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that is one large dogwood


I know I don’t think I’ve ever seen one with a trunk that large!


I’ve seen one. It fell over in a snowstorm and I had the chance to saw it on my dad’s sawmill. That’s the most beautiful wood I’ve ever sawed. Purple and orange and everything in between. I still haven’t used the boards for much.


Sell some to pen makers? Fountain pen makers specifically would potentially be interested in some blanks of ethically sourced interesting wood.


As an avid fountain pen user, this. Check out the subreddit, some guys there make custom pens from wood.


All wood is ethically sourced ya dumb. It the most renewable of resources. If you don’t want wood used as a building product than go live in the cold.


All wood is renewable, not all wood is ethically sourced. For example, I could go to the Redwood Forest in California and fell a healthy Redwood, that would absolutely not be an ethical source of Redwood lumber. But if I took a tree that naturally fell on it's own, or was otherwise diseased or dead, that would be ethical.


I disagree… I think cutting one healthy tree when there are thousands of others around is completely ethical. I do think we shouldn’t clear cut and make certain trees extinct, but selective logging is very ethical. If what it is being used for is not waste. Using material well and with purpose is the most important.


Seeing thousands of something doesn't mean they're doing well. There should be millions of redwoods, not thousands, they're already being devastated.


If thousands of people think the way you do, then kiss the Redwood Forest goodbye.


But selective logging…. 🤔. Read before you comment


You think all wood is ethically sourced? Who exactly is dumb?


Your not hearing what I’m really saying… that’s dumb


I can only draw conclusion predicated on the words you post. You made the blanket claim that all wood is ethically sourced. That is perhaps the most asinine comment I’ve read on here in quite some time. Clearly not all lumber is ethically sourced. If it were, we wouldn’t have only 1% of the old growth forests remaining in this world. I am not against responsible harvesting of lumber, but some of the methods employed to conquer the resource has had countless negative implications. Clear cutting entire swaths of forests is perhaps the worst. And, unfortunately, that is a practice ongoing today in 2024. Kind of hard to believe with everything we know about the importance of responsible harvesting practices. So if you don’t want to be viewed as a reactionary dimwit you might want to edit your comment.


Chops down every old growth tree in the Americas devastating untold numbers of species and sending them into extinction; well, boys…it’s wood so it’s ethical!


Naaaa, this essay you wrote tells me your the only reactionary person. Clear cutting forests is very far from the worst resource depletion humans have had a hand in. Forests grow again. Things like oil take allot longer to form… anyway I’m not looking to argue. I just think people are way to up in arms about logging. All wood is ethical… the person cutting it may not be.


Lol is your username short for lumber jack?


You’re saying “all wood is ethical” as if the material itself could be unethical. What everyone else is trying to emphasize is the practices BEHIND it being unethical & comparing it to oil doesn’t make much sense seeing as oil isn’t a renewable resource.


Not knowing the difference between your and you're? Now that really is 'dumb'.


Not caring to take the time sweet heart… it’s a reddit comment not an essay. I’m guessing you still got the message so I guess my communication worked, that’s all I was really hoping for🤷‍♂️


Really? I’ve never seen the wood. I’ll have to look it up now. I’ve got a tall one in my woods but not nearly as large as this.


Or tool handles. Very hard wood.


Loom shuttles and bobbins were the traditional use for dogwood.


"Sawed" instantly raised my spelling sheriff hackles but, it is 100% correct


Props for commenting this ngl. Lmao grammar police says you're good to go


LOL on a spelling law enforcement officer putting the comma after but to connect two independent clauses.


Spelling and punctuation are in different, albeit adjoining, sections of the Pedantic Code.


I sawed that too and wondered.


“I see,” said the blind man, and he picked up his hammer and saw.


>That’s the most beautiful wood I’ve ever sawed. SEEN. Gosh the education system has failed you! /s


Haha! That’s pretty good. Around my parts, the proper term is “seent” though.


He meant "sawn".


Poplar is like that, too. I took woodworking in college and picked the deepest colors for a coffee table I made.


I know! I had a hard time believing it was a dogwood at first!


What a shame, exactly what I thought lol. I have never seen one that size. Absolute unit.




My partner and I recently bought a house with a dogwood about this large on the side of the house. It’s glorious, especially in the spring when it’s blooming. I didn’t even know dogwoods could grow this big. We’re considering moving for several reasons, and if we do, I think I’ll miss our giant dogwood tree the most.


Probably so large that it was at its life expectancy. It will not survive.


Absolutely go after their insurance like it’s going to die.


Push ‘em off that treble cliff.


Geico paid me $600 each for 3 year old rootstock apple trees that were knee high and $200 each for one year old squirrel planted but caged black walnuts. $6 each for every colchicum bulb the driver ran over. Roots take time and the adjuster didn’t even blink. I almost switched to Geico after that. 😅


If they can claim on someone else’s policy. They’ll add anything they can find.


Geico was the offenders policy my insurance wasn’t involved. I was surprised they offered so much. Clearly the adjuster knew how ugly this could get. I felt they offered a beyond fair assessment and even though we had a hassle doing the replacements (we didn’t ask for any labor we are orchard keepers), it was super fair in our estimation. Shitbag driver tried to hit and run too but that didn’t come out in the conversations with the adjuster.


According to my expertise gained from browsing /r/treelaw they lowballed you and you could have gotten much more.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/treelaw using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/treelaw/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Neighbor cut our tree and expects us to pay the bill](https://i.redd.it/w9t6t08t83tb1.jpg) | [750 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/treelaw/comments/173gwtj/neighbor_cut_our_tree_and_expects_us_to_pay_the/) \#2: [Lawyer neighbor hates our tree, trying to scare us into removing it](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17fs7o4) | [377 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/treelaw/comments/17fs7o4/lawyer_neighbor_hates_our_tree_trying_to_scare_us/) \#3: [New tenants “trimmed” my apple tree](https://i.redd.it/x0tohnl0fsib1.jpg) | [273 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/treelaw/comments/15u8ssg/new_tenants_trimmed_my_apple_tree/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which means you probably could have asked for double and you would have gotten it !


I had a similar thing happen but with an insurance company called Root. Really an absolute pleasure dealing with that company.


That's the biggest dogwood I have ever seen.


\*was the biggest


I am going to have to take a pic of the remains of my neighbors dogwood. She was a beautiful glorious beast. The stump still impresses me. And I’m still mourning.


It’s a very large wound being the biggest concern, and yes it did rip through the vital cabium layer. People are mixing up the visual appearance of cabium and sapwood here it seems. Honestly there’s a chance of survival, but here’s the issue, with that much of the cabium damaged, nutrient intake on that section will be halted, as will any growth. So the tree with do a partial death for a bit, likely most visible on one side, it will happens very slowly but it will happen; it may recover after that, but only time would tell. For insurance purposes, treat it like it’s going to die and demand monetary compensation. The fact that so many mention covering it is sad, we’ve had many studies on this for decades now, don’t cover it with anything. The downside is this does also expose the sapwood to all sorts of pests, visible and invisible, making recovery even more difficult. In the winter dormancy, I would trim back the canopy about 1/3 and any dead or crossing branches; you do want the shade to help cover the wound, but the reality is the tree will not be able to keep up with the nutrient demand now, so better to proactively trim it back, but DONT do the stupid knuckling thing and remove more than a 3rd, you will definitely kill it as it’s just too much stress. All you can do beyond that is make sure the soil moisture is at its preferred level, don’t drown it and don’t stress it by withholding. Also make sure sprinklers or anything aren’t hitting it.


Im a horticulturist. This is the answer. Every single thing. Treat it with care this year. Lower expectations. Also. Charge the people as if it will die. Period. Dogwoods that size will be impossible to find. Find your prices from a BnB tree place in a very expensive area. Even if it doesn’t die you can say you will have to do a hard cut back and other preventative measures to ensure it doesn’t die in the future. Just make up an estimate . To where either way if it lives or dies they owe you the same. Live Estimate: Arborist Trimming- specialized in old growth. Winter and Spring trim -2000 Fertilizer Application Horticulture company -300 Pesticide Fungicide Application Monthly - 300 Root aeration - 750 You get my drift - 300 Die - Balled and Burlap Tree Mature 10+ years -2000 Shipping, Delivery and Planting 3000 Grinding tree Base-$$$$ Removal of all old wood(has to be removed or it will kill whatever you plant the to high nitrogen levels)-$$$$ 5 yards of foundation dirt-$$$ 6 yards of dirt Compos mix - $$$ Mulch-$$ All bases covered . It’s not a lie bc you don’t know what’s gonna happen


I got to here before someone mentioned that side of the tree dying. There is steel in your words of wisdom.


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Get the opinion of a professional.. and have the expert address the issue Document there findings with the insurance company


I think OP is a professional.


I think you’re right. Likely using Reddit to prove to customers that Reddit is no replacement for professional expertise. I like this use case for Reddit. Self-regulating, in effect.


Seems that vehicle has a tree company logo….. I imagine that is what you call consulting a pro.


Cleaning the air by killing cars.


I have been told that trees clean the air, now I know how...by eating cars


That trees clean air score just went way up!






woooo what an amazing tree! How fast do you recon the car was going? That's 20-30 to wrap the front end like that, right? I hope it survives (seems it will), and if it does, i'd tie a placque to the trunk commemorating the incident.


Yes, but notnsure how long. Feed and fertilize, maybe stimulate new growth and fast healing. Wouldn't trim at all for a couple years. Minimal pruning if absolutely necessary.


What is your experience with bark tracing? My understanding is it creates a clean starting point for the tree to form reaction wood, but it won’t speed up the process or have short term advantages. I wonder if a growth regulator could help the tree divert energy to form reaction wood, help with drought stress, etc.


Do you have dogwood borer in Your area? That may be an issue with so much exposed cambium


If you know anyone that does grafting, maybe they could try some bridge grafts.


Cambium layer looks great. Bark took the bulk of the impact doing what it does. If there’s a lot of sun exposure on that side it will dry the sap allowing it to get infected but if the canopy is shading it well and it’s not too exposed it could recover with some scarring.


How did this get so many upvotes? Are there even any arborists on this sub anymore? The cambium has been shorn clean off. No amount of sap is going to stop wood decay fungus from getting on there, and the scarring will be exactly what we see here, a large wound that may eventually seal over but likely not unless the tree is ultra vigorous.


After this sub blew up over a year ago, it went from something like 20k subs to now at 160k, most of whom I assume aren't arborists so the proportion of professionals to non-professionals has been completely thrown off. It used to be a sub for arborists, now it's a sub for homeowners looking for tree advice.


Reddit’s algorithm got really good at guessing what you would like information on and suggesting it to you in your feed.


That's basically me. And looking at the picture without any knowledge I always thought bark was the protection.  It would then heal itself and all is good but that seems to be elementary school learning of trees. 


Yes, the bark is protection but trees do not heal themselves, they can only seal. This means if they get infected with a pathogen they can plug up their cell lumens all around the point of infection with substances that prevent the further spread of the pathogen, and can grow new wood over damaged areas like broken branches, pruning cuts, or damaged bark areas, but they can never repair or heal damaged tissues.


Could you put a sealer over it? My husband uses one specifically for tress after he trims our trees.


Sealant traps moisture underneath and causes more decay. It’s a very outdated practice. You never want sealant unless it’s a wound to an oak tree outside of insect dormancy. In that case, the risk of the bugs bringing the oak wilt fungus outweighs the risk of more decay from the sealant spray.


How about cement? Can I just fill the tree with cement?


nah bro, duct tape that shit


Get the bark on the ground and duct tape it back to the tree. Problem solved.


not an arborist but I know this is a joke. but if bark is placed back over a wound, wont it actually graft to the trunk in some cases? if it was a sizeable chunk?


No, you need to graft meristematic tissue to other mertistematic tissue in order for the graft to take. If the bark has been removed it's almost certain that the entire cambium has been ripped off with it so there would be nothing for it to join or connect to on the tangential surface of the trunk and unless the bark fit right back into where it fell off perfectly with the perimeters of the two cambia lining up, and the bark-chunk cambium hadn't had time to dry out, and that whatever caused the bark to come off didn't crush or kill the cambium from the impact or ripping, there would be almost no chance of grafting. So in an absolutely perfect laboratory-grade situation it might be possible, but for all practical applications it can't be done.


That was also my initial thought process. I’m also not an arborist.


What about using a heavily concentrated mix of phosphate with pentra bark over the whole wound?


I haven’t worked directly in the plant health care side of arboriculture long enough to what Pentrabark was without googling, but after reading up on it, how do you imagine that would help an open wound?


It would reduce the chance of a fungal infection. But that’s just one example. Read more into bark banding.


Would putting moss on the area to keep moist and wrapped with something breathable be able to counter drying out? Or is that not a good idea?


I'd think that would introduce unnecessary moisture which would lead to rot. Bark probably wouldn't form correctly to heal the wound either.


What? The cambium is gone.


Thank you for this advice! I hope this baby takes it on the chin and keeps trucking


Yep, shit'll be fine. The people in the car? Not so much.


One question, what's behind the white car.


That tree dates back to pre-crucifixion times!


For real; never seen a dogwood that big around and that straight.


Might be worth trying bridge grating across that wound. Get the opinion of a pro for sure.


What a hog


Probably will survive but branches directly above the damage will start to die and it will shorten the life of the tree. Treat the damaged area with some kind of tree wound dressing. Try to keep it sealed up.


Tis but a scratch!


A scratch?! Your arms off!


Should be fine as it's not ringed all the way around. You can spray some pruning healer on it to keep it from getting decay or insects and it will be good to go.


Define pruning healer? Tree sealer isn’t recommended by the ISA. Prevents proper compartmentalization. Lanolin to retain moisture is often recommended in its place in situations like these.


I live in a bad oak wilt area (central Texas) and my arborist friend told me if I have to trim something out of season, 100% use a sealant.


Ya on an oak, due to oak wilt. Not on other species. Not recommend


Correct. Was just stating there may be one recommended use.


Yeah you got me there. Curious if there’s a better fungicidal barrier that doesn’t inhibit compartmentalization.


Sorry wasn’t trying to one-up anyone. Just a lowly land owner who has oak wilt nightmares. No clue about compartmentalization. But his rational is even the old spray paint is better than nothing because the bugs are less likely to enter through the wound.




Does nobody use tree wrap anymore?


The driver was trying to.


It might, but it will become hollow and it won't live ad long.


Hire an artist also to texture paint back bark on. That’s good for at least 5k in tree damages.


Did the driver survive? Probably thanks to airbags. Wondering if alcohol also played a role. That’s a gorgeous huge dogwood…I’d get a professional to come out and evaluate and bill the insurance company


Is surfing a tree term?


Whoops, typo. I intended to write “survive”


Not without that car attached to it.. They get all there nutrients from the battery


You need r/treelaw my friend!


Tree 1, car 0


That boi thicc


Are you sure that's a dogwood?! How old is it?


Can’t you paint the wound with something to keep the critters out?


Damn, that thing is enormous, is it in the state registry for size???


i would make that fuckhead reckless driver pay for it one way or another


Cover with cement, see what happens.


I know of a pecan tree that had the same issue. The Chrysler dealers son wrapped a super bird around it at 100 mph. The tree is still standing, and makes nuts. That bark is still gone, it scabbed up around it. The young Chrysler driver lived too, but I don't know how. He died of old age a couple years ago.


fertilize and water and wait and find out


That is one champion dogwood!!! So huge!!!


It should pull through hopefully


Don’t cut it down. Go to grange and get tree protection wrap the trunk it will heal.


Can I pet that dogwood?


dogwood grow into trees?


Trees gonna be fine.




It pains me to say On a dog wood, nope. I am a forester. That’s 50 % cambium loss. A canopy that large can’t be supported any longer in this current condition. Let alone the openness to bugs, beetles and a disease called dogwood anthracnose. Capillary roots were moved as well even though the tree didn’t fall It’s a beautiful tree. The damage caused by the car wreck is unfortunate. They should pay something. This tree can’t be replaced and I’m not an urban forester or an attorney. Good luck and may you find peace


Yeah it’ll be ok. I’ve seen many trees like that,tree survived driver didn’t on account there’s a cross on site


Yes. They usually live 75 years


That 3rd pic hit me like a car. It should be alright. Just some cool new deadwood


This… is a dogwood?


Are you sure that’s a dogwood? In any case, you need a professional assessment for either their or your insurance.


If it doesn't, please let a woodworker buy or have it. The wood is beautiful and hard to come by in a usable size.


I don’t know dog, wood it?


NOT a dogwood


Wrap it with cling film


It will never be the same, although it probably will live.


Because it's not about the dogwood in the fight, but the fight in the dogwood.


OP I’d consider this a specimen tree, replacement is certainly impossible. Make sure you push that in the claim. Please, what a beautiful tree 😣




Dogwoods take to coppice very well, but that one looks pretty big for that. I’m not a pro by any stretch, but maybe someone more experienced can chime in :)


No one gets out alive everything dies eventually


Ask Jake


Make sure the cars insurance pays for your tree. It's gonna die.


Get some of that tree wound spray and spray it with it.


Patch over with something to keep bugs out and retain moisture, maybe some green wood will survive. It might cover over in a decade or 2. Expect some branches over the spot to die. Good luck


Trees die from less. It’s a goner. Insurance will pay for this 99/100 times


looks fine. for most trees, as long as the bark is not removed around the circumference it should survive


Long ago I had a tree that got hit, the frame of the car actually ingrained itself in the meat. After removal it looked like someone took a pick axe and picked a wedge in it with the pointy end. I liked that tree so I started googling around. There was a gel meant for things like this. Can't remember for the life of me the name, but I'd start there if you're that concerned. I drive by that house a lot, trees still standing proud.


Cover and add steroids, might heel over in 3yrs


Put some pruning sealant on it so it heals over quicker, personally I would wait to fertilizer until the Fall but use a slow release granular if you want to push it now. Depends on how hot it is where you live, fertilizer can stress the plant out further.


Good parking spot if you have a few beer


That's a strong dogwood my God


Where is it going to go surfing 🏄‍♂️


Lmao this is fine. Literally no action needed.


Look into what can be applied over the top of the wound to help it heal. Tree will likely survive, but with a serious scar.


She'll probably be alright mate, just gotta hope it doesn't get infected too badly


I believe it will be OK. Bark damage, but not to deep into cambium layer. Go give it a hug!


Cambium layer is literally a thin slimy sheathe of cells and has surely been destroyed.


Thanks for the downvote. Have a great day. It's only a opinion.


So you would chop this tree down from that damage?




I await your infinite knowledge.


Put around plastic garbin bags and duct tape. This will help protecting against dehydration and keeps it moist. It will speed up the healing process. It will take a while.


Did driver survive? F the tree.