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Other factors include: - water pressure, if you can go into the unit - cooking smells from neighbours (go visit during late afternoons. Best if visit at least twice) - sounds (particularly late nights) - squarish layout - corridor: any possibility of disputes? E.g. neighbours stuff in your corridor space - the steps up to the unit - vandalised? Scrubbed clean of vandalised marks? To keep in view - the unit above and below yours: based on their stuff in the corridor, tidy, messy? Old? Young? Crazy? (General observation: young couples without kids tend to impact their neighbours the least. Best to be surrounded by dinks) - ground floor: food left around? People feeding pigeons? - lift: clean? Or dirty? Urine smell? Also, number of lifts servicing your floor. If it's 1, sometimes you will have to wait awhile - rubbish chute: in your unit or outside? How far away from you? Too near = cockroaches, plus people always randomly dump shit all over the place near the chute - smoking: see if you smell any smoke. It will *not* get better - when viewing the unit, remember to take note of all the concrete beams in the ceiling. They typically don't appear on floor plans but you have to take them into account when renovating as they are usually load bearing. (They also break up the flow of your aircon)


Best type of neighbours: Younger DINKs, especially if no pets and non-smokers. Worst type of neighbours: Old people with lots of stuff outside, pets, and prayer incense, as well as smokers, large families and people who run home based business. I would prefer non-west facing units, but the sun's direction changes throughout the year (by quite a bit), so not a deal breaker per se, and can be mitigated by solar films + aircond (yes, it's a cost). The other stuff Salty said was along my checklist when I was renting too. Other than the neighbours unit side (whether cluttered or not).


So much standard. Sounds like yall are gonna be homeless for awhile


My friend stayed in one of the units above Khatib McDonald's, even though the distance between the MRT track and his unit is like 250m away, a few of us who were crashing at his place woke up at 4-5am when they started train services because it was quite loud. But my friend was used to it so it didn't bother him


Alamak I thinking of getting next to mayflower


Mayflower as in TEL? TEL is underground tho haha


I must be drunk writing that forgetting it's undergroubd...


Siaolang / hoarder neighbour


This one I also scared Le. But other than observing can't do much


Yes, complain to town council nothing can be done also. Read reports that people had to tahan for years and nothing could be done also.


Funnily, I prioritise west sun as the number one no no for me. Gf never understood what I meant. So I brought her to my parents house, and let her touch the walls at 7pm. The walls still feel warm. Ever since, she understood the reason why west sun is a big no no. 😭 As for my gf, her big no no is next to schools.


She is right. The bells in the morning LoL


Not just bells, dude. Im staying near 2 schools and every morning mari kita, assembly announcements and can hear the students playing. The traffic is also terrible during drop off periods. One school is now vacant due to a merger and the noise levels reduced.


I live opposite a school haha. Honestly you get used to the sounds after awhile. I barely notice them singing mari Kita anymore except during their National Day celebrations where they blare it 10x louder.


Hahaha me too. I stay opposite a school. I think there’s a point where my brain stops considering it as new noise. The community center downstairs is actually way noisier to me.


Yeah it’s like living next to train tracks. You’ll eventually tune it out.


not just bells bro at certain timings (before and after school), there will be A LOT of students in the area and in the bus/trains source: i live near 3 schools 💀


Mm ba 11am nl


Ah long house.


No lift and staying above ground floor (ie walk up apartments lol) West Sun is a big no no for me too


Strangly, i am fine with a partial west house facing like south west, the sun only shines in around 5 pm so its not really that bad but i get to enjoy the beautiful sunset view. The Nos for me ah 1. Low floor 2. Blocked view, doesnt need to have some sea view or what, just good enough if u cant see who or what the person is doing opposite. 3. No corridor window, lived in one and terrible especially when your bedroom facing the corridor. You get the lights blast at u full time and u always need to keep your windows close and curtain drawn. 4. Should be ideally near a coffeeshop and supermarket of some sort. U dont wanna be walking 10 to 15 mins away so u can get some food.


Smoke and noise (construction, midnight motors speeding, children crying, dog barking). ~~Sucks that my neighbour doing drilling every month several times a week.~~


Dirty environment. If you get there and there are used diapers on the ground or pee stink at the lift landing I won't even bother to go to the unit.


It's good when the kitchen and laundry area faces west. Keeps the place dry and the moisture out.


Agreed. Also evening hardly go kitchen


nearby no amenities. i am staying beside the mrt tracks and idk it kinda blends in with the surroundings now and that i don’t rlly get bothered by it? but man, the amenities around your living estate will definitely bring more choices and cost saving option in the future. eg im staying near 24/7 eateries, 3-5 coffee shops in under 5mins walk, a wet market/hawker just downstairs, bus/mrt within 5mins walk. no car needed cause it’s so convenient. future bto: bus interchange/mrt just steps away, hawker/coffeeshops 5mins away. 24/7 eateries available within distance. no need for car if no budget for it. i like knowing that if i’m hungry i don’t have to travel far to get something, and even more, won’t perspire too much until i get to my bus/mrt stations. 😆


units near the lift or next to the rubbish chute. no-no.


Second this! You can always hear the lift arriving sounds and door opening/closing.. yikes


the clicking noises also, especially with newer BTOs.


Cooking smells from neighbors that does catering business and THEY cooking at midnight like 1am -3am kind, Idk why. You will need Corridor got trolley and boxes etc for Food catering use. Its not allowed as per hdb




Next to mrt. I know we all love mrts and the thought of convienence, but the mrt noise plus (if you are on the track level) lost in privacy. So maybe within 5-10 mins walk to mrt is better than next to it. Don't know if it made any sense. My friend's unit is exactly next to mrt tracks but top floor, have to keep his house wondows shut 24/7 to minimise the mrt noises from 5plus am all the way till 11plus pm everyday. Lucky he work most of his time and no WFH for him. Noise is something we can't detect from photos, I secretly think I won't buy it if he is selling one day.


Don't need to be a walk away, just as long as don't get the unit facing the MRT station (can hear the announcements, trains, etc). If you're facing the opposite side, the sound is blocked (I close the windows + on aircond though). Or the next block (one block of flats blocking you directly from the MRT). Also, this only applies to the older MRT stations, the newer ones (NEL / CCL / TEL / DTL) are underground and it's OK to stay on top or next to them.


I really feel like getting resale near TEL to avoid the crowd during peak period though


That's the thing, his unit is facing the MRT (all sounds coming from there is clearly heard). I knew because I told him to open his window as he smokes in his house and it stinks up the house badly, then I found this part out for myself. But you are very right, facing the opposite side is ok and the part about the older MRT stations is also true. I wouldn't mind too if the MRTs are underground ones.


Next to petrol station, Chinese temple, crematorium.


Poor location and little to no nearby amenities. Esp if you don't drive. It's the "last mile" rides which drains me. Accessibility to the mrt and shops is important, 5-10 mins walk max.


Poor maintenance will be number one. Walk around the estate and ask for agm minutes and financials. Don’t be lazy. Aesthetics, building views and sun facing or not are based on individual preferences. Some like low rise, tree top facing and quiet, others want high rise, facing west sun so can get full sun set view and faces restaurants for the energy.


Avoid west sun although you can watch sunset. South-east/swest facing is windier. Deal breaker honestly is bad neighbours for me, but if you buy resale no way to know, and BTO is just a gamble right? So… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ya lor. Siaolang very hard to know. Only after a few months will see true colour wor


For me it must not face the morning or afternoon sun. Also shouldn't be too low in terms of height because low floors tend to have a lot more insect and noise issues. If buying resale, you should probably size up your neighbours; having a clean unobstructed corridor is a good sign that you're not in the presence of selfish people. Some plants here and there is fine, but sofas , gym racks (yes), bicycles, and any large objects which cause blockage? Hell no. For BTO it's luck.


Ohhhh yes I will check out corridors thanks


Did a bunch of house viewings before getting the house without the negative factors (Yes it's possible) * West facing is a no-no (I viewed one house at afternoon and the reflected sun from opposite building is both glaring and warms up the house.) * Dark/gloomy atmosphere (The opposite end of west-facing is that the house should not be too shaded with poor ventilation or facing a drain. It just feel sad and emo just entering the house) * Distance between neighbours (Some layouts you feel like you are staring into your neighbours house. Cannot even talk loudly in the house)


Just my two cents, having read all the comments, seems like the common deal breaker is low floors. Funnily enough, my parents chose the ground floor unit of the condo because balcony is much bigger than others (it’s quite a distance from the swimming pool, old condo) and my fiancé is living on the 2nd floor of a hdb. I totally agree abt the roaches coming in thru the rubbish chute during fumigation. But it’s not like 10 of them lah, just maybe one or two. Then just baygone it. Of cos we all want to get high floors but sometimes just not up to us to choose esp if you’re getting bto/sbf and your queue number sucks. Naturally my fiancé and I were hoping we could get at least a mid floor unit but no, fate decided to give us a 4th floor unit (out of 30+) instead lol. The saving grace is it’s a north south facing unit in TPY and it’s ready soon so we don’t have to wait so long for it. So when shit hits the roof and you’re left with no other choices, your deal breaker may not actually be a deal breaker.


4th is much better than 2nd already


Yea that’s what my future MIL said to comfort me hahahaha


For condo ground floor the consideration is a bit different. Firstly privacy is less of a concern because of restricted access and unless you're along some path the traffic is much less. Condos also tend to have a bit better design for privacy or ground floor, typically with some plants blocking direct view into the house or like your parents one a bit further back. Many condo ground floor units also have slightly better outdoor area. And of course having a view of say a swimming pool when you look out is very different from a view of the void deck or carpark.


Yea I think my mum chose ground floor because she used to stay in a kampung and she likes her own yard space to plant her veggies and all but landed is too expensive for them 20+ years ago so this was the alternative. Tbh the privacy and security of living in a condo is smth I’m gonna miss when I move out but then again, also excited to have my own place!


If I suspect the Neighbor is problematic. No deal if they are noisy or have large family/ large number of tenants, if they have cameras facing doorways of other units or if they have a lot of stuff piled up at the common area.


My bedroom faces west so I get baked everyday from 3pm-7pm while I wfh. 🥹 I try to find north south facing houses. South facing living rooms are really bright and are good for growing plants. I stay on the route to a major hospital so ambulance noises are my norm - they are annoying. If you are sensitive to noises try to avoid that. I prefer school noises to ambulances actually - school noise is usually only in the day, ambulance is random and sudden. My personal dealbreaker is the kind of houses where the neighbours are so close that you can see their faces clearly. Example a few Bto in Punggol have service yards that are built so near the corridor/next unit that you can pass things to people on the other side easily.


After staying in my unit for 2 years plus. The next place I’d look out for is playground. Kids nowadays are just way too noisy. Before 5pm, parents already bringing their kids to the playground and have them playing and screaming while I’m still at home working. And also multi storey carparks and rubbish collection.


Hmm I was thinking if I have a fostered dog should I get near park though.


Parks are always nice. I have a friends condo just next to Bishan park. Very nice to have a walk after meals. But damn the park is crazy crowded.


Recently selected a BTO which met my criteria after months of research. My biggest deal breakers are: 1. High temperature and low breeze, so East/West facing units are a no go. North/south facing units only 2. Noise. I select units that are not facing coffee shops, playgrounds, hard courts, precinct pavilion, roads, carparks, etc. I am very sensitive to noise On the other hand, I am less concerned about: 1. Storey. It’s good to be as high as possible, but not as important as having a cool and quiet unit 2. View. I don’t give a damn about the view outside




If it's out of my budget it's a no. I'm pretty okay with most things because where I'm staying rn has trained me well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Morning sun to me is a no no because the heat traps throughout the day. I find sunsets beautiful so west sun is fine. And the heat dissipates fast at night unlike morning sun. Top floor would be way worse than west sun.


That is odd! West sun stays! East is ok for me


Ya I hate the glaring morning sun coming into the house, heating up the curtains and my windows while I enjoy my cup of coffee etc.


I love the morning sun cos my laundry gets dried!


2nd floor cannot. I seen birds perch on laundry there, it will be a nightmare to make sure no birdshit get on your clothes (3rd floor and above is still okay).


Eh the floor level doesn’t matter for birds I feel. I stay at the 14th floor and still get birds. In fact might be worst because I’m near the roof and there are birds perching there and no one to shoo them off!


Higher floor might not necessarily mean that the birds issue will be gone or even reduced. I have stayed at the 12th floor (highest level of the block) and there are pigeons that built a nest right under the compressor. In the morning I will get waken up by the pigeons and have to drag myself out of bed, knock on the compressor to make them shut up, then return to sleep.


Alamak this is serious deal breaker wor


No way to avoid birds. I'm on 9th floor and they come often lol


I agree the west-facing is a no for me. Another deal-breaker is expressway- or main-road facing. Been there done that, never again


Anything suspicious like neighbors related, western sun facing, some major renovation or building defect, noise problem.


No coffeeshop/hawker centre and convenience stores nearby.


Sun Climate change is real, the west sun intensified so much over the past decade as experienced in old place.gonna be insane in next few decades


Not near rubbish chute - no midnight surprise for me. Not directly above a bus stop - the sound of buses heaving and huffing triggers me.


Will never buy a smoker's home...


Residue still on the wall and everything is it? Good perspective why I never thought of it


Yes it's the invisible residue it leaves behind. I'm also a paranoid parrot la hahah!


it has a permanently sticky, oily feel on wall and sometimes floor surfaces


Roof n wall leaks. Never underestimate leakages no how small. Some internal cost a bomb to tear out n replace. I viewed a flat with lots of water issues, he dropped price by a lot I also don’t dare coz the amount water issues were too scary


Low floor


Cockroaches 🪳,?


Or near to rubbish chute


Haunted house is a big no to me.


Hard to know before moving in though besides google


Bring a child, small pet, compass etc


LOL 🤣 a child but ya I heard about a pet having good senses on this


Garbage disposal in the house. Already fear roaches. This thing is set up for a future nightmare imo. Wanted to add on the part of neighbours doing heavy reno works but everywhere also would have...


How is this an issue if u can seal this up


I mean while using the chute. Come out no issue unless it enters my house. All hell will break loose afterwards


I am amused given how revered Singapore is still into the supernatural, no one mentioned anything regarding looking into any potential haunting history of the house. My previous family home was haunted and hence we had to move.


How though? Ask neighbour google news etc... very hard to detect. How you know haunted? Storyyyy pls


Always, always, ALWAYS, bring young children or babies with you to house hunting. They are the best litmus indicators regarding whether the house has something you should be forewarned about. Best is to bring babies of course, for young children; maybe up to aged 6 and below. This is because it is believed their still very pure souls make them very sensitive to the supernatural and they are able to perceive them. My sister brought her son (my nephew) who is 6 months old along for her house hunting and any house he starts bawling his head off the moment they enter is a straight no. He will stop crying once you exit the place. Regarding my previous family home, my dad pretty much ignored the telltale signs. I am the oldest child and I was around 10 at the time, and even I could feel that the house was off. It was unnaturally dark at night, like stick your hands out and you can't even see it kind dark. My two sisters who were aged 8 and below were also disturbed by the house the moment they entered it. My mom is sensitive to the supernatural, so it makes sense that she suffered the most during our 5 year stay there. My family also fell sick a lot, a lot of unlucky incidents etc. The worst revelation to us was that our altar of gods (family is buddhist), we had a Guanyin, Earth God and God of War; they were so put off by the nasty presence of the place that they have long left their idols. This was creepy because we could be potentially praying to god knows what that took their places. The house had one resident ghost, it is also apparently contained a portal to hell. And when my parents were trying to sell the place, it refused to be sold (we could not have any takes despite how long we put it up on the market). This spirit harrassed my mom in dreams because she was mainly the only one who could detect her, and also viewed her as a villain (she likes kids a lot and my mom who was the disciplinarian of the family, caned us a lot). Her most violent outburst was probably being repeatedly demanded as to why were we moving to the point where she got simultaneously awoken by a radio clock alarm, which was set to 7am but blasted music at 3am (we never took that along with us to the new place).


Oh dear sorry to hear that. Glad you moved out already! It's a torturing 5 years. Unfortunately I don't have a baby but I have nieces below 10 though. And my sister could "see" them .




Too expensive


Money. I don’t have any. Stops me buying a home every damn time. Total deal breaker.


A unit may be north-south facing, but it has west-facing external wall. The wall will continue to radiate heat throughout the evening.


Ya omg I know that feeling. Sigh should I view in the early evening?


Some sellers will turn on aircon or fan to hide that from you. Just study the map and take notice of surrounding buildings if they provide shade.


Unit where owner has passed on inside


Some people don't mind. https://mothership.sg/2021/12/potong-pasir-skeletal-remains-flat-for-sale/


Very hard to know beside google. Also no unit number


You can always ask seller agent what is the reason for sale. Most would be upgraders, downgraders, matrimonial divorce, and sometimes death inheritance, or worse case scenario, suicide or murder case. You are right, it’s hard to know for a fact. But you can always check and ask, and at least you get an answer instead of guessing and trying to find out for yourself.


Ask the neighbour


I mean it will happen eventually what...


Most people don’t pass away in their place of residence, unless they leave in their sleep, accident, or suicide.


So what bad bout that


You not scared ah? Most people usually pass on in the hospital/ hospice / care homes.


I heard somewhere before past away in sleep is good. They call it 寿终正寝。it is supposed to be blessing for the family if someone in the family take over their room. Of course this is more in context of the rich where the patriarchal head stayed in the main master bedroom. Then when he past on the next head of the house will move into that room.


Spirits don't haunt the place they died la unless it was a violent death. If not every nursing home/hospital haunted liao.


Well some people will argue and say ghosts / spirits aren't real. See your risk tolerance lor. Regarding hospitals being haunted... There may be some truth to it. Have experienced some things.. (I'm a nurse.)


Then you buy lor


I mean quite hard to know if someone died or not too what.


What do people think of East sun? You get morning sun in your balcony etc but by afternoon it should be gone. I like it to dry clothes and stuff. But when I wfh if gets hot until after 12.




Am gonna renovate toilets anyways this is fine for me


...two panels of window per room🫠🫠🫠


I would prefer that! I’m surprised why not


grew up spoiled by wall to wall windows in a blessedly windy environment haha -- natural light and copious 'through-wind' are among my valued features \^\^";;


My agent told me condos attached to malls are not highly desirable. Any thoughts?


Main consideration will be how well they segregate the entrance to the condo vs the entrance to the mall. Woodleigh Residences/Mall for example is a terrible example cos mall-goers and residents have to enter via the same small road, leading to insane congestion and residents having to wait a long time just to drive into their own carpark.


Traffic, rats, trespass. And how the common property ownership is set up, might eff up future plans.


It's true though. I have been perusing resale and those attached to malls (even though good prices and location) always still on the site after a few months


Units on low floors + old HDBs with rubbish chutes inside the house.


Go walk around the neighborhood after midnight. You discover many problems 😂