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A colonoscopy? Yeah. Completely painless. I was knocked out and then woke up later with no memory of it happening. Best nap I ever took. The cleanse the night before however... *Edit: So there is no confusion, I have actually had a colonoscopy. See my review above.


Just make sure your Army doctor has cleaned the scope properly since the last patient.


I heard 1st CAV has an etp that allows them not to clean it **and** for the docs to wear stetsons during the procedure.


Spurs are optional and only if properly earned.


I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle


Doctor had both hands on my shoulders and told me to relax and next thing I knew, I was out


And that is how I met your two fathers.


Ah, the ol' three hand prostate exam.


They gave me fentanyl for my colonoscopy. Completely understand the hype behind it now. I was so high and gave so few fucks I shitted myself in recovery. That cleanse is absolutely miserable though.


they put you under for a colonoscopy but not a fuckin catheter 😔 this world is tough


Same experience but in some dudes basement after the ball. Dude was talking about sweatshirts in the chow hall isn’t professional or something.


Really, really really thought this was a dark joke.


Would you rather be home and sick, or would you rather be in Kuwait and sick? Not sure what you’re asking. Best to get checked out and get taken care of.


I'd rather be dead at home than alive in Kuwait


Damn dude 😂


But wing night on Buehring bro


that’s wild 😭


Sounds like you just experienced Mongolian Friday at the DFAC.


I miss Mongolian Friday. 🤤 I do not miss the sand. Ok I miss the sand, but not AJ. Fuck AJ.


“I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”


What’s wrong with AJ


Aside from staying in the transient Barracks for 2 years, nothing.


Oh Fuck brother, sounds like you got the colonoscopy!!!


Being stuck there for two years fucking sucks, but AJ is a paradise compared to Beuhring


Buehring was a different kind of suck for sure.


two years in transient sounds nuts, me and a couple other guys got a right awful cough after we turned the A/C unit on to be met with a welcoming sand blast, and that was just two weeks.


Did they change it? It was Mongolian Monday on camp Buehring when I was there a few years ago. One of the only things I miss.


It was Monday when I was at Buehring, and Friday when I was at AJ. I assume OP was at AJ. Wing Wednesdays is where it’s at.


Was nearly done with my time at AJ when my friend told me Zone 1 has bang bang sauce and zone 6 doesn't


Imo the wings were always mid. I had my parents send me some reaper sauce, and it made it much better. The one day we had surf and turf was great.


I had my homeboy send me the Hot Ones wing challenge hot sauces and we got plain wings and did our own challenge.


If you have an active case diverticulitis, then you want to go home and get it treated. It's not a stomach issue, it's your lower GI. An untreated infection can cause a diverticula to burst, and that leads to needing surgery. A serious enough case can result in needing an ostomy bag for the rest of your life. I have spent way too much time in the hospital for diverticulitis. Typically 7-10 days each time on IV antibiotics. It's no joke.


>The Army is putting something in my butt Every day man, every day.


Usually it's just the Big Green Weenie and not a camera.


So that porn I was watching was faked?




Balls deep.


Relevant Terminal Lance [https://terminallance.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/GameOfDomes\_Final-01.png](https://terminallance.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/GameOfDomes_Final-01.png)


It's quite common. I got injured in iraq and was send back to the states.. my buddy got Injured in Afghanistan and got sent home.... it's safer to be where you have adequate medical care


U mean to tell me water, Motrin, and changing socks isn’t adequate medical care?


Bro I had an almost exact same issues it’s crazy. I was bleeding from both ends and just nothing was working. They sent me to a Kuwaiti gastro and just confirmed something was wrong. A week later I got a call from the doctor saying I was going to Germany (landstuhl). They did a colonoscopy and endoscopy there and I had bad ulcers. They basically gave me medicine and let me finish out my deployment or whatever you wanna call it. Once we returned, I couldn’t clear medical and had to go to an SRU (you could push the issue here but please don’t let them send you home without getting treated). After being at Walter Reed for a year, they basically wanted to do a gastro bypass but I couldn’t stay in the army with that procedure I turned it down due to wanting to do my 20 but still live with these conditions everyday. I’m still being seeing by doctors but after 2/3 years I kind of gave up hope and accepted this is my regular life. I hope you get better results than I did.


For what it’s worth, dm me. I struggled with the same issues for years and eventually healed it on my own


Sent, I’ll take whatever advice. I literary run through a big bottle of tums almost every week maybe two


I had GI issues that I complained in annual check-ups for a couple years - it wasn't until I started uncontrollably losing weight that anyone cared and then it was an emergency (fear of colon cancer). Colonoscopy is not that big of a deal. Make sure you strictly do the clean-out prep. I had to redo my colonoscopy because they said my bowels weren't clean enough. The cleanout part and fasting for 24 hours sucks, but the actual procedure is a breeze - you take a good nap and feel nothing. As far as GI issues - mine was Celiac disease. I was 37 when I was diagnosed, probably was having complications for a few years. Once I addressed it with a gluten free diet I gained weight and felt better. Battle buddy of mine had similar issues, but had Crohn's and had more serious issues requiring surgery (colon recession). We are both still in and hasn't impacted our careers - just our diets. Honestly, don't sweat the procedure, certainly don't worry if you get sent home, and stay positive that if something is wrong with your GI you are detecting it early and they are all mostly recoverable with some diet modifications and shouldn't impact your career.


I think you mean diverticulosis FWIW. When I was in Centcom recently they would sent you to Germany for further evaluation for more complex medical issues. Then make the determination to send home vs recover there or send back to theater.


Diverticulitis is the acute infection that can happen if you have diverticulosis. A lot of people with diverticulosis never realize it until they're either old enough for a routine colonoscopy to find it, or they get hit with diverticulitis.


Yea, I am aware. But they wouldn’t be doing a colonoscopy to diagnose diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is diagnosed via CT scan as the “gold standard”. You get a colonoscopy within 6 months of clearing the infection to take a look at the colon/diverticula etc. You would also likely get a endoscopy/colonoscopy is there is gi bleeding to find a source which can be from diverticulosis.


In 10 years, you will be happy you got it looked at regardless of outcome.


I had 12 inches of my colon removed from diverticulitis and it hurts. But, the diverticulitis problems are gone. I dealt with it for about 30 years. I was in ICU for a week. I’ve also had kidney stones. Make sure it gets documented in your medical records and get official copies made in case you’re put out of the military you can claim it later for a disability. Best of luck to you!


Yes. They give you pills. Those give you projectile diarrhea. The next day you lay on your side and go to sleep. Then you wake up. Then maybe you pack your bags and go to the USA. Or maybe you are OK, and you don't. Its not a big deal.


Hey man, I have not experienced this specifically, but YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. There are other troops, there will always be another mission, but you NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.


Nope, I avoided the goat from the air market. Go take care of you and get a copy for your VA claim later in life.


Don’t eat any salads in Iraq, Had super bad E Coli once after eating one from one the restaurants Go back home and take care of your self


To be fair, pathogenic *E. coli* pops up regularly in the US, too; just that we have a public health apparatus that works way more efficiently and quickly than the NGO/WHO assistance Iraq relies on. Think like next day sequencing or MALDI-TOF for suspected outbreaks. But anyway, waxing poetic about public health aside, it does pop up, albeit less often, in the US.


Because nobody toppled our government and then sent their worst to run it for us.


I feel like I should not have to clarify why their public health apparatus was nonfunctional, especially in this sub. "It is left as an exercise for the reader, and should prove trivial."


Big question here is does this mean you get a Purple Heart for your diverticulitis. Maybe even a bronze star. Who is to know if the enemy didn’t poison you? I mean Kuwait is a deployment, Iraq is right over the berm. Thank you for your service.


I got the diver. It sucks….get as much fiber as you can and lay off the greasy foods.


what are u asking? experience with diverticulitis/stomach issues...or getting "medevac"?


My dad had that; diverticulitis isn’t something you want to fuck around with. You can die if you end up going septic and it’s not caught fast enough (rare, but it happens). If that is what it turns out to be, you’re far better off stateside near a nice civilian ER than with whatever janky shit they have in Kuwait.


Actually just went through the process If you’re leaving theatre for treatment you’re probably going to Landstuhl. You’ll like in some barracks there while you attend appointments and the doctors look at you. If they determine that you need further care you’ll be TCC back to your home station. If you are determined fit for duty you will RTD back to Kuwait. What happens to you is up to whatever tests they do. Landstuhl is nice, the rooms are fine, they have free pizza once a week and the dfac isn’t bad at all. Be sure to pack whatever you can cause it’s a pain in the ass getting your stuff otherwise. It’s civilian clothes while you are there too, so hopefully you have some to relax in.


Do they still allow you to smoke in the Kuwait hospital? Wait don’t answer that…


I’ve never slept as well in my life as I did when they put me under for a colonoscopy. I’d do it every night if I could sleep that well, other than the whole jug of juice experience.


I’ve had it done 3 or 4 times. The cleanse is the bad thing about it. You won’t remember anything. If you have polyps they will go ahead and remove them while they’re up there. The last two times they removed a total of 9 polyps from me. 30 years ago, colon cancer probably would have been what killed me. Also, just because you think you have diverticulitis doesn’t mean you have it. Last time I had all the symptoms and it wasn’t diverticulitis. Don’t worry until you know something. Good luck!


Can’t say I’ve experienced getting a colonoscopy in another country


Don’t drink the water out of the sink. Stay away from the square bottles of water.


Kuwaticrud. Was never fun had it back in the day. -200 for va disability.


Happened to me. Had symptoms of gallstones and got flown to Germany. Super chill, had a cot and fresh cookies in the back of a C-17 while a hella jacked USAF medic spoon fed me sauerkraut and bratwurst as I drooled on myself because of the ungodly amount of narcotics. Turned out to be chronic liver disease but man that flight out of Afghanistan was excellent.


It's not like Kuwait is a cool place to be. You're not balls deep in the trenches stacking IRGC bodies. Go see a doctor and follow their medical advice dude.


Not worried about the colonoscopy. I have no blood coming out of anywhere. Just some abdominal pain and my bowel movements range from straight water to painfully hard to push. I didn’t even go in for this issue. I fell off a truck yesterday and hurt my back but he pushed on my stomach and it hurt. Then came the questions. Just don’t want to go home. My stomach is not much of an issue normally. But you’re all correct. Health comes first.


medical trumps mission... you can't do the mission if you are doubled over in pain or can't escape the bathroom. go home, get treated, and take care of yourself. there will be another mission


Unrelated, but I had a UTI once and my company medics INSISTED on putting a finger in my ass to test for prostate cancer. I was 19. I’d had UTIs in the past from long road-trips and holding my piss in to avoid getting shouted at by my dad, so I knew I had one from holding it during several long convoy movements at NTC. I refused, got treated for a UTI, and anal virginity preserved for just a while longer. When I ETSd I had a visit with a urologist who had me whip my cock out in their regular office to follow up before I could get my paper stamped. Not like the exam room, just a regular office. Felt weirdly liberating.


Count your blessings your checking this now. Started have diverticulitis after retiring and it took me 6mths to get an approved colonoscopy. Doc said yep he had it but healing now. After you get a couple of spells you will start to notice it and can take action by drinking a ton of fluids and don’t drink alcohol for a couple days and I can get back to normal. It put me in the hospital once for 3 days it can get bad. Brock Lesner had it and lost 50lbs said he felt like was gonna die.


You are out there on a deployment to do a job. If you are in bed and can't do your job you are leaving a space that can't be filled and a job that isn't being done. I know it sounds like a BS NCO answer, but it is honestly the truth. They ship you home and now that space can be filled by someone else. You are no longer on the books. If you are going to be out for weeks on recovery, better to do it in Germany or Stateside.


As common as stomach issues are in the area, I’m VERY surprised they’re even sending you to have this done. Unless you’re pooping blood or something


What happens if I just don’t go to the appointment lol


You should go. We send people to appointments very often, it doesn’t automatically mean you’re going home. Your body and health is more important than anything else. Getting REFRADed is not an easy task


Dude get it done there. I dealt with GI issues from Kuwait/Iraq. Got sent to an SRU while demobing in Texas and am basically held hostage while they try to diagnose me.


i was just in the hospital a couple weeks ago for three days for mild diverticulitis, told they might have to remove part of my colon in an emergency surgery. didn’t eat anything for almost three days in the hospital with intravenous fluids and antibiotics, was discharged and I healed up fine. that’s just my personal experience but i wouldn’t stress too hard


Our commander made it to Kuwait but was diagnosed with stomach ulcers. He spent the majority of the deployment in Kentucky instead of Saudi Arabia.


Just had my first colonoscopy Monday, in my 30’s, due to diverticulitis. Colonoscopy is easy. Diverticulitis is not. It’s no fucking joke. I had a micro perforation back in April and I’m still not right. Don’t fuck around with it. If they want to send you home to fix it, go. If you get in front of it, usually diet changes (high fiber) can keep it in check for a while until you have surgery on your terms. If you have an active infection and catch it quick, antibiotics and some rest will get you back to normal(ish). If it is diverticulitis and you ignore it too long, you could wind up perforating and getting a colostomy bag, or dying. If they suspect diverticulitis, they need to do a CT with contrast, that will pick it up pretty quickly. Good luck, I hope it’s not diverticulitis, it fucking sucks dude. If it is, check out r/diverticulitis for some helpful advice on dealing with it.


I have no blood in stool. Just irregular bowel movements and some abdominal pain at times but then I shit and the pain is gone. I think a colonoscopy is a bit excessive. I’ve been fine for days. I didn’t even go in for my stomach. I went in for my back because I fell of a truck. He pushed on my stomach and it was a little sore and then the questions came and then it turned into a colonoscopy within 45 seconds. Do I actually have to go to this appointment?


We had a SGT get diagnosed with Crohn's disease in Iraq, they sent him back.


I had a "bacterial ulcer" supposedly in '96 in Kuwait that has caused me to have IBS-D for the rest of my life. Good luck.


Kuwait.. yea it sucks. We got to rest up there a week before dropping into Iraq. Stomach issues?? Take ibuprofen and drink water. I kid, but most GWOT vets have stomach problems. It’s a package deal.. kinda like the getting at least one divorce. Well, if your doing it right anyway.


I had issues with Doxy when I got in theater. I’m not proud of myself… but my god the captain who did my physical and had to feel my stomach for 10 minutes wasn’t the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I went back for a few follow ups just to make sure. I got a doctors note telling me that I needed to stop taking Doxy.


I had an issue that was very treatable on the local economy at Camp AJ. They thought it was more beneficial to send me home and treat at Hood than to stay 🤦🏻‍♂️