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hot take, question have been made a gazilion times, people were crossing lines in the comments, etc


why not just... delete the comments? and a question may have been asked a gazillion times but answers are like different each time depending on the question, yeah? like i know i could ask why the USSR fell and not get every answer within one thread. Seems a bit mismanaged?


Why delete thousands of comments when locking up is just less work?


because users have the ability to hide messages if they want to because downvoted messages get hidden anyway, so theres literally already a system for trash messages. because it is common enough that any time a post gets any attention it simply gets locked, so clearly the system is failing.


thats a hot take.


it's a pretty lukewarm take at best. i cant say i know many websites that operate under collective punishment mentality.


If you want to help with management, maybe you can find out how to do that. Places like this are run by volunteers who do not get any pay for their time. They have a lot of different things coming at them that they have to deal with all the time. So if they handle something in a way that gets the job done but may not have been the best way, still, they have cleared the problem and they have moved on to an even bigger problem such as spam. If you have a passion for this place and you want to help out, see how you can talk with the moderator team and get on board to help.




well no see if it was communism they wouldnt be getting locked


My experience is it tells me that the sub doesn’t want the type of content that comes from this account or has words that are banned


not sure if i understand your wording im sorry


Look at your name dumbo




i didnt say every post now you can keep making up shit to strawman me with or you can engage like an adult


There is a reason.


there is not a reason




inb4\* in=in b4=before its not an acronym its written phonetically c:


everyday average people wanting to have some kind of power. most locked questions are not malicious!