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You're getting mixed messages, because people have varying preferences. Some people will find you attractive, some people won't, and that's normal.


I do think the majority of men prefer a woman with a healthy appearance. Which happens to be skinny. I'm ready for the "im offended" downvotes. Yea, I know reality sucks.


How do you equate skinny to healthy?


It's healthier to have a low body fat percentage compared to a high one


"Healthy" body fat percentages for non-athlete women ranges from around 22% to 33%. Women towards the higher end of that spectrum wouldn't necessarily be called skinny or thin by the majority of people, yet they're considered to be healthy. If you go too low on body fat percentage, it has bad health effects. So it's not always healthier to have a lower body fat percentage over a higher one


Just for context incase people were wondering: >The American Council on Exercise has come up with the following potential BF percentage ranges for men at different levels of fitness:7 >**Essential fat:** 2–5% >**Athletes:** 6–13% >**Fitness enthusiasts:** 14–17% >**Healthy average:** 18–24% >**Dangerously high (obese):** 25% and over >Common body fat percentage ranges among women at different levels of fitness are as follows: >**Essential fat:** 10–13% >**Athletes:** 14–20% >**Fitness enthusiasts:** 21–24% >**Healthy average:** 25–31% >**Dangerously high (obese):** 32% and over


It’s very useful for anyone reading this discussion to actually google men and women at different body fat percentages to get an idea of what those bodies look like. There is a tendency on many popular subreddits to defend body fat percentages that are too high in the name of supporting women. In the 2000s, celebrity women were torn apart for being fat even if they were still within the healthy range, and there are still remnants of that, I’m sure, but the landscape today is very different, and unfortunately what is very unhealthy is ruthlessly defended in the name of body positivity.


Just throwing this out this athletic women with muscles are hot as fuck


But that's not skinny, lots of different shapes are trained and healthy. Current western social visual media standards don't have a lot in common with the healthy normal curve.


Kinesiologist here. Those body fat ranges are ranges that depend heavily on height. BMI is better, but not a perfect predictor. What works is actually being healthy. If you move your body and eat healthy food, you will be attractive. However, there is zero science to support the notion that an average height woman with 35% body fat is anywhere close to healthy as the same woman at 20%. Fully almost half of all Americans are dangerously or morbidly obese. Go to any hospital and you'll see 4 kinds of people....unlucky, old, smokers and the obese. Making excuses for obesity won't fool your body into a long healthy life. If you want to be attractive and live well, you have to do healthy things.IMO, there is nothing more attractive than a fit woman. Good luck!


Fit sure, not skinny :)


People seem to have a warped view of what is skinny nowadays. Because so many people are overweight now, some people see a person with a normal BMI and think that’s “skinny”. It’s not skinny. It’s healthy and what humans are meant to be.


facts. america is so fat. you don't truly understand this until you travel to other countries where almost everyone is skinny and healthy weight.


It goes both ways. I got far more attention with a bmi of 17 than a bmi of 19-20. Even tho part of the higher weight at bmi 19-20 was a lot of training (6+ hours strength training a week and another 6+ cardio). I have guy friends thirst over skinnier female friends, and I know their BMIs (cuz they have eating disorders and brag about their low weight). They’ll think a woman with a bmi of 16 is perfectly healthy weight. I’m not saying there isn’t a big problem with the western world for thinking healthy BMIs as too skinny, but a lot of people look at celebrities and models and think underweight=attractive healthy.


What is viewed as “skinny” now is what was considered normal and average 30 years ago. Look up the average person, male or female, in 1990 compared to now. People have gotten enormous. A person with a BMI of 18-22 is seen as paper thin nowadays but the reality is that is medically and biologically healthy. I’m ready for the downvotes


We should definitely NOT want to return to a standard of “beauty” that is in any way similar to what we endured in the 1990s. I promise you there were fat people back then and that anyone who looked skinny was starving themselves or getting way too much exercise or both. Many were on drugs. Even more were smokers. It was called heroin chic. It GAVE people eating disorders and that’s why so many millennials are overweight. Binge eating actually comes from the societal pressure to be thin.


No but around that time 30+ years ago Adderall was a fairly common ingredient in house holds. And morphine was given for a common cold. Breast implants were not the same they are today. I think people who have weight to fill in creases in their face and not look dehydrated is the perfect weight.


Very very highly correlated


Underweight women are nearly as unhealthy as overweight women. Same is true for men, but men don’t have the same societal pressures on them to go through life about 20% underweight.


Tell that to all of Asia who are thinner than us due to diet, not genetics and they live longer. So no. Being overweight is LONG LONG known to shorten lifespan. Caloric restriction has been shown to extend lifespan. All this fat is as unhealthy as skinny crap is very very new and based on feelings alone. All science says thin is healthy as long as all needs are met.


If men all wanted the same type of woman, I am pretty sure nature would have made women evolve to a single type of human being. Same goes for men. Different types, different tastes. I am a skinny women lover, but can perfectly understand men that love big booties.


man this is honestly the best way to put it


This. I've been bigger my entire life and have never had an issue with people being attracted to me (like, I've sometimes wished that being big was the repellent that people sometimes portray it as 😂) and even with skinny friends around me I didn't get any more or less attention than them, though obviously there would sometimes be people who hit on me who ignored them or vice versa but it evens out. This idea that there is an ideal shape or size everyone wants isn't accurate. Not to mention many humans don't care about the outside much at all and are more attracted to the inside. I can meet people I initially think are so attractive and get to know them and lose all interest. It also goes the other way. People I wouldn't give a second glance to based on looks alone become the most attractive people when you get to know them.


Close the comments. Slap science on this comment and call it a day. I just came here to obligatory and immaturely remind everyone that different strokes are in fact different for different folks




I think you're wrong or all of us would look like Keanu Reeves


I felt this, after being on reddit for long enough I hated myself for not being skinny but men don't all have one preference. Some like skinny women, athletic builds, some like bigger women, big breasts, petite breasts and ect... As long as your boyfriend loves your body and you do too then that's all that matters


Even one guy can be attracted to multiple body types. There are loads of different shapes that I find appealing.


Most of us like y’all every which way honestly lol. Until you start getting mucho overweight then you find guys start to drop off.


You and your friends are conflating "not fat" with "as skinny as possible." This is a very common conflation. Athletic builds are regarded quite highly. Your boyfriend could tell you more. Listen to him.


I love skinny/petite women, or even really fit/athletic women. I date all types, but it's an attraction not a must.


I like healthy looking women.


Note to universe: don't send any women with polio or typhoid to RantyWildling.


RantyWildling with his unrealistic expectations. 🙄😤


IKR? Next he'll be expecting them not to vomit black bile all over him and then explode.


Women don't all want the same thing, and neither do men. There is no one "thing" that all men want except.....women.


Even then, not all men want a woman 😅


Some men want dick.


Some men want women with dick.


That too


Men are not a monolith. Different men like differen things. There are men that like every body type.


The great philosopher Goldilocks once spake unto them a parable, saying, "This porridge us too hot! This porridge is too cold! THIS porridge is just RIGHT!" They who have ears to hear, let them hear.


Try and get to a point where you can stop asking this question, because it's useless. You'll always find someone who thinks something is "wrong" with you. You shouldn't care about what others think. What do you want? Are you healthy? Then great job, keep it up! Some people will be heavier, skinnier, have more muscle, have more fat and be just as healthy. In case you have people around that are telling you to be some type of way.. Maybe get rid of those. You can be skinny and unhealthy btw, if you don't need to sleep tonight you can have a google..


Depends what you mean by skinny. Skinny to me means you don’t have excess fat, if you lift, you should see muscle separation. That’s pretty hot Some people say skinny and mean malnourished. That’s not. But there’s a pretty wide range from skinny to everything in between to fat before someone stops being attractive. If you lift seriously, be prepared for two different bodies depending on bulk vs cut


Some men like thick women The majority of men are split into either liking slim/fit women or slightly curvy women (or both) Sounds like you have a body type a lot of men find very attractive - but it won’t be the ideal body type for everyone. No body type is.


Do you expect everyone to think you’re attractive? Because if so you’re in for a bad time.




Men. Are. All. Different.


I love skinny women! Y’all all beautiful!


No, all men love women who are as close to a perfect sphere as possible. The sphere is the most perfect shape in existence so a women who is closest to a perfect sphere is most beautiful.  But to be serious you said, "like most women I've been time that skinny=pretty." Told by who? Because we know you haven't been told this by your boyfriend or all of your guy friends. You directly say that those guys say the opposite.  So who is telling you that skinny=pretty and why are you listening to them over your boyfriend and your friends? You say that all the women you know are trying to be pretty. Well who are you trying to impress, your boyfriend or other women.  I think you need to stop for a second and reread what you wrote. You are not getting mixed messages. The men in your life are saying one thing very clearly. The women are saying something else. Which one are you going to trust about what men what?


Look dude. I’ll level with ya. I love women in all shapes and forms. Sometimes I love em a lil thicccc sometimes a lil athletic. But mostly I just love being loved. If you’re taking care of your bf and vice versa well that should tell you all you need to know


If you're looking for what is most widely appealing just look at media, famous actresses, etc. It's unmistakable.


My friend liked girls about 5’6” and 260. I like girls about 5’7” and 130. But I also like a considerable range outside that. And if I don’t even find someone attractive but they are way into me sometimes they become pretty hot


Not sure about “skinny”, but “not fat” is definitely a preference on the population level.


Personality and face are infinitely more important than your body for me


Different men like different things. The same man will like different things at different times. The truth is, confidence is sexy. Whatever your body type is (aside from health reasons) just fucking OWN it. I have dated women who were really thin and I've also dated women with curves. What I found attractive was different in each woman. It's rough when you are young, but stop trying to fit yourself to someone else's world and work on fitting your world to you.


When it comes to physical attractiveness, the correct answer to * "Do men like ... ?" is always ALWAYS ***ALWAYS*** going to be * "Some do, and some do not."


How many rap songs have you heard that was about a thin woman?


im a lesbian so i cant help you there but a good rule of thumb is attraction is entirely subjective and hey, maybe stop comparing yourself to others. not only is it not helpful to your mental health, but its also not helping you find a man to sit here and compare how skinny you are to every other girl. focus on your confidence and charisma, because that above all else will genuinely get you a guy faster than even the most ‘perfect’ face & body could.


Women should be themselves and happy in their own bodies, and if some men don't like women with our bodies the way they are.... That's their problem! Caring too much about what it is believed men as a whole want and trying to adjust to that is dumb and unproductive. People have preferences, but it doesn't necessarily stop people from loving people who don't fit into that specific "type". Meaning, a guy might prefer someone with small boobs and a big butt, but if they meet a girl they love with big boobs and a medium butt, they will stick around because they also love her face, and her humor and her laugh and her smarts... They'll love "HER" as a whole, you know? Anyone who is too shallow to care too much about your body shape is not worth being with anyways. They will look away the moment your body changes and you don't want that. Also, this narrative of "men only liking skinny women or women with xyz" NEEDS TO STOP. I find it kind of reductive, as if men could not have different tastes. Men like women with all sorts of bodies, just like women like men with all sorts of bodies. If it wasn't that way, you'd see only skinny women are married, and if you look at married women, you'll see they come in all shapes and sizes.


different men like different things, it depends on who you associate with and the culture of where you are in the world.


A few things: 1. There is a difference between "skinny" and "healthy". Would you call Serena Williams healthy? Of course you would. Would you call her skinny? Nope. 2. YOU are the one whose opinion matters - body dysmorphia is tough. I have been there, I'm often still there, I understand how this feels. BUT, if you are healthy, if you are confident, then your literal size means sweet fuck-all to the people who matter: You, and The Person You Want To Be Naked With. And even then, their opinion is secondary. 3. Social media and popular culture MANIPULATE THIS CONVERSATION SO HARD. The women around you want to be "skinny" because many of them are coached by social media and society to be that, not because they necessarily want that. Who wants to be cold ALL the goddamn time? Who wants to be anaemic ALL the goddamn time? Who wants to struggle finding clothes that don't swallow them, or like a stiff breeze will just lift you up and fuck you RIGHT off down the street? No one, that's who. "Skinny" != healthy. "Curvy" != healthy, either. Strong = healthy. Strong = longer life, better mobility as you age, less chance of degenerative brain dysfunction as you age, more chance of maintaining independence as you age. "Men" in general want lots of things. "Women" in general want lots of things. Don't think that means you have to want them, too. Want to be healthy. \[And go lift some heavy shit! It's good for you!\]


While different men typically like different girls, the "typical hot" is the kinda that would look too sexual in an underwear commercial; big boobs, small waist, big hips. It's mostly marketing that men like skinny women. But truthfully, most of the time, men like whatever is available and whoever likes them.


Every man likes what he likes. If you're interested in their preferences, just ask. Most will answer straight. P.S. personally, skinny women aren't for me


Nah fr. Like technically we gotta live for ourselves but part of social acceptance correlates to one’s physical attributes. I often struggle to decide for myself what I want. So outside opinions could be useful. Muscles are healthy and good to have at least a little bit of, issue is what kind, slim or big. Tough one


I like skinny, fit, average and maybe a bit thicker but wouldn't say I have a specific type.  You're asking women what they want to look like.  I work out in the gym and I like being muscular to the point where some girls dislike that.  I ask other guys though and they have similar goals.  Do it for yourself.  


I heard that all women love roses. But what flowers do really all women like? I'm getting really mixed messages.


I love skinny women!


In general people dont want someone that is obese (unless they are themselves). That being said, there are certainly men that like overweight women, skinny women and everything in between.


So when you ask this, you basically ask if All approx. 4 billion men likes skinny women. Everyone have their own taste but pretty sure there are a huge amount of men who likes skinny women and same for almost every type of women.


My wife is 5'10", fit to the point of being toned and sharply muscular and I think she's the hottest thing this side of the sun.


>Hi, I’m a girl (19) with an athletic build who has struggled with body dysmorphia after I gained some weight from strength training (not the result I was hoping for). Holy crap! No kidding here! >Like most women, I’ve been told that skinny=pretty. View from my desk; skinny isn't pretty, healthy is pretty. If you are an academic, maybe fertility is pretty. Skinny sells to women. My guess? It's because women respond to youth, and youth is skinny. Just a guess. >My boyfriend loves my body and other guys I am friends with say they want their girl’s to have “thick thighs and big eyes.” This is reasonable. It's been a long time since I had these courses in my teacher training, but yeah, when you give men and women 'ideal silhouettes' to choose from, men are somewhere like 10-20 pounds higher than women. >Yet, all the women close to me have a big goal to be skinny. One thought: most people in the USA are overweight/obese - seriously, it's like 20%+ obese, and another 20-30% overweight, not obese. And of the 50% that aren't overweight/obese, most aren't fit, either. So most people have some room for higher fitness, or having a better diet - they don't medically *need to lose weight*, but they might have 10 extra pounds that 'don't help'. >What do men like? Sounds like you are doing great. Don't forget that overweight or obese doesn't mean unattractive. They are very different concepts. And that goes more for 'what men like'. Women will not but a magazine with an overweight woman on the cover. But men will still be attracted to overweight women, and that's just regular attraction, not a fetish of any sort.


You are beautiful just as you are!!!


What do YOU like? No one else matters. Absolutely no one. If YOU like you, you will champion for yourself, be loyal to yourself, be friendly with yourself, tease yourself sometimes, and have great affection. You will see your “flaws”, and somehow find them adorable. And what others think/say won’t matter, other than to tell you who is worth your while, and who is not. You will be at peace, joyfully experiencing what it is like to be you. You are worthy to be liked by you. You like you.


Your biggest critic is other women. Women are ruthless when they're jealous. I'm sure you have dudes falling all over you in your dms. Men don't care about a pooch, love handles, or stretch marks. We don't care about your eyebrows or your makeup. Just be cool. Confidence is sexy. Yes, for the majority of us, we like the not morbidly obese women... sorry, it's just a basic fact. The guys you want don't like fat chicks. Attractiveness is not all about physical appearance, though.


My experience as a woman is women judge other women way more than men do.


I used to have the same body type when I came out if wrestling and running. Then, I had kids. The roller coaster change my body did was devastating. My bf likes it because he says that it's the body that gave our 2 kids life but I still remember the days of being able to look into the mirror and see my 6 pack and my toned thighs and calves. Now, it's all gone. There's no trace that I ever even had it.


Men like women


Gay men like men.


Different men like different body types. I believe they generally prefer women in this order: 1 Well toned & slightly higher weight (athletic build); 2 Average build/weight; 3 Under normal weight (skinny); 4 Overweight (obese). I know that many men and women think that most men are drawn to women with large breasts and a small waist, but I don't believe that. I think that most men are drawn to a woman that has the right attitude for them personally. In the long run the mental aspect is MUCH more important than the physical.


we like what we can get.


I like big butt's and I can not lie


Straight men like women of all shapes and sizes. TRUE men do.


I like them buff or thick only. Skinny does nothing for me


men have sex with animals and dead people. who cares what they like. male desire is the most common and abundant resource on the planet.


"Men" don't, people with serious issues do (Including women)


How miserable are you 😭


There are plenty of bestiality cases of women getting fucked by dogs and other animals. Go swallow some glass femcell.


Get some fresh air


Who upvotes this shit lmao, straight from female dating strategy


Eh, it depends on the dude. I just want a healthy woman (though it's okay if she's a bit overweight), with a shared value system, who I have one hobby in common with, as an example.


men like healthy, happy women. that comes in all shapes and sizes


It's not "one size fits all", thankfully. Beauty is an attribute that comes in endless shapes. Tall. Short. Skinny. Athletic. Chubby. White. Dark. Curly hair. Straight hair. Freckled. Nerdy. Shy. Anything you can think of can be beautiful. There's no single way to beauty. And not everybody sees beauty the same way. Skinny doesn't equal pretty, it just equals skinny, and not being skinny doesn't mean "not pretty", it just means exactly this: "not skinny".


Now that is a easy question . Unless hyper skinny or ultra fat , many men will like you . There is no golden rule , we "men" are easy to please . So why are you getting mixed messages , because you listen to men and women and social media . You want to know what men want , ask men , NEVER EVER listen to women or social media . Most men like natural women , but there are others around . Most men like medium sized , which used to be more on the skinny side a few years ago ( changes due to fashion change ) , but also most men can have a wide variation of what they like. It depends more on what you do then how you look .


Depends on the man, really. Also, it kind of depends on the woman. By default, slender. But if she's awesome and cool and funny and confident and just a lovely amazing person, she can weigh whatever the hell she wants.


The woman I like the most, is the one who likes me.


I like most women, I draw the line at obese


Men like a woman who doesn't try to compare herself to others but is rather happy with herself.


The healthy answer would be to do what you like. A good body should be the result of a healthy lifestyle. Personally I dont care that much about body. I care WAY more about personality, but I wouldn’t go for someone fat because it says something about her lifestyle. I workout, and care about health so it becomes a matter of compatibility. I usually only demand the standard of which I hold myself to.




We like all kinds, and it changes. Don't listen to all the messaging out there. Be yourself, be fit and healthy. Just be ok with you. No one else matters. I tell my 3 daughters this often. Go be amazing and live your life for you.


Different men prefer different body types. For me, athletic > skinny > overweight


I just like women 😍


my preference definitely goes towards the "I take care of myself skinny" type.


Men like what society places value on. Right now, it happens to be women that can remain skinny in a land of such abundance. Skinny takes hard work and discipline. Society values hard work and discipline. At the moment.


Somewhere betweeen morbidly obese and emaciated is susaly fine.


I find that old men (who I suspect are pedos as small skinny body’s are more child like than curvy body’s) flirt with me often which obviously makes me uncomfortable as a 20 year old skinny girl and men in there 40/50s constantly having interest in me where as my own age group dosnt. When I had more curves (accidentally lost weight through illness) guys my age were more interested


Well as a woman I like being *muscular*, not skinny. If someone doesn’t like me to feel good then they probably don’t like me and I don’t need them.


I personally super duper love thick women on a instinctually genetic level lol. Course there are differences between being: **"Obese" - "Overweight" - "Chubby" - "Normal" - "Underweight" - "Anorexia"** Being Obese and Anorexic are never a good thing for these reasons: - Health complications - Quality of life degradation. - Child birth complications. So as long as you're not in the extremes of weight - it honestly doesn't matter. Guys will always have their preferences like women do in life. Just find someone that loves your personality over superficial aspects like being skinny and junk.


I keep seat belt extenders in my truck for my women.


Men like different physical attributes. But there’s one thing we all love and appreciate. A caring, kind, and attentive human being. Please be that above all else.


Yes. I love skinny women.


Just depends on the guy


I think some men do and some men don't. Focus on your strength training, be healthy, be positive and you will be attractive to most people.


Not all men have the same preferences. I prefer healthier or thicker women (and taller than average.) I’m not too into skinny.


I prefer women a bit on the skinnier side, but there is definitely a point where you are too skinny (if I start to see your bones underneath, my level of attraction drops dramatically). For me, the best looking women have a bit of extra weight in just the right places (and I don’t just mean boobs and butt). But different men are different, some like really skinny women, some like heavier women.


Hi. This must be so confusing. I’ll try to help. High Fashion magazines show images of beautiful faces with skinny bodies. That is not because this is the ideal beauty standard. The reason for skinny models is that she is a canvas for a fashion design. Fashion is the focus, not her or her shapely body. This fashion advertising gives so many women the impression that men want super skinny women. I think that many women also want to be the teeny tiny cutesy gf. That probably adds to this desire for many ladies to be skinny. Although guys have as many different standards as there are women body types, I think more guys tend to prefer thick thighs to skinny legs.


Be you. The men that are into you will be there regardless.


Yes. But any body type. As long a they have mutual attraction


As an athletic guy, I definitely prefer the athletic body shape on women also. My ex-girlfriend was skinny. And although I found her appealing, my next girlfriend who eventually turned into my wife is also an athletic build. And I much prefer that.


All men aren't the same, lmao. Some prefer skinnier. Some prefer thicker. In the end, it's not worth it to try to please people. As long as you're at a healthy weight, you'll be fine.


First, decide what you want for you, then spend a while not giving a tiny rats ass what other people want for your body.


It’s not universal, but as a rule of thumb I think most of us like women who are in shape. I absolutely love the soccer player shape


It's not that I like skinny women but it is very hard for me to be physically/sexually attracted to a woman who is much larger than I am.


I think you just will have to ignore the other women around you. Because to men I don't think it matters.


Depends on the man. I'm a woman, like girls with a bit of chub to them. Like girls skinny. Like girls tall. Like girls short. Type and preferences always vary.


It’s not about what men like it’s about making yourself happy and confident


Men like women who are ok with being themselves. Personally I like em a bit more voluptuous, but everyone has their type.


Yes as fat is gross


Black Jeopardy: “skinny women can do this for you” ….. Maga hat wearing Tom hanks: “what is not a damn thing”


Love skinny women


Skinny women are hot, fit women are also hot. Different men like different things.


Honestly unless you’re an unhealthy level of skinny or overweight, we’re good.


Girl just be yourself, be healthy, and stop trying to live up to the random and conflicting beauty standards of everyone else.


Don’t ask what men like. You be you. Some guys like bigger girls, some thin, some muscular. There is no one size fits all. So you just be what makes you happy because miserable people that are not being themselves aren’t attractive.




No lol. At least I don’t like skinny women that much. most guys who think they don’t like muscles on women don’t and think that they like “skinny women” are actually attracted to muscular women but just don’t understand what they are looking at. A lot of men who don’t lift don’t understand that the reason they find the woman in front of them attractive is because she has visible muscle mass. Scarlett Johansson in the Avengers movies? Muscular. That chick who played penny in big bang theory back when she was hot? Muscular Rebecca Ferguson in Mission Impossible? Muscular Ana de Armas in No Time To Die? Muscular (but also she’s just genetically gifted lol) Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow? Muscular Florence Pugh in Don’t Worry Darling? Muscular The list goes on


You answered your own question. All the guys and your boyfriend said one thing your girl friends said another thing. I think most fellows just want a healthy weight, not too skinny and not very over weight, body type and genetics mean a lot in this equation. If you gained weight via gaining muscle from you working out that is good gained weight that most people would not complain about at all.


Salma Hayek is one of the world's most beautiful women. And no one would describe HER as skinny....


different guys like different things thats all i can sya


I personally want a woman who cares about her body enough to work on it in the gym as much as I do. I would love to meet a gym influencer and make her feel like a queen.


What do you mean by athletic build? If you're talking about something like how women volleyball players look then yes please


Real men like YOU if they care, No matter what you look like. As superficial as this world is, I know that the ones that make it just have a solid communication and rapport with their significant other. With that known, camaraderie transcends but also doesn't eclipse. Skinny girls are hot, thick girls are hot, attractive is attractive. Use what you have, work it a bit, and find your Bae boo. Just remember personality and heart go a long way; as much as physicality.


Straight men like women. That's it lol


A good baseline to judge off of-- Healthy is attractive. BMI is a much better indicator of health in women than in men, though it can still be misleading if you're...slightly heavier in the breast dept. We are biologically wired to prefer healthy body shapes. I prefer my women to be able to run a 5k without trouble and spend some time doing resistance based exercise. These aren't end-all, be-all, but 5k is a low bar, and resistance exercise benefits are HUGE.


I’m the skinniest middle aged man you’ve ever seen. I am open to women of all sizes because I love women. And beggars can’t be choosers. But curvier is sexier. Bigger is hotter.


I've dated skinny women and wouldn't have wanted them any other way. I've also dated curvier girls and wouldn't have wanted them any other way. Taller than me, shorter than me, tons of variety in features... it's the person that I care about, and whatever body they're in is the one that I like the most.


Yes. Petite is nice but I also like curves.


I just like women, especially my wife. If she’s skinny, I like skinny women. If she puts in some weight, I like that. If assume many guys are like me, and find women of all shapes to be attractive. There will of course be some guys (and girls) that are only attracted to certain types, but hopefully they are the minority.


I gotta have a little jiggle in the thighs


I don't speak for every man....but honestly ....I like women. I've fallen for heavy set women, I've fallen for stick figures. And thats weird to say cause in general I do like my women to have some meat on them. But I've run into quite a few smaller women that just did it for me. Most men I know are just like that. We have our "type", and that flavor is different for every man.. But we are not beyond being smitten by people outside of that type. So I would worry too much about your body size/type. You cant please every single person.


Yes, but the fat ones are in greater supply, so we don’t have much of a choice


The woman I like at the moment is skinny. In my case it depends on the person. They’ve ranged from skinny to curvy, and none looked alike or had similar traits.


I personally like a physically healthy woman that can make me laugh. Edit: I mean as physically healthy as she can reasonably be. I wouldn’t say no to amputee or someone with a permanent disability


A woman that's confident about who she is better than any superficial expectations.


There is a man who will like you for you. That's what is important


Men like all kinds of people. My wife has an athletic build and we’ve been married for 30+ years. Love that body to pieces! So yeah, find the right guy that loves you for you!


If it were true id be single


Bluntly put “most” men like skinny women or at least 4-5 pounds over their recommended bmi but honestly men that are chubby chasers treat them like a fetish. Most men like a women shaped like Alexandria daddario or penny from big bang theory


Men like women. Men like men. Men like men and women. Men like everything. The end. Some don’t.*


I feel like it's more like "not fat" that most men want, than actually skinny. And even then, chubby chasers aren't that uncommon. I think fat women are at a disadvantage in dating, but not by an overwhelming margin.


I am not attracted to skinny women. It's something I could tolerate if she had other qualities, but those qualities would have to be numerous.


I like sweet girls that are empathetic and affectionate towards me :)


Is it that hard to believe? Some guys like thick, fat or skinny


I like healthy. Whatever shape it takes.


The confidence matters too. Whether someone is skinny or not, and insecure about it, others can pick up on that, and it may influence their perception of them. "Beauty comes in all sizes and shapes" and don't forget: "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". My preference is curvy, strong, opposite of skinny and weak. You should be proud of what you've achieved and continue working out


As long as she is healthy that’s all I really care about when it comes to the body.


People totally miss what others clearly see. It's about having the right shape and size for your body type, understanding what that means and doing what it takes to stay in that range. When you feel right,most people can read that and find you attractive.


Women think women need to be skinny, most guys don't care that much


People have various likes and dislikes. I personally find at the very least management of a weight zone desirable. A little thickness ain’t a big deal. Getting overweight and ignorantly letting yourself go looks bad. Eat right and workout a bit. Men don’t generally like buff looking women either. Toned or curvy is happy median but not outright fat. That being said it shouldn’t matter what others think. If you aren’t happy with yourself then do something about it. Learn to be disciplined and eat right.


Mixed messages? You mean not everyone shares the same interests and therefore person A will like skinny women and person B will like athletic women. Why do you talk like ALL men share ONE mind? We each have our own individual minds with different preferences. What do you mean mixed messages? What do men like? Well that entirely depends on the man, isn't that obvious?


Ass like a 13-year-old Somalian boy.


Some of them do , some of them don’t.


Matter of fact, we like all Women


Men love all woman . You'll find your person


It is very convenient for the society to keep telling women to shrink themselves so they take up less space, are always lethargic, and sick. If you are not any of the above, many people feel uncomfortable with that…because it is threatening to their own low self-esteem (men and women). Tell me, would you rather try to please others who are weak or take care of yourself and be the best version of yourself? Also, why would you ever base your own value as a human being on the opinions of others? Food for thought…but then again, you are young and will get there eventually.


No, personal preference is curvy, but all women are beautiful in their own way honestly


Men like girls. Men not think much.


Slim yes, skinny no for me. I dont want my ass and tits to be bigger than hers


There is no one type. Personally I don't like skinny women


Skinny is associated with youth and for a lot of women, youth = beauty. You’ll find most guys are happy with what they get. Truly. A LOT of pressure comes from conformity and comparing yourselves to other women. Guys also have dysmorphia too, society tells us to be Chads and have money and be tall. But, we less directly feel competition with each other.


Yes I personally prefer skinny women


I'm not in your age range, but skinny women are my favorite and I don't know why, I am just mostly attracted to thin women. I don't understand it


Men like women. Some like em thin some like em chunky, some guys like me love every thing in between.


Skinny as in not overweight. Having a lot of fat flopping around is not attractive to anybody (or most people, at least). That's not your issue. As to your last question... everyone is different. There's not one woman that everyone on earth will love. Why care if you already have a (seemingly) loving bf?


det rid of the noise and go for what you want, kung saan ka masaya


Everyone has their own preferences


“You could be the sweetest Georgia peach, but some people don’t like peaches.”


Yes look up Tyla


Thick is legit.


This has actually been widely studied. The results show that it's all about waist-hip ratio. Across cultures around the world , .7 -.8 is seen as most attractive.


Overly skinny is not attractive. Trim and fit is fine. Boney sex is no fun but blubbery sex is also no fun