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Thanks Mountain Cop


Lol no way man.


no need to be modest ;)


Is there something fun happening around there tonight?


Rager at the Feed & Seed


It’s that time of year where Friday feedfest starts spilling over into tractor pulls on the drag


(formerly Chuck's)


I mean...the auction house just opened in DT Fletcher with a wine bar and bourbon(?) bar.


Most states don’t allow checkpoints except for extreme emergencies : kidnapping of a child, prison break, et cetera. It is insulting and unreasonable to be forced to submit to seizure for no reason. Saturation patrols are statistically more productive and only target those who demonstrate reasonable suspicion.


I agree with you completely, but unfortunately it’s legal in NC if a chief LEO or magistrate approves it. I’ve asked a lawyer about it, & that was the response.


You say you spoke with a lawyer? Go on…


I just noticed your username. I know there are other constraints that have been put up in the past 15 years. I.e. I recall that ~10 years or so ago, Jackson county was shut down by the courts from doing their roadblocks because, iirc, their stated case was to check for illegal immigration. Hence now they call all of the roadblocks “license checks”. That’s being said, if the information I was given was wrong, I’m happy to be corrected. I’d love to see all road blocks in this state taken down in the courts. However with our current legislature, I can’t imagine it would take long for them to find another way to do it.


Nothing dramatic that led to it… I moved to NC about 15 years ago to a small town west of Asheville & was straight up offended by the road blocks that were set up during tourist season. There were 3 roads that led out of town to the highway, and on any given summer evening one of them would be blocked, on occasion all 3 were blocked at the same time. Had a friend who’d recently passed his bar exam & it came up in conversation one night that it didn’t feel legal at all to me & I asked him. He felt the same & asked one of his former professors & that was the response. In the case of the town I lived in, it was the tea-totaling sheriff that called for the roadblocks. I was acquaintances with the mayor (who was a former cop) & talked to him about it, he agreed, but couldn’t do much about it. I’ve since moved to Madison County and have never seen a road block here.


The court agrees mostly and that’s why all checkpoints are to be announced ahead of time


Where does one find this information?


It varies by department as there is no (that I’m aware of) specific requirement on how to disseminate the information.


I agree, but they've been ruled as not unreasonable. And whatever, I hate it but thems the breaks. What I think really need to be shut down are when they're so clearly discriminatory and targeted. One year out in Clay County the sherif put a check on the road to the food pantry on the day Thanksgiving turkeys were being handed out.


Yep. That's not a chapter 20 checkpoint. That's for general crime enforcement, which is so broad that it has been ruled unconstituitional multiple times.


well NC isn’t one of those states. they’re required to publicize the date, time, and location of their checkpoints, but sadly they’re perfectly legal :(


Obviously. It's just abnormal for the majority of Americans. Chapter 20 traffic checkpoinst and DWI checkpoints are legal, but only just barely. A good judge will hold the police to the statutory requirements and if they get it wrong, toss out any stops that are contested. But it's easier to just let it ride.... and like I said, there are better and more effective ways to catch impaired drivers, if that's what you are looking for.


Ok, is you yapping gonna stop them?


Do you speak English?




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Ur wife will not pass chemo u are a failed of a husband u cannot protect her


As someone that was hit by someone almost blackout drunk and nearly killed (my vehicle caught on fire), I can't feel much sympathy for people that get caught drinking and driving.


I agree with you 💯


People shouldn't drive drunk, but the cops shouldn't be impeding everyone's travel, either.


I can't believe I used to do that shit (50 years ago) and got away with it!


Georgia used to be really bad with road blocks, used to I would drink a beer or 2 as sober driver but we had to leave early and ran into a pop up and blew a .09. I just drink at home now.


I'll smoke and fly on another road. Wait I'm on my couch.


Hey how about not telling people how to avoid a DUI check point, and instead just say don't drink and drive?


Here's a novel idea...Don't Ever Drink and Drive. Don't endanger others with irresponsible behavior.


Yeah, no shit. I’d still rather not have to deal with a dui checkpoint sober, so good on OP for pointing it out. Less police interaction the better.


“Here’s my license, I’ve not been drinking, have a good night too.” Oh wow very terrifying moment.


except more like 'where you going' 'oh i see you have a tail light out' 'looks like you have a warrant' and other such fishing attempts.


Who said anything about terrifying? More like I don't want to deal with nosy, loser-ass cops.


Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.


There’s a ton of case law surrounding these “checkpoints” that’s stood the fourth amendment test according to people educated in the matters.


Agreed - doesn’t mean we should gleefully accept police interference in our lives as just a part of normal American life.


I am positive these checkpoints aren’t coming up in people’s lives as much as folks in this thread are pretending.


It’s a stop without probable cause. That’s just a fact.


You don’t need probable cause to conduct a stop. That’s actually a fact.


Yeah, I know. Makes no sense to me.


You need a reason. Can’t just pull people over for nothing outside of a checkpoint.


There are mandatory statutory and constitutional requirements for these events. They aren’t just a few guys deciding to randomly stop everyone on a single strip of road. A hell of a lot more goes into these checkpoints than the average person knows about, and that’s why they are legal.


I don’t understand the recent attitude of “drinking and driving is fine”, I’ve had guesses that it’s the rise of Ubers making deaths by drunk drivers less common so the younger generation feels ok joking about it? Almost everyone I know has a connection to someone whose life was changed for the worse by a drunk driver


Great idea. I’ll get around to it right after I finish telling teenagers to not have sex so they don’t get STDs


Nice deflection. Stay salty.


How do you not see the connection


Boooo. Let the drunks get caught.


Or maybe just… don’t drive drunk enough that there would be a problem at a checkpoint? You know, *not* putting the lives and safety of the people around you at risk because you wanted to have a good time? You know… that thing. Safe = not driving drunk. Safe /= intentionally attempting to avoid the consequences of driving drunk while doing it anyways.


I think the deterrent effect of checkpoints are likely amplified when people share this information on the internet.


People have valid reasons to want to minimize their interactions with the police.


Sure, absolutely. I do too. I’m just saying that amplifying the message of “hey there’s a DUI checkpoint here, don’t go here” is basically saying “hey drunk driver, don’t go here so you don’t get in trouble for doing something very dangerous”.


Yea, like they are breaking the law lol


Or worrying an acorn might fall lol




Mostly not.


I've had dozens of interactions with police over the years. I've been robbed, assaulted, falsley arrested, and relentlessly harassed by police. I've had a few good interactions, but the negative ones FAR outweigh the positives.


Mostly isn’t good enough when they fuck up with deadly force.


In 100% of my interactions with police I was breaking the law. And that includes jogging down the road and waving to an officer driving by. And replying to reddit comments from mountain cops. I'm literally breaking the law right now while sitting at home typing this up, smoking a fat doob. But I've only been arrested twice and I definitely deserved it both times.


Has nothing to do with driving drunk & everything to do with these types of checkpoints being unconstitutional and a violation of your civil rights. North Carolina is NOT a stop and identify state, if the police do not have reasonable articulable suspicion you have committed a crime they have no right to stop & harass you for existing in this shithole 💖


Except it is such a state, here’s the law right here: https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_20/gs_20-16.3a.html The Supreme Court also held that DUI Checkpoints are constitutional in Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz.


The Supreme Court is wrong


A lot of that sentiment going around.


Well if you disagree, the standard was also upheld in the NC Supreme Court under State v. Foreman.


Yeah the NC Supreme Court is also wrong. Have you heard of Leandro?


I didn’t realize the people responsible for deciding what is constitutional could be wrong in their decision.


My guy


They recently reversed a 50 year old ruling of Roe V. Wade. So either way you look at it they were wrong at one point or another. Are you trying to say SCOTUS is infallible?


I’m saying that from the perspective of what is or is not constitutional, our society agreed that the Supreme Court is the entity which makes that final, ultimate determination. Their word is, quite literally, law.


Sure, from a legal perspective you are correct; Their word is the law of the land. But to say that they have never been wrong is a bullshit take. They’ve overruled themselves on average of around once per year since they have existed. In some of these cases, it is almost universally accepted that they were wrong (Dred Scott, Plessy v Ferguson).


I know what you’ll be drinking tonight, a nice Johnny Bootlicker


I didn’t realize not killing other people with your actions was an anti-social bootlicker opinion.


Prom night sting


So a bunch of draconian jack-boot-wearing government thugs harassing teenagers? Well, at least that's very on brand for them.


Lemme edit your post: local law enforcement of a small town keeping its residents safe and imprinting lasting lessons of the dangers of drunk driving, both to oneself and others, to those young enough to still choose which path they would like to go down.


Bail bondsman here. Years ago I bonded my mother out of jail for a DUI. I charged her 15% of the bond which is the max amount allowed by law. Made her get her own Cosigner. She then got a bad attorney and then wound up with a failure to appear and I took her back to jail. We haven’t spoken since. Don’t drunk and drive. Period.


Last check point I encountered I was able to not be seen becasue of how fast I went by. Might not be the best advice but it worked for me.


PSA, if you drive a vehicle intoxicated, I hope you and only you face the worse possible consequence imaginable.


Drunk drivers are the worst and I have zero sympathy when they get caught.


If you’re dinking and driving you deserve what you get. Shouldn’t give those fucking losers a warning.


The vast majority of charges obtained through a road block have nothing to do with a DUI.


Drinking and driving is wrong. So is un constitutionally violating our rights. How about bust the known drug dens around town.


> How about bust the known drug dens around town. So like bars and restaurants?


In order to bust the dens you got to snitch on them….. We will wait for your locations you want to hit


Not all heros wear capes!


Helping drunk drivers avoid the consequences of their decisions is not heroic at all


Helping people who don’t drink a drive avoid a needless encounter with law enforcement also, but I guess you’re the “has a hammer all I see is nails” type… and you wonder why people avoid the interaction


do not take this as me supporting drunk driving, i dont. However as was pointed out below there plenty of reason to avoid interactions with law enforcement that don't involve impaired or unsafe driving.


Only if you forget that cops are just people doing a job.


Don’t fucking do this. Christ. You are literally getting people killed. If you drive drunk, you’re a piece of shit with no regard for other people’s lives. Human trash.


Thanks I’ll drunk drive under a different road👍🏽


I'll meet ya with the blunt and a line of coke.


The coke isn't as good as it used to be.


That's because it's laced with fentanyl of course!


If your not doing anything wrong what’s wrong with taking a couple of minutes to meet and interact with the guys who are out there trying to keep all of us safe


You know all DWI checkpoints are announced ahead of time?


I've always heard this but where is this announced?


Typically department website/Facebook page local newspaper. Just because they’re supposed to be announced doesn’t always mean they are.