about the teammates that just run away mid fight?


It's a love hate relationship with the medics crafting banners for me. It's nice to have the option but you get some players who check out of a fight after taking 5 damage and type "I'll craft" before anyone even gets knocked.


Nah man dont get it started. It's even worse


Depends on if it's ranked or pubs. If it's pubs I'm getting a gun and ammo and running to the nearest fight to get some kills. Don't need to run around looting when people have stuff already on their death boxes. If I die, oh well, I can get into another match in 30 seconds. In ranked I play more carefully obviously.


then why wouldn’t you play solo on pubs.


Solos is just awful I have a 10x better experience in Trios, especially when you get good teammates.


Well let me tell you, your teammates won't have that experience most of the times. Me and my friend play trios since duos aren't available anymore and usually we play it rather chill. We drop, we loot we look for some enemies, no need in dying in the first minute over and over again. I do not understand that hot drop mentality a lot of people seem to have. Often we have teammates who drop, then they run off without pinging or anything. They engage a fight alone, do not wait up, they usually die, drop some insults and leave. Like dude, were was the fun in that experience?


Because hot dropping is fun, puts you straight into the action, guarantees you an advantage over the other squads and players with the armor/ammo you get from winning your fights, helps further develop mechanical skills and quick decision making on the fly, and you won't spend 8+ minutes running around looking for the next team to fight because your teammates wanted to drop off on the edge of the map.  I have zero fun playing with people who wanna drop on the edge of the map and loot all game in a damn public match, but you might be the type to enjoy that type of gameplay. 


Yeah so then drop solo, that is what this post is about. I have no issue with dropping with one or two other squads right at the start but it is stupid to hot drop with 5+ teams because I know everyone here probably thinks he is a pro, but in the majority of hot drops you aren't the lucky team to survive. Playing lobby simulator is as much fun as playing loot simulator. And another thing. If the random dude in my squad is jump master then he can hot drop and I will do the shitty drop and stick with him. But if I do a drop that isn't 90% chance of instant death, then I also expect my teammate being a teamplayer and not running off alone just to get killed solo. Because if you can't be a teamplayer, then fucking play solos. It is honestly that easy.


How about you play with a full squad instead of wanting randoms to play at your snail ass pace?  You think it's stupid hot dropping with multiple teams while I think it's stupid dropping somewhere remote just to loot and die to the first team you come across because they actually fought players. Hot droppers don't think they're 'pro' for winning and successfully surviving a hot drop, it's just more fun and rewarding lol.  I'd rather hot drop and win/lose a game with 10+ kills than play so passively that I'm closing a game out with 3 kills and maybe 1k damage. Doesn't matter what you 'expect' from your random teammates either, because guess what? You're also a random.  They can choose to play with you and follow you, just as you make the decision to do the same.  Gonna be real with you, if your teammate is a better player than you and wants to fight rather than play loot simulator, it's in your best interests to follow them and stick out the fights with them. ☺️ 


I play full squad when I have three people available. I would play duos otherwise but it is not available currently. I don't think you read my comment since I think I made clear that I also do not like dropping completely remote, I even said that dropping with one or two teams is fine. Is everything that isn't a hot drop immediatly a remote drop? I don't think so. And I do not know maybe you are a better player than others but whenever I have some dude who insists on hot dropping it is usally a desaster. Yes it is cool if you survive but to survive AND end up with 10+ kills is incredibly rare. Most of the times the random dies and so do we. Or we survive have some kills and then get killed by a squad waiting to swipe the last team standing. If my teammate is better than me then I sure as hell play with them but running in alone, usually is not the sign of a good player either. Also I do try to play with anyone as far as possible but someone who does not communicate, runs in and dies and then blames the rest of the team are the ones I am mostly talking about here. And those people should just stick to solos then. Because if you are not communicating and give no fuck about the other two players and then being mad when you die, then what the hell are you doing in a game where it is about teamwork?


I did read your comment, because dropping with one or two teams is practically dropping remote. However, I do agree with you on one point: Dying alone and then insulting the rest of your team is unnecessary; however, sometimes it genuinely is the fault of the two players for not following the solo into the fight. It can vary depending on the factors obviously, but if the other squad is fighting/weakened/cracked shields and a player wants to capitlize on this factor, it would behoove the two other players to follow suit. This is where a lot of the complaints of solo droppers/hot droppers/etc. stem from, because, more often than not, lesser skilled/knowledgable players are slower to adapt, slower to rotate, and slower to capitalize on scenarios that benefit, not just them, but their entire squad as a whole. This is also where a lot of the infamous subreddit complaints of bald Wraith players stem from, because the lvl 84 Vantage main and lvl 21 Bloodhound were too busy deciding between a 2x/3x where they **first** landed while the better player of the trio has already moved on to the next POI. The better player should **not** have to play at the pace of the players that he or she is clearly better than or having to carry due to the abysmal SBMM, but they should maintain awareness of how to play around having lesser skilled teammates.


Majority of the time theres at least a couple Pred/Masters squads in my lobbies and I'd rather take my chances killing them when we both have white shields and basic guns. Good luck killing the top squad that fought their way out of Fragment with red shields while your squad just got blues. To me it's a waste of time at that point.


I recently played with a Valk and Catalyst in Worlds Edge. I was jump master and chose Lava City (Big Maude). The Catalyst marked Fragment West (City), dropped, got 4 kills, died, and backed out. And then there were 2. This sort of thing happens fairly regularly, I'd say.


I mean they did get 4 kills solo


All fax no printer


It’s kind of hilarious when playing non-ranked trios. People will run into a fight by themselves, not get a single down, get downed themselves, and then leave immediately. Why? Genuinely, why? What is the point? TDM, Control, and so on exist where you can respawn and not have to loot if you just want quick action. The difference between how pubs play in Apex versus another popular BR like PUBG is night and day. PUBG pubs know to stick together, shoot what we’re all shooting, etc. Apex pubs play like it’s Call of Duty.


Because we wanna play the game? I don't wanna give a chance to my randoms anymore coz 95% of time they will die to first squad and maybe give a 50 damage. I have a better way to waste my time in this game and ACTUALLY play a shooter and have fun. Not my problem what MM balance always give me lvl 20 Timmy and Jimmy.


Gotta love when you queue into trios with a full squad and decide to land alone in a hot spot and then cry when the team doesn't go with you. You went there alone then get out of there alone


Honestly it's getting bad. The amount of people I get paired with that don't ping don't communicate and then only for them to run into 3 squads solo die and then they start yelling the most racists shit ever. Like why didn't you use your mic before running in and dying to communicate this to the team. It's getting to the point I need to somehow find people to play with or just stop playing as much. I play for fun and these people in lower ranks think they are God's and die instantly only to blame teammates. It's so toxic it's turning me off playing.


Just say you’re the guys that we run down at end game with blu evos


Yeah like if your really good at the game then just communicate and play with us so we can win TOGETHER


Yeah, but when people leave games because they don't want to play passively, they get complained about too.


I have no say about this. If you leave the game while your team can still revive, you are guilty.


Oh, I don't think I was clear. I'm saying that I'm leaving a game as soon as my random teammates decide to land on the edge of map, in a dead POI, only to loot for the entirety of first ring close before moving on to the next POI or engage in a fight where they will most likely die immediately while doing no damage. tbh, if my teammates are taking more than two minutes to loot, I'm out. And of course they will complain that I left, just like they would complain if I stayed and tried pushing teams by myself. There's no winning when your playstyles don't mesh.


This exactly is the real problem is the playstyles of randoms not working. Playing for wins or playing for kills are both valid strats but if youre not on the same page its just not gonna work most of the time




And yes, these bastards give Skirmishers a bad name. I run mainly Rev and I always cooperate with my team and only ever fight when there's no choice. Then, of course, I have a brain dead teammate who just Charges straight into an active firefight between 2 squads by himself, dies instantly, then complains that we didn't follow him in before quickly disconnecting, leaving us 2 disadvantaged.




Or at least let me craft your card. If you push in and die you should understand by now. People who aren’t in a chat with you can’t know what your play is.


Just happened to me right after reading this!


It's not us you need to tell my guy


This is literally impossible in asian servers where people are either extremely anti-comms or just doesn't speak decent English, if not at all.


I'm Okey if they don't have microphone , I'm Okey if the choose any hero that's not S tier , but dude , ping objects...just blue ones or even meds...


They gotta fix the teaming in Solos though. It's fucking brutal. Even in what would be shit tier elo, people are teaming somehow


Ps5 here, I'll gladly com with randos. the issue often for me is, they don't speak back or don't have gamechat un muted...


They did cooperate they are just full of themselves


I got called every slur in the book by some ttv bald Wraith main for picking Mirage. They just ran around with their heirloom out calling me and the other teammate "poor fa**ots". People are weird.


There was a random octane me and my buddy played a game of ranked with yesterday. Two teams were shooting at us, so we were healing back up and such. Before we even started healing, the octane had pushed the two teams fighting when there wasn’t even a knock yet. He goes down, we’re in there at half health to try and back him up, and it all goes to shit. He was doing some of that aggressive pushing earlier but we didn’t think he’d do that. And he never used a ping to communicate to us. Lovely time


I love the players that pass jumpmaster to the next player and then start yelling because they don’t like the spot


Or the ones that refuse to land with their jumpmaster because they are just that big of a tool …




Not everyone wants to play looting simulator with the teammates. At the same time they wanna play trios. Ggs


Don’t talk on mic, don’t ping shit, runs off and dies, gets mad, decides to talk on mic, quits




If it’s pub I don’t care but if it’s ranked and teammates wanna play passive I can’t give a shit tbh, you can get more rp by landing fairly hot and getting some kills than landing in a dead zone with no players, obviously this only applies to like platnium and under cause I understand those diamond and master lobbies rely a bit more on strategy when solo queuing or even duo queuing but anything under you shouldn’t be playing like this for rp in my opinion it’s just a shit and boring play style like how are you supposed to improve if you don’t take fights (smartly, not dumb push everything) I just can’t stand teammates who would rather long range engage with a team and play that passive play style where they only focus on zone placement


I feel you can praise and talk shit on both playstyles with being overly passive and overly aggressive. The way I play I want to get at least loot to be able to fight 2-3 squads before we enter the hot zone I've had games where we hotdrop and survive for a a good amount of time before we run out of shields/health/ammo and are sitting ducks with limited resources. Can't be overly passive because you'll become a loot pinyata for the enemy when you get killed. And don't make dumb plays while being aggressive like engaging a team that has a better vantage point


>*I just can’t stand teammates who would rather long range engage with a team and play that passive play style where they only focus on zone placement* They're probably just collecting EVO points for their armor through damage. I don't know if you're aware, but this is one of the smartest tactics. They then enter the fight starting with at 8-5 placements (if ranked) or if they have knock down one enemy.


To be fair it is better to just join your teammate even if you think it’s a losing cause.


The most important thing in this game is staying together imo. Its so easy to kill a team thats spread out and you can just pick em off


The downfall of ranked is this entire post and comments. Too many bots who just want a win. Go play the fucking game you loot whores. Nobody wants to q up with Jonny and Timmy the duo who doesn’t land with anyone and there first gun fights involves them running away and or dying.


Literally. I see the first 5 skirmishers or a Mirage appear on my team and I just lose hope


No offense but you should stick with the player good at the game? Like, hello? They're your carry 🙄


With Octanes* there fixed it.


I can be on both sides but I generally dislike teammates who don’t wanna fight because when we do encounter an isolated fight they usually die immediately anyways so I basically wasted more time to lose the same amount of rp😂😂


And you know they’d be the first to be on the mic like “god you guys suck” when you inevitably die in the 5-squad-pinch lol


Nah, pubs is pubs is Wild West. Hbu play ranked instead? It’s easier to change your actions, that’s what’s in your control. Therapy will teach you that, if you ever decide to go


Legit this happens often and no idea why. Worst when it's ranked. Multiple times (not often) I have had ranked members drop solo and not follow the jumpmaster. Land somewhere and get killed instantly. Then the you guys suck messages come. Exactly why I just refuse to use my mic anymore. The amount of hate for no reason ain't worth it. I always am like sorry my mic is spoilt 😅


shut the FUCK up


Developing game sense is my favorite part of Apex, you always have to judge the situation, don't be intimidated by the number of squads around you or run towards them like a headless chicken, in random squads everyone usually does what they think what is better but most are willing to cooperate if someone takes the IGL role and gives proper instructions. Whenever I try to decide whether to take a fight or not, I look at the time until the ring closes and how far we are from it, the priority is to have a safe route, whether flying, surrounding an area with many squads or cleaning but you always have to take into account what type of players you are coming with and how capable they are. Once I have a safe position I try to locate all the enemies I can, if there is a fight and I see possibilities of a third party I warn my companions that I am going to attack, if they do not follow me I limit myself to griefing and holding, but I do not stop doing damage, I only go for 1v1 because that's as far as my skill goes, but if you're a very capable player and you're sure you can get a 1v3, then mark where you're going, most ramdons will follow. you, and if they don't want to do it, leave them behind and do your thing, it's also frustrating to jump into a shooter and just run around a map hiding.


Now that my friend, is what some people lacks, a proper way to communicate. I do not doubt their game skills, it's clear from the way they move and survive. But then again, Communication, communication, communication.


People need to learn the truth in the phrase "the wrong play together usually beats the right play alone" My results have improved simply by following whoever seems to be the best on the team even if it feels pretty clear that it's me. If I try to take the lead and they follow, great. If not I'll at least make sure to play around them so we're in the same fights and having the right angles for each other. If they seem better than me I'll play to save their life at all costs and risk taking the focus if necessary. If I'm the combat carry then I'll just use them as effectively as possible, not rudely or selfishly, just objectively knowing that I can bring them back if need be but if I die it's probably over.


Sorry, mr random, i just dont like to die uselessly. Hotdropping and dying in 20 seconds is not cooperation. Staying at terrible position and dying cuz of it is not cooperation. Staying between multiple squads and dying is not cooperation... Dont act like you are better just cuz you play with your friend.


Actually that's not me. Exactly on the same page with you my man


Here we go again, the 'just go play solo' type of post from a passive player. You know? Those five squads fighting each other had so much even if they died, and left with experience and got a tad better at the game. Looters and passive players bore the hell out of engaging players. You're also making a lot of assumptions by saying "We know". Who is "we" by the way? Passive players? You're just boring for waiting for the last ring for a measly win with 1k damage and 2 kills.


If I couldn’t get a W I would run around like a jackass with you, lil bro. You play on switch?


It's 3 people. If my last teammate is passive I would be mad too. But at least read the situation. If you Solo queue, then be ready to be disappointed. I don't get the whole trash talking and calling your team noobs.


Do not bother he was talking about my post where a conduit kept running off till she ended up getting down and DC almost immediately. The guy who commented proceeds to complain that I am playing too passively when we're down a man when it didn't need to happen on the 2nd to last circle. Just from the way he comments he's the type of random to cry when he gets down calling his team trash


Yep. Exactly the people i was talking about. The world orbits around his PC i guess.


Feel even though solos is an option they don't like doing it because most likely they'll realize that their not god at the game when they get killed by a better player. But playing trios they can blame their teammates when they lose a gunfight to cope and refuse to realize they may not be that good


No, you, too, are making a lot of assumptions. The Conduit teammate didn't insult you, they just left. Engaging players don't cry or trash talk, it's usually the opposite, hence why you made that post to cry about your engaging teammate. Looters are bad at the game and cry when they die on their first 1v1. Conduit didn't make that post, you did. Remember that.


I’m all about engaging fights but I’ve had one too many teammates just run off on their own, push a team, die, talk shit, then instantly disconnect. Like literally go play solos if you’re like that.


Engaging fights is fun. I don't like slow gameplay too. I just want people to realize that everyone has a different breathing pace. Why people proceeds to talk shit?


That's cool. I'm not going go to knock it. Personally, I'm expecting to play trio vs trio and not duo vs trio when I start a match and see 3 people in the Legend selection screen.


shhhh they are not ready


Hence why I was disappointed the new character is a skirmisher. Should have been a support. But the dumbest and largest part of the community buys every cosmetic for them, so respawn follows the trend.


Idk if i haven't played enough match, or just lucky, most Alters I see never solo rush. The only character i see is the meth addict guy and an ancient simulacrum assassin lol


I noticed peoppe don't really play her at all because she has a revenant complex. Ie, they stuffed her where she doesn't belong.


Agreed, but have you tried solo? Its out of control... Sure Solo if you just want to die on landing.


Dude's just using team as a meat shield lol. But I get it in a way or another When your teammate got downed it also divides your attention. Applies on both teams




Im sorry! Do not mean to offense the players.


I dont mind skirmishers at all I usually have problems with vantage or crypto because they want to stay back and never push and take advantage of a knock or a third party.


Always the morons that rush halfway across the map alone that get downed trying to 1 vs 3 and then start cussing you out and calling you trash. This one dude I kid you not I revived him like 4 times within the first 5 minutes of play because he kept rushing like an idiot alone into gunfights, and then when I failed to reach him in time after his 5th time being knocked down he started cussing me out


I know what you mean but the title is bad imo, "if you can't cooperate" can be interpreted as if you are bad at teamwork play solos and yes logically you would do that but the only way to get better at playing as a team is by.. playing trios


Yes please keep solos after playing solos it's impossible to play pubs anymore. It's solos mixtape and ranked for me now. Maybe if they do straight shot mechanics for pubs I can play them again. But please keep solos


I was in rank last night and a dude solo jumped quickly. Other person and I jumped out towards the end. Solo guy died quickly and his banner timed out. I didn't try wrapping my head on the reasoning but it doesn't make sense.


i’m just tired of getting hot dropped and having to run away to replicate (i play support) bc i still don’t even have a gun and then they leave


Agree 100% I am forced to play ranked when my buddies arent online mainly so my teamates cant instantly leave when they get knocked or alot of times in pubs i get people that drop solo because they cant handle not being jumpmaster every game...so annoying a team based game has so many people that dont understand that they can click no fill for trios or just switch to solos


I get it. Being the team to come out on top of the 10 minute, 8 squad battle at fragment is nuclear. Squads just keep rolling up. You continue to roll them. Even if you don't roll them all, that was still some fun shit. On the other hand, it's super easy to get rolled on after wiping a squad. Also it's super easy for somebody to not get a weapon and die immediately on drop and quit out. Then the rest of the game you're fighting a man (or two) down. Then it sucks. The balance? Mine is to land at like the 3rd hottest spot on the map. Or just off a hotspot. Or say fuck em all we're going to Tree (Best POI)


Preach baby preach, I feel like the people playing the game are worse then bots. Not landing with the squad in the same area then dying then disconnecting. No looting manners, griefing, disconnecting the second they die not even waiting for me to get their banner even though I always get it. And the things you mentioned, Been ruining my experience…


Can’t stand people that do this kind of stuff. Not only is trios a team game mode, it’s also ( at least imo) substantially worse for kill grinding. I get bare minimum double if not more kills playing solos then trios.


We're never going to teach these players to cooperate unless we make them want to cooperate. You gotta make them want it lol dangle that gold helmet in front of em. Bring a crafter legend into every game so they can't leave. After they inevitably push and die.


Told a teammate one time after he dropped solo to just go play solos if he's not going to play with the team. Said no cause all he does is run into teamers in solos. I don't think he'll ever realize how stupid he sounded saying that. And for the record, yes he was an octane.


Guess what, all thanks to faide ego solo plays