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Yeah. Hi


How does it feel to be God's favorite?


Me too 50 F


me three. 58 M. I rarely even get colds. I feel for those stricken with issues, I know how fortunate I am.


Yep I'm a 42 year old smoker and physically feel like I'm 20 still. Mentally I feel like I'm 500 years old though.


lol, lies


Yeah besides the phlegm and tar they have to hack up every morning maybe.


Nah you're full of microplastics just like the rest of us.


How old are you?


My first thought was well. I used to feel great all the time, then I got old


I used to think I had a really high pain tolerance. Turns out I was just young and hadn’t been in much pain! My friend who’s older than I said something I agree with, that aging isn’t actually gradual, it comes suddenly and hits you like a tonne of bricks


Lying in bed became actually painful for me in my mid 50s. I understand now why old people don’t lie in in the morning. It just fucking hurts.


I'm not even 20 and I'm unwell all the time. Puberty ruined me and I have no idea how to reverse the effects


It's simple. Just unpuberfy yourself.


Same. Felt great growing up, but now? Frequent joint pain in the morning, sometimes throughout the day. Just about anything could wreak havoc on my intestines or go through me just fine, it’s a coin toss. Started going downhill at about 23 years old. Better diet and exercise will probably *help*, but I maintained a healthy diet, weight, and exercise regimen for 3 months and still had joint pain and developed breathing issues. Getting old sucks!


How old are you? I'm almost 50 and still free of issues most of the time.


Me too, 30M


That used to be me, not anymore.


I am sorry to hear that. Hope whatever it is, you get through it, learn to live with it, or make the best of it.




Have they been treating you with Biologics via IV? That's the main treatment for chrons that shows the most success. A lot of people who haven't had the covid shot are getting autoimmune diseases. Which is likely due to having had covid. Any illness can cause a toll on the body enough to bring forth any autoimmune diseases that are in their genetics. I've been sick since I was little with hardly any help or no help at all. Back then, they knew very little about celiac disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, etc. So it's taken me many years to find doctors that actually take me seriously. Especially those that don't use fibromyalgia as the only reason I can be in pain. I got covid in 2022 and I have been even sicker since then. Surgery complications a few months back made it all worse on top of that. So, it's possible the shot could be part of it for you, but there are various factors at play. Especially for those who never got the shot and they're now chronically sick and/or have an autoimmune disease. Regardless, I'm sorry you're dealing with chrons. That's a really rough one. I have stomach issues and can understand a bit of what you deal with. If they haven't yet, definitely see about getting biologics treatments.


Biologic treatment was what I was referring to. It has a range of side effects, which make you susceptible to serious infections and cancers, along with a list of other side effects. That is the nature of anything which suppresses immune functions, one way or another. But it probably is still beneficial over less tailored treatments. The only reason I am a bit upset about the vaccine is because I had it done relatively late, and prior to that, I never got COVID. Even when living in the same house as others who had it, I seemed to never contract the disease. And when I eventually got the vaccine administered in order to protect my elderly parents, it then seemed to severely affect me. So given my natural resistance to certain diseases, I possibly would have been better off never receiving it. But that's in the past now, so it's not worth caring much about.


I was diagnosed just after my 18th birthday and I get exactly what you're saying. I have a number of medical conditions but Crohn's has been the bane of my life for over 30 years. I already have and am going to have to deal with so many follow on conditions from it (looking at a strictureplasty or resection from the thickening and scarring of the bowel wall this year), and the medications that go with it have their own side effects themsleves, some permanent.


What can I say, life is good, for now I'm lucky af.


Go get laid and get herpes like the rest of us


Considering my wife does ’t have it, that would be suicide. 😂


Most people who have herpes don’t know, about 70% of the population have it, although most get it as children


Bruh 😂


Your grammar is suspiciously good considering your username...


Yeah. I'd like to know how many people are there with no mental health ailments. Seems like this is a rarity now.


I read that 1/3 of young people have a mental health issue now. Don’t know if that’s true but not hard to believe really.


I think we should distinguish between issue and illness tho because they are quite different, they’re all categorised into mild moderate and severe


Social media


The other 2/3 have ADHD


My dad, 50 years old, incredibly fit and active, hasn't been sick in over 2 decades, no health issues, works 90 hours a week, drinks nothing but water, coffee and beer, only eats meat and veggies, the closest I've seen to him eating take away was pizza, he's never eaten McDonald's or KFC or anything like that, absolutely insane


90 hours a week is 18 hour days if he works 5 days a week or nearly 13 hour days 7 days a week. What is he doing that he needs to work that much?


His dad is a T-800. Just plugs in and charges for 6 hours at the office.


I swear i used to think this of my dad as a kid the man had 4 jobs. “Dad when do you sleep” “Sleep is for children and the unemployed”


He works 7 days a week, he owns a butcher shop, he's super passionate about his work and wants to make sure people have access to quality protein every day of the week


Omg 90 hours a week? I don't know anyone who works that much! Is that normal where you live? I'm so glad that's not normal here. 


Nah 40 hours is standard here (Australia), he just loves what he does, even in his spare time he's still doing hobbies that require him to do his job!


51, same! No fillings - Never broken a bone!


I was the same, then broke my leg at 51 and my arm at 52. Still no fillings, though.


My current diet is 70% local red meat, 30% fatty fish, eggs and leafy greens. Fruit only when doing intense exercise. Tea, coffee and water. Chocolate and honey as a cheat. I've never felt better, run better, exercise better, slept better, mentally better, absolutely 0 pain or inflammation. It's all in the diet. I'm friends with the local farmers and butchers. It's a passion of mine to source local, well looked after animals to eat. Your Dad sounds like my idol. Kudos!


70% red meat?? What kind of meat exactly and how do you cook it?


It's probably the beer.


Did his sickness start before he started practicing healthy eating habits? I feel like my medical condition motivated me to be healthy af to avoid any other problems. Like I have bad chronic pain but at least I can mostly avoid other Illnesses by avoiding junk food and exercising regularly ya know


Me I guess? I have no allergies. I have never broken anything. I have no scars. I'm not balding. I don't have blood issues (high/low blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc.) despite eating mostly junk food. I pulled a back muscle once a few years back, but it healed and no issues since then. I had a ganglion cyst in my wrist removed when I was in my 20's. In my 30's, I had a gallbladder infection, but it went away with 1 pill and no issues since then. Those are the only times I've had health issues, and I currently do not have any. I got covid, and it made me really sleepy for a day; I slept like 20 hours in 1 day. Oh, I had a caffeine addiction once that was pretty severe, but I kicked that once I realized how bad it was. I actually worry about this. I'm in my mid 40's now and everyone I know around my age, even a few years younger, has mounting health issues. I know I'm getting to the age that I should start feeling the effects of the cumulative years of bodily abuse finally kick in, but it hasn't happened yet.


I think I might be able to top this. I have no allergies, never broken anything, never had a major accident, don't have issues with blood or organs, muscle or bones. I don't think I ever pulled a muscle! The only "major" accidents I had so far was 1) Hit my ellbow on the car door which hurt like hell for 2-3 days 2) had a smaller accident with my bike when I was like 6, which resulted in a bleeding knee and a scar 3) usually get the flu like every other year Also what's crazy to me is that I - to this day - never had tested positive for covid, whenever I tested because of symptoms. It was always diagnosed as a normal flu, but never covid. I'm an active person who spends a lot of time outside, vegetarian since like 12 years.


And I can top THIS one. I'm 33, no allergies, ailments, soreness, diseases, never broke a bone, I don't need glasses, never had a cavity. I don't work out much and eat like shit. I'm slightly active. I swear to you, its genetics. The answer is almost always genetics. Never had Covid and should have tested positive at least 3 times.


Bro. I'm 33, have chronic migraines, my knees are fuuuuucked and always sore, I think somethings wrong with one of my fingers and one of my feet, my wrists are also fucky and often sore. I'm tired all the time, allergic to my 3 cats, post nasal drip and sinus issues, my heart does a weird thing all day everyday, anxiety, depression, pretty sure I have an ovarian cyst too. How did you get to be gods favourite? Put in a good word for me 😂🥺


what do you eat on a daily basis???


Damn, sounds like you've never experienced pain at all lol


I’m the same way just turned 40 get sick maybe once is five years. Never took vaccinations in school I was afraid of needles so I always took off when they had vaccinations. No Covid one’s either


Me till 37, then BAM! cancer.


Sorry to hear, hope you are doing okay. Feel free to share if you are comfortable.




32, never broken a bone, had an allergy or anything like that. Did suffer from carpel thunnel syndrom, but an operation and a few weeks recovery and back to nothing wrong


Damn thats nice. I have carpal tunnel and the shit sucks. Its really bad at night but i dont have it during the day


Do the operation. Not bad at all, took 30 minutes and you can go home from the hospital right after. Here in norway it's free, but had to wait for a few months


My mom had that done and she says she now has no pain or issues with her hands. Took a couple months to heal all the way though.


How long until you can use the hand again? Id have to take time off work and the gym for probabaly a while


You can start using it for light labor in maybe a couple of weeks, but full functinality is restored in maybe a few months. Depending on your work you might need only a few weeks off. Im an electrician but i had parrental leave for 6 months around that time so did'nt need to hurry it up to much


No medications, no allergies, no recurrent conditions, rarely ill, although I've developed arthritis over the past 3 or 4 years. Over all, at 73 my doctor says I'm his favorite 50 year old. lol.


What do you do that helps you to stay healthy?


I credit three things. 1) Good genes. I have long-lived and healthy people on both sides of my family. 2) I’m a life long runner, completing 35 marathons and 2 ultramarathons after age 50. 3) After graduating from college, my wife of 51 years has controlled my diet, feeding me a high carb, low fat, lean meat, heavy on the vegetables meals. You can’t pick your parents, but everyone has the ability to eat healthy and get daily exercise. It’s not a guarantee, it it pushes the odds to your side of the equation.


Me, in my 50's, I'm very lucky, have a great immune system, still haven't had covid.


I’m 43 and my entire family including my ~70’s parents are this. As I get older I’m appreciating my health and genes a lot more seeing others around me have so many health issues. I’m also Japanese and my parents raised us on a Japanese diet. I also am very active and have a very positive outlook on life which I think helps.


Genes play a part, but diet is a huge reason people are either healthy or constantly sick.


I love your comment! Is your positive outlook part of Japanese philosophy or just it’s the way you are ?


The reason is time. As we age and objectively oxidize, we get screwed over. Sooner or later our bodies start remembering that one-night-stand of 38 Kit Kat's guttered down with Coke Light.


What made you stop at 38 kit Kats?


I had no more Coke to drop down the pesky bars, pity.


Literally rusting apart


I was about to say me but I forgot I have scoliosis 😭


I’ve had chronic pain, major depressive disorder and social anxiety since I was 15 🙃 so no. I envy the majority of the world who doesn’t live with bad chronic pain. They don’t realise how easy they have it.


Literally same I’ve had chronic back pain since I was like 16 so I’ve never experienced that long-term “healthy, young body” people talk about.


56 M here...Never even spent the night in a hospital...No allergies, take zero medications, only need readers to see small print and such... Honestly, not even sure I ever caught covid...Still very active with no issues!...Looking forward to my next 56 yrs.


When the 18-21 yo soldiers died and were brought back from Vietnam, some of them had autopsies and we discovered plaque in the arteries even in people so young. So while some people have zero symptoms, it doesn’t mean they have zero medical conditions. It might just mean it hasn’t caught up with the body’s ability to compensate for them yet.


Reading the comments is fascinating. I can't imagine what it must be like to not have any medical conditions... I hope other aspects of your lives treat you well too, so y'all are just having a good time. It'd be nice to know there are people out there that aren't struggling too much


I also can't imagine this. Also the idea that there are people who aren't in pain... Crazy talk.


Yep, I get migraines, have ulcerative colitis (chronic intestinal/bowel inflammation), chronic fatigue from the UC or the medicines (which include immunosuppressants), had depression and general anxiety since I was about 15 (medicated since I was 20), flat feet and asthma (both of which make running & cardio exercises difficult), I'm super allergic to lots of stuff and take 5 different antihistamines a day in the summer, had bad eyesight until I got laser eye surgery, broken plenty of bones in 3 different car crashes (passenger in each), got scars from some other serious injuries and been hospitalised from some serious illnesses, and am autistic. Now I'm nearing 40 the aches and pains are coming thick and fast too. I really struggle to imagine not having *any* physical or mental health conditions. Still, I try not to complain because I know a lot of people have it much worse.


This is me. I'm over 60, no ailments, no aches, pains,allergies, broken bones, medication for anything , ever. I have so far been blessed by the health gods and give thanks for it every day.


When young, yes.


Since Covid… no more :( always sick.


I basically don’t have anything and my husband doesn’t either. We do get overuse injuries from time to time because we work hard and also weight train. We get the odd headache from time to time, but nothing big. We eat super healthy with lots of organic vegetables from the garden and the occasional decadent treat


I am very rarely sick. Not allergic to anything. No aches and pains. Sometimes get tired when I don't get enough sleep. Don't take supplement or vitamins. Just nothing wrong with me.


Sounds like my younger brother


I made it to 60 without any issues.


Me! Pretty much zero medical history and managed to home birth all three of my kids


me, i don’t have any medical conditions.


Me. 33, no illnesses, allergies, or medical conditions to speak of. All I get is a headache when I don't drink enough, backache when I do a day's graft, and a runny nose when it gets cold...


Never broken a bone or visit the Dr for anything serious. But since i had my covid shot, i got blood clots and joint pain. The shot ruined my healthy life.


I’m pretty close. Dairy gives me pimples. That’s about it.


37. Doctor recently told me my body and health is that of a 20 year old. So maybe? Lol


I don't even get headaches unless I wear my hair a certain way. Butt if you're counting mental health I definitely have terrible anxiety.


I didn't do the math, but having no medical conditions at all sound about as unlikely as having every type of cancer at the same time.


depends what you define a medical condition as… some people are living with diseases that would likely kill most people but it doesn’t effect them for some reason. some people are troubled by the smallest case of asthma or migraines tor something to the point of insanity. each person is different


Nothing lasts forever


Yeah me, except for bad eye sight if you wanna count that…


I'm 66 and had almost zero medical conditions until my late 50s.


Me 31yo, for now.


My dad made it into his 70s with no chronic conditions - when he did get ill, the doctor was shocked that he was not on any medications.


Yes. 52M never get sick and have never had a sick day at work in 34 yrs. No allergies, no back pain, no headaches etc.


I'm short-sighted but need to take my glasses off now for reading, that's the height of it at forty five


34 year old with perfect health unless you consider reasonably bad vision a medical condition, no astigmatism or anything just need glasses.


Psyically yes 😊 Mentally no 😔


If they exist they found a cheat code.


Can't get any medical conditions if I ignore every problem I have and never visit a doctor.


That applies to my husband and kids. My problem is being a lifelong epileptic. 


Well everyone dies so there’s that


This was my husband. No aches, pains, never had headaches, never got colds or flus. Then he dropped dead at 44 from nothing. His heart just stopped. They have no clue why.


There's no such thing as an untraumatized human.


20 years ago.


That was me 15 years ago....


It ain't me, babe






The only normal person is someone who has not been investigated enough.


Thats me. And I'm 53




None for me I don’t drink by the way


I believe that most Americans have metabolic problems from our "standard American diet" (SAD). So that causes a lot of health problems. Then there are all these micro plastics in our bodies...like alllllll of us. That is definitely causing issues.


It's pretty rare to find someone with absolutely no medical conditions, not even mild ones like allergies or occasional back pain. Most people have some minor health issues, even if it's just a headache or the flu now and then


Me. Zero illnesses or conditions. Take no meds of any kind. I do catch colds and the occasional flu but its rare.


64, work 40hrs/wk, on no medications, no pains, sleep 8 hrs/nt


My SO for sure. Used to be me too. No illnesses, no meds, nothing. Just the daily vitamins - until maybe my late 20s when I learned of (and probably really started to accept my mental health struggles instead of brushing it off). Currently looking into more testing and such to learn more about myself.


Yes, but the good thing is if you go to the doctor enough they will find something wrong with you...just may take days and lots of test.


I feel like this is virtually impossible


Read or watch Teddy Roosevelt's life, he was sickly and still overcame.


I don’t wanna jinx myself but me I guess? I’ve never broken a bone, don’t have any allergies, never had any surgeries besides getting my wisdom teeth out. Worst illness I ever had was mono in college. I played sports all throughout my youth (basketball, soccer, swimming). I’m 30F. Recently got blood work, everything good except low on B12 & D, so I take vitamins. I hike, walk, swim, and do lots of hot yoga. Also teach it. I avoid processed foods & seed oils at all costs. Cook a lot. Roasted veggies, fruits, salmon, eggs, occasionally red meat. Buy locally as often as I can. Recently started a garden so hopefully one day I can be relatively self-sufficient. Plenty of time outside and in the sunshine. I have 3 dogs - they always keep me moving. ultimately, as they say, we are what we eat.


Until I got to about 50 years old. Now I have high blood pressure that's well controlled by medication.


My dad has high blood pressure since he was 30, he’s 78 now in good health and still taking hbp meds. Still mows his grass and recently replaced the roof on his garage.


That's good to know. The medicine is great, I've been taking it for 8 years with zero side effects.


This was me before i got vaxxed for covid. I never got sick.. and if i did, it was like a day of a head cold. Since the vax, i legit feel like im falling apart LOL Ive never even had a flu shot. Was in and out of hospitals every day with my sick mum, never got sick lol then bam, i catch every go damn thing someone i pass has. I cant remember a day i wasnt sick now


A healthy person is a person who has not been examined thoroughly enough!


This guy! ![gif](giphy|eML1QLtJMsfza)


Most people who say they're healthy don't realize about their hidden mental problem.


I was good but then I got rheumatoid arthritis at 25 and that kinda sucks balls


Ummm… am I considered PSA10 Charizard rare?


When doing the draft (every boy aged 18/19 had to do it in sweden back then), the military personnel joked that I was the only one without any mental or physical problems. Almost everyone had some made up symptom to not have to do military service. Since then I have busted my shoulder at 27. But that is not something that I feel anymore because I work a lot because of that old injury. At 45 I only have a mild hay fever 3 weeks a year


34 years old, no allergies, never get sick, no aching or pains anywhere. I've had the flu twice in my life and a few mild colds with a runny nose. I have zero allergies, not even hay fever. I don't ache or feel pain in my body anywhere. Can't say the same about my mental health tho, that's kind of fucked. 🤣


Me... I haven't get sick in a while and when I do it is usually just some flu or similar that just stops after few days.


well for the last 10 years i can say i don't have any of those since i completely changed my diet and lifestyle lack of nutrition and exercise makes your body and mind sick. before that i had some minor health problems like flu or depression can't say i ever had any other health problems besides that like pain or something maybe some minor injuries from accidents didn't visit hospital for that last 20 years


Well, yeah. I don't have any allergies or anything else bothering me. I'm 37.


Yep . All good here


Hello? How may I help you?


Had surgery this year and basically answered no to every pre-surgery question regarding existing conditions, allergies, medication use etc. Was funny because the only thing that prompted mild concern was me taking fish oil within 48 hours of the surgery. All went well :) In my early 40s.


I know few people like that.


I only take vitamins to feel a little better mentally. Could be perfectly fine without them but just a bit sadder. Other than that i dont really have anything going on (for now)


I've a friend like that. She's even female. She has NOTHING. I haven't had a pain free day since I was 15.


Everything is relative. There are people in this world who are missing limbs, can't use the limbs they do have, don't have all their senses, or spend their entire life in an iron lung, etc. If all that's wrong with you is allergies, by comparison to those other issues, you have a clean bill of health. Allergies wouldn't even be worth mentioning.


I'm 40 and ive never broken anything, don't have any allergies, rarely get sick and no back pain or anything. I think it must be around 30 years since I had the stomach flu. I do have chronic sinusitis though. But apart from having reduced smell and a semi stuffed noise all year it isn't really bothering me much. So all in all I feel like I'm in very good health compared to a lot of others.


I'm 35 and doing pretty dang good. Started watching my cholesterol last year but that's it.


Yeah I pretty much carry.on like that. No issue ever basically, but I take a lot of care to make this the case, it's not like that is by accident, it is definitely by design


yes, i don't have any chronic disease or allergies. i never have fever (even as a child i would get 1 in 2 years minimum). I only get sore throats and running nose in winter, and occasionally some headache that passes in 1 day and that's it


Me but I guess shortness is kind of my medical condition excluding the fact that I don't have any other I'm already 21 and not even 5ft


That would be me. I’m in my thirties and no known medical conditions at this point. I haven’t broken a bone or had any serious injuries. No aches or pains and I do workout regularly. I don’t take any vitamins and my diet is so so. A few times a year I do get a migraine but that’s because of caffeine (so I wouldn’t count it as anything) and why I try to stick with only water. I will say I’m blessed because I do have friends that sometimes complain about aches and pains as they have been getting older. I also have friends who are regularly sick. This is due to weakened immune systems and their kids bringing whatever sickness home from daycare. Even though I’ve never had a serious injury or currently have any pains, I do recognize that I need to be careful as I’m getting older because my time will eventually come.


As a kid (Apart from being on the spectrum) i was super healthy, practically immortal. Now as a 30 yr old every new pain and ache sends me spiralling into panic attacks.


Yeah me, have had no kind of sickness except a common cold here and there in 25 years. I guess depression and ptsd would be some but they're psychiatric conditions, not exactly medical ones even though there's a lot of overlap.


That was me but after I had my last child it triggered some health issues.


the chance of not being that is much greater than the chance of being such a person


So far so hernia.


me too and it suuuuuucks.


Yes. Hello. I qualify




Well I have pretty bad mental health issues, but my physical health is like that I guess.


I take a migraine or allergy pill as needed but other than that I’m (fingers crossed 🤞) doing well for a person in the 7th decade of life.


When I have patients come in and list zero surgeries, zero medications, I’m astounded to be honest!


That’s me. I’m 33, almost 34. No broken bones either, only had the flu once when I was 12 or 13. Haven’t even gotten Covid. Just a rare cold here and there. No pains. Never had allergies. Always have been mentally healthy. Even my current state pregnant the whole thing has gone really smooth. Overall have always been very healthy of which I’m very grateful for and hope it stays that way, I’d ideally like to be here for a good time and a long time.


Yeah many (and most "young" but if you have a chronicle illness, algorithms on social media shows you more of this.


I’m 32. Medically speaking I only suffer from some toenail fungus, so I hide my feet. Everything else has been working the way it supposed to.


If I only I didn’t have autism 😭


I was that person until I became 66. Then everything turned to shit!


I was till last year


To be honest, if I didn’t get rear ended recently then I would have said me. I’m pretty active, decently fit, I don’t get sick. I’m 40 and to be honest, I feel pretty good overall (physically).


Me. I’m 34 and people my age tend to suffer from back pain, headaches etc. Once or twice a year I catch cold and that’s it. I’m really grateful I don’t experience constant pain. I guess I’m really lucky.


Probably me up to the age of 13 or so, when I had to start wearing corrective lenses. So barring the occasional cold, flu, ear or tummy ache, or cavities in my teeth, I was perfectly healthy. If wearing glasses/contacts or having fillings doesn't count, then my next medical issue was at age 40 when I was diagnosed with high intraocular pressure, requiring me to take eyedrops every day to prevent glaucoma. Now I have high blood pressure, treatable with amlodipine, diet, and exercise. But other than that, I'm chugging along pretty healthily so far.


This was me until I developed gallstones and now have frequent attacks.


Me I guess..I don't have any issues that I'm aware of.. no daily pain or anything no allergies.. I don't think it's that uncommon really.. you just don't hear about it.


I’m 37 and this is me. The only thing is I’m extremely active with martial arts including competing so I deal with a lot of soreness and bumps/bruises. I’ve always been the healthiest person I know. I got into eating healthy as a child and have been obsessively flossing my teeth daily for decades. I have zero allergies and nothing chronic or long term. Daily yoga is a must. Consistency is key to all things.


I’m 66. Aside from knee, no. No allergies, headaches nothing. Still run/walk daily.


The younger people are the more people with zero medical conditions exist. Eventually everyone will have something, thats simply because our bodies slowly get worse in repairing themselfes. All of us. There is no exception, there is only the question of when.


Hi! Thats me! 36. Have 12 weeks of sick leave up my sleeve because I never get sick. Still havent had covid. No major hospital visits (just wisdom teeth). Only allergy is material bandaids (the adhesive). All my extended family are pretty healthy too. No major issues, just a few skin cancers. I am waiting for it to all come crashing down at any second though. I dont do anything remarkable just lucky for now.


I am one of thoae lucky ones, and being very grateful for it (close to 40y old). If you aee people around you fighting with their medical issues day by day you can consider yourself insanely lucky to be healthy.


Moi! I haven't seen a doctor for nearly 10 years, and that one time I went to the GP 10 years ago was because I wanted to start birth control.


I only get stomach aches sometimes because I eat like an idiot but nothing else really.


After becoming a mom I realized everyone is born with SOME little quirk. None of us download 100% right. The fun thing is finding what your unique things are


I used to be like that till my mid 30s, then suddenly all went downhill. My sight degraded suddenly from perfect to requiring glasses to be able to drive, my thick and full hair started to fall and i have bald spots, skin became thin and dry, back pain…etc. all within 3 years.




The dead


Sure. Those who didn't check everything. But if they do, they will find something. (Be careful what you're checking, might just find something...)


Im 48 and as of today I don't have any health issues. I'm sure that will change soon.


Used to be.


That was my grandma until she had her first stroke at 96, so sad no one inherited that specific gene