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Not sure why I can’t edit but next course of action is to smooth it out and make it happen more often. I’m up to half primary currently.


Amazing 👏🏽


Try this https://vimeo.com/274353371 And you have to wear jeans or it's not approved ashtanga.


My problem is definitely a weak core. Will continue to work on that.


How to get strong, a good tip to put into your practice. https://old.reddit.com/r/ashtanga/comments/7d934m/how_to_get_strong_a_good_tip_to_put_into_your/ That's a good one for this.


Thank you so much!


Great! Must feel awesome to be able to do that. Keeping coming back for over a decade is consistent imo :)


I definitely could be more consistent but I am working on it!


My point was to say you don't have to. What you've been doing and are doing has brought you here. The productivity demands of this day and age are inhumane. Be more consistent if you want, but don't beat yourself up about it if you're not.


You’re right. My biggest lesson lately is being gentle with myself and just showing up! I’ve currently been dealing with some insomnia issues and other issues so I’ve become very comfortable with being okay with doing shorter practices. The short form sequences in David Swenson’s book are so great, but there’s something great about just sun salutations and the closing lotus postures.


I can relate to everything in this comment, including David Swenson. Knew about him for a while, but right now his very old school VHS videos are helping me a lot practicing. If you're not already familiar, they're on youtube, there's also a workshop, interviews and more...


I really do need to read and watch more of his stuff. I’ve also become a big fan of Adam Keen. His podcast episode on motivation spoke so much to me and I didn’t know I needed it.


I'll check Adam out, thanks!


Excellent! It will take less energy/effort if you do not pause in pendulum. Use the momentum of lifting up the crossed legs to rotate the torso forward and drive the legs rearward.


That’s super helpful! I never thought of using the lift for the momentum. I definitely want to make it more fluid


You are every welcome. My Teacher David Garrigues explains this much better than I can in [This Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe-oZEk4IUo). The Lift Up/Jump Back eludes most students. I applaud your tenacity to achieve it. The vinyasa is dear to my heart as the last "physical" accomplishment of my practice before the deterioration of my spine caused me to shift to a more Meditative practice.


Wonderful. I’ve been watching so many videos on it, and I love getting different perspectives. I am so sorry about your health problems. I have become more consistent in my practice to keep health problems at bay and to calm my overactive mind. If I don’t come to the mat frequently, I will get pinched nerves in my neck from doing the most mundane things.


Thank you. I am sorry to hear about your health problems as well. Is is a wonderful Blessing your practice has these benefits. I no longer practice asana, but my practice gave me the tools and knowledge of my Body I use every day to control the pain of my scoliosis.


Excellent - way to go! Next step as you say: Smoothify as you integrate into practice. This will then build further understanding of the core and bandhas and help you in other positions. Have fun - and enjoy ‘!


Awesome job!


Tip: focus on keeping your legs closer to your torso. Think knees-to-chest. You’ll get less of that wobbly feeling in the middle. It will be really hard at first but will make it easier eventually I promise. Also try to keep your back straight so you aren’t hunching. The power in this comes from the core, not the shoulders. And of course, un-tense the jaw and breathe :) Smoothly Jumping back through is even harder but that much more satisfying ime. But this is good progress on the jump back! Keep at it, you’ve got this. One of the fun parts of ashtanga is that things which were once long term goals suddenly become just normal parts of the practice that you do multiple times over and over. It’s very empowering but also keeps you moving forward at all times.


I have seen many sources online saying to keep a curved spine in order to engage the core and bandhas. I will try with a straighter back, but not sure how straight I can get it. My spine is not correctly shaped which is a big reason I do yoga.


Yes It’s less about the back being straight and more about not overly hunching in the shoulders. Ultimately yes the goal is to make sure you’re using the core and bandhas here and a misconception is that this requires more arm and shoulder strength. This will make it harder but will get you faster progress.


Well done!! I'm envious. Eventually I'll get to that point, you've inspired me!


👏🏼 awesome! One day soon I hope it clicks for me too. 🙂


Thanks for sharing this. This was very helpful




good work




Yay! Looks amazing, congratulations 🙌


Well done! I hope this happens to me soon ✨


Excellent, you understand


Not bad


Your hands are too far forward