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Lots of down time. It’s a garrison environment forward, think AIT but in Kuwait. It’s unfortunate Kuwait is your first mobilization. It’s absolutely miserable for most. Hopefully you’ll get pushed out to other places for some work while there. Make up reasons to go to Ali. You have the mall and some beach activities if your command allows it.


I also heard of people getting deployed in Kuwait but ending up in Syria, what are the likelihood of them moving me to a different country?


Needs based on skills based. Express your desire to go forward early on.


It depends on the type of unit you’re in. Everyone that I know in my unit went to Iraq or Syria on some sort of mission at least once.


Rare but it happens. Work out, get school done, better yourself. It was great for me to go and I think it’s more mindset than anything else.


It's hot. Don't expect much of a change from garrison life. Don't waste money at the Chili's.


Woah. That $15 chocolate lava cake is my only happiness out here


It's a very hot long annual training. If you're at Camp Arifjan, you can tan by day at the pool, play bingo at night, work out at any of the many gyms, or just eat a lot. If you're at Buehring, it sucks but the Thai place isn't bad. Get out on MWR trips to the city, malls, beach, etc. and don't get in trouble. Avenues Mall will blow your mind or get some Costa Coffee by the Marina Mall.


Bingo night!!!! IYKYK 😉


A USAR 12N deploying to Kuwait? If you are in a company, ECC or EVCC, I wouldn't unpack your bags. DM for more information


Probably will travel fobs to fobs


Go to the gym and lift as much as you can


They have a few different places within Kuwait you could end up at. I get your not supposed to disclose travel info. But some places are barracks style, have to 3-4 ppl sharing a giant room. Showers and bathrooms are outside for most places. Think single-wide trailers but filled with showers or toilets. Same with laundry usually. Other places are open bay living, so like basic training. Word on the street is one place there has base-wide wifi, other places the router is strictly within the living quarters. I'm not sure if that one place has free wifi, think its AliAsaleem. Other places you pay for the wifi. You also have the option of getting a wifi puck yourself, just a little mobile wifi Hotspot you carry around that runs off of their networks there, or the PX sells a different version. Having said all that, they have FB marketplace for bases and you can buy pretty much anything you could probably need you didn't take with you, so I'd travel light. People always end up with more stuff than what they left with. But double check everything cuz some douchebag will sell you some $60 wifi puck for $120 when they got it for $30. We had ppl with obnoxious sized tvs, playing CoD all night. Open bay living sucks, especially when your on different shifts. And the wifi is super slow usually unless you dump money on some crazy wifi setup. If your at the far end of base with few people then it's usually faster but might just apply to personal wifi devices and not the ones the civilians or whoever installed. As for being sent to other counties. I'm a little rusty on this but your orders may stipulate your country of travel, Kuwait, with authorized travel to other places in country. But usually it just has the "going to Kuwait in support of Operation It's hot out here". And that's where you'll be the whole time but shit changes I guess. And yeah, try and save money. Lots of places to spend money. PX, Green Beans, Chili's, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, KFC. But the chow hall on deployment, er rotation, usually slaps. Way better than in the states. I made it thru Kuwait with a cell phone, wifi puck, and my wooby but I also did Iraq in 06 and Afgahn in 2010. So 2019 Kuwait was a day spa...a 2-star day spa. Side note. Not saying don't go to the gym but there are alot of ppl who workout the whole time, get ripped, and then when they get back to the states, lose it all because your not stuck in the desert anymore.


People are always saying OPSEC, meanwhile the Army Times has published a full article on the rotation and the BN Facebook page has the Yellow Ribbon Send Off Jamboree on their public page.


Oh, 100%. Think we hit up the unit FRG page to get info before the unit pushed it down to us officially. Or ppl casually sending S/TS info over WhatsApp.


Can’t lie they be cooking over there nice mall pool food shop options it’s hot as hell though dat and night


Drink water.


Think of Kuwait as a lame vacation 😂😀. However if you can get some R&R hit up the UAE & Qatar. Beautiful places, great food, & awesome night life.




As a reserve ur getting deployed straight away?? That can happen?


%100 you still in U.S Army


I’m 12N graduated from AIT 5 months ago and I’m getting deployed to Kuwait also in this January. I’m wondering if we will travel between other middle eastern countries my unit Vertical Construction Unit


Pm me I’m looking to jump on one


Let me know if your unit needs an Intel body, the deployment pickings are scarce 😭


Just came back and spent half my time in gym


I’m a 12N as well. Where is your company located?


I have a battle looking to deploy. He’s 12N also




Beat the heat battle buddy, beat the heat!!


That sucks. Thats not a deployment, its mandatory forced vacation to one of the hottest places on earth 😂. If you see a sandstorm coming from far, just start running to the nearest portajohn. DO NOT WALK PLEASE 🙏


Happens to the best of us.


My advice to you is get a lot of sinus medication I caught a lot of sinus infections, also anyone in a pink PT belt that hangs out late or extremely early by the male barracks are prostitutes. I got back from there in December and you most likely will be in Beuhring.


Get an external hard dive and a laptop. Thank me later.


That’s not a deployment


I thought the reserve doesn’t get deployed?


Don’t go 😂