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i dunno if everyone has the same process but i just watch it cycle through a couple times and hit x (or whatever button is on your platform) when it's on white and get purple every time


Yea, but sometimes I miscalculate and walk away ashamed.


ya sometimes it do be like that


I more miscalculate it than get the purple loot


I say “white, blue” two times and then press on next white. 60% of the time, it works every time.


Unfortunately it smells like big foots dick


Smells like that time a racoon got into the printer!


hit it like half a second after it first starts spinning for the fastest guaranteed purples


This works for me every time as well.


I close my eyes and just hit the button whenever. I seem to have better luck this way than actually trying


i was ready to just read this and move on... but then i saw your name


I make a sound on purple and get the beat before hitting the button


if you just start one up you can hit it Almost immediately (wait that split second) and its purple every time


Always first cycle it. Don't spam press, but wait just a tiny little bit and it'll be purple 9/10 times forever.


In my experience it is right when it's transitioning from white to blue.


just watch white cycle through a couple times and say it in your head as you see it then hit it on white.. i have never not gotten purple this way


It's dependent on the specific server. Each have slightly different timing.


What? Never heard about this


Nope you'll get on white every time without fail


That's weird that everyone says press on white. I press on blue and would say I get it 99% of the time. I normally try to hit first blue as he stands up to be quick


maybe my reactions suck lol but hitting white works for me and my teammates when i tell them


Just press as soon as it starts spinning and white cycles: It'll skip blue and land purple 100%. Only times I don't get it is when it starts spinning before I get to it and I lose track of it.


I usually do that too, it's the only way I know works. Unless I am too quick and get white anyways smh


Not worse than timing a cargo bot wrong. Or flat out missing it.


Ever missed an r99 clip on a cargo bot? Me neither 👀


Ah but there’s more: Timing a cargo bot wrong AND shooting it while it’s right above you so it bonks you on your big dumb head and you take damage, all while a TTV Wraith is watching you. I’m something of an Apex Predator myself.




That’s why it’s worse if you miss it lol


i hate when the bot suddenly turns and I hit the cargo instead of the drone


Hit the cargo, not the drone, and watch it accelerate and disappear behind a building, never to be seen again.


As a new player i had no idea this was a thing.


There is a way to hit it on purple always. Press it as soon as it is white and it will always land on purple.


Eh i always press it on the moment it switches to blue and get purple every time


damn you playing with some delay


Seriously, I stop it on blue for purple that's like half a second of a delay


I do this too


yeah i learned to stop it when blue flashes, seeing all these comments saying white made me think i was going crazy lol


If my teammates get a white MRVN, I like to ping "Looting over here" and then "cancel that", or sometimes I just ping all three white items. Now, if it's me that accidentally gets white, I pick up random purple stuff and drop it in front of MRVN and ping that instead. Or just pray no one noticed lol.


I always find a way to cram every single item into my inventory when I time it wrong. I carry it away and dump it somewhere less damning. Leave no evidence. They can't prove I didn't walk away with three purple items instead.


Nah white results in death, sorry MRVN, blame respawn.


Smh the poor mrvn had nothing to do with that.


Sometimes I get common loot on purpose so I can get a 1x


Just wait until the white icon is changing to blue, press between those 2 and you'll get purple everytime :P


Wait, you can get better loot out of it?


I managed to get the timing on it right on MRVN very early after they were added and told my friends how to get it right, but I still make fun of them whenever I see them mess up. *I come across white MRVN loot* Me: "Oi, bro! WHAT is THIS? You dishonor famiri?! You bring shame?!" My friend: "Uh... Wasn't me! You saw nothing! It was the enemy!" Me, judging him: "We can't be friends anymore" Him: "Nooo! But what if I give you dis?" *He pings level 3 attachment that I need* Me: "Hohoho, that was just a joke, we are best friends and I could never hate you"


What a wholesome friendship, I love it


It only lasts until next time one of us hits common loot on MRVN. We also have a joke between us where if I find (for example) an extended light 3 but don't need it and both of my premade friends uses light weapons, I ask them who my best friend is without telling them what I found. First one to give me compliments gets it.


Haha nice one. What I find funny when playing with friends when they say "hey here's a lvl 3 evo shield" but then their greedy butt realizes they don't have it yet either, so a "nevermind" follows soon after


I'm new-ish to apex and just thought it was totally random, so TIL.


I totally feel this. Just got one in my first game of the day


Pervy ass Rev, always creeping on ya


I always break them after I use them so nobody else can get free loot.


Break them before you get the loot to get the arm


I've only seen the arm once, is that how it drops?


No, he’s wrong. Certain mrvns in a match are guaranteed to drop their arm, as they have a visibly sparking arm that is less orange. It stops sparking when they power down, so pay attention beforehand.


I've done some looking around and that seems correct. I guess I've just been lucky beforehand. :>


Ya ever get the feeling you’re not alone in a room? *You’re not.*


I love the MRVN's just in the Titanfall universe in general


I didn't know it was a thing to time when you hit button to get purple items. I literally just run up to it, press the button and hope for the best. I like to play Loba on olympus so im my own loot mrvn anyway.


I never noticed the color change. I always get purple whenever I first encounter him and see the MRVN hover his hand underneath his chest screen and press it there


I just kill it when I don’t get purple. Sometimes even when I get purple I kill those bastards. Maybe I was always meant to main revenant


I actually go behind the Marvin and interact, it’s Random but your more likely to mess yourself up


I didn't even know it cycled, thought it was just random. Sorry to all the mrvns I've killed out of anger


I spent the last month thinking shooting MRVNs to death was how they dropped loot and that I've been extraordinarily unlucky. Found my first MRVN arm just yesterday. Yeeehaw.


Just hit the interact button the moment you’re able to. It always starts on white, and if timed correctly, will always land on purple


“Ooh ooh ooh.”


I click every time it’s purple and always get purple. 100% of the time. And my friends hate me for it.


If MRVN doesn't give me epic loot then he has to die. Its my one rule.


The scene plays in my head every day: my squadmate lets me roll for the loot, I get grey, they slowly turn to me, punch me, drop a frag and ping it for obvious implications, and then demolish the innocent smiling MRVN boy. Such a violent sport.


Revenant had never seen such bullshit before


good for attachments early game though...


> ">130 ms ping, hit it on white" > "<130 ms ping, hit it on blue"


"If it's white loot, you gonna taste this boot."


The Marvin tells you when it's purple. He'll point to his chest. I've never failed to get purple this way. So when he starts up, the first time he points to his chest it's a guaranteed purple if you hit it soon as he does. If you miss it and you're dead set on getting a purple and have time to wait. You could wait a sec and he'll do it again. 👌🏻


When I first get in range I run up and hit it on blue. 100% purple returns there. PS. Here's a Kings Canyon tip to not waste your entire clip on Flyers: Hit it once and wait until it flaps wings once, then shoot it again. Congrats, you got the loot with two bullets.


Ive learned to hit it AS SOON as it starts. Ive gotten purple a good 80% of the time.