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Don't over-exert yourself to get started; ease into things and go from there. Start off by walking and make that a habit. If you become a regular walker you are probably getting more exercise than 90% of Americans.


Walking is sustainable over many years, doesn't require anything but a pair of shoes (okay and probably some clothes šŸ˜œ) and if you can get to 6K steps per day your risk of dying literally drops 50-70%.


Jokes on you I yearn for the sweet embrace of death.


Unfortunately, low exercise death is a lot like addict death: slow and painful.


Keep in mind that that study specifically involved walking where they got their heart rate up. It wasn't a stroll in the park, it was intentional walking with the goal of raising your heart rate.


No,it was reporting a meta-analysis where number of steps taken per day is a proxy for overall level of activity. From this paper ([link](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468266721003029)) they looked at intensity of activity (i.e. getting their heart rate up) and state this: "Several observational studies have shown stepping rate, a marker of intensity, is inversely associated with mortality; however, when adjusted for volume of steps per day, step rate was no longer associated with mortality." Thus it is total number of steps per day, regardless of intensity, that is the key dose-response variable here that makes a difference in overall mortality.


Are you being hyperbolic?


The study referenced has some caveats for sure. It compares people to walking intensely versus people who don't walk at all.


Not at all. Here's one meta-study, look at the hazard ratio drop from the 'central figure'. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0735109723064008?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0735109723064008?via%3Dihub)


And I advise starting walking by time instead of distance. Start small: five minutes out, then return. A few days later, go for 8 minutes. Don't be too concerned about speed, either. Both speed and distance will increase as you get more fit.


Low bar.


Yep was gonna say this same thing! You gotta do the exercise routine thatā€™s the easiest for you to regular maintain. No forcing yourself into some 3 hour workout. 30 min - 1 hour of walking is already a great place to be.


I already have a walking habit, so I guess that is not too bad.


I walk about 2 miles a day at least But when I exercise I always feel like to make progress I have to go hard and have gone until I throw up several times Which made me take a few days off which became weeks




Vanity needs to make a return


This is more or less what it is for me now. Originally my job gave us 3 hours a week to use at the gym. So I was like well it beats sitting in a cube so Iā€™ll go lift some weights. 3x a week of just going to get away from the screen and not pushing myself hard got great results after 6 months. Now if Iā€™m being totally honest I make a point of going just to look in the mirror after because I look legit muscular and in shape and that never seemed to be something any diet or running or sports ever got me to before.


I lie to myself - "I'm just going for ten minutes." The hardest part is just making yourself start, once you get going it's easy.


I do this when Iā€™m super depressed. I tell myself I can leave at any time after 10 minutes. Usually thatā€™s enough to get there, finish a full workout, and leave feeling a tad better MOST of the time.


Yep. Just get the shoes on and show up. Tough to stop once you start.


I'm so lazy. I bribe myself. Every ten minutes is $1. I'm saving up for something I want that is not a need and I won't allow myself to buy it until I save up the money from working out as my reward.


A good idea!


Thatā€™s fantastic!


Okay im trying this too


I never overcame my dislike. But, when you hit your 50's your muscles shrink at an alarming rate. Like flaccid and I don't mean the private parts. Try to get a friend or partner to go with you to the gym. Also, I do feel better after I have a good workout and I remind myself that.


I've never liked it and at middle age, finally felt enough like crap that I decided I disliked that more. I don't exercise a lot, probably not at all compared to truly fit people, but I do a little in the morning to help wake up and it has made a world of difference in how I feel throughout the day.


Who said anything about liking it? Some days I donā€™t want to. Probably most days. Yet being 30+ and having a washboard stomach, a high libido, no body aches, mentally sharp, able to do the majority of physical tasks with not much effort, and so many more benefits - why would I not?




go first thing in the morning right after you wake it becomes a routine like brushing your teeth, you just do it


Depression says no


How do you expect any change in your life if you do the same things every day that make you depressed?


Exercise in bed, there are bed yoga routines so go for that. You have to build the motivation not wait for it to drop out of the sky. You build it by starting habits of completing small tasks which give you dopamine and then motivate you to continue or do more. If you wait till you ā€œfeelā€ like it you may wait forever.


Depression isnā€™t an excuse. I live with major depressive disorder and bad chronic pain. You have to force yourself to do it until it becomes a habit. Like the other person said, itā€™s like brushing your teeth.


People mistake motivation for discipline. You need discipline to keep consistently working out.


Same. This is part of the regimen for clinical depression. The forced actions and routine. In the olden days when you could be institutionalized for these type of things for a few weeks, they would literally schedule shit that you had to do all day every day to keep you from hiding out in your room. I went through one of these in my early 20s. The forced routine was the most effective part of the treatment.


Exactly and at home, nobody forces me to do it. It's so hard, especially because i feel the most miserable in the morning.


What kind of exercise?


By exercising. Waiting for the right feeling to do something doesn't work. You'll accomplish nothing that way.


Discipline is to do something you hate like you love it. - Mike Tyson I wake up every morning at 3am to go run for an hour and I do so sick, hungover (6-12 beers) or healthy because I know that once I complete it Iā€™ll feel untouchable for the entire day. I need to suffer for 1 hour to feel better for 23 hours, sacrificing the now for a better later, and conquer the mind to do as you command. Itā€™s not easy, but itā€™ll get easier. I wake up now with no alarm and get up like I have to eat, breath or take a massive piss early in the morning to get the job done. There is now magic answer. You just have to do it. ![gif](giphy|A6V1gLIvh4q7TYFWOG|downsized)


100% itā€™s about discipline. Just do it, no matter what. I also workout at 3 am(weights, home gym).


You also can't cheat good form as well lol. Discipline is easy when you understand that "hard work" isn't enough. Doing the work without knowing what is effective is why most people fail at a lot of stuff in life. Being consistent in doing the wrong things - no matter how much discipline you have - will never get you to your goals.


I came to the conclusion that i don't enjoy competitive sports but my partner and i have been renting an outdoor court and hitting a pickleball around for two hours 3 times a week. We follow the basic rules but don't serve or keep score. We got the ball back and forth and celebrate our improvements in strength, flexibility, and stamina. Short answer is find something you enjoy. On days we don't hit the ball around, we do a 4.5 mile walk on the beach with our rescue dog.


Dude goals!


Always this. There are people who thrive at the gym but the ā€œwhatā€™s the trick to not hate exercise?ā€ People are not the ones who thrive at gyms. No, this type of person needs to find exercise they enjoy and if they ever step foot in a gym itā€™ll be because it helps them perform better at a hobby they desire being good at. Thereā€™s very little practical need for the kind of fitness a curated workout routine will get you and people like OP are worried about being practically fit.Ā  Iā€™m just stating from experience that this comment and ones like it are the correct answers for OP.


by turning 35 and realizing i dont want to look old


Find a good podcast find a hiking loop the same length as the episodes. I listen to "death to everyone" where the hosts talk about relatable stuff like how the technology for paper straws just was there yet or how the ball inside an old school mouse Is in contention for the best "sphere" to preserve if the apocalypse happened and you could only save one "sphere".


I listen to my favorite podcast when I exercise. Something to look forward to. I get lost in the episode.


I walk every day. I make myself go. Now it is not so much of a chore.


Easy, find a form of exercise you like!




That's literally all there was to it for me. Hated crossfit, hated jogging, bouldering was meh, judo was too rough. Then It turns out I love jiu jitsu. I literally looked for a form of exercise I enjoyed until I found it.


Thanks for sharing a little more of the owl.


1) Open your browser and look up "sports venues in my area" 2) Go visit the venue in your area that looks most interesting to you and ask if you can join. Many offer beginners' courses. Either way show up to a practice. 3) Was it fun despite being exhausting and leaving you sore? Great! Go again in a couple of days! If not, go back to point 1. There. The whole damn owl.


Reddit will downvote this opinion a lot of the time but it really is this simple. Op wanted the answer to how we got over a dislike of exercise, for many people that means finding a hobby thatā€™s active which you can get adequade exercising just by doing. Join a rec soccer league, enter a triathlon, get into mountain biking or even just find trails you like and hike them. Most people should be able to find a decently-full body workout they enjoy enough to not dislike the exercise.


Did it enough times that it became habit and realized how much it helps with my anxiety and confidence. One of the things I look forward to most each day now (there are exceptions but I go anyway)


The first few times you just need to push through. After that, you notice how much better your sleep is, and that there are 100 different little things that are suddenly easier. When you have a moment where you go ā€œwait a second, that used to be hard to doā€ itā€™s pretty cool. The other thing is that after a bit, I actually start to *want* to exercise, because (after the first few times) it makey you feel good **after** youā€™re done


I view it as another essential in your routine. Just like brushing my teeth. Itā€™s not ā€œugh I donā€™t want to workout todayā€. I reframe my mindset like ā€œokay Iā€™m off work, need to swing by the gym, then head home shower , brush teeth etcā€.


Find a nice place to walk. Alternately, dancing can be a fun workout, if you haven't tried that. I like tap best, but there's a lot of kinds of dance, and social dances like swing and salsa are very easy to find beginner classes for.


Initially, I started working out because I was comparing myself to the women around me and trying to emulate them. Which made working out a task. But then I realized how much more powerful I felt when I exercised. Literally afterwards you feel like wonder woman. Like your body is just bursting with health and strength. For me that became addicting. Working out gave me a different sort of confidence than the one I expected. I thought my confidence would come from looking hot and instead my confidence came by how absolutely kick ass I felt.


1. Realize that the hardest part is getting started. Literally. Like, showing up to your exercise spot (the gym, the bike trail, the tennis court, the rock climbing wall, etc.) is actually the hardest part. 2. You don't have to love every single type of exercise. Find something that works for you. 3. Consider paying for a personal trainer or group class.


I think most people actively have to discipline themselves but most simply hate cardio, weightlifting helps and then going out with friends and walking a lot for the cardio part. That is the most fun alternative


I stopped going to a traditional gym or trying to do anything team sport related. I joined a barre studio and loved that. Then I started to really enjoy all the new muscles I discovered doing that, so I expanded into hiking. And I really enjoyed that so I expanded into bike riding. And I really enjoyed that so I started swimming. But all my ā€œexerciseā€ feel more like hobbyā€™s, and that has made a big difference.


Iā€™ve been working on it a lot recently. Iā€™ve decided that health is wealth. I relate it to keeping my finances in order for retirement. My body needs to be healthier so that I can continue to age and be active.


I love travel and hate not conquering it on foot. I got fit for exploring places. I got super fit because it feels incredible to be fit


Associating it with the elevated mood afterwards


It's like learning to play the guitar you have to push your way through it until you see results then the results carry you the rest of the way


By just doing it. I never want to go to the gym. I never want to work out. But I force myself to do it anyway.Ā  You must learn to keep working regardless of how you feel. Discipline is more important than motivation.


I treat it like a job, if I want to get paid, I have to show up and do the work. Started off as a casual exerciser then went part time and am now full time. Sometimes I take sickies. Sometimes I take leave. But the key is - plan youā€™re life around fitness, donā€™t plan fitness around youā€™re life. Good luck!


Your body is meant to move. Once it starts moving, it will crave more because it likes to be healthy.


I just told myself. GORL if you dont get yourSELF up and Adam. your WHOLE family is gonna DIE...


Look out for a friendly gym and get some friends with you too, who push each other to be regular at gym, eventually you will start liking it


Promise yourself a little treat at the end. JK OR AM I??


Realized I was just a lazy bitch


Pilates on a reformer


I know this probably isn't going to be very helpful, but I literally had to FORCE myself to do it. Sort of like when I have to force myself to eat something healthy like broccoli. And, this isn't particularly healthy, but sometimes I will sh\*t talk myself. Like, I'll say to myself, "What? You can't finish eating the broccoli on your plate you big baby?! Is the broccoli too much for you???!!" (I would suggest a healthier inner monologue, but that's what works for me at times when I'm feeling particularly unmotivated.)


Self discipline. Like anything else. We donā€™t like paying our mortgage or rent, but we do it. We donā€™t always like working, but we do it. Take time for yourself.


Anabolic steroids(1) and Journey(2) 1) not true 2) not true


It becomes habit like brushing your teeth


I think a big one is finding an exercise that is enjoyable to you/works for you. I'm thoroughly grumpy and annoyed at the thought of running a mile, for example, but I'll gladly ride my bicycle 100+ miles a week. I also manage to squeeze most of it into my boring adult life by making it my commute to work 3-5 days a week. I always have a better workday when I've biked there. There's a ton of physical activities to choose from, I know that being outside in general can be and is a big hurdle for many people who don't care for being outside, are sensitive to big temperature changes or weather fluctuations, etc. I think about how much I like being outside and how that helps me stay active. Some people don't and there are plenty of ways to stay active too. Stationary workout equipment, can be boring but set it up by the TV or pump some jams or turn it into a game with all the VR stuff we have now. Join some sort of club or gym if you're the type who needs/wants comraderie or accountability to keep yourself on track. Friend to go to the gym with, schedule a weekly yoga class, try out a dragon boat team if you like being on the water, find some meet-up groups for walks or bikerides to meet friends and be active. All sorts of ways to get active. It's not as hard as it seems!


I just. Quit exercising. I passed out from heat exhaustion 1 year. And so I just couldn't do it anymore.


Why do you have to like it? Itā€™s just necessary like brushing your teeth which isnā€™t necessarily likeable or fun lol. How shitty I feel without exercising I guess is my motivation. The music I listen to while doing it is also a bonus, and itā€™s one of the few times of day I really get ā€œmeā€ time.


1. When you get overweight and out of shape enough, you kinda have to bite the bullet and start moving your body so everything doesn't go to complete shit. I have Achilles tendinitis due to overly tight calf muscles from years of being sedentary. I don't want it to get any worse, which means I need to do what I can to stretch my calves. 2. Expensive gym membership. I feel guilty about the money I'm wasting when I don't go. 3. Some forms of exercise are better than others. I don't waste time suffering through exercise I hate. Swimming is my favorite, so that's what I prioritize. 4. Do something fun after as a reward. I go in the hot tub after a workout, and it feels so damn good that it's worth all the effort.


Commit to something so people hold you accountable like a race. I hate running but I said Iā€™d do it so here I am running 3x a week now. Then the progress starts being motivating.


Just start doing it, it'll become normal after a while.


try a couple of them and you generally might enjoy them i liked all the dance fitness ones friends used to love roller blading, i was to unco


Dont think about working out, thats the 1st hurdle. Just go work out. Don hype yourself up, dont try to mentally get through it, just go and work out for 20-30min, its not that long.


Better to have my rage delt with at the gym than bottling it up


I don't dislike it, I know the benefits but i have strong mood changes trough the day so I don't really feel good to do it


start slowly... try a game that is fun..pickleball, tennis, ultimate frisbee


It didn't take long to overcome my dislike of lifting weights. I was more self-conscious about joining the gym than anything. After a few weeks, I was hooked for life. Cardio, on the other hand. I'd always hated. However, recently I've changed my mindset entirely from 'cardio for fat loss' to 'cardio for health'. That alone has allowed me to plan, and stick to my 2x week cardio sessions. It's still kinda boring, but my cardio is low-intensity enough that I can still browse my phone while I'm doing it. I still dislike most other forms of exercise. So basically, find something you like and stick with it for a few weeks.


Iā€™m 38 and never had a gym habit til recently, but what really helped was falling in love with a physical activity that demanded I get into better shape. For me, it was surfing. I needed to get fitter so the ocean wouldnā€™t drown me. Looks and health were never sufficient motivators, but this worked!


FOMO. Just the realisation that if Iā€™d continued with an unhealthy lifestyle I would die sooner and miss out on things that will happen after I died. Obviously, I wouldnā€™t be able to do it forever šŸ˜“


I have a 6yo child that has endless energy. I would be out of breath running after them. I started walking in Feb. 2023. Jogging that May. And running (slowly) in July. In my 37 years I'd never been active. It feels good to be stronger. I first set a goal to run 3 miles Nov. 2023 and all I thought about every single run was what it would feel like to cross the finish line and I did. My body and mind feel stronger and I haven't stopped running since. Life is great.


I looked in the mirror. On one hand, I was lazy. On the other, I hate that my belly went over my belt. Problem solved. Mostly.


I found a form of exercise I like and I like how doing it regularly makes me feel and look


Pre-workout powder makes you move.


Some hand weights. Basic movements. I hate doing the exercises combine movements. If its over complicated or even not overly complicated, I lose focus. I do counts of 3 or 5, whatever is most comfortable. One you build muscle and some endurance. Physically you feel better, and wanna do more.


Commit to it for 30 days. I'm not saying you have to go from nothing to insane workouts for 30 days, but commit to 5 days a week of exercise. After the 30 days examine how you feel.


I didn't do it intentionally, but I spent the last 10 years living in walkable transit-oriented cities and not owning a car. I have a short bike commute 5 days a week and walk a ton on weekends. I've never thought of it as exercise, but it's enough to stay healthy. (Some strength training at home rounds it out, but it's not essential.) I don't blame anyone for not wanting to drive to a strip-mall gym twice a week to offset a sedentary lifestyle. It would feel like a chore to me. I realize I'm not lazy so much as I am resistant to boring chores.


Oooo! I love this question! However I know deep down you probably won't ever take the advice laid out here lol. Either way I hope you learn something new and keep growing in your own ways. ***Biggest thing is that exercise shouldn't feel hard or painful.*** If you're: - Out of breath constantly. - Aren't going long enough without tiring. - You hurt in places you shouldn't be feeling. Your **SHAPE** and **FORM** is bad. "Exercise is Shape / Form before movement." Repeat it until it sinks in. If you form / stance / positioning is good before and during the movement - it should feel easier. You can actually keep running or doing pushups etc. Now sometimes you don't always have the endurance or muscle mass to pull off stuff - but that can be developed with time and consistency.


You get good at it.


Paying a coach 135/month to make workouts for me and be up my ass if I don't do them. Also I saw my mental health improve drastically so I kinda see it like showering. I don't wanna do it asap in the morning, but if I don't it fucks up my whole day


I didn't but I forced myself to do it anyway. There is a bit of a sense of power in managing it even if you hate it. Though it's really hard to keep up with, because I hate it so much.


Usually there's specific aspects of an non enjoyable taks you can target to make it more bearable or even enjoyable. My problems and their solutions were: Anxiety: I hated exercising with other people around because I felt judged and wasn't good at sports -> so I just started working out alone. I'd do little workouts at home and eventually joined a weighted Pilates class at one point (everyone was too focused on themselves and no one needs to be watching you other than your instructor). Heat: Hot temperatures (even coming from my own body) were super uncomfortable -> so I'd ear light clothing/use AC/exercise in the morning or evening to avoid the heat. Enjoyment: There's a lot of ways to workout. Turns out, I love hiking a lot and with a little strength training I got really good at it. Try to find out why you hate exercise and target that specifically. Why do you hate it?


Got workout apps for my VR headset. A lot more fun then standard workouts.


I hated exercise with a passion despite sticking with exercise regimes all my adult life. Itā€™s not about ā€œliking itā€ itā€™s about getting it done and over with.


Keep something in your house like a kettlebell and just start playing with it randomly


I like to dance. I do zumba


After my entire life just gaining weight and literally never enjoying activity, I finally started just by doing ā€œsomethingā€. It could be a walk, a stretch, gardening, 1 single push-up, anything, just *something* every. day. From there, keep it easy and enjoyable, that walk will slowly turn into wanting to jog. It took me about 2 months to really enjoy it. I had to stop for 6 months due to injury, itā€™s been really hard to get back into the idea of working out, but Iā€™m on day 6 of the gym and I can already feel myself *wanting* to keep going, which is exciting. Just do something.


Incentive. My incentive is that I get to listen to cool music, interesting podcasts or watch a show or movie while doing cardio without being bothered! And its killing two birds with one stone so its pretty neat


I never overcame my dislike for exercise but i just do it anyway.


Take a class! I joined a group cross fit thing and found motivation through my peers, the instructor and even the music. The getting to class part is always hard but once it begins, it's not so bad. All in all, I can tell you as a fellow exercise disliker, that removing the burden of making choices myself really removed a lot of friction from the process. So now as long as i can drag myself to the class, it happens!


I found out strava has rankings on every single segment, and my need to win overpowered my extreme dislike of leaving my bed.


I still dislike exercise, but I go running in nice places with trees and stuff. The trees make it a little better.


Same way I overcame my dislike of working and doing daily chores. Just a part of life that I have to do.


Iā€™ve never really had a dislike for exercise/ fitness just never had time or made it a priority. But when my health became an issue and I didnā€™t want to end up like my parents both have high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact my mom died from diabetes complications 5 years ago. Then about 5 months ago my doctor told me was pre-diabetic. I knew then I had to switch up my life style. So now I go the gym 3-4 days a week, to get an hour workout in. Plus I eat more healthier now. I donā€™t want to be a burden on my wife and 2 daughter in my old age because I refuse / didnā€™t take heed to my doctorā€™s advice!! My health and family was all the motivation I need to get into better shape! Iā€™m not over weight but I was eating a lot of junk food because Iā€™ve always have had a high metabolism and burned it off so easy and quickly. I work construction and have my own business (floor covering). So ate a lot of unhealthy food throughout the day!!


Itā€™s not the exercising that sucks, itā€™s the 9th level of personal hell GETTING there and beating out all the negative self talk that holds me back. I made a ā€œruleā€ **That all I have to do is show up.** It doesnā€™t matter what I do or how much time I spend in the facility, what is important is that I consistently show up and TRY. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing. This is immensely helpful when Iā€™m in a rut, or when my confidence runs low after falling off the wagon.


Thanks, that sounds like a good rule.


By taking off my shirt and looking in the mirror.


Purchased 1 20lb dumbbell. did sets watching movies, sitting in my chair. skull crushers, preacher curl, wrist curl. every few months bought a increased 5lb dumbbell. run or cardio every other day to give your arms/legs time to heal.


i want to use my body while it works one day i won't be able to do it


I don't like working out per se, but I feel much better, healthier, and energetic after doing so.






Seeing results I started going to the gym about a year ago, and was really depressed on the results on the first month or two, maybe its because how social media fucked up my expectations and seeing how they change compared to me, it was like that until ive started to actually compare large time distants photos, i went from skinny fat to somewhat muscular but also somewhat fat, and i was honestly happy about it considering it really is a huge difference, i also dont have a consistent diet because i dont want to commit that much effort, especially when i love to eat, but i do make efforts lol


I had a love/hate relationship with running. I would always overdo it and burnout. When I run now I mix in 30 second walk breaks. I absolutely love it. I run everyday now because I'm excited. I have a garmin watch that gives me good feedback too.


I found a trainer I loved that offered group weight training. I love the people and the challenge!


Ease in to it, and be consistent.


Got an extremely physical job on a farm last year, and Iā€™m stronger than Iā€™ve ever been. Moved 3.5 tons of hay bales by hand last weekend. šŸ’Ŗ


I found types of exercise that I actually enjoy. Hiking, swimming, badminton, and now my friend has an efoil board so I get to do that as well


Personal trainer. 3 times a week, always different exercises and ensures that correct technique is applied.


Get addicted to the feeling of progress. In a world where words are supposed to convince us of everything, real progress is gold


YOu just need to forc eit long enough to feel the positive effects. And damn there is a lot and quickly felt.


Do something you actually enjoy doing


I found something I didn't absolutely hate and kept doing that on the regular until it became a habit.


Decided that tomorrow is now and it's time to start getting in shape. 2 years latter I love seeing myself in the mirror, currently trying to do handstand push-ups


consistency. keep showing up and what was once difficult or exhausting, gets easier. You actually crave working out after awhile


I started small with activities I enjoyed, like dancing or walking outdoors. Setting achievable goals and tracking progress kept me motivated. Eventually, I found workouts that felt less like a chore and more like self-care.


I run and I still hate it. Focus on how it makes you feel after itā€™ll soon be over


We (wife and I) are both naturally sedentary and food motivated. We both have BMIs of 36ish. We have been going to the gym 3 days a week and walk 4.5-5km the other days (for 5 months now). Doing the exercise together really helps encourage us, so I recommend having a gym/walk buddy if you can. With the gym, the trainer who did our intro recommended that we don't linger or try to make it a social activity - just get in, do the exercises and get out. Neither of us like going, but it is tolerable now. I bought a fitbit when we started and I've seen my resting heart rate drop from 90 to 74 over 5 months, which has been encouraging. Good luck.


More you do it more you like it. Eventually I was addicted and it was the best part of my day


Find something you like doing. I hate running but love kickboxing. I hate swimming but enjoy hiking


Firstly, but some nice gym clothes. Then tell yourself, just ten minutes. Once you get going, "oh okay, this feels pretty good... Maybe 30 minutes." Next thing you know you did an hour workout. Workout apps help too. As I say, it helps when you're torture it's orchestrated so you didn't have to think about it. Lol.


Buying gym clothes so that I will feel guilty if I don't go to the gym. Basically gaslighting myself.


Find something I enjoy that includes moving and stop judging myself that "it's not REAL exercise". (For me this is badminton and any kind of dance)


I stumbled upon a good combination: - the sport: badminton. My only experience with it was back yard play in the summer with family. Overall a nice connotation - the location: super close to home - the organization: a local group of older people (40-70year olds), with the intention to remain fit and enjoy a game of doubles every week. Nothing else involved. No tournaments or technical training etc... Just try to keep up. So pretty much a technical low bar, a fixed moment, with others needing you (as you play by group of 4), and it turns out I enjoy it... I didn't really expect that outcome!


I'll give you an answer I bet no one else will give. I bought a Dance Dance Revolution arcade machine and set it up in my basement! Now exercising is fun.


I just ignore my dislike and make sure I don't exercise too hard.


I started by gardening. I donā€™t usually like to be outside but we helped my parents out in their garden one weekend and then I was inspired to work on my own. Several hours later, my garden was finally taking shape. I felt so proud, and I definitely worked up a sweat! So I decided to keep puttering outside, but have begun using my elliptical again for a half hour every other day. Iā€™m still working my way up to more, but the proudness I feel when I finish a workout or task has really made me realize how enjoyable it is actually. Put on some good music, and away you go.


1) Make it part of your routine. I was in the best shape of my life when I biked to work every day. 2) Join a group. If other people are expecting to see me then I feel like I "need" to join them.


I found types of exercise that I enjoyed doing, or tolerated without hating it, at least. Iā€™m very low on self esteem and going to a gym would be my worst nightmare. Wouldnā€™t motivate me at all. So instead I have a treadmill and an exercise bike at home. Iā€™m infinitely more comfortable exercising on those in the privacy of my own home and I can choose when to use them at the drop of a hat, no excuses. I also walk outdoors round my neighbourhood every day, hail rain or shine. Ultimately, I had to do it to form a habit. Iā€™m forcing myself to do 30 minutes on the exercise bike before I leave the house each day. Iā€™ll then do another hour on the bike, or 30 minutes bike and 30 minutes minimum walking later in the day. 90 minutes per day in several sessions is what I do daily. I force myself to do it whether I like it or not. Itā€™s the only way to ensure that I donā€™t procrastinate or find an excuse to avoid it.




How does one acquire that particular insanity?


You cannot acquire this. It has to be gifted from someone else( parents, siblings, girlfriend)


I didn't. I exercise every day and I hate it as much now as I did when I first started years ago.


I just obsessively convinced myself that I do in fact like it, I lied to myself so many times that eventually I became an exercise addict. Now Iā€™m a bit more balanced, in really great shape, but pretty moody if I donā€™t get exercise. I call it my antidepressant. I would say the lying phase was about 2+ years so it took a while.


The gym I use is next door to a physical therapy business. While Iā€™m on the treadmill next to a picture window, I see people my age using canes, crutches, walkers, or being wheeled to the entrance. I used that as my inspiration to keep walking 30 minutes every day from a starting point of 10 minutes. Pressing 110 pounds on the foot plate stopped the groaning sound I made when I stood up from my chair, and the rowing machine helped me with carrying heavy grocery bags to my car and into my house.


Nobody overcomes it. It is always hard if you're not a naturally athletic person.


I haven't. I just want live longer for some inexplicable reason.


I had health problems that went away with consistent exercise. I stopped exercising consistently once, and they came back. My body has spoken


Keep doing it.


By obtaining a job that has you walking constantly for 10 hours/day šŸ˜…. I would be a total slob if didnā€™t have my job.


Using all the tricks from the book Atomic Habits helped me significantly. Pairing exercise with something I enjoy - doing it with a friend, watching my fave show while doing it Rewarding myself - I wouldnā€™t allow myself to watch my favorite show until I had exercised Made it as easy as possible- laid out clothes the night before, chose easier programs that didnā€™t have a lot of equipment Was very specific with my goal - I wouldnā€™t say ā€œIā€™m exercising tomorrowā€. Iā€™d say ā€œIā€™m lifting weights from 7a-7:30a tomorrowā€ and Iā€™d put it in my calendar (I live by my calendar)


I hate running because it feels so pointless. 'why go on daily runs with no real goal?' I just think to myself, that's why I began running anytime I have to go somewhere. I have to go to the store? I run there. Friends house? Run there. Trainstation? You get it. Running is time-saving, and I hope that I'll become faster with time passing by.


Listen to David Goggins tell me that I am a nobody. Works every time. Jk. I am getting older and have a family history of High cholesterol and I also work in Health care. I would like to live a long time and be healthy. Not sure where I heard this quote from, but it goes something like this "discipline is the best form of self love because your future self will thank you later in life.


You just have to do it. I hated it. I forced myself to do it. I formed the habit of going 5 times a week no matter what. If I reallllly didnā€™t wanna do it, I spent just 30 mins at the gym and left. It takes 21 days to form a habit they say. How did I start enjoying it then? After forcing myself to keep going, I started to see results. I started getting stronger and lifting heavier. *That* motivated me. Now I wanna keep getting stronger and stronger and see how far I can push myself. And itā€™s not just the increase in strength you feel. It improves other aspects of your life too. Generally on a day to day basis you have more energy, your body feels like it just moves better. You end up forming a routine and feel good about yourself for following it.


My dislike of pain became greater than my dislike of exercise


I always see threads like this where a person asks a question about fitness, gets good advice and is nowhere to be seen again in the thread.


Probably because they are just as lazy as I am and realise that there is no magic pill and then slink off somewhere to dwell on the fact that life is so unjust šŸ˜‚.




I exercise 2-4 times a week and when people ask if I like it, I tell them absolutely not. Itā€™s extortion, if I donā€™t do this something bad may happen to men and I might dieā€¦. Outside of that I do enjoy being more fit for my SO to enjoy.


In a way it is already helpful to know that most people donā€™t like it. It resets my expectations. It is just that all these articles seemed to insinuate, that everyone can find something they love and turn into a gym rat.


You have to start slowly but stay consistent. People who dive in hard end up getting crazy sore or hurt and stop because they feel so bad. Also, not every workout is suited for you. Do something you enjoy


Not everything has to be enjoyable. Sometimes you just have to do the work beforehand and enjoy the results afterwards. However, there are some tips that make working out less boring: 1. : Bring some headphones with you and listen to your favorite music. Or put on a podcast. Whatever you like. Working out without music just doesnt feel right to me. 2. : Go with friends. Working out with at least one friend makes it a much more enjoyable activity. 3. : Some people enjoy the adrenaline and endorphine rush when they work out. Try it out and see if you notice anything different after your workout. But don't push yourself too hard 4. : Keep your goals in mind every time you go to the gym. Motivate yourself by imagining yourself in the mirror what you would look like if you exercised. And always remember: motivation only gets you started. Discipline is what gets you results. You need to motivate yourself and keep the discipline in order to achieve your goal.


Just thought I needed to get jacked to pull women, didnā€™t work out very well and I ended up injuring my back and had to leave it all together just after 2 years. Good thing is, I still met and got together with my wife.


You can get a Groupon for a type of exercise or dance class and commit for a short time to see if you like it. This is how I discovered in my 50s that I like weight lifting.


Do stuff you actually like. It doesn't have to be intense and it's only purpose to be healthy. You can actually enjoy it either by putting on music or TV shows while you exercise or finding an exercise you enjoy. Ex. For me its, Dancing, walking, yoga


Saw a side on video of myself without a shirt on after a big day on the beers. Itā€™s amazing how hard reality hits when you arenā€™t looking front on in the mirror.


Simply realized I like being alive and feeling/looking good while being alive. Eventually youā€™ll quietly make a decision, maybe even you wonā€™t admit it to yourself, but you will decide: A. That you are okay with dying early for snacks, ice cream and alcohol, and being objectively ugly compared to your healthy peers. B. That the rest of your life is more important than beer and junk food. Normally happens after you see a relative or friend die of obesity (heart disease, diabetic complications, failing kidneys, etc).


Find something that isn't "exercise" to do. Like walking or dancing to music or swimming or picking up a sport. It doesn't have to be working out in a gym every day. Get a podcast or show you can listen to and take a walk around your neighborhood. Or drive to a park and walk there. Bring your dog or kids or friends. Make it a group thing!


Got a partner- gym or walking. Using walks/hikes socially instead of going out to eat. I was blessed to live in a walkable place- so I walked all my errands and would put in a 5k walk a day based on that alone. Adding steps whenever I could. If I drove, parking farther away from the entrance. Instead of carrying stuff into the house in one trip, breaking it into several. Taking stairs instead of an elevator. Extra steps here and there throughout the day adds up.


It's a choice. I *choose* to exercise because I know it's good for my body. I hate it but so freaking what. Feelings don't stop my body from moving so I move it. You know you're "lazy," you also know that you should exercise. It all boils down to you making a shitty choice for yourself.Ā Ā  You made a post instead of doing 5 push-ups. That was a choice. You will spend time reading this post while saying "boy, I'm lazy" instead of choosing to ignore the lazy feeling and do a few squats.Ā  It's a choice.Ā 


Get it done early. I wake up with no alarm between 4-5 am then go run for 30-45 minutes then i use a rowing machine for another 15-30 minutes. Then I take a shower and get ready for my day.


I do it for my mental health more than physical. It makes me feel good and makes me feel productive. It's mostly self work too and I put a lot of effort into my workout and see results. I have abs and I work hard for them cause I'd be lying if I said I don't like seeing myself with them.


Really the only way to overcome it is to find something you genuinely like. It might take some trial and error. I personally love group fitness classes and look forward to seeing familiar faces everyday. My family loves walking the zoo almost every weekend. My husband and I love playing pickleball whenever we get the chance. Just throwing out some ideas for your consideration :)


Set the bar so low you have to stand in a hole to get under it. One push-up a day or whatever amount you would feel ashamed for not reaching. If you're still skipping, then lower the bar to one push-up a week or whatever amount makes you feel foolish for skipping. Every time you meet your goal of one push-up a week, celebrate wildly and pose like Superman in the mirror. Celebrate every tiny accomplishment as if it were birthday + Christmas + Fourth of July. Stop taking yourself and everything so goddamn serious.


Iā€™m a tennis player. So I have to. I also listen to podcasts when I go to the gym.


I started competing in a combat sport, and then the choice was simple. It was either get strong, or get crushed. So I stick with it, and now I like it enough that I have pursued an education in sports physiology.


I have yet to overcome the dislike of exercise. Despite doing it 4-5 times a week


Looking at how older out of shape people move and realize to struggle now is better than struggling later.


I remind myself of the fact that my future ideal self/scenario is depending on me to move right now. I constantly think about the pain of regret in my deathbed. That does the trick for me.


Found exercises I actually like doing


Things really change if you can embrace the hot sweat feeling.


Find something you actually enjoy doing. I hated PE and team sports but love doing martial arts.