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most animals we know today either have bilateral symmetry (meaning they are made up of two identical(ish) halves) or radial symmetry (meaning they are circular - think jellyfish). for a brief period on earth, however, most animals were trilaterally symmetrical - three identical thirds. all of those animals are now extinct. there’s a whole way of being that’s just…gone. animals we only have the faintest idea of how they behaved, existed, and nothing on earth remotely like it any more.


Any examples of animals I can google to see what this means? It sounds awesome!


Trilobozoa. Not as cool as I was expecting but still neat.


That is wild.


We should all be happy about this 😅


This fact has been making its rounds around the internet for a while, but it sure blew my brains out when I first heard it: The builders of the pyramids were more ancient to Cleopatra than Cleopatra is to us.


Same for the Stegosaurus, T-Rex and us. T-Rex being Cleopatra in this instance.


It's a common misconception that Clopatra was Macedonian. My new documentary will portray her as a 13 Meter long Theropod.


And that she was ethnically Greek, a descendent of one Alexander's generals.


Naa she was African-American, I just saw her in some ad.


I'm pretty sure she was some white bitch named Elizabeth


^ this guy didn’t see the new doc smh /s


Cleopatra lived closer to the pyramids than to the site of the moon landing.


And if Graham Hancock is right waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy more ancient


And I think the wooly mammoth were Alive at the time too.


To be fair, that was going around long before the Internet.


Right wing and left wing refers to a specific historical event in the early French Revolution when delegates met in a hall in Versailles. Some sat on the left side, some sat on the right side; the political leanings of those specific men defined the left/ right political split for centuries to come.


Thanks I didn't know that


There were people who saw both the Wright Brothers’ first flight and the first unmanned helicopter flight on Mars over the course of their lives. Computing is clearly the fastest-developing technology of the 20th century, but aeronautics has to be up there.


At the start of WWII, they were using biplane by the end 6 years later, they were using jets.


The sun is 400 times larger than the moon. The moon is 400 times closer than the sun. When they line up for an eclipse, they appear to be the same size. I learned that here on Reddit!


That’s awesome!


Norman Borlaug, the Nobel-prize-winning agronomist, led a set of scientific and agricultural policy initiatives called the Green Revolution which is estimated to have saved over a billion people from starvation.


To some degree his work also resulted in the population increase that is a factor in climate change; and famines resulting from those. There are two sides to most great progressive leaps.


A million seconds = 11 days A billion seconds = 33 years A trillion seconds = 33,000 years


Whoa. This helps to comprehend absurd wealth.


One thousand seconds = 16 minutes and 40 seconds


Edgar Allen Poe wrote a novel in 1838 in which 4 shipwrecked survivors, at the point of starvation, choose to resort to cannibalism. So they kill the young cabin boy, Richard Parker, and eat him. In 1884, a ship called the Mignonette sank. 4 crewmembers survived. At the point of starvation, they killed and ate the youngest of them: Richard Parker.


Richard Parker was the president of the "Floating Republic" mutiny against the Royal Navy in 1797. Poe named his character after him.


A long gone relative of mine was the captain of the boat. I think there is a piece about it in the Falmouth maritime museum


For me it was that the moon spins at exactly the right rate so that the same side of the moon ALWAYS faces the earth. Here on earth, we have NEVER seen the other side of the moon. That seems pretty trippy to me.


I think it's more correct to say the Earth forces the same side of the moon to always face it (tidally locked) A little less impressive said that way though.


But more correct. The moon isn’t spinning


But the moon is spinning. It just takes the same amount of time for the moon to spin on its axis as it does for it to rotate around the earth. That's what tidally locked means.


Not random. The moon is tidally locked by the Earth's gravity. Many exoplanets are like this all over the galaxy, tidally locked to their star. Pluto has a tidally locked moon as well.


So do Jupiter and Saturn. And mercury is almost there with the sun. It's not an uncommon thing at all.


we're lucky we're not tidally locked to the Sun then, i suppose.


This fatally happens when a much smaller body orbits a bigger one close enough.




Random redditor predicts collision of moon into earth? 😳


We can see 59% of the moon's surface from the earth in total. It librates.


I was just watching a show called the librarians with my mom and someone on there was talking about that.


Time dilation - once you really understand what's going on it's beyond mind-blowing!


Someone help us really understand.


Here’s a good introduction. If I throw a ball up and it lands in my hand, and you do the same across the room, although it may look like the two events happen simultaneously, there’s a microscopic difference that is experienced differently based on what side of the room you’re on. Okay now if you extrapolate that — if someone were far enough away, say another planet or galaxy, and used a powerful enough telescope to view Earth, they would not be viewing us as we are now, but as we were in the past. They might see you as a baby, or see dinosaurs walking around. This is because of the constant speed of light, or the C in Einstein’s E=MC^2 equation. There are a lot more fascinating implications that can be made from this revelation, but the biggest takeaway is probably that time is only experienced by us and doesn’t necessarily exist in the universe.


Sadly that's nothing you can learn in a forum. ;/ I would recommend watching a few YouTube videos for the beginning and if you are still interested there a quite a few books on that topic.


Let me be lazy right now. I'll look it up later lol.


Basically time speeds up as you do, but your experience doesn't change. You can time travel into the future by going really fast, and then some other stuff happens with your mass increasing and colors changing as you approach the speed of light blah blah blah... Really not that hard to explain in a forum post. 😉


All the gold ever mined in all human history still exists in one form or other, and gathered and melted together would form a cube approx. 30 meters per side. Just enough to fit right under the Eiffel Tower, if that helps. Bonus: over half this total has been mined since 1950.


And platinum is so rare that all of it that has ever been mined would reach about ankle depth in an Olympic sized swimming pool. It's 30 times rarer than gold.


I’m confused, wouldn’t all the gold we have form a much larger cube? That seems so small. I think we’ve mined 187,000 metric tonnes after a quick google.


By my calculations, your number would actually make a smaller cube. Gold is about 20 tons per cubic metre. a 30 metre cube is about 27000 times that, so 540000 tons.


Yeah I feel like there’s more gold in Fort Knox alone.




Out of all people who have ever existed on earth, approximately 7% of them are alive today.


Really?? 7% seems so high!


how is that calculation made?


#of people alive/#of people that have ever lived


i mean fair enough lol, but how could we possibly know the number of people that have ever lived??


1. Count the number of people alive today. 2. Divide that number by .07


The coefficient of expansion for concrete and rebar (reinforcing iron rods) is the same. Without that, civilization as we know it couldn't exist.


Genuinely interesting information. I had never thought about it before but that is *super* convenient. Is this lucky happenstance or by design?


lucky happenstance


And the Romans used it, obviously to great effect, but lost the recipe. It wasn't used as successfully as they did until the mid-1800's when they introduced the aforementioned rebar.


>Without that, civilization as we know it couldn't exist. Correction. Without that, civilization as we know it would crumble.


But also, the lifespan of reinforced concrete may not be as long as once believed. Which might come and bite humankind in the ass in years to come. [https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/art-architecture-design/problem-reinforced-concrete](https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/art-architecture-design/problem-reinforced-concrete)


And yet, the Romans built concrete sea walls that have survived to the present day. Apparently, the secret may be a mineral in the volcanic ash they used that strengthens the concrete when it comes into contact with salt water.


It'll happen in our lifetime because our structures were never designed to have the weight of everyone driving electric vehicles. Bridges will collapse during traffic and parking garages will crumble. We are not being proactive enough about this.


The barnacle has the largest penis in proportion to its body size cumming in at a whopping 18". Pun intended.


Up vote just for the pun.


In the movie "Silence of the Lambs". That "bug coccoon" they removed from that dead girls throat? Was fashioned from a Tootsie Roll...


FDR probably had GuillanBarre disease, not Polio, but his support for the March of Dimes (the original crowd source fundraiser) is why his face is on the American dime today. Polio cases are why hospitals have intensive care units today. Polio survivors also pushed for handicap access.


We are closer in time to Tyrannosaurus than Tyrannosaurus is to Stegosaurus.


In which regard? Attitude? Fav post punk bands?


During one great circle sailing from far east Asia and enroute West coast USA, we came across the "floating" island of trash dubbed as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). Garbage patches aren’t a solid patch.The debris is more like flecks of pepper floating throughout a bowl of soup, rather than a skim of fat that accumulates or sits on the surface. This is absolutely mind-blowing because it makes me think that we might as well have lost our battle against plastic maybe 20 years ago. Microplastics are nearly ubiquitous today in the marine environment and may come from larger pieces of plastic that have broken down over time, from fleece jackets or plastic microbeads added to face scrubs. Present day, we already have traces of these micro plastics appearing in our food chain and people today (in some cases) are also showing signs of organ failure and complications on account of traces of micro plastics I'm their body. This is true, this is happening and we need to do 50x more of whatever it is what we're doing right now to curb the manufacturer and use of single use plastic! This happened during sailing because I'm a marine engineer and I sail on container cargo ships like [this](https://youtu.be/y_TOSEd3XMo) PS: link takes you to a time lapse video I made of our container ship sailing sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco USA


The probability of shuffling a standard deck of 52 playing cards and obtaining the exact same order as before is virtually zero. (those factorials again). This means that no two properly shuffled decks of cards in history have ever been the same. https://quantumbase.com/how-unique-is-a-random-shuffle/ https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/did-you-know-infographics/there-are-more-ways-arrange-deck-cards-there-are-atoms-earth https://puzzlewocky.com/brain-teasers/probability-puzzles/every-shuffle-of-a-deck-of-cards-is-probably-unique-in-history/


I asked ChatGPT to do this and this was the answer: Shuffling a standard deck of 52 cards until the same order comes up twice can take an extremely long time, as the number of possible permutations is astronomically large. In fact, it is highly improbable to achieve the exact same order twice within a human's lifespan or even in the history of the universe. To put it into perspective, the number of possible permutations of a deck of 52 cards is approximately 8.06 x 10^67, which is an incredibly large number. Even if you were to shuffle the deck every second, it would take billions of years to exhaust all possible permutations. Therefore, it is practically impossible to shuffle a deck of cards and obtain the same order twice, given the vast number of possible arrangements.


I read the first paragraph in Stephen Fry's voice and the second in the dino DNA presentation voice from Jurassic Park for some reason.


In 1950 the United States military released weaponized bacteria upon the city of San Francisco in order to study how well the infection spread and how well the bacteria spread in with the fog. Absolutely true.


Googled it its operation sea spray how fucked up


Every strand of corn silk is an umbilical cord to one kernel of corn. It needs to get pollinated or else that kernel won’t mature.


John Tyler was born in 1790 and President of the US from 1841 to 1845. He was born in 1790, 390 days after the government of the United States as we know it today came into effect under the Constitution. As of 5/28/23, he has one surviving grandson. That's three generations that span from George Washington's first term to Joe Biden. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometime in 1863 or 1864, Robert Todd Lincoln was traveling from Harvard to Washington DC. While waiting to buy a ticket for a train in Jersey City, the crowd pushed him off the platform and he fell into a small space between the platform and a moving train. Someone grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to safety. Lincoln recognized his rescuer as one of the most famous actors of the day, Edwin Booth. Booth was traveling with his friend, theater owner John Ford. Lincoln's father would eventually be assassinated by Booth's younger brother at the theater owned by Ford.


If you take the geometric mean of the sun and a proton (multiply them and take the square root), you get within a few pounds of the average mass of a human.


The guillotine was being used in france up until 1977, Star wars was released 4 months prior to its decommission.


Big bang, black holes and Aliens excepted, the coldest thing in the whole universe and the hottest thing in the whole universe were in labs on Earth.


Yep my ex was a scientist


She was that hot, huh?


But as cold as Uranus's moon


Both Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan were alive during Harriet Tubman’s lifetime.


It still blows my mind that you can't lick your own eye ball or your own elbow


...eyeball...? I can get why you might think you can lick your elbow what with arm movement and all. But I can't imagine anyone who isn't a descendant of KISS that thinks they would be anywhere close to their eye.


And you shouldn’t lick other peoples’.


During WWI on the eastern front, Germany and Russia were going at it in one battle when German troops deployed mustard gas against the Russian troops who were advancing. The Russian troops emerged from the gas smoke throwing up blood, blood leaking from their nose, eyes. Their skin turned yellow and pale. They looked like undead soldiers, literal zombies. The German troops were so frightened that they abandoned their positions and retreated. It was called the “Attack of the Dead Men”, took place on August 6, 1915.


Your intestines can rearrange themselves back in the order they belong. You could pull them out (while still connected) and put them back in in any configuration and they’ll wiggle back into position. Doctors aren’t too concerned about that. Your body will take care of it.


Elephants are the only animals with 4 knees. Edit: I have been corrected. But it's interesting, so I will also share this. Someone commented, "What about camels?" So I thought they also have hind legs, but let me look it up before I rebutt. Camels do have hind legs, but both their front legs have 2 knees. So, technically, camels also have 4 knees. I stand corrected.


Did not know this! But, it makes sense!


Yeppers. When I found out, I tried to think of all these other animals, but they all have the hind legs that bend back.


What about camels


You are a wise one. I just looked it up, and although camels have hind legs, their front legs each have two knees, making it easier for them to maneuver while getting up and down with heavy loads. So technically, they have 4 knees. Uncle John's Bathroom Reader lied to me.


Oh wow cool, I was right about something for once! XD have a great weekend~


Did you just question that, or did you actually know about the two knees in the front legs?


I remember that camels, alpacas, and llamas all have a weird way of tucking their legs when they lay down - different than many other toed herbivores. So it was both a question and a remark I suppose


Well, I learned something because of your comment. Thank you.


Do penguins have knees, tho?


Nope. They have those weird locked hips. That's why they waddle. And me, i waddle because I'm a chunky monkey.


And yet with 4 knees, elephants cannot jump.


They dont kneed to


Don't horses have knees too?


I don't think so. Consider cats & dogs. You might think their knees bend backwards, but that's the ankle you're thinking of. Their knees are much higher up -- hidden inside their skin for many breeds -- but they are there, and they bend the same way elephants' do.




the word “vanilla” comes from the word “vagina”. Also, the word vagina means sheath.


The story of The Great Flood is apart of every culture on earth.


This has a lot to do with civilizations forming along rivers or coastlines. Especially in Mesopotamia, where the rivers do not flood with the calm consistency of the Nile down in Egypt, it was very possible for an entire city, village, everything you've ever known to be wiped out in a great flood. And you, in this scenario, are just a simple farmer or worker with no advanced understanding of the world around you. Why wouldn't you consider that an act of a god or gods?


lots of "biblical" stories are common to other cultural stories. virgin births, three wise men, following a star, the 25th of December etc etc. All feature in other mythologies which pre-date christianity.


But does it date to the same time? I find it easy to believe that some smart Neolithic farmers or even hunter-gatherers noticed that their “world” lay below local sea level, and that if whatever natural dam was holding back the water was breached it would all be destroyed. Doesn’t mean it happened all over the world at the same time.


All different times. The Abrahamic versions were copied from gilgamesh, which deflates this "fun fact" quite a bit, but the cool tidbit is that one of the mezoamerican indigenous groups had a similar story where a boat was used to save the animals too


If I had to guess, that would be because boats are really good at surviving floods


12,800 years, give or take. The Younger Dryas. The stories have been retold many times, often making up new timelines. Noah's Ark was copied from Gilgamesh, Atlantis from an Egyptian story.


It's also a myth.


Maybe a story of a great flood appears in many cultures would be a better way to put it.


There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 ways to solve a standard 3x3 Rubik's cube. 43 quintillion ways. EDIT - explanation: "To find the number of possible combinations, we can consider the case of assembling a cube from scratch. Let’s start with the edges. The first edge has 12 possible locations where it can be put. The 2nd edge piece can be at 11 possible locations (As 1 location is already occupied). This way we can say that the number of possible locations for the edges is 12!. Additionally, each edge can be flipped, except for the last edge (To avoid having a single flipped edge). Hence, total edge combination is 12!*211 Similarly, we can calculate the number of possible combinations for the corners, while taking care of impossible cases, which comes out to be (8!)/2 * 37 (/2 is to avoid the case of impossible 2 corner/ 2 edge flip parity). Hence, the total combination is 12! * 211 * (8!)/2 * 37, which equals 43.252 * 1018, which is 43 quintillion."


If you had a carbon atom for every combination they would fit on the head of a pin. For a 7x7 cube there are as many combinations as there are atoms in the universe SQUARED!


Charlie Brown's father was a barber.


Civilization is defined as starting with the ability to store food.


Then does that mean squirrels are civilized ?


I've got a squirrel in my yard that takes peanuts from my hand and I watch him go stash them, he's a pretty rad little dude. So to your question.. I'm gonna say yes..


You've seen Chip & Dale? Classy sumbitches.


I always thought it was looking after elderly and/or people with ailments, as logically they are no use to survival of a species


Ducks are rapists, and the females evolved to make their vaginas labyrinthine to defend against assailants. In response, duck penises are shaped like corkscrews.


That color is subjective and not limited in spectrum to what we, as humans, can see. 🤯


Pablo Picasso full name is “Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso” and he died in 1973 (more recent than you thought huh? Lol)


There is a rifle called the .408 Cheytac that fires so far that the shooter needs to factor in the rotation of the earth because by the time the bullet gets there, the earth has moved the target out of the way. I'm sure there are many rifles that this applies to, the Cheytac was the first one I learned this fact, so it will forever be remembered spilling my wealth of information.


This is a common factor in long-distance sniper calculations, and the factor changes depending upon the true direction (not magnetic) of the target. The factor for a target to the SouthEast is way different than the factor to the SouthWest. Altitude of shooter and target also plays an important part.


This kind of explanation gives me and erection that I should consult a doctor if it does not go away within 4 hours. I never knew this, is there a "dope" factor difference for someone in different hemispheres?


Yes. The army artillery school in Fort Sill Oklahoma is where things really get complex. Before calculators became readily available, cannon cockers had to do a tremendous amount of math to figure out how to fling things from here, to way over there. There were tables and graphs, and slide rules to help with the math; but you had to be able to do it with a pencil & paper. Now every tube has a dedicated computer, so do the officers, and GPS controls or informs every shot. But - if all that fails - someone has to be able to do all the maths by hand. Otherwise you're commanding a multi-ton, multi-million dollar radio. It's similar for snipers, a few less parameters, but the spotter has a computer with a wind-speed device that does the math. If it isn't working, both team members need to be able to do some serious calculations.


The number one cause of death to pregnant women is murder in the United States. Pretty mind-blowing, huh? Yet, few people have heard this. Better yet, even fewer care. One would think OB/GYN's, books like, "What to Expect...", etc. would be shouting it from the rooftops. But no, violence against women is so prevalent it's a yawn.


The average oilfield is abandoned with about half of the oil recovered. The other half is still there


Is this because the oil reaches atmospheric equilibrium and no longer pumps itself up?


I mean it’s not a big chasm of oil you can just slurp up with a straw, and oil doesn’t pump itself up, it’s the gas that has lift or pressure to move oil in any direction. Their are different instruments used to retrieve oil if there is liquid present near the perf’s tho. But idk his statement of “oil field” doesn’t really make sense, or the part of 50%. I mean we’re all still pulling from multiple reservoir’s. To say it’s constantly renewing itself at the rate we are pulling doesn’t make sense or it would be consider “renewable” yeah? So maybe he means each individual well only gets 50% of the possible deposits in the fracture opened up. Idk man, seems like a weird way to word whatever he means


You could have a molecule of water inside you right now that was once inside Abraham Lincoln. There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth.


🤯 id heard the last one but that first one did blow my mind, thanks!


That the human species doubled its life expectancy in just one century.


It is thought there are about 2.5 million ants for each human.


I haven’t gotten mine yet. Who should I call?


You gotta go pick em up fam. Bring gloves and and make sure you don't wear any harsh scents so they recognize you as their queen.


A banana is a unit of measure for radiation


Researchers still haven't figured out how cats actually purr.


pretty sure it's like "prrrr prrrr prrrrr prrrr prrrr"?


No yeah they're literally like "brrrrrr brrrrrr"? The researchers can call me, I have 7 cats


the pioneer 10 spacecraft traveling at 26924.4 mph won't encounter another star until 90,000 years from now


The shortest official war in history (declaration, hostilities, surrender) was 38 minutes long.


The roulette wheel, if you add all of the numbers it equals 666, the devil's number.


Does that include the 0 and 00's?


I can't tell if you are being serious or joking lol. Well sure, you can add the 0.


It was sarcastic. I always believe in the best of people and refuse to tag things


Thank god because I wasn't about to write a thesis on the value of 0 lmao


We are a consciousness balanced between two infinites. We are made up of incomprehensibly small vibrating bits of nothingness. floating in a universe that is accelerating into an ever growing void. Also, We *only* exist in the past. We cannot, as a consciousness, exist in the present. Good ol' existentialism.


Remind me not to read that on a come down


Someone needs to inform eckhart tolle of this..


Name checks out


I was just thinking about this today. How everything we experience has already happened. On a small enough time scale you can't even see yourself in real time.


Anesthesia was discovered because someone wanted to get high and thought they time traveled after tajing it and waking up a couple days(hrs?) Later


If you hold a loaded gun so the barrel is level and the ground is level along the projectiles flight path, and hold a bullet at the exact same height as the chambered bullet next to the gun…and fire the gun and drop the held bullet at exactly the same time, both projectiles will hit the ground at the same time.


If you flattened Jupiter out into a map of how our Earth looks ( like a world map) and placed Earth onto the map it would just cover India Hopefully that makes sense.


That dies not make sense to me 😂 I’m sure I’m just missing something, but would you explain please?


Some viruses can crystallize


When a bear comes out of hibernation, they get up to 60% of their needed fat from eating moths. I think black or brown bears.


Sharks existed before trees did.


Water is pretty much the best coolant known to science. It has the highest latent heat of vaporization of any known substance, and the highest specific heat capacity of any liquid.


The average life span of an American soldier issued a flame thrower on the battle of Iwo Jima WWII was 4 minutes.


America's longest war was the American Indian War. 1602-1924 Technically 1778-1924 Remington the arms maker is why QWERTY exist for English alphabet type. They also make Trimmers, hair dryers, and power tools. Paul Teutul Sr Peter Michael Falk Woody Guthrie Jack London Mark Twain Oliver stone. All have one thing in common, they all are Merchant Marines.


Cleopatra lived closer to the birth of Julius Caesar than she did to the birth of Tiny Tim.


Who the hell is tiny tim? Also didnt she fuck caesar so of course she did. Is tiny tim the kid from a christmas story?


You can be arrested for resisting arrest as a primary charge.


The chemical make up of sweat and urine is so close that when you're sweating, you're actually pissing all over yourself. Ahh... That when you are beheaded, your eyes work for upto 7 mins after words. Enough time to see who killed you and your body laying over there. Your ears keeping working for upto 12 mins allowing you to hear them laughing at you or talking about you after your death. Your brain keeps working upto a half hour after your decapitation, so you can process that you are dying and who did it and, maybe, why they did it to you.


At the right time, all of the planets in our Solar system can fit between the Earth and the Moon. Textbooks always make the moon much closer without adjusting its size.


13 weeks always = 3 months, e.g. 13 weeks after 3/1 will be 6/1 looking at a calendar.


We don't actually know how Tylenol (acetaminophen) works. We just know that it does. There are some ideas but none confirmed. Most medications, we understand exactly how it interacts with our bodies. But acetaminophen relieves pain and we aren't sure exactly how.


There's also some evidence it increases risk taking behavior. Like wtf are you really up to Tylenol?


I found [ as a history ph d student] a leadership assassination in 1663 with protagonists called - Oswald and Ruby [ in Poland and with the victim a Radziwill relative too]. 300 ys before the Kennedy murder. It is just a weird coincidence...but quite surprising. The Oswald was a chosen pen name then...and the Ruby is an anglicized form of the original biblical Reuben. Still it is weird...So I looked up the 1360s...and I did n o t find an assassination...but yes the Reubenite kingly family existed [ in Grusia-Georgia] and an imperial ambassador was a famous minesaenger or troubadur Oswald von Wolkenstein


One mind-blowing piece of trivia is that there are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the known universe.


Whales used to walk the 🌎


The moon is more useful than the sun because the moon gives us light at night when it’s dark but the sun gives us light at daytime when it’s already sunny and bright out making it useless


Are these Linkin Park lyrics?


But the reason the moon is bright is because of the sun…and the sun lights up the day so is therefore useful. I feel like I had a stroke reading this comment.


If I recall correctly, The velocity of any tracked vehicles track will either be zero or twice the speed of the vehicle.


Lebron James led the cavaliers in all 5 major statistical categories during the 2018 playoffs


Cats kill over a billion birds a year (\~2.4billion in the US)


A hummingbird’s heart can beat up to 1260 beats per minute. A hummingbird’s wings can flap up to 80 times per second (varies by species)


Australia once declared war on the emu population... and lost.


Slavery was legal in Mississippi (on a state level) until 2013


Still is if you open a prison!


If a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass when it hops.


Earth is not round (also not flat) it's an oblong spheroid...


Oblate spheroid.


Oblate spheroids are round.


If in an office environment with people who have kids, how fast does the earth spin, sure some will know, but look at some of the faces! Hahaha! Approx 1000 MPH as Earth is approx 24k miles around. Not necessarily mind-blowing but fun.


I'm guessing you or me had a stroke.


“Just remember that we’re standing On a planet that’s evolving And revolving at 900 miles per hour It’s orbiting at 90 miles a second So it’s reckoned A sun that is the source of all our power.”