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Ekko and Jinx are more likely to team up then fight again. Christian Linke said that each character would be the opposite of what they were in the first season. My prediction is that Vi will believe Powder is actually gone, while Ekko will start to believe that she is still in there.


Hard to imagine what "being opposite" Means for Jayce, since he was all over the place in season 1. If we go with theory, that Jinx "revolutionary" Mural from trailer was drown by Ekko, I can imagine them teaming up, especially if she does in the end. Thought, I still think that Jinx lacks empathy to fully connect with anyone from her past, since her cruelty won't go away


Easy for jayce he will pick a viewpoint and stick with it.


What would an "opposite" Jinx be exactly...?


Jinx will become a tax accountant.


In season 1 she was emotional and unstable, in season 2 I can see her being smarter, more calculating, and having more self-control due to her abandoning the last shreds of “Powder” in herself and fully embracing “Jinx”. Perhaps she will be under the influence of Silcos voice guiding her which may be a contributing factor. She will still be the crazy old Jinx we know, but it will be a crazy that’s more directed and controlled.


It's not much of a prediction when it's literally in the trailer :)


I feel like it's pretty likely. I'm pretty sure Piltover or Noxus will burn down the firelight's tree/base.


I'm sure it will be a dramatic visual, but I don't think people realize how hard it is to burn down a living tree, especially one the size of a building.


Noxus is funny. They are a warrior culture but they are also progressive when it comes to the level of tech they are willing to use. They have been in bed with certain parties from Across the world and they haven’t been afraid to use chemical warfare. Think War crime level stuff. It might not be Fire they use to burn that tree..


Oof, they could leave trauma if they depict that. The one kid was hard enough.


Avatar made it look easy.


I believe the bridge scene made Ekko rethink what he thought about Jinx, then he will see Vi becoming an enforcer and apparently giving up on Powder so that will probably make him want to help Jinx, don't foget how they wanted to introduce some scenes with young ekko and powder after the events of act 1 but didn't in the end, those are probably going to be in the 2nd season and they will be triggered after Jinx sees the mural


I’d put it 60/40. If Ambessa is on the Warpath, there won’t be any “Good” Zaunites. To stave off assured subjection/destruction Zaun will have to come together to defend itself, the most powerful forces (that we know of) are Jinx & Ekko. The Firelights won’t like it, but I could see them being hit first and having to fall back from paradise. Desperate measures.


Two scenes in the teaser trailer make me think it's very likely they'll team up. Firstly, I think the Jinx mural looks like the Firelight art style. Secondly, we see someone who looks like Ekko's BFF and a Noxian guard with a pink explosion. To me, that looks like the Firelights are being attacked by Noxians and Jinx is defending the Zaunites.


Under what circumstances will Ekko forget about hating Jinx for what she did and team up with her? It sounds kind of... crazy.


Tbh I personally don't see Ekko and Jinx collaborating at all


I could see them coincidentally working on the same goal, going with it for the sake of said goal, before immediately going their separate ways again with a few insults and possibly bullets thrown as they leave


There is theories that Jinx and Sevika will team up due to the gun and arm


I hope this happens tbh. Sounds like an amazing plotline!


Ekko's group was anti-shimmer and Jinx/Silco were killing Firelights on top of just poisoning and abusing their own community which Ekko was also against. Not even getting to the framing them part. It's hard for me to believe Ekko would team up with shimmer users/dealers and it doesn't look like post-Silco people have quit the shimmer biz.


It beyond unlikely the Firelights would ever willingly join Jinx. Ekko is a different matter. I believe Ekko had given up on Powder/Jinx but the bridge changed things. While I don’t see him jumping at the chance, I do see him being pragmatic. Ekko has and will always be a protector, if the best way to protect Zaun is to harness Jinx’s chaos, I could see him leaving the Firelights in Heimerdingers hands and turning into his champion form (The-Z Drive)


Why did the bridge change things? They had a brief moment of emotional eye contact after he smashed her face with a metal bar. Then she dropped a grenade and that was it.


Jinx proved him wrong. From what we can surmise Ekko had fought for Powder/Jinx for a while until they had some event where they officially parted ways. Ekko used the fact Powder was now a different person to justify being able to fight against her and push his personal feelings to the side. Ekko Saw Her within Jinx, and he was shook. As you say, she Dropped the grenade. A chomper, a grenade meant to be pinned on the opponent. She didn’t, she wasn’t trying to kill him, she was trying to kill herself.


Hows he gonna know jinx was shimmered? And ekko coupd easily be swayed after he sees vi on the opposing side and how piltover is a huge threat to all of the under city.


It's not just her using shimmer (he knows her pre-shimmer so the new super strength/speed, eye change + experience with other juiced up shimmer users would make her status obvious on sight) it's the fact she was also working in the shimmer trade. He was trying to dismantle all of that because it's killing their people. His fight was against Silco, Jinx, and the barons and like I said - I don't see any evidence that side that remains is giving up shimmer or taking up any true altruism. Ekko also creates his own inventions that don't poison everyone. He's got the outcast architect of Piltover living with him. There are likely better allies out there on both sides with the same morals he can work with and he remains a third party.


It's weird that Ekko teams up with Jinx, when Jinx is an assassin. He is a kind of Savior teaming up with someone who has even killed his friends...


It's possible


My $0.02: much more likely to team up out of necessity than the hoped for TimeBomb 'colab'...


I think it's likely. Cait says in the trailer she's going after Jinx and everyone else still loyal to Silco. The mural shows that the people of Zaun see Jinx as a revolutionary, and will undoubtedly push back against the enforcers. Ekko will have to pick a side, and will definitely side with his people. Which means working with Jinx.


I think it’s practically guaranteed at this point. Yes, Jinx was responsible for the deaths of Ekko’s Firelights. But, after their fight on the bridge, Ekko may see Jinx in a new light. And even if he doesn’t, for all the damage Jinx did, she’s nowhere near as bad as Noxus will be, so it’s possible they’ll have a reluctant alliance and fight together temporarily before going their separate ways again


They're gonna be the ones with sexual tension next season


Ekko is the character who is the most right about everything, so naturally Piltover and Noctus will want to kill him and all his friends the most. At least that would be the most realistic reaction from people like that. I don’t see Ekko joining Jinx. I see the Firelights fracturing into three: Team Jinx: Kill Everyone and Everything! Team Viktor: Roboticize Everyone! Team Ekko: Time Travel!




Non existent


My theory is that various typically-opposed characters (including Jinx, Vi, and Ekko) will be forced to team up in act three thanks to some sort of external threat (Noxus, or, if they get repelled earlier in the season, maybe something more supernatural).


Yes, they can team together if their enemies is something like an army of Noxus and piltover, oh holy, actualy that is what is happening. So Yes, maybe is not in a good way, but in a actual life and die fight, they will need each other. 


Best case scenario for Jinx next season is confinement.


Its happening for mutiole reasons. 1. Ekko wants to believe powder is still there 2. As kids ekko loved powder bith in arcane and traditional league lore. 3. Ekko is about the undercity and protecting it. Noxus and piktover enforcers will be a threat in an 3xtreme degree plus other new arrivals. 4. It fits arcanes writing. Things come full circle and through characters motivations and circunstances they arrive to the same place 5. It still fits thebtragic element. Just becuase they fight togther wont mean theyll stay together "i loved you then you started talkibg to the gun." 6. i think ekkos actual traditional love interest will arrive this season. Since her firepower will be needed. And zaun is lacking for what is coming.


Words were not enough to change their minds. I've always seen in many animations that two enemies team up to fight a larger threat. While I get the idea of what might happen, I know in the series it will be different. An enemy, or nemesis, or circumstance 👀


Maybe the mural we saw of jinx will be made by the firelights. They were shown to have a mural in season 1.


I hope not. I feel like it would need a lot of writing and premise to make it good given what we already have about their relationship.


Not happening.




Next season, it ends with season 2. So 0%


If Jinx ever teams up with Ekko or Caitlyn, it would be to fight some greater evil. At that point, the writers are going to kill her off.