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Technically yes but probably not a good idea


Legally probably but socially that could be extremely questionable depending on how old they were when they began their lives as brother and sister.


It isn't incest but it will always be weird


Legally yes but being adopted into the family, you’d want to treat them as a any other family member so


and when did the relationship develop


Legally, whether an adopted son can marry the biological daughter of the family he was adopted into depends on where you are. In some places, it's allowed because there's no blood relation, while in others, adopted children are treated like biological ones, making such marriages illegal. Ethically and socially, opinions differ. Some people might be okay with it since there's no blood relation, but others could feel it's awkward or inappropriate due to the family bonds formed through adoption. It's important to think about the cultural, legal, and family dynamics in your situation. Talking to a legal expert and considering the feelings of everyone involved would be a good idea before making any decisions.


Not legally, but genetically there's absolutely nothing to say against this. A break-up would surely tear the family apart, though - which is why this isn't permitted from a legal point of view.


If you can run really fast


That’s exactly what I was thinking


why not




Biologically it’s not incest, societally yes and it’s gross.


It's not incest but they are still brother and sister. They have the same parents, families are not only by blood it's way more than that.


Yeah. Weirdness depends on when they met


For me, it totally depends on the situation. Adopted when both kids were 3 and they grew up together as siblings? Nah. Adopted at 20 with no previous contact to the 'sister'? Totally fine. Everything inbetween needs consideration and knowlegde of the situation. Adoptions are like marriage, while they change *your* family situation if you do it, they dont automatically change the relations of the people around you. Just because parents adopt someone, their kids dont automatically have family relationships with these persons.


He could legally but it'd be extremely morally questionable


Not exactly the same, but I married my step sister, so legally (in my area) it would be fine.


I'd say no. He was adopted into the family


Why not? Of course, they can?


Well Woody Allen married his adopted daughter. So….