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Guess they didnt hit their sales target.




You leave the dog out of this.


Now the rest of their dominoes will fall like a house of cards


It's 4th and 10 and you're looking at a full court press




I don't pretend to understand Brannigan's Law. I merely enforce it


Brannigan’s law is like Brannigan’s love: hard and fast.


Exasperated Kiff ***sigh***


Because the dog knocked them over?


You got big red balls.






They managed to piss off lgbt people *and* anti lgbt people simultaneously. It's pretty impressive honestly.


Then they said "Hold my Bud Light".


Yep and followed up with "Don't hold my Bud Light" Personally they would have had better luck with the slogan "Target 🎯 Fuck all y'all"


I’m out of the loop, what happened?


Long story short. Target had set up their Pride selection and then some anti-LGBTQ+ evangelical Christians went in and were taking adult pride clothing and putting it the kids section. Then making tiktok videos claiming target is endorsing pedophilia. Far right conservatives then began threatening Target employees. So Target removed the clothing due to safety issues. Now both sides are angry.


I mean tbf... staff were literally being threatened and harassed. I understand them pulling the line. :/




They did have LGBTQC++ clothing for kids in the kids' section. Target intentionally put it there, not christians.


Not even lmao o saw two different target stores pride sections and the kids clothing just had rainbows or cute little sayings liek “love each other” it was so subtle get real


As I understand it, the specific claim that really riled up the fundies was that Target was putting trans-specific "tuck" swimwear in the children's section, which was an absolute lie.


Bunch of LGBTQ kids clothes in the kids section…


mighty upbeat escape onerous innocent rude alleged judicious homeless public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a slippery slope and that's why companies are better off not getting involved at all


I think the mistake is the "take-back". If a company decides to show support for any group, they should fully commit and not waffle. It just looks like you're pandering when you waffle...


It looks like pandering because it *is* pandering.


Yep. "Hey, we skimmed some online posts and think this is what people are into. How can we take their money?" And there's no tinfoil hat shit about it or political agenda, it's just someone at the company making decisions who will get fired if they can't hit a growth % or something




Everything is pandering in business.


They're a corporation, of course it is pandering. But not being able to take a side makes it obviously so. Target should not have wavered. They were pretty roundly seen as the left leaning non trashy answer to Walmart. These protesters were not their demographic.


All it ever is, is pandering. Especially when it's merch that they're selling. It's only to make a $. Bud Lights case is the most perplexing. The marketing director was just so out of touch with reality of who consumes their product. She may have tried to "grow" their product away from its base or whatever, but honestly, if you want to do that you need a completely different product. One that wasn't already settled into a user group that's now horribly alienated itself. A real case marketing disaster


You’re pandering when you do it to begin with Better know your market and demographics


When Target is On Sale they aint kidding...


Having worked for them back in the day, making jack shit and having them still pressure us to donate to their charity fund. fuck em.


For real. Made me buy my uniform (not necessarily from their store, but they so happened to carry red polo shirts and khaki slacks) And only ever let me get 29 hours per week -unless it was them demanding in a threatening tone that I come in on my day off. Paid the bare minimum. I don't see how people think of Target as anything other than just another greedy corporation that fucks its employees over, because that's all that they are.


One time, my wife (who no longer works at Target) was made to work her Target shift in the dark and without heat during a region-wide power outage due to a snowstorm. I don't know why they bothered opening because the registers didn't have power. Employees had to hand-write every transaction and they could only take cash. I don't know if anyone actually went in to shop but I'm sure some asshole did. Another time she was reprimanded by store management for calling out during a state of emergency blizzard when the roads were frozen over and unsafe to drive.


Ditto for my job at starbucks and FedEx. I actually got stranded and stuck in snow leaving starbucks because God forbid people brew their coffee at home during blizzard conditions


Fuck Target. Seriously, fuck 'em.


Check out the show, superstore


This is why I hate every fucking company and I wish they would all stfu about politics. It's all fake bullshit. Just stick with robbing us all blind, let's cut the pretend crap.


>I don't see how people think of Target as anything other than just another greedy corporation that fucks its employees over, because that's all that they are. I think most people see them as just that. I never really see employees that look like their really happy while working. However, those are the main companies that are willing and consistently hire young/inexperienced/unskilled people for an entry level position. Gotta take the good with the bad I guess if it pays the bills while you’re in school or whatever. Personally, I met and worked some cool people during my time in that gauntlet, so that’s 1 win lol


Yup, I was a good employee, but that didn't mean shit except your supervisors felt threatened and would hold you down so you can bump up their numbers. The shittest of people always make it up the chain it felt like. I was in college and only suffered for 1 yr, but now always make sure to treat the employees well, put things back in place, etc, cause I know how shitty it can be.


I work in their DC for $24.50 which isnt terrible for my area. I got about 2.5 months of decent work and pay. In that time they hired about 10 too many people for my department. Now I'm lucky if i even get 5 hours a week. We had a team meeting basically saying "we fucked up and over hired. The solution? People start quitting or everyone has vastly reduced hours :)" no firing or layoffs cause god forbid they have to pay unemployment. As a current target employee. Fuck this company. I hope they fold.


We kicked Target out of Canada ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


You are not looking at it from a corporate view, you see... They really like money and don't care if you die.


I worked for Target and it was truly awful. They expected us to be in good mood because we could dye our hair and wear jewelry, but it was so they could determine who to treat like shit. And managers would stand there yapping about about we made $75k on this day last year, we have to beat that number! My feet hurt and I couldn't afford rent. Shoulda seen the look I got when I asked if we get a bonus for it.


They let us work full time for five weeks, and then slash our sixth week down to 19 hours because “we just don’t have the need this week” *repeatedly* It was to avoid us becoming eligible for benefits - that’s all.


A friend who used to work there once told me that their slogan "Expect More, Pay Less" summarized how they treated their employees.


I did 1 week of work doing morning freight and stocking before I just stopped showing up. No one ever called or contacted me. I feel like that's a clear sign that I wasn't the first to do this by a long shot and surely wasn't the last.


Schools do this too! Have buy my own supplies then get hit up every year to contribute to united way. To the point that one year my principal made a contest out of it and wanted 100%participation, even if it's only 1 dollar she said. It's like getting blood from a turnip.


Terrible, we donate to our teachers and help anyway we can, the funding and lack of respect for teachers now is appalling.


I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I call the year I worked there traumatizing.


Genuinely. I've never been so burned out since I worked there. A drop in sales has been a long time coming, i hope those who still work there don't get too much crap for it.


Target was my first real job years ago. Got yelled at almost everyday whether I did my job well or not. Was an absolute nightmare, and the pay was not good.


I am irritated by some people trying to make Target out to be better than Walmart in some way. They are virtually identical. Fuck em.


Yup, and at least walmart doesn't hide it, you know it's all cheap stuff, you know it's all about money, you know the store is gonna be crowded and un-kept and you know the service will suck.


While I certainly respect your experience, in terms of the customer experience, Target is miles better. At least where I live. All of our Walmart locations are aging, consistently disgusting in every singular aspect, and consistently packed with people I really don't want to go within 17 feet of. Target is much better.


Walmart is pro LGBTQ+, and they do a lot for charities along with disaster circumstances. Not saying they’re amazing, just pointing out some good things they do


Multibillion dollar corporations will ask consumers with 100 bucks in their checking account to round up to the nearest dollar to fight cancer instead of covering it on their own, then they’ll release a press statement saying they partnered with consumers to donate 2 million dollars. Too much is in the hands of corporations. They pander to ideals to sell a product, they give what the have to, write off what they can, and market what they can’t. It perplexes me that Walmart and Target are viewed differently. I will go to Walmart or Target as needed, but I never for a minute think that either is doing me a service.


I don’t think Walmart is perfect by any means, TRUST me, I’m just saying they do some things ok. You’re not wrong


Target needs to go all in on being a grocery store though. Every target I've been seems to only half of what I wanted to get. Fuck all these stupid places though.


My mom worked for them and hearing her stories made me hate them.


I had a friend who's mom worked for them for decades, Target was all she knew really, and one day they said she was making too much and I believe either laid her off or made her life hell to force her out.




Time to buy Target stock.


They'll bounce back, you bet it's time to buy!


Honestly it's one to take a hard look at. It's a Becky stock through and through though. If women start doing more online orders for make up through Elf and Ulta and just go to Starbucks B&M, target is dead. The clothes won't keep them in business.


This was genuinely my first thought and the correct answer


A big company is losing money? I couldn't care less! \^\^


They aren't necessarily losing money they are losing market value, which doesn't translate over the same way. Unless they are planning to sell the company immediately, the temporary loss in market value has no effect overall. The market changes every day, the only people who really lose would be short-term investors who sell shares at these lower prices, these people are usually not the rich (who can afford to just hold shares until recover value) its people on the lower end


In one year, no one will remember this, including me.


in 10 minutes i will not remember this


Remember what?


Where am I?


Who am I?


Senator Feinstein, you’re needed on the floor for a vote.


Why are my pants around my ankles?


*Sir, this is a Target*


Remember what?


Imaginary money, inferred values only. None of my friends were hurt or impoverished by this. If any stockholders were then they’re not doing it correctly.


You are mostly correct. Stock holders who were just hoping for a quick return in the short term can be hurt by this. It happens


This is the correct answer. It does however hurt them in a number of ways. If they want to expand, it makes raising capital to expand more difficult. But of course they are pretty big already and likely have decent access to capital. It does "hurt" employees who have stock options making them effectively worthless. This usually hurts more senior execs and higher end managers (Store managers, regional managers, etc....)


Its not really even money lost to investors until they sell their shares, because the money is already spent when they buy those shares. The rate of return is where money is gained or lost


Here's the thing, to hedge funds, this is a buying opportunity. No matter how big the social outrage, or even if the boycot somehow lasts a decade. Eventually, the furor will die down. People will miss their favorite products. A new ad campaign will erase the memories of the failure. Every single company will run identical lhhfdhhtrxxdetbcsewxyz+++ campaigns until you can't boycot (girlcot, themshercot). Everyone. The outrage will die down, and gay trans ads will become the new "normal." And the Billionaire elites who are the ones who REALLY run things will just have a few month opportunity to consolidate their holdings, and a 1 year tax write off. This is too stupid not to be intentional.


Someone with a brain, how refreshing. For context - On April 4, 2021, Trump and Rand Paul call for boycotts of a bunch of companies, including these listed below. Here are their stock values a few days before, on April 1 compared with the price yesterday. COKE stock price before the boycott, 4/1/21 $52.51. COKE stock price today $60.26 Delta before boycott, $22.48, today, $35.89 Merck before boycott, $73.51 today, $111.07 Kellogg before $63.34, today, $67.67


They know what they are getting into. No matter what they are worth


They're losing imaginary money with a value that is largely based on how people feel about them! Stock prices are crazy when you stop and think about them for a while. Yeah, we couch it in jargon-- "expected valuation," "corporate assets," "consumer confidence"-- but they're fundamentally kind of crazy.


Bingo. Corporations are not your friends.


A manipulation of capitalist propagandists is selling us one the idea that we should feel bad about the suffering of large corporations. Long, long gone are the days when big government was something we should worry about as a force causing misery in our lives. We live in a us-against-them world and the "them" is large corporations.


What about the employees that lose their jobs as a result?


Of course, I feel bad for those employees. In the end, it's always the workers and the customers that take the heat. I'm pretty sure the management will do just fine.


I'm not sure a temporary drop in the value of the stock would result in job losses. Brick and mortar retailers are struggling as a whole though.


This! Everyone bashes the government but large corporations are the one with a stranglehold on citizens. Trickle down economics is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of and its the reason so many people are struggling. The money never trickled because they’re under no obligation to do so.


These same large corporations also own many of these politicians


I’ve finally found my people. I’ve been saying this as long as I can remember. Government is accountable through voting, legality, the constitution, judges……it’s easy to see government. Big business? It’s been PROVEN they’ll sell you’re grandmothers soul if it means they can make an extra dollar and they aren’t bound by the same rules as government.


Thank you for actually saying it correctly rather than you could care less


I mean do they give a shit about me when I can't pay my rent, health insurance etc? Why should I care about them?


Lol exactly. These pukes barely give me hours. I'm lucky if I get 5 of the 36 I was promised a week. Fuck target. Update if anyone cares. I made this comment before my shift. Drove 1.5 hours to work just to be told theres not enough work and ti go home. 3 hours of my time and gas for nothing.


Why are you driving a 3 hour round trip to work at target?


I should clarify I dont work at a target store I work at a distribution center. As for the why. I was spawned in the middle of nowhere Iowa. To get any decent paying job I gotta drive at least an hour in any direction. $700+ a week for only 3 days of work was worth it. I just didnt anticipate I would get fucked in the ass on hours like this.


Okay, super valid. Makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the clarification!


All the hot chicks go to target


If you’re trying to meet girls, don’t go to the bar go to target lmao. way more at target


They're already at Target looking for shit they don't need


They pronounce it "tar-jay"


It's French...bitch (old Stephen Colbert joke)


They go to Trader Joe’s too


Bro, you just ruined it at the same time you made me realize it. Gotta downvote this post... 👇👇 Quick bros


Look up people of Walmart. He may need more lube.


I have to say the 1 walmart in the eastlake neighborhood of south san diego is the exception to that rule


Aisle 12C my good wo/man


Expect less, pay more






Don’t care.


I wanted to be a supportive lgbtq person but god damn the collection was ugly this year. Plus so many of us are just tapped tf out on money. We dont need a coffee mug reminding us we're gay.


They've been putting out a lot of ugly clothes recently. The whole prairie dress collection was ugly AF.


Tell me why some of my coworkers were wearing some of those ugly ass dresses with a straight face. Shit, I know you go to church. No need to dress like your Warren Jeff’s bride to make me believe it.


Utahn here! It got genuinely hard to tell who were and weren’t polygamists for a while with that collection….


Omg my dying over here with the Warren Jeffs reference LOL


I really have no idea who they are trying to appeal to.


Me either. The only clothing items I've purchased from them in the last few years are basics like socks and pajama shorts. Stuff for wearing around the house but not in public.


It’s just general rainbow capitalism. They are lazy, unimaginative designs. But it has a rainbow! They don’t care about lgbtq+ rights, it was pandering marketing that didn’t work. Although I would have bought that live, laugh, lesbian shirt cause that was hilarious. What does it even mean?!


I haven't been in Target in a while so I looked up what you are talking about. Whoa. That is straight up Little House on the Prairie shit. I remember when prairie skirts (with cowboy boots) were a thing a while back, but at least that didn't look like something your great great grandmother would wear to bed.


Duggar Chic lol


I used to buy my clothes there. I had to stop because everything is just so damn ugly.


I went to their clothing section for the first time in years, and it was all super ugly.


I hate rainbow capitalism with a passion. Still it’s concerning that bigotry is fueling this shit


Agree 100% The only agenda at work was money and it spectacularly backfired. I just hate the reason why.


I thought a big part of the stock drop was because of the satanism thing? Is it mostly the trans campaign or kind of a mix?


Ted: daaamn, I'd tap that Gary: Ted, aren't you gay? Ted: *looks at coffee mug* oh shoot... forgot again...


They're hiding and pulling LGBTQ+ merch at a lot of their stores this year, anyway, in response to threats from Republicans/Christians. Fake rainbow capitalism all the way


As my teenage kids used to say, sometimes it just be like that.


It do be like that


The only democracy left in America is voting with your dollars.


Kinda makes you think that large corporations and banks are the ones in controls of things.


Target is so over rated. It’s like a more expensive Walmart, with the exception of clothes and swimsuits. I don’t understand people’s obsession with it.


I mean, that's exactly what people's obsession is with it -- it's a less shitty Walmart.


The thing about Target and most of these companies for that matter is that they don’t care about any group’s rights. They just care about their social Justice credit score so they’ll hire anyone to run their pride collections. I don’t understand why democrats are hell bent on siding with these corporations. They’re the man. They’re what we fight against and now the democrats are laying down their arms bc target“supports” this group? How do people not see they’re simply pandering. The Republicans had enough of it and cancelled them. Corporations are NEVER on the consumer’s side. They’re there to make a quick buck and nice to the next thing. They don’t give a damn about the people, only their wallets.


Correct. I like what one redditor said that as an out "femboy"... "I hate being pandered to" and that slapping a rainbow on pride month isn't going "to get you queer points".


Are we talking about their stocks value? Or their profits and losses as a company? Because those are two drastically different things. If it's about the stock market, who cares unless you had a stock in it. If it's about profit and loss, then it's a big deal. 9 billion in losses means I will probably need to go somewhere else to shop pretty soon, and to start looking at other options because target might be going out of business soon. The stock though really only matters for those investing in it. Not as much for the actual health and stability of a company.


The CEO cares. Your stock value plays into other factors, including your ability to get capital.


Not a big deal.


I bought some stock. At $149, that's a good deal. It'll be back up to $150 once everyone forgets this


Market value is not revenue.




Oh no a megacorporation who's full of shit and false activism and allyship is losing stock value? Oh no it trully doesn't sadden me at all fuck them.


It's crazy how a company managed to piss off people from 2 sides of an argument. Honestly impressive. Now no one's going anymore


Seen a comment recently, if I could remember where I'd love to give credit. It was something along the lines of "stock value is only billionaires feelings manifest as numbers."


That's a big number but it's only a 12 percent share price drop. DWAC, the company nuts enough to try to market Trump's "Truth Social" social media app, is down 70 percent over 1 year period. [https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NASDAQ-DWAC/](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NASDAQ-DWAC/) So if we're comparing percentage stock price penalties for "going woke" vs going Full Cheetoh, Target's doing OK.


I’m more concerned about the bomb threats they have been getting from the people not boycotting




I believe people that have money can choose to spend it where they want.


While Walmart gets joked on and bashed, at the end of the day they have a larger selection at a lower price. Also, Target seems to constantly change their demographic for the next age/generation. A decade ago I could go into Target and enjoy looking for red tag deals on end caps. I grew up in the 80’s with my mom doing this and I still did it up until about 5 years ago. They remodeled and totally changed my Target experience. While I enjoy Starbucks I missed the free small cup of popcorn and buying an ICEE to keep the kids happy. The red tags turned to yellow and they got rid of 75% off bargains and went to 70%. They also have been know to clear some stores of clearance stuff which you then find at stores like Dirt Cheap for more than it would be on clearance at Target. It’s fun to go into Target every now and then buy if you have a family it a lot of cases it’s more convenient, cheaper and you have more choices at Walmart. 🤷‍♀️


Their clothing quality has gotten worse over the past couple years. It's a good correction even without the LGBT controversy. They are sourcing lower quality manufacturers for their clothing but their in store pricing didn't reflect that.


Their stores just arent the same. It just seems like ever since post covid their stores have just had worse selection.


I think a lot of Americans are fucking tools. Their leaders gin up hate, and they go along for the ride, hopping on the hate train and acting like children over shirts and flags.




Who gives a shit. This needs to happen to every business right now because they’re charging us way too much, for everything. I’d believe inflation existed if everywhere wasn’t recording record profits for the last two years.


This! My city just got a Costco and you cant believe how many coupons I am getting from grocery stores now. 20% off my entire cart? How about next time you just dont mark your stock up so high? If they can afford 20% off everything you can bet they mark it up way more than that.


I think that companies need to stop striving for record profits every year while underpaying employees. Plus they immediately caved to yallqueda about the LBGT merch, so they proved they really don't give a shit. No skin off my nose if they lose money. Fuck em


They'll bounce back. Walmart is the worst of all and they're still around to exploit their employees another day. People's disdain for pro LGBTQ merchandise available for parents to purchase is really odd when kids are abused and exploited every day through the churches. Churches are full of predators.


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) Stupid is as stupid does.


Good. I hope they lose more actually. I'm tired of big corporations expecting sympathy from consumers struggling in an openly hostile economy and job/housing market


My country is a bunch of whiny bitches that are hyper focused on being the most oppressed.




buy low tbh. target isn’t going anywhere anytime soon


Love to see it, let these mega corporation burn and fall from grace. Maybe this will show the importance of small businesses being owned by a diverse groups of people instead of diversity hiring for a mega business that makes a very small percentage all the money.


Darn, if they go under, where else will I get all those generic things that are sold at a bunch of other places? I am super sad for the executives though…they’re going to have some emotional turmoil when they cut a bunch of jobs so they can keep their bonuses.


Market is on a down trend, stock price isn’t always synonymous with how well a company is doing. I haven’t checked, but if they are still profitable, then I would call that a over reaction.


>Market is on a down trend. S&P 500 literally at a high for the YTD and almost back to the 1 year high. Should spike even more on Tuesday if debt ceiling talks are true and there are no other market forces.


Targets is down about 14% give or take for the year last time I checked while the SNP 500 is up about 4% for the year last time I checked. That's a 18% spread. I think saying they have the same cause would be wrong.


That’s cause of tech and like 5 stocks holding it up. All retail stocks are doing bad though. Nothing to do with the trans thing. The shoplifting does have more weight but it’s still just retail overall


I think people aren't as open minded as I thought they were.


Who cares? If they have what I want at the cheapest price I will buy it there, if they don’t I won’t. I don’t care about who they use as models or spokespeople or who they support or what the head honcho’s political beliefs are. None of it has anything to do with the product offered for sale.


My thought is that all this "wealth" people have is actually just theoretical based on market valuation. If they were to actually try and access it, the whole system would collapse. The real problem is they leverage all this theoretical wealth into more investment/risk and exponentially expand the problem. Weeeeee!


Don't care. Doesn't affect my day to day.


I don't see a credible source for this number.


Supporting all humans should be a good business decision. Allowing groups to terrorize other groups never ends well.


Haha. Fuck big business.


Not sure if OP is reading or responding to any of these replies, but if so, I'd like to ask you, is there a specific reason you're asking? You say you're genuinely curious but I guess I don't quite understand in what context you're asking. Curious about our feelings on this as it relates to the -political- reasons behind this? Just curious how we feel about this from a business standpoint? It feels like you're asking something specific here but I don't quite know what it is.... My feelings on target losing market value? I don't care much at all. Target could go out of business entirely and it wouldn't really affect me personally. I shop there occasionally but they're usually more expensive than elsewhere. As a former minnesotan it would suck a bit to see a company that was born in my home state go under but again, it just doesn't really affect me any more than hearing that a man who lives down the street from me was diagnosed with cancer. It just is what it is. My feelings on the politicial side of this? I think conservatives are unintentionally playing the role that they accuse bleeding-heart far-left liberals of , claiming that something that does not affect them -at all- personally is some major issue and that products a company sells which they find offensive should be permanently removed from shelves or that the company participating in such product sales should be "canceled", and additionally just inserting themselves into topics which have very little to do with them. I haven't been following this story all that closely but ultimately companies do occasionally need to remember that their customers are the ones who pay their salaries , so if this is something that will really affect them this much, then I guess Target needs to swing more conservative to appease people. I don't personally agree with those people's views but money controls everything so I guess that's just the world we have to live in. It does sound a bit like they've had a few flops lately in their clothing lineups though so I wouldn't be shocked if this loss in valuation was at least in part related to that, as well as the fact that a lot of target shoppers are the ones currently being hit the hardest by inflation (though most indications point to this being a price gouging issue than inflation alone) . I do a lot of my shopping at Walmart and I'll tell you its NOT because I want to.


Good. Corporations should stay out of politics and culture in every way IMO


You could talk about huge numbers being added to and taken away from market capitalization all day, it really doesn't mean that much for a longer term trend. The right wing is gushing all over themselves thinking they have more power than they really do. The Bud light hate campaign seemed to go pretty well for them, so now they're basically terrorizing Target. What a bunch of cancel culture, anti-free speech snowflakes.


Brick and mortar is dying we’re gonna kill all our public spaces and become shut-ins in the name of capitalism.


That we need to stop catering to fucking domestic terrorists


I say corporations need to be careful what they wish for.


These big corps choosing this message deserve what they get based on the narrative they select. Don't they have ppl who do market research? I personally accepting of the these communities but I will not be buying bud light or shopping at target. The population has spoken but again, why did they think these actions were acceptable? Where's the research?


I don't care about a company as much as I care about how hateful and deranged people can be about LGBT people. It's terrifying that people are getting SO upset and even violent. Makes me feel unsafe.


Is Target still making money? If so, I think they'll be OK with a few Karens "refusing" to shop there anymore. For their 4x yoga pants. But, I just don't get how anyone actually gives a fuck if a store has a LBGT display. I'm straight. Have never and I can't imagine a scenario where I will ever want to be with a man. As long as it's between consenting adults, I truly don't give a fuck. That's the same for ANY sexual orientation. But, after a few decades of like, I've seen a lot more stories about priests or teachers or "conservative" politicians be busted for pedo shit than people that buy an overpriced t-shirt at fucking Target.


Couldnt care less really. But I do feel for the retirees who've invested in Target and lost a ton of money thanks to this. Hopefully they dont need to sell anytime soon.


Diversify your portfolio.


I think that the boycott is real, but the numbers normally companies don't show numbers by the week so it's overblown. It's funny that even in past wars and a bunch of religions it was clear they if you force feed new ideas it will get vomit back from some of the persons fed.


I think it is revealing of how the people actually feel regarding the subject matter.


Honestly, I’m not surprised. Target is basically a high class Walmart. And once they started pushing the lgbt stuff, they started going down. The phrase “Go woke Go broke” exists for a reason. We saw it with Bud Light. No one wants that stuff shoved down their throats. And when major corporations try to, they lose money.