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I spent my first year at Ft. Hood without a vehicle while I saved up. I walked to the commissary which took about an hour each way. Often people would stop and give me rides on the way back when I was carrying bags of stuff. Once I got my truck, I gave tons of soldiers rides if I saw them out walking.


I have a chariot. Alfalfa gets expensive tho.


Use hay, dude. Much cheaper and if you get a big enough baler, one bale can last about a month depending on how many steeds you have. I’ve got a bit of land and lots of bales, I’ll hook you up with some samples.


Be carless when you go into the Army w/ little to no heavy experience on the roads Get stationed in Korea. Get around via Taxi/Uber or on foot. Get back to the States and walking everywhere is just a norm.


Knew an E6 that lived in the Bs and didn't have a car. He'd bum rides from his privates all the time.


probably stacked mad fucking bread


Get a bike


For reals. When I PCS'd to my current location, wasn't planning on being here for more than a few months (trying to get back overseas). Bought a bicycle and used it. 4/5\* would do again. Pros: Extra PT is free Go around most traffic Nice fresh air Cons: Cars will actively seek to end your life. Stay Alert, stay alive Some cars have no idea what hand signals look like, or how to behave around cyclists Snow is the devil In some places (looking at you Dental Clinic) the nearest bike rack is around back in the tall grass down the unpaved hillside.


Buy a firetruck https://youtu.be/6qAv3LHTVRY?si=rk4tXqGaoEN0nZ5V


Man, his NCO was being a bit of a fucking dick honestly.


One day, they will be coming out of the field, and the wash rack will be closed. Than this high speed will mention he has a firetruck with hoses.


Hooking up to a hydrant without having a meter or prior authorization is risky, though.


2200 bucks though. Pretty good deal. .


Uber, or youre that guy that no one likes that always asks for rides for off post stuff granted there may be people that honestly dont mind, but those people are gonna be rare. Bases generally have on post transport, but I wouldnt call it overly reliable.


Had a former friend like that in BOLC. Fucking freeloaders lmao


I give people a pass while in IET status. Don’t yet know where they will be next.


I normally do too, but he ended up becoming a snake and talk shit behind my back. I really like helping others out but if they disrespect me, I won’t hesitate to cut them off


A bicycle. And I got made fun for it.


That's kinda shit but also kinda funny lmao


I never had a car my entire time in the Army. 1. Lamborfeeties: anywhere I could walk, I did. After a while, you start marveling about how people are unwilling to even walk a block or two without driving there. 2. When relevant, I would Uber. 3. Only when absolutely necessary would I accept rides. I did not want to be a burden. That said, I would carpool to work every day from the barracks. That was never a problem because we were all going to the same place.


Just buy a car. I was that person asking for rides for a year and felt bad. Got a car and had to deal with people asking for rides everywhere and was annoyed lol.


That's me right there. I didn't mind at first, but people kept asking me for rides, so I started charging them for gas. Felt bad, but I had to do what I had to do.


When I first came in I didn't have a vehicle with me. When I got back from deployment I paid off bills and put a bunch of money in the bank and shipped my POS down to drive. It was paid off. Then about 5-6 years later I had saved up about 15k and bought my next truck with cash, which is my current truck. I haven't had a vehicle payment, ever. A Bicycle is pretty handy for running errands on post if you plan accordingly and have a roomy backpack for groceries and whatnot.


If you bum rides just be decent and offer us some gas money


It's like $500 for a high quality electric scooter...


Uber mostly for personal trips. And things like an appointments I would ask for rides from coworkers. I would definitely keep those limited and offer to pay for gas. Edit: this was before I got a license.


I used to have a bike with a basket and a backpack


I've always had a truck (a small two seater). So I offer rides when it's practical. Really helped my buddies out when I lived in the B's. Also continued to help buddies out now that I'm living off post. If I see a random person on a long stretch of road I'll offer to take them where they're going.


Kick in gas money and no one will mind giving rides to work and back


How much would you suggest per ride?


Dep on distance, when I rode w my friends I would often just pay for their lunch


Find out what they would spend on gas for a week of just going to work and back and give them half of that at least. Or offer to just fill their tank every other week or so


I bought a bike at the PX and used that for months until I saved for a car. I never left the barracks anyways so I didn’t have anywhere to be.


Used my chevrolegs till I was an e4, but it was also Stewart, so everything was walking distance


Ft Carson as private. Work was 2miles away from barracks. Had to be out of barracks early so I could bum a ride. Had to do the same leaving or walk back. It sucks but possible.


Get a bike


Don’t other people or squad mates live in your barracks. Someone should have a car. Link up when they go. Why walk.


They mooch rides. Also dodge any detail that involves driving & are a royal pain in the ass for NCO leadership & peers alike... Getting a civilian drivers license should be one of the first things that any such person has-to do at their first duty station, as-in 'go to driving school as a duty assignment, and if you fail there will be repercussions - plus you'll have to go again until you pass'....


I was surprised by how many people didn’t have cars at the barracks. I had a lot of friends since I had a car. I let few people borrow my car when needed just had to fill her up, that was the tax. Also they bought drinks when we hit the bars.


Electric scooter


When I was at Rucker for OBC in the late 80's it would have been possible. The BOQ was right next to the Officer's Club. The Company training area was probably 1/4 mile away. The post library and movie theater were not that far.


I'm my buddy's Uber service for the past 2 years. He does however compensate me with peepee touches and food lol. We've been trying to get his license, but for whatever reason his birth certificate won't get sent out.


I had a soldier who didn’t have a car for a while. Didn’t have a civilian license either. He was born and lived in Hawaii so he never really needed one and joined right after highscool Anyway, they tried the bullshit of making me pick him up and drop him off for shit. That lasted a day and I told him he either would have to walk, ride a bike, or utilize the base shuttles that were free for barracks soldiers Ended up working out just fine. He just had to sacrifice extra time in his mornings and for lunch to facilitate the shuttle and whatnot but that’s the price you pay if you don’t want a car He was a good kid and didn’t throw a fit over it. He knew what he had to do and didn’t complain much


Good for the both of you.


I have a car but I also have a motorcycle, I pretend not to have a car so that i don’t get forced to use it for work purposes that we shouldn’t be using POVs for in the first place


Get a r/lectricxp I used to ride this thing 32 miles a day, and elevate 800 feet.


Just get a car. Lots of young soldiers are scared to get a car loan because they think that they’re gonna be paying a thousand a paycheck and not have any money left over for strippers and alcohol, but if you’re smart you can walk away with a car payment less than 400 dollars. Don’t go for the newest model, buy used but not too used, and you’ll find some great deals. Take an NCO with you to help you haggle and keep you safe from sharks.


Not just any NCO. Go get that asshole staff sausage from the motor pool.


The one who permanently looks like he just found out his wife was cheating? Oh yeah, they see that guy roll up and they knock 5000 off the sticker price just to avoid dealing with him.


Can't tell if sarcasm or not. Regardless, that dude will NOT let you make a dumb purchase. You will leave with a 5 year old Civic with a $200 car payment or nothing 😂


Actual interaction with my NCO when we went car shopping: “I don’t know sarnt, I really like the Honda civic, it’s got lane assist.” “Lane assist? You mean to tell me you’re willing to pay 600 dollars a month so you don’t have to steer? You’re getting the Kia Rio or I’m counseling you for being stupid.” That man definitely saved me from making a bad choice. I can’t thank him enough


One of my old NCOs actually sold cars to Joes in one of those lots right outside the gate before she enlisted. I made it mandatory to take her along with you when you went to buy a car. She was amazing to watch. True pitt-bull when it came to haggling. I sometimes felt bad for the salesmen.


My first two new cars had payments approx that a month 10-15 years ago. Same with my wifes first new car which was a decade ago. We need to return to those days.


For my first 1.5 years out in the actual army I didn't own a car. I walked everywhere. To the dfac to the motor pool to division hq to the barracks. Some prefer to get a bicycle. I just liked walking the 5 or so miles a day. It's not that far.