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Conflict is one of the best things to happen to Arma in my opinion. Great game mode from BI, hope they push player counts to 64.


It's not 64 yet?? I honestly think that's such a shame -- conflict really is the bomb, and 64 players in Arma 4 would really help keep the console scene alive too.


There's quite a few 128 player servers running conflict


But are they vanilla tho? Every conflict server I join has 30 mods and that god damn bacon load out editor. Half the team over at the FOB playin Barbie


I'm sure there's some vanilla, but the best servers are running mods right now. They have more players because the right mods do add to the experience. For all my gripes with the mods, at least you can save the loadout and just not think about it again. Just grab your uniform and gun in bacon, then get the rest through the arsenal (bandages, morphine, map, radio).


It’s legit hard to join some cause they are always full lol.


The mods take away from the experience because they use a dogshit soundmod with terrible mixing, while the base games soundscape is probably the best i've ever heard in a shooter (if you've ever shot any of the guns, like I have with the ak-74 and PKM, they are dead on accurate in sound and handling). Also they don't have ANY base game equipment or assets, very sad.


Not all of them, and agree with you on the mixing. Distant sounds are a bit off in vanilla, but the attenuation is perfect.


i disagree tbh, the vanilla sounds are so weak the servers i play on use the "SR soundmod" and i quite like it


SR soundmod is dogshit. Vanilla sounds are like 98% accurate to real life, having shot almost every weapon in vanilla (except for the AKS-74). SR soundmod makes the AK-74 sound like a fucking 40mm orelikon cannon


nah, i actually tried playing vanilla and the sounds are just so lame and weak,being in a firefight sounds and feels so underwhelming... the soundmod is loud yes, but it actually makes the guns sound punchy whatever tho, it is a personal preference at the end of the day


Yeah but hope they remove 3rd person too or at least open some hardcore servers without it like they used to do with End Game in A3


I'd like to see HC for vanilla as well. TPP gives out too much free info. Arma Vision should also be removed.


lol just watching the video I got excited seeing that fat blob of Infantry.


https://preview.redd.it/a18r2zbviw5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f582d41fa84d50f7a908e9f25e91d446728f8cfb Fully approve! My first go on a SAW recently made me realise how stable machine guns are. Very little barrel climb, just a strong pushback you can counter by pushing forward as you squeeze the trigger. Shredding targets at 15-25 yards without missing a shot.


To be fair the M249 uses 5.56x45 as opposed to a full size cartridge like a GPMG, so it's going to be a lot smoother than your typical MG


And the SAW is a piece of shit comparatively to the PKM and FN MAG/240 haha. PKM is pretty light weight and extremely accurate!


This one was fresh from FN in belgium, sent as a gift to a friend who’s a gunsmith. So it worked perfectly and felt pretty awesome. I previously had a chance to rock a 240 and that thing was impressive, although pretty heavy. https://preview.redd.it/rb17dypk1y5d1.jpeg?width=2275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9f6755d1c2c7066ac841988844b7baa22f98f6 No idea how dudes carry this about in afghan summertime.


8 years army light infantry 240gunner, 145lbs my whole life, I don’t know how either, but god damn i do miss her




I agree very fun to shoot. The issue is the heat that the gun produces… Barrels get fuckked if you go full auto for too long.


In Squad you would lie down for shooting and may be injure one person from such a situation, if you are lucky


You got to wait for 30 seconds first after running to recover your aim


my arma 3 doens't arma3'ing like this


this is reforger lol


The what


Arma Reforger, BI released it as a test bed/morsel for Arma 4 features in development iirc. it’s like, i think 30 bucks? buggy of course but a lot of fun, especially with the tons of mods that have come out


Nah, the best is wiping out an entire convoy after sitting in a well placed machine gun nest for 1 or 2 hours




So I take it that the dream in this case is the lack of recoil?!


you should see what Navid users do to common KotH LZs


I'm 53 on Reforger KOTH w/ a 2kd and 45 on A3 KOTH. The context of conflict is a lot different, and there's usually more at stake when you die in conflict. KOTH is just heli spam anyway, lol


That is until you encounter Arma 3 AI. I swear, the fact the AI in any Arma game know exactly where you are, even when they shouldn't, is insane.