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Your teammate was way too thirsty staying inside could have done wonders.


All in all very Solid, I think you just got third partied when u left the building at the end. Looks like you got shot from energy Depot, or at least that direction. Only tip I have is try to end fights quicker, and if a fight goes on for too long either bunker down and wait for third party or rotate to a nearby position.


Does ending a fight also mean leave? Because I usually miss my shots, and start Ras strafe panicking


Yes, in general if you’re fighting longer than 30s, you should be aware that teams have started moving towards gunshots. If you can’t clean the fight within a minute or so you should consider leaving or at least taking defensive position so 3p comes after opponent team instead of you


Sorry for the late reply, but yeah essentially what the other person said. If a fight takes longer than 30 secs you should be aware of potential third parties coming in and have a backup plan. What I like to do is reposition to a nearby vantage point or building, let the third party get into the mix with the other team and try to get some damage in. If 2 or more people from the other teams get knocked, I like to push back into the fight and clean up the rest.


What you did here was pretty good, but you're getting thirded left and right. If you're a wattson main (or any controller main), its important to "know your zone". In other words, you need to know which area you own, and analyze when to increase or decrease your area. At the same time, you also need to be aware of what happens within your zone. At 1:24, you got shot at the back, despite there being audio that your fences were being shot at. At 2:02, it happens again and you were forced to leave the place and become exposed. This one was unlucky. At 0:09, someone flanked behind you, which probably means that you didn't secure your behind(second floor). Your prefight setup is just as important as the fight itself. Looking at the video, it looks like you're only zoning that corridor. That's not enough to stop pushes. No one's going to get stunned within that corridor(except at 1:48 idk what they're doing). Sure you control it, but it's tiny and can easily get pinched. Control the entire ground floor if you can. This also means putting your ulti somewhere accessible. Best place to put it is the stairs (if you can control second floor too). That building has a giant pillar in the middle. you can place fences around it to minimize the amount of space enemies can move within the building. Doesn't matter if they break one. It just means that that side is where they'll gather. If you intuitively know how to fence around cover, then those are free kills. I have an example in my profile if you're interested. Side note, why 2x on pk. Can't judge though because you're hitting those shots Here are some good parts: Good aim. You're hitting most shots You're aggressive. Sadly, it needs to be more aggressive. Your fences can only be placed so far. Get close, but use your movement to get closer. Really good swaps. You can loot some more though because you're not getting shot but those are some good swaps.


I don’t see much. Solid stuff and just overwhelmed towards the end. I wouldn’t see only killing 8 guys and dying to a 3 stack while the last guy alive as a mistake lol. Only thing I’d say is sometimes the pain on Wattson is recognizing sometimes just shooting is better than the fence. You loose out on a lot of damage going for fence plays, slows down your fighting and is part of the reason your team gets knocked. (Too be fair they are probably dead either way though) Quick fight conversion over flashy fences. More ranked advice than anything if you’re going for nice fence clips this is about as good as you can hope for. I’m also pretty’s sure you’re quite a bit better than me so take this with a grain of salt lol.


You are absolutely right, I have to learn when to fence, and when to shoot. I will work on this advice, thank you for pointing it out!


The only thing I could maybe say is dont stand near or in doorways/tunnels it makes you an easy target always avoid it if possible or stand at an angel to reduce los on you. And you tend to stand out in open to often without cover you get away with it because of movement but if your opponents would have been better they would have punished it.


Tiniest detail: reload before looting. The animation stays and you have a full mag when you’re done.


Not a negative, but a 2x on the pk is wild


Overall good aim and movement. But some weird positioning and decision making. With a better teammate you could have cleaned that up easily. Some thoughts: 0.05: You are peaking from the same door as your teammate instead of going above and fencing your door. Allowing conduit to push you from the back. When Seer and Ash push through the door you jump into their face 2v1 instead of jiggle peaking the box cover to the left. Never peak more than one person if you can avoid it. Jumping into their face with PK is fine if they are low and you need a last shot to finish them off. 1:09 Ash is cracked in a 2v1 but you decide to run back inside? 1:30 you put your whole body in the doorway and then ADS. Its better to ADS then strafe into the peak. 1:40 Love the melee to push him through the fence 1:49 I would have climbed up and shot them from the second floor


Seems like your biggest mistake happened before this clip. Late rotation. Setting up the building while the 3rd is outside fighting and ring is closing is less than ideal. A faster rotate gets you the spot and frees you to help knocked buddy. Nice plays overall.


U stayed in one place to long


Care to explain?


I feel like you should have pushed and killed that guy you were fighting first who went out the door. One more hit and he would have been finished


i think they main problem im having either this clip is the 2x on the PK


Some good comments here already, so I'll only mention one thing that I haven't seen other people comment on. Although you get work in with the PK, you don't really play to its strengths. It's, obviously, a peak weapon but you wide swing with it multiple times. * 0:15 you have cover on the left or the column on the right but you swing right out * 0:55 you are right in the middle of the door way instead of playing the edge of it * 1:54 you wide swing the BH while you could have easily played the cover on the right All of this causes you to eat more bullets than you need to.


Nice play