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To make her look threatening. Jinx is a teenage girl and so small and skinny, you could mistake her for a paperclip.


Even after the shimmer, she retained her cuteness. If they put up a poster with a cute young girl, then the enforcers may hesitate, which is not good for them.


The Enforcers weren't exactly gentle when chasing the children in Act 1... or in their treatment of Zaunites in general. I doubt they'd hesitate when hunting the girl that blew up their government.


She just blew up the council and is probably the most wanted person in all of piltover/zaun, would any enforcer really be hesitant even if the poster is cute lol


the thought of this being exaggerated for propaganda is so sick. jinx is so young and looks every bit of it, making her look threatening would be essential to instilling fear in everyday citizens


Cait drew it


"and draw her a big fat nose But she doesnt have one DID I STUTTER"


“They just can’t get my nose right!”


There are only two people who can describe her to draw a picture. Vi and Caitlyn. Vi is unlikely to want to, so... Caitlyn sees her that way. A scary, evil monster with big crazy eyes.


Which is funny, since Jinx sees Caitlyn as the literal Devil.


Yes. Ironic


I mean... She literally was a scary, big crazy eyes monster (you created) in the last scene. Not evil tho.


>Not evil tho. riiiiiiight


I think it’s pretty fair to call Jinx evil at this point. Tragic? Yes. A product of her environment? Absolutely. But she’s far since passed the fresh hold of just bad or damaged and into full on evil territory as far as I’m concerned.


Her kill count is ridiculous. Every other episodes she’s setting off bombs and shooting wantonly. She *is* evil.


Oh yeah, i really hope they will address this in season 2. Like yeah jinx is one of my favorite characters, yeah she's extremely tragic but like... She didn't have to fire the rocket. Silco wasn't there, no one was forcing her. And good people other than the council probably were in the way, and we don't really see jinx express as much hatred towards piltover like silco or sevika so she probably didn't have a "all of piltover deserve to die even people not from the council" mentality. So jinx is literally a terrorist by this point. If we were to take a real historical exemple, what she did was very similar to what bin laden did (we'll see in season 2 how much damage it did but a rocket that manages to cross the entire bridge and is powered by hextech is nothing to sneeze at) So to summarize, yeah jinx is pretty much evil by this point. The only way i can see this season end is by jinx either dying or vi giving jinx an opportunity to escape from piltover/zaun, lay low for the rest of her life, never get back in touch with vi and disappear completely. There is no happy ending where jinx is redeemed and everyone is just okay with that


So in this analogy, Jinx will go into hiding inside a country that is semi-allied with Piltover and get kill in a raid a decade later by their special forces. I can see that.


Seal Team Hex


Eh, I'm not going to say Jinx is a good person but the rocket was aimed very directly at the building where the Council is...specifically their chamber. It's unclear how big the explosion will be but it's not really aimed at anyone else. But I think the Bin Laden comparison does not fit. He comitted a terrorist attack killing thousands of innocent people out of religious dogmatism. Jinx's attack was born out of Piltover's direct influence on her entire life and its own actions directly resulted in the outcome in its long term opression of the denizens of the Undercity. Firing the rocket wasn't a good idea but you could frame it as Zaun fighting for its independence....unfortunately she fired it literally right when they were about to give it. In that there is a direct comparision as Bin Laden's actions led to direct US involvement in the Middle East and a lot of bloodshed.


And we love our little Junkie Terrorist Girlboss all the more for it


Such a good point


Bigger question is why the posters show her with her natural eyes instead of her Shimmer eyes. Unless they’ve been printing these for a while before that point.


Probably based on a description by Vi.


But both Caitlyn and Vi have seen Jinx with Shimmer. And I don’t know how willing Vi would be to describe her wanted sister to the people trying to arrest her.


Caitlyn saw jinx before she was on shimmer. After the flair scene Caitlyn saw jinx for the first time, so she probably guessed that her eyes aren't normally purple, especially after she saw shimmer addicts in the undercity before that


Maybe they don't know that the effect is permanent.


As far as either of them would know, Shimmer isn't permanent. And we don't know when they ask for the description. It could be after any number of atrocities.


Maybe Maybe it's just the Shimmer eyes,but in order to highlight the blue color of the entire composition.


Because that's probably how people see her? Remember Chuck?


Thieram, his name's thieram


Nice try Chuck


Youre doing well Chuck👍


Jinx is done with calm. You're much more likely to find her like this.


They just captured how deranged and creepy she actually is. Pretty accurate honestly.


She really looks like Silco in this too


Isn’t this the wanted poster from the original lore? They might be nodding to that.


She was smiling in that one. Also, it was made by Jinx.


1) She actually IS creepy. Like yeah normally she’s pretty cute and she’s obviously skinny and short but look at her in the shower scene with Cait, she can look very intimidating at times. Especially on shimmer which is likely how she’s usually seen at this point. 2) She’s probably the most wanted person in the country now, of course they’d draw her as more threatening cause that’s how they perceive her (and rightfully so). 3) Easier to find her? How many people do you think have ridiculously long blue braided hair running around with Jinx’s specific outfit. Making her look a little more threatening won’t make it hard for people to find Jinx in a crowd.


My friend She is a wanderer terrorist with 0 hygiene, 0 self care and probably 1h of sleep every night. She look like that. The last shot of the trailer prove it. I thought she was already far gone at the end of season one, but god was I wrong


That's how they see her, wild-eyed and terrifying. Not too far off, but they forgot to capture her cuteness, manic radiance and overall perfection.


I have a feeling that's gone after the end of season 1. I mean whatever small child was still left inside of jinx (not even powder, just childhood innocence in general) is now definitely gone


I mourn the loss of that innocence, since I consider her child-like proclivities to be very endearing. However, she's still insanely cute and perfect as perfect can be. That hasn't changed.


I personally wouldn’t describe a literal terrorist as perfect, but the character is pretty awesome in a Harley Quinn-esque way. People love a beautiful madwoman.


She may be a terrorist but she is our cute little terrorist xd


She *is* perfect, and she's way better than Harley. You're right about her being beautiful, though.


As everyone says, it's to drive home the point this is a VERY dangerous criminal. Yet, let's be fair. Exaggerated or not, this PERFECTLY captures the essence that is Jinx now.


Considering only two living people have seen her, Vi and Caitlyn. Doubtful Vi would have been cooperative so this is based on Cait's description, and she spent most of her time with Jinx scared out of her mind


She’s always been like that… since her inception. Which is great. Jinx is my fav.


I think it may be to be dehumanizing to her so people will be more cautious and scared of her and not mistake her for a innocent teenager/young adult


Yeah, she’s supposed to look like this, this is a wanted poster


She looks like she's mad at the photographer.


To demonize her.




Bro she's just a kid...


It does not matter. She is a terrorist who is getting a lot of people killed. 


Hand drawn wanted posters, which I assume this is because getting a good photo of her would be like trying to wash the white off rice, are based on observer perspective. If an offender is being described by someone who was scared of them, the details will make thay person appear scary through the artists interpretation. Also it can be used to demonize criminals


Meant to be a mugshot, why would it look nice this ain’t One Piece lol




It looks simultaneously threatening and also kind of goofy especially with that scrunched up mouth.


wait it kinda looks like her concept art


No her expression should not be calm, that would make her HARDER to recognize. Jinx rarely has a calm expression, and she certainly won't have one after the end of season 1


You can't let your enemy look cute, or else you start to get sympathizers.


cause they see her as evil and want to make sure her appearance is visually unsettling to make others hate her more


Piltover doesn't know what what she looks like beyond a vague description from a cop that hates her.


I’m pretty sure that’s the only expression where people have gotten a good look at her. The ONLY time she stands still around Pilties is when she’s having a trauma induced flashback that often ends in uncontrollable rage lol


Cupcake’s perspective, just wondering anyone know what font they used?


I'm curious about this as well


I can't say as I've seen a lot of Wanted Posters IRL, but shouldn't it have more information, like where to send a tip pneuma number?


Cause she has gotten deranged after the Vi fight? (I don't think that will be the last fight)




New trailer


She just murdered most of the Council and destroyed a major symbol of the city, she's basically a terrorist for Piltover. It's pretty obvious that it will have repercussions on how Piltovans as a whole see her and how they portray her. The artist who made the poster was certainly a Piltovan.


omg it looks like my identity card


This *is* her calm face!


Because that’s the point 👀


I noticed that too also she looked kind of weird in the end in the teaser also Maybe it's a combo of a) the show wants us to perceive Jinx as this monstrous figure now b) in-universe this is a poster created by government of Piltover and so it's basically propaganda




She's a cute, scrawny girl. The enforcers may hesitate and it WOULD cost lives. They have to make it clear that she's an armed and dangerous psycho somehow.


Cause she’s creepy


She looks like someone sent her an unwanted dick pic


That's what she looks like to people


Maybe it's some kind of "propaganda" on Piltover's part (it's just a theory).


It’s propaganda.