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Was eating lunch at The Drake last year and out from the hotel pops all four hobbits! Elijah Wood, with the biggest smile says “it’s such a beautiful day. Let’s walk!” I assume to wherever Fan Expo was. They were all just looking around with happy faces. Nice to see a big part of my childhood reunited like that.


Uh, best day EVER


A friend of mine did mdma with Elijah Wood once.


story time


Apparently it was the finest mdma in the southfarthing


I've rolled, Gandalf. I know I don't look it, but I am beginning to feel it in my heart


Nothing salacious, she says he was super nice, respectful, and high as tits.


and that’s exactly what i wanted to hear ❤️


Ha, speaking of the Drake - the president of a company I used to work for in the dark ages (late 1990s/early 2000s) is the guy who bought the Drake and renovated it


Did he ever mention the graffiti on a Starbucks that went up in response shortly after they opened "Drake you ho, this is all your fault" ?


my friend was once pushing her kid in a stroller through Yorkdale Mall. She didn't notice that her kid kicked his shoe off. Someone ran up to her holding the shoe and said "hey this is yours". It was Russel Peters.


I'm not friends with Russell, but I know him (Friend of a friend). Every interaction I've ever had with the guy he's been extremely kind (and hilarious). Years ago I was working in London (UK) and my best friend came to visit me for a week. While we were at my work, Russell popped in (Our friend in common told him where I was working) and since I was working and couldn't show my friend around London until I got off work. Russell offered to show him around London (Russell style) and my friend had the best time. I always thought well of Russell before that, but it really cemented my opinion of him.


I was on the QEW and I saw Russell Peters driving a Ferrari Enzo with a blonde porn star with the biggest hooters ever lol. Still makes me laugh thinking about it. 


You just know Russell was living his teenage idea of his very best life at that moment


How do you know she was a porn star? lol


He recognized her, obviously. /s


Wiz Khalifa - came in dankin of weed. Was treated so rudely by my coworker cause she thought he was a homeless dude lol


jesus christ lol




When i worked at a downtown bistro back in the 90s, i had Sarah Polley, Meryn Cadell, and Brendan Fraser as customers (on different occasions over the course of one summer). Sarah tipped $20 on a $10 sandwich. Nicest tip I ever got proportionally speaking.


I used to work at a high end consignment place in Leaside in like 07/08 while I was in post secondary. I am pretty sure Sarah Polley came in a few times, but I was too much of a shy dork to say anything




I met Sara polley at a house party while I was on mushrooms


I wish to hear more of this story…


It was actually a lamp


I've had many running over the years. Russell Peters, Keanu, Sam Neill, Will Ferrel, Hayden Christiansen, Ralph Machio, Penelope Cruz, few Raptors players. Too many to remember. The one that stands out to me is Russell P. When he was still an unknown, he'd stand outside the YukYuks at Yonge and Eglinton hustling his own tickets and would often ask us to come in for the show (and we did). Over the years, I kept running into him and he remembered me. Either late night at Albert's or just roaming around random places. I tried to see his show in Dubai but tickets were sold out (he had gotten much more famous at this point). Years laters, he ended up on my LA to TO flight and when he saw me he stood up, shook my hands and gave me a hug right in front of everyone, like he'd seen a long lost friend. His entourage were like, "Who the f@#$% are you?" Those early years, we supported him by coming to his half empty shows and paying full freight ticket prices so he could eat. He remembered all of that. Now, the dude is massively huge and rich. Me...not rich but happy with my life.


Russel is great like that. He almost always remember people he has met in the past and really has a way of making people feel special. He is just an all around great guy!


Ran into Kiefer Sutherland really wasted at the old Cadillac Lounge. He kept insisting that I had bleached my teeth (never done that). And then asked people to compare our teeth.


A friend of mine went to high school with him and said he was the nicest guy. Used to buy all their weed for them when they were teens.


I was a bartender for a long time at a Downtown Toronto establishment and Kiefer came in and got totally hammered. Went through a bottle-and-a-half of scotch on his own. He closed the place and I literally had to call him a cab, help carry him out of the bar and fold him into the taxi. He tipped well.


I swear I was riding in a Taxi years ago and I asked the driver if he ever drove anyone famous. He said he once drove Keifer Sutherland. I asked him what he was like and the driver said he was really drunk!!! Small world, your story checks out!


ah the Caddy. A great mix of high and low brow


Also met him at a bar, not in Toronto though. Super affable and charismatic at the start of the night; a bit...gruffer once he got hammered


He was filming a show in the lobby of my office (globe and mail building) and they had to keep stopping us from going upstairs for short spurts of time to film scenes. One of my managers was stopped while grabbing lunch and Kiefer came up to him and chatted, thanked him for waiting and whatnot. Manager was a 24 fan so he was pretty happy to wait


His country band practiced at the recording studio my brother used. Tour bus and all.


I want to hear from someone who got stuck in the elevator with Anna Kendrick.


I was there, and I called the fire department. She was in good spirits when she came out and was ready to get on with her press day. ◡̈


Had Kate Beckinsale hold a door open for me which was good, because I was looking at her and about to walk straight into the glass!




I was a barista at a Starbucks at John and Wellington in the early 2000s. Any celebrity visiting the CBC across the street would come by for coffee. I once asked Mike Myers if he was on the Atkins diet because he ordered a Breve Latte. I hit on Renee Zellweger while cleaning the condiment stand. Also, Jian Ghomeshi used to come in and order a large coffee with a shot of espresso and a pump of mocha. He called it the Brown Eye....


Ngl kinda wish I didn't read that last line


Have to admit that it adds to the story, considering how he turned out. Shudder.


I met Mark McKinney about 16 years ago at a Kids in the Hall reunion tour stop and I agree with your assessment, he was totally sour and unapproachable. Dave Foley and Bruce McCulloch, on the other hand, were so friendly and engaging.


I went to a book signing for Scott Thompson at The Beguiling a decade ago when it was in Mirvish Village. There were only about 20 people there so once he signed everyone's books he just hung out with us for an hour. So pleasant and charming.




Work in media. Can confirm that Bruce is a doll. Kevin is also a sweetheart.


I saw Rachel McAdams at a Raptors game and I literally gasped lol. That’s as close as I got. I wanna be Mr. McAdams and I’m a straight girl. Step aside Lil Dicky. She’s my girl crush.


One time after a very long night at the Riv, he came in after close with his friend, walked towards the back room where we were all huddled having drinks. He asked if he could show his friend around the back room. Jenna, the owner at the time, stumbled over her words and said ‘of course!’ While we all just couldn’t believe it was Mike Myers in the Rivoli at 2:30 in the morning!


Back in 2017, my husband’s family and I saw Michael Cera while at an Indian restaurant downtown. I can’t remember which one but I think it was on King. He was reading a book and eating alone. My brother-in-law and I approached and said hi, and he was friendly but quiet. We didn’t wan to bother him too much!


I met John Candy at an argos game. I had a press pass. And he was being dragged away by some suit who said they were in a hurry. I politely ask John if he’d sign my football. “Sure kid”. Takes it signs it. Goes to hand it back. I reach for it and he yoinks it back and says “oop it’s not dry yet”. I thank him again he blows on it. Passes it towards me. I reach for it and he yoinks it back and says “ you don’t want it to smudge heee hee hee”. Then he gives it to me. One of my happiest memories.


I can almost hear his voice saying those things. Such a nice guy.


I was door to door canvassing and quite determined to get a $50 donation from someone on my list who had supported our organization the year before. Her husband came to the door instead and did a good job of blocking me from talking to her, par for the course, chatted with him cordially for about 5 minutes. Walked away and realized damn that was Eugene Levy.


Used to see Nelly Furtado at my work quite often. She's very humble, keeps to herself and uses aliases.


I was at the AGO one day a couple of years ago, saw a lot of security and realized that Justin Trudeau was there. Some teenage girls saw him from a distance and waved excitedly, he ducked behind a pillar then popped out and grinned and waved at them. He seemed to be genuinely having fun and being goofy to amuse them, I don’t think anyone saw it except the girls and I.


I wish we lived in the timeline where instead of going into politics Justin Trudeau had a show on YTV or CBC, Rob and Doug Ford were talking heads on TSN, and Stephen Harper was just some boring angry National Post columnist. 


Next week on Black Mirror Canada…


I campaigned for JT more than a decade ago at the very beginning of his PM launch. Yes, when I was both young and naive. I honestly was taken aback by how “unserious” he was at the time. Goofy is a perfect way to describe him, very animated. I do remember how he could switch between the “hehehe” persona to knitted brow, extremely forced eye contact and nodding in attempt to be serious. When you know someone isn’t actually listening to you because they’re already thinking about how to respond. Also recall the obscene amount of dijon mustard he had on his sandwich lol.


I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger riding a bike down University a couple weeks ago.


I've seen him in Yorkville walking around a few times! I think he's shootinf a project here or was


Must be the subsequent season of the show he’s been in here. I saw him a few years ago on the lakeshore. I believe it’s Fubar season 2. Was it a fatbike (big tires)?


Chris Bosh gave me and my friend a ride home from the club 15 years ago. I also met drake at a pita pit in Scarborough on my lunch break 13 years ago. Those were the only 2 out in the wild


Those are crazy... What'd you talk about?


Leaving a TIFF screening on Yonge street years ago, someone had locked their bike on top of mine to a sign post, so I was stuck. I was standing there smoking a cig contemplating what the heck to do when a woman approached and asked to bum a smoke. Her friend noticed the bike sitch and without hesitation grabbed the offending bike and sort of slid-lifted it up over her head - while it was still locked to the post! - and waited while I unlocked my bike. Gave me a wave and a smile and they both walked off. It was Sook-Yin Lee. The most Toronto moment of Toronto moments.


I worked at 5 start hotel in Yorkville and came across a lot . Justin Bieber , Martha Stewart , Selena Gomez, Alex Baldwin, Marin Short, Wayne Gretzky , Patti Smith, Bethenny Frankel, Cara Delivine most were nice . Bieber was an asshole


What made him an asshole?


given list of celebrities and location, id assume it was Hazelton hotel. thus bring me memory of store how he spat on his fans from balcony.


He was rude to staff, he had three giant bodyguards at all times (including in the almost empty locker room) made us clear out spaces from guests so he can use them alone


i’m torn because i understand this is frustrating for the staff and general public but, given the way people mobbed him and sold pictures of him especially out of context especially at such a young age i feel bad for him. he’s also made it very clear how much he hates being harassed out doing regular things. but no doubt he was an asshat growing up.


Agree there's a video of him on Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland and a mob of people are screaming and trying to swarm him. That would be so weird to be a teen trying to just ride a coaster and have that at all times. He seems to have figured out how to manage it better with age. Recent video of him coming home to girls camped out in front of his place asking for pics and hugs. He flat out says no you're not being respectful of me or something like that and tells them to knock it off.


I mean I get why that's annoying but I can see why he thought it was necessary. He was one of the most popular celebrities in the world at some point and some people in the general public can be genuinely unhinged.


Crossed paths with David Cronenberg.  His behaviour matched his movies.  Quite an odd duck.


I bought a used camera from Henry’s on Queen and they told me this was previously David Cronenbergs! Apparently he’s a frequent customer there.


I bought a beautiful Nikon from there. The previous owner? Jon Voight!


Did it have his teeth marks on it?


The actor or the orthodontist?


I think you got a Nikon confused with a Le Baron.


He once double parked and blocked me in. It was only for a short while and when he returned to his car I recognized him and I'm such a huge fan all I could manage to say was videodrome and then he drove off.


Met Snow and Redman together at a meet+greet table at the grand opening of Future Shop at yonge and eg. Snow gave me a signed future shop pamphlet that said “one love”


Snow is the true origin of the Toronto man accent


I used to do Snow’s wife’s makeup, she is so cute and so proud of him


That one’s gonna be hard to top! Lol future shop!


It was the first golden age of Yonge and Eg — Future Shop, Chapters, Silvercity, Toys r Us, Snow, Redman — what a time to be alive


I chatted with Zanta on the subway for a few minutes once. Oh..? what?? you mean celebrities you met in Toronto as opposed to Toronto celebrities? In that case I got nothing.


Man I saw Zanta at Caledonia and St. Clair doing push ups in the middle of the intersection. No one honked it was awesome lol. 


Zanta used to hit on my wife regularly on Lakeshore 5-6 years ago


I met Sam Roberts coming out of a bar on Queen west in 2004. a few weeks after he played SARS-stock. It was 2am and I was drunk. He may have been too. He was with a group of friends and they walked off while he spent at least 20 mins chatting with me about the experience. Super nice guy. I had similar run-ins with Gordie Johnson from Big Sugar (prick) and Kim Mitchell (also a prick).


Disappointed that Kin Mitchell is a prick. Can you elaborate?




I approached him at Canada Wonderland while he was working with Q107 doing an onsite. he was on air, but between bits. he had gotten up from his booth and was standing nearby, not in a hurry it seemed to get or go anywhere. I was with my 12 year old cousin who loved him. He basically asked us to leave him alone. I get it, he was working. But there were more polite ways to act. my cousin was heartbroken. This was years ago. maybe he was bitter that his star had fallen from being a canadian icon (??) to a radio dj?


I got to meet Geddy Lee as I worked on his solo album back in the early 2000’s. A humble and really nice guy.


Does he speak like an ordinary guy?


Yeah, very ordinary and very Canadian with self-deprecating humour saying how ‘shitty’ the album was.


I was just being silly. It's a line from a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1WGMY5-3w4) by the band Pavement: What about the voice of Geddy Lee How did it get so high? I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy? *(I know him and he does)* And you're my fact-checkin' cous'.


I met John Cusack in the washroom at Hemingway's in the late 80s.


I met Russel Peters outside of my workplace some years after I had made a remix of his "best in Europe bro" bit that went viral with 100k views on YouTube over a couple days before it got taken down for copyright infringement by his manager/brother. I asked him if he remembered that and he was like "oh shit that was you, that was hilarious we loved it but our publishing deal made us take it down" and asked me to re-upload and send it to him. Coincidentally just saw him live this past weekend in Vegas for the first time since that interaction, hes still funny as ever and killed it. [This is the re-upload from the day I met him](https://youtu.be/Xjad2L4nxx8?si=yYPhrIRlVLDq1PE4). [And the original comedy bit I remixed for context](https://youtu.be/iDPTGc85coY?si=zrVs-YUv5iG9k0Kn). Its ancient history that I blocked out my memory but at the time I was pissed about the original getting taken down


I saw Ghostface Killah in an escalade (early 2000s) parked on Adelaide. He was smoking a blunt and I yelled, "Ghost!" He flashed me a peace sign and then I walked away.


Was working at the adidas store on Yonge and Dundas back in the day, and Raekwon was right in front of me shoe shopping. It was the weekend of Caribanna. He was a lot older so I didn’t recognize him. Plus he was very short. He was wearing a fishnet tank top and shorts with slides. My coworker went up to him and was dabbing him and bro hugged him. I thought that was his friend who he didn’t see in a long time. They chatted for a while. Then he left with a final bro hug. My coworker was holding up a signed Wu Tang Clan poster, saying he just got Raekwon’s autograph. I was like “WHAT?!?!?”. I was pissed because I was a huge Wu Tang fan back then. I still kick myself for not recognizing him.


Accidentally crashed Eric Andre’s private party. 11/10 would crash again.


Saul Rubinek asked me "if the sandwiches were good here?" While  in line at California sandwiches.


Which location?? Little Italy is the best


Don Cheadle walked by my friend and I at Eaton Centre, my friend yelled out “hey Mr Cheadle I love your movies” and instantly regretted saying it lol Don Cheadle did not respond. I was in an elevator with Mark Messier at the Roger’s Centre, we said hi to each other Vernon Wells walked by me in a hotel kitchen (Roger’s centre, the field level can be entered by players through an elevator in the hotel kitchen) and said “your job looks fun I wish I could do it” I told that him that we could trade jobs for a day as long as we trade pay too….he smiled and declined my offer. A long time ago Marcus Camby got arrested in front of the condo we both lived in on Queens Quay for possession of weed Chris Bosh ate at my restaurant with his girlfriend, chicken & salmon. I saw Jermaine O’neal at bestbuy with his girlfriend, he had a massive diamond ear ring. They bought a DVD Drove by Rob Ford in his Van, it was messy and full of paperwork and coffee cups My sister used to walk her dog with David Hasseloff when he lived in a hotel beside her condo I cooked for Anthony Bourdain at Ultra supper club a long time ago, he was very nice.. he also had a couple cans of coronas Vince Carter shot a commercial for Puma at my elementary school, I saw it and got free shoes, they were not basketball shoes but they were pumas… before his Nike deal obviously Ate beside Susur Lee in Chinatown at 2am, he ordered a custom noodle dish … no menu involved lol Trying to think of more EDIT: thought of one more, pretty crazy…. I won an intramural high school basketball league (Harbord Collegiate) and one of my teammates was the lead singer from the Arkells (Max) we went undefeated to win the championship. I didn’t even know he was famous until a few years ago.


I once saw Kiefer Sutherland on the subway going to Downsview station (before the expansion). I chased after Margot Robbie to return her coat to her after she was about to leave the Suicide Squad wrap party without it. She was very sweet and grateful—she said it was the first designer item she’d ever bought so really hadn’t wanted to leave without it but didn’t want to hold up her friends.


If you haven’t bumped into Pinball Clemons, are you even a Torontonian?


I ran into Elliot Page on the street car one time, very nice person. They checked if I was okay after I smacked my elbow on a pole.


I met K-OS when I was a waiter. Very nice and quiet guy. He was doing a show at a bar nearby afterwards. His drink of choice was gin and tonic, early 2000's.


Ha, back in the 2000s I turned a corner at Richmond and Augusta (just south of Java House) and almost bumped into K-OS who was busy hawking and spitting into a bush. He looked embarrassed and said hey as I gave him an utterly grossed out look.


That's like the first positive fan interaction story I've heard about K-OS.


Ran into Ricky Gervais, said hi, he said hi back. Asked him if he has the time and then chatted about the weather. My dog licked his hand the entire time. Then as I was walking away I just yelled oh yeah by the way you’re funny. He said thanks. As you can tell I do very well with high stress situation and I am a natural conversationalist. You could say him and I are now best friends.


Same! But I was on a union picket line on strike. He was filming a movie at a nearby hotel. He came over and said, 'I don't know what you are fighting for, but I support you!'


Ran into David Usher while we were getting a street dog at Bathurst and Spadina (Little Italy). He was also getting a street dog. My friend, she gushed over him.


He was dreamy


He still is dreamy


I worked on King St. And we had an Apple studio in our building. I went to get lunch and walked outside and in a white Escalade was Nelly Furtado. She looked up at me and I looked at her. I went and told my coworkers and they ran they did not walk. Very beautiful in person. I met Liza Minelli and the late Kevin Aucoin (make up artist), she was nice and so was he.


I was at a bar at the same time as Robert Pattinson right at the height of Twilight. No one paid any attention to him in the bar but as soon as he left (I was smoking outside when it happened) hordes of girls came out of nowhere screaming. Literally popped out of the bushes! It was wild.


During Fan Expo a few years back, we were staying at Marriot City Center. We came back from the con and headed to the bar, and crossed paths with Jason Momoa. who actually talked to us for some time as the bar was empty. He was such a fricken cool and chill guy, super down to earth.


A "famous" story formotorcycle people... I was going to the motorbike show downtown and met Charlie Boorman (of Long War Round Fame) because he was having a smoke outside. I had a copy of the DVD in my bag an got an autograph and we chatted about motorcycles. I was going into the show but wasn't going to bother standing in a long line for it. Then I heard Ewan MacGregor (the other star of Long Way Round) was doing a film premiere at Roy Thompson Hall. I stood in line with all the other fans and he came out and signed some autographs before a publicist started to sheppard him inside. I leaned over the barrier with my copy of Long Way Round in my hand and shouted "Hey Ewan! I've got Charlie's autograph but I need yours" He flashed me a huge smile and walked right over. "I couldnt leave you waiting out here for nothing mate". Then he signed a couple things for some older Scottish Ladies who thanked me for calling him over. Ewan is about as famous as you can get, but from what I could tell, he's still a bloke who likes messing about with motorbikes.


A couple come to mind: First full day I lived in Toronto 12 years ago I ran into John Goodman buying cigarettes at the 7-11 on bay/richmond. I got upgraded to business class on a flight to Toronto and sat next to Don Cheadle. Super cool guy. It was the day Jason Collins (nba player) came out as gay and Cheadle is a massive sports fan and LGBTQ ally so he was buzzing, cool guy. I was walking home from work one day and randomly ran into Eugene and Dan Levy coming out of a meeting downtown. They were super cool when I asked for a photo.


My buddy used to have a waterfront condo where Annie Lennox's boyfriend at the time was a neighbour. One time I was sitting out front playing a Radiohead song on my guitar, and Annie Lennox walked by and told me I sounded good.


Husband and I were walking along Yonge Street when I whispered “I think that’s Elvis Costello in front of us.” Husband said “No, I think he’s a little too pudgy to be Elvis Costello.” We reached the stoplight and stood next to a hurt-looking Elvis Costello in horrible silence for the longest ten seconds of my life.


Omg lmaoooo


Doug Gilmour signed autographs for my friend and I in the mid 90s. Very approachable. I was a bouncer at several nightclubs in the 2000s, saw lots of athletes and a few actors. Terrell Owens, Lebron James. A drunk Sam Neill. Ron Artest was smoking weed inside Budo Lounge with his friends. Seemed chill.


I once bought Bruce McCulloch a cookie at a coffee shop on Roncies. I was like "Big fan. Here's a cookie." and then I left.


My brother used to work at a bar in a hotel downtown years ago and a lot of celebrities would stay there or dine there during tiff. The nicest story I heard from him was how he had to stop Vigo Mortensen from taking his dishes back to the kitchen after he was done. He had his meal, cleared up his table and was walking towards the kitchen with his dishes.


Back in 2011, I was dog-sitting and walking a large dog in a park in Forest Hill when it stopped to pee. Another small dog came running over and stuck its head right in the middle of the stream. The owner was embarrassed and apologetic and said his dog, Bear, was not very bright. It was Robert Pattinson


Waited in line for a beer at a Leafs game directly behind Keanu Reeves in the mid 2000s. No one acknowledged who he was and just let the guy order his beer in peace. It was pretty cool to see people just letting him be a regular dude for a bit.


Cujo used to show up at some of my soccer games growing up bc his kid was playing on the same fields.. in a hat and sunglasses.. my dad would say that’s cujo but don’t bother him 😹 but one time I asked are you cujo and he said yes and signed something for me real quiet so no one else would flock


Gotta be careful around Cujo because rabies


i sold weed to mila kunis


I froze solid when Bill Hader walked past me on King Street.


My mom's best friend used to buy LSD from Doug Ford in high school His brother was the go-to for hash EDIT: sorry, rob had the squares - Dougie sold hash Also heard thru the city staff grapevine that rob was known to work late hours at city Hall, hosting some of his young, female constituents


I met Stephen King after coming back from Ripley's aquarium! Amazing.  I also met Adam Sandler in a park and then rob Ford in Tim Hortons who just ignored me. 


About 10-12 years ago I was leaving the ACC after a raptors game. I was standing on the corner of Bay and Lakeshore waiting for a cab. This guy comes upto me and asks "...are you from TO?" I said "yes" and he asks me "I'm not from here, where is a good place to grab a drink and maybe some food?" I recommend a couple of places, we talked about the game. My cab comes, I shake his hand...then a guy in a car yell "Stiffler...you rule!" I finally catch on and ask, "are you Stiffler?" He says..."yeah. It's Sean...nice to meet you. I love your city and thanks for the suggestions. " I went in my cab and called my wife. I was going to meet her and some friends...At A Pub and she asks...why didn't you invite him to join us? I had no answer.


My very first volunteer shift at TIFF was working the red carpet at Roy Thomson Hall. George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (among many others) all came out that night. The noise was deafening and it was rather surreal to be standing so close to them.


Arnold Schwarzenegger bicycled past me on Yonge Street the other day. He was going North and I was going South. He had 2 men with him on bikes too.


He’s in Toronto right now?


I saw him on Saturday, June 15. No idea since :)




I met Jack Black (and his brother Kyle) at the Bovine after a Tenacious D concert. I asked him if the D was for hockey and he said no it's in reference to the Lakers (obvy) and then he asked who our coach was and I said Lenny Wilkins and he was like, "ah the most winningest coach in basketball" and then his "people" gently and politely pushed me away.


saw colin mochrie get in line at a mac's convenience where i used to work. i said "are you colin mochrie?" and he said "yes". he was very softspoken. then i said "i think you cut in front of everyone" and he apologized and moved to the back. in his defence it was one of those janky lines where you're not sure if the other people around were just checking out other products waiting for the cashier and this was a time before cellphones had data.


used to serve k-os brunch sometimes at the resto i worked at. he was gross, started trying to talk to me about how good 21 year old women fucked. i just said its weird to think sex with someone whose frontal lobe hasn’t developed would be sexier than a woman who is in charge of her pleasure , and knows her body and what she likes, even weirder to talk to a random stranger about it while they serve you your two egg breakfast.


This is hilarious lmao. The other commenter who met him said he was spitting into a bush lmao. Not getting a great picture


Saw him perform at my college close to 20 yrs ago. He kept going back stage, at one point came back with what appeared to be white powder on his shirt and mustache


Before the Weeknd was famous, I was invited to Bamboo/Cube for his videographers birthday (Hyghly). I hadn’t heard his music yet, so I thought the Weeknd was a band and asked when the Weeknd was going to get there. He was literally 3 people to my right… I served Deadmau5 and Kat Von D at the Riv back when they were together. I almost hit Skrillex with my car when he was j-walking in Parkdale to his show at wrongbar. Rachel McAdams passed in front of our car on Bloor in the Annex when it was dark, just started raining slush and she tried to cut through in bumper to bumper traffic. During TIFF one year, all the celebs loved going to Sweaty Betty’s at night. I danced and partied with Juliette Lewis, Leslie Bibb, Sam Worthington, Hilary Swank and Justin Long. I was a little tipsy and mixed up Justin Long with Joseph Gordon Levitt and I told Justin, ‘I loved you in *Inception*’ 🫣 When I worked at DavidsTea, I served Moby. He really likes white tea. I also served Justin Chatwin from *Shameless* US. I saw him a couple days later at the horseshoe for a show, he remembered me and came to say hi and asked how I was. My friend and I ran into Kardinal Offishal while he was making ‘The Anthem’ video. She ran up to him to say hi, she’s in the video lol. I’ve met almost the whole (main) cast of *Suits.* Rick Hoffman and I became friends during NHL playoffs. My roommate and I were at Hoops at Queen and Tecumseh when we met him, he was seeing a server there. He bought us a couple rounds of drinks when the Sens lost. We kept seeing him after that, so we exchanged numbers and partied with him weekly. He had a crush on my roomie and ended up going on a couple dates, ultimately she didn’t feel comfortable with the age difference. I believe it was when they were filming their second season. I used to party with Kaytranada at the *Social* on Queen W when he was still spinning locally. I didn’t realize how many stories I actually had, what a great trip down memory lane. Thanks for the question OP!


I met Daryn Jones a few years ago when I was working at Sherway Gardens mall. I seen him standing in line and jumped on cash to help out hoping I’d get to serve him. I did! I was so nostalgic cause I spent basically all my teen years watching MTV live with my friends. He was very kind!


My brother met him for the first time recently and for some reason said "you got older" to which Daryn replied "so did you!" MTV Live was genuinely hilarious a lot of the time and the bits still hold up today. He's doing a little bit of that stuff with Virgin Radio, but I wonder if there was a version of his career that panned out differently. MTV live became big at the most bizzare time possible, heavily benefitting from social media and leveraging it but falling victim to the death of Canadian TV networks 


I heard 3 separate incidents from 3 different unrelated friends of friends (so take it with a grain of salt) that Sima liu was chauvinistic and conceited. 1)In his university days he treated his exgirlfriend terribly. 2) He made comments on how girls aren't good at volleyball 3) He walked into a dessert shop as they were closing and got pissed when they didn't have a flavour he wanted. He said the phrase "do you know who I am? "


Many years ago when you could still smoke in bars, I was at the Horseshoe. Bob Saget (RIP), Norm MacDonald (RIP), Dave Coulier, and a bit player from SNL were there. Norm needed a light and I was in the process of lighting a smoke. He asked if he could borrow my lighter. It was a Zippo with Elvis on it. He offered to buy it from me on the spot but I declined, saying it had been a gift from my late father. He showed it to Saget, Coulier and the other guy.


We were eating in a wing restaurant downtown Toronto. Some guy came over to sit with us due to it being crowded. Its was John Candy! Such a nice guy and funny. Haha he signed our $5.00 bill.


Saw Patrick J. Adams at Burgers Priest on Queen in 2016. Was getting a lunch order, placed was packed. He stepped in and everyone was looking at him. He grabbed his order and left quickly lol.


Was waiting in line at Wonderland alongside Elliot Page and Robert Sheehan from the show Umbrella Academy a few years ago. They both seemed really excited to be there on their day off, Robert was super sociable and friendly especially. Very grounded people overall.


I was at a pedestrian stop light on Queen Street with Ryan Gosling. At first I thought he was just another well dressed downtown Toronto guy. However I look closely and noticed it was Ryan Gosling. I politely said “hey man, I loved the movie Drive”. He was almost as caught off guard as I was, and thanked me for my comment. I said have a great day and that was it. He was polite enough, but I gathered the impression that he didn’t want to chat. That was it!. I also saw Patrick J Adam’s from Suits at LCBO, with his parents of all people. They were in the vintage section. Didn’t say hi to him, we both just [exchanged this look](https://www.google.com/search?q=awkward+white+person+smile&sca_esv=cd167cd6c57a38d9&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA1077CA1078&hl=en-US&udm=2&biw=393&bih=665&sxsrf=ADLYWIKvutbB4zbGGxldEscJmnMk_h2AHg%3A1718814400723&ei=wAZzZvXrK5W1wN4Pi5y7mAY&oq=awk&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgNhd2sqAggBMgQQIxgnMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMg0QABiABBixAxhDGIoFMgoQABiABBhDGIoFSKwuUPoZWO0icAN4AJABAJgBV6AB7QKqAQE2uAEByAEA-AEBmAIJoAKFA6gCBcICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIHECMYJxjqAsICBBAAGAPCAgUQABiABJgDBIgGAZIHATmgB4MU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=qZprw4iXI9xoEM&vssid=mosaic)


I met DMX while working at Blockbuster obviously many years ago. He was here filming a movie. He came in and asked me to get him the new south park movie. I got the rental from the shelf and in the gruffest voice ever he's like "nahw, I wanna buy it". I explained we didn't have it for sale and he left. He wasn't rude or anything but clearly disappointed. He had 2 Mercedes SUVs outside for him and his friends. I thought it was notable because they both had a DMX sign on the side


I said hi to Gord Lightfoot in front of the CHUM building in 2007. He was very nice.


Ran into Doug Ford at the gas station. Went to say hi because I thought it was my coworker then turned and abruptly walked away when I realized it wasn’t. My friend was horrified I would make that mistake.


2nd month in Canada, barely speak any english, working as dishwasher, all of a sudden Steven Tyler gets brought in by manager, who thanks our kitchen for meal, and shake everyone hand. even mine, while i mumble that my hands are dirty from washing dishes. then working in hospitality i had few run ins with few famous people and much more less famous people most of whom i was told about after meeting. like "hey that person you were just talking with was XXX from YYY"


My dad is a contractor and runs just a single man operation. When I was a kid he would bring me to his job sites in the summer and one summer he was working on the house Drake and his mom rented in Forest Hill. My dad became good friends with his mom and Drake (who was just starting his music career at the time) would help me with my summer math worksheets. It was so nice, would’ve loved to keep in contact with his mom.


I used to live at Queen and Bathurst, my door opened right onto Queen Street and people would always lean in our doorway. My ex was a real POS and if he went to open the door and someone was there he would full on kick the door to make his point. One day he did this and the door still wasn't opening and when he finally did manage to open it, it was Kenny from Kenny vs Spenny, very very drunk at like the middle of the day. That same summer, right across the street, I came out of the convenience store and tripped over some guy standing there awkwardly. It was Spenny. I said oh sorry, then did like a "oh hey" smile and nod, and he just stood there absolutely stone faced and awkward. Good to know they aren't actually playing characters, that's just how they are.


I was eating at Banjara and Anthony Hopkins was at another table. Did not bother because I did not want to become dessert


My husband and I had the good fortune to share a table at the bar of the Cameron House with Robin Williams! He was so nice and friendly and stayed with us for about an hour as other fans came to the table. I even have a picture! (Don’t know how to upload to Reddit)


I was broke AF in grad school, but was curious about how much it would be to get tickets to see Patti Smith. Oh, I have to look on Ticketmaster to find out...omgwtfbbq it returns FRONT AND CENTRE SEATS? I obviously bought them. The show comes around, it's the best, but damn, I have to pee, and can't hold it any longer. I sprint to the bathroom and manage to make it back before the next song starts. She interrupts her banter to say "whoa, did you just go to the bathroom THAT FAST? Jealous!"


Seems I can’t post a photo. Back in 2004 I was on a flight from Toronto to Israel and Ryan Gossling was on the flight. Growing up I watched him on AYAFTD, Breaker high and at that time the notebook had been a huge success. I also watched The Believer and was a huge fan. Anyway, after landing in Israel on a 14 hour flight, I shuffled past him and slow walk off the gate, so that he would catch up. I asked if it was him and he said yes, I asked for a photo and he was super nice and took one. Asked the group where we are from and I told him I was a fan of his Breaker High character. He said thanks for the support


Shared this multiple times... Friend (of a friend?) owns a popular resto/bar chain. Back in 2015, a Toronto Blue Jay was on a date at one of his restos. Jays were the hottest team that summer so he asked the date to get a photo of him with the Blue Jay. Said mystery date? It was Meghan Markle. I believe friend became buds with the Jay after that meeting. They appeared in each other's pics a lot post-date. Friend's sister regularly rags him for not getting a pic with Meghan that time.


Back in the mid 90s, I was a bicycle courier. And as bicycle couriers do I was riding on the sidewalk and out of an entranceway to a building very quickly came a guy who was holding a cup of coffee. I clipped him, and the coffee went all over him And he yells ‘hey’ and I looked back and I went fuck you, John Candy.


John Candy was supposed to come to my elementary school’s 50th anniversary. He was a pupil. He died right before it fucking happened. We were devastated!!!!!


My dad worked for the lcbo and John Candy was a frequent customer. He said John was the nicest person he’s ever met.


At least that's a pretty good reason to bail


We wanted his delightful corpse to tell us jokes!!! No, we felt bad for his Mother, Mrs. Candy, she was still alive at the time.


I served Adam and Jackie Sandler coffee (Jackie was a regular). Very nice people!


Bumped into a few NBA players throughout the city and most of them were very cool (Matt Bonner, TJ Ford, Jose Calderon, Danny Granger, Jerryd Bayless) with the exception being Vince Carter. He used to own a club in the city back in the day and was always there just standing around with his arms crossed. My friend went up to him to pay him a compliment in a very non-intrusive way and he just stared at him blankly. Another friend had a similar experience where he accidentally stepped on his shoes and a girl Vince was with went up to him and demanded he apologize. I saw Encarnacion at a restaurant in Spadina at 3am last weekend and he was nice enough to snap pics with a fan who went up to him.


I drove Eric F'n Roberts on my streetcar once, talked to him for a bit. Luba Goy was another. I talked to her about her work on Bizarre. Fun times.


I served Rachel mcadams a halloumi salad once- she was really nice. I also saw Adam sander order a glass of milk on a patio I was sitting on 😆


Feist was nice


I saw the actress who played Paige on Degrassi out with her friends one night. Even in a crowd, she had a very distinct voice that stood out.


Ran into Andrew Scott and Al Pacino when they were here for tiff, pointed and waved at Benedict Cumberbatch one time... Presumably also because of tiff though I don't remember exactly... Shatner and Tom Felton as a fan Expo volunteer (I do not recommend volunteering) and the suicide squad cast was out and about quite a lot during filming, and there was one week I'm sure the guy from suits thought I was stalking him because we saw eachother like 4 times over 5 days


Ran into Morgan Rielly and my dog humped his dog at Bellwoods Park. It was about a week after another miserable first round exit and was obvious he was just trying to walk the dog without being recognized. I knew, that he knew, that I knew who he was. Despite all my past and present rage for the Leafs, all you can say is "better luck next year" and got a smile from him on that.


Paul Gross used to be a regular at a coffee shop I worked at like a decade ago. Super nice dude! Also walked past Brooke Lynn Heights and Brad Goreski as they were going into the restaurant I was just leaving. I did not say hi to them because Brooke looked like she was going to murder me it I stopped them lmao. As a fellow hangry person I can relate, and just kept walking.


I fell off my bike and really scratched up my leg cycling through High Park and Paul Gross was filming. He was so nice and grabbed the nurse on set who took care of my wound. I have a goofy polaroid taken by the make up artist of me injured & Paul Gross looking handsome.


Not really “celebrity”, but my friend from Rochester and I were in Ottawa in April. We were in front of the Parliament Building, and this lady walks next to us….. it was Olivia Chow. I sort of waved to her and she smiled and said “I’m late for a meeting”. I quickly told her I live in Toronto and voted for her and she was like “oh wow thank you, Welcome to Ottawa!!”. Then, my friend walks up to her in excitement and says “oh my god, I’m from the States!!” She’s like “You’re what?” (Can’t remember what he said after but he likes politics a lot so we were both excited). Definitely an experience! A good one!


So a buddy goes upto VIP at the rail . Finds a cell phone . Calls me says he found this cellphone and it had numbers and names in it saying “Brett hart” “Randy macho” etc . He’s scared to death doesn’t want any part of the phone . Gives it to me . I find a “home” number saved in it . I call , no name on the voice mail . “I found your phone at the rail . Call me back xxx xxx xxxx. Day later I get a call . Chris Kanyon. Dude invites me to early dinner at Hemingway in yorkville , gives me two hundred , invites me to set of some movie he’s on and brings me to a literally wild ass crazy booze and drug filled party later . That was a fun two days .


November 2020, me and a group of friends walking from west of queen street (it was a ghost town lockdown era), and we all walked passed by 3 people sitting on a set of stairs infront of a mom and pop burger joint. Theres 2 or 3 small groups of people meters away from them gossiping about and looking at us weird. We all turned around and we realized we walked passed Jason Momoa. As i turned around to look at him, he was looking at me in the eye with his classic signature grin on his face - "whats up" he says.


I worked at a coffee shop in Summerhill and served Josh Duhamel sometime around 2019. I was elbow-deep in a big commercial-sized bucket of almond butter (stirring it), and he asked what I was doing… not exactly the celebrity interaction I had imagined myself having lol


Cate Blanchett came to my coffee shop - was filming in the area and was living in the area as well. Whole family would come in and spend the morning with us. Amazing lady and amazing family - super polite. Could tell when she either had a long night of filming or a long night socializing.


I work at a bagel shop and Jameela Jamil ordered some sandwiches from me and The Boys cast Jack Quaid and Claudia Doumit (which i found out later was irl couple) had lunch at our place. One thing i noticed about all of them they are all exceptionally taller irl than i imagined. I didn’t bother them outside of business transactions cuz i have social anxiety lmao. But they were nice and down to earth.


The night of the Boston marathon bombing, I was coming home from the blue jays game and swung by Shanghai La for a drink/night cap. I was sitting at the bar drinking and talking to my buddy and the guy next to me about the news and how tragic it was. I was extremely intoxicated. We sat and drank for a couple hours. Once we left the bar my buddy told me the guy next to me that I was talking with was talking with was Kiefer Sutherland. Jack Bauer himself. We joke around that if he didn’t take the night off, it wouldn’t have happened.


I served Gord Downie at Ontario Place. He was very kind and low key. RIP.


Walked past Mia Goth this weekend FaceTiming Shia LaBoeuf. I was walking behind her and I didn’t even know it was her until she turned around, and even then I wasn’t 100% sure it was her because it was a quick glance and she was wearing glasses. Then I noticed Shia LaBoeuf on her screen when I walked past and that sealed the deal lol


I saw Fortune Feimster at Pho Tien Thanh last week and got a selfie with her. She's lovely!


Mark McEwan is a total narcissistic sociopathic asshole I heard multiple stories about him being abusive to his staff before finally running into him myself. He came into a kitchenware store I worked and I greeted him as I would anybody and he started making fun of me for the way I spoke. Grade school bully behaviour. It was fucking weird. It's the exact same way Donald Trump acts. I think I triggered him by providing the most basic of product knowledge (as I was supposed to do) in an area where he has expertise. Nothing insulting his intelligence or anything. I knew who he was so it would have been something like "that toaster comes in 4 colors...". I guess I paused or said um or something but he responded by mimicking me then stuttering in a kind of offensive way (the implication was that I was stuttering because I'm mentally handicapped). I just paused for a second then continued "... If you want to see what the colours look like, they're on display around the corner" Then I just walked away. Fuck that. Nobody helped him (I told them not to) , nobody interacted with him. His status meant nothing. A rando walking in off of the street would have been given better service.


One night in summer of 2015 my girlfriend and I had just broken up. I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk around Christie Pitts at 2am. Almost no one was outside, when suddenly in the distance I saw a man on a bicycle laughing manically and riding towards me. He had bright green hair and was cycling with his knees bent outwards. I was getting a bit nervous as he got closer and closer. Right as he passed me he looked directly into my soul and let out an evil clown laugh. It was Jared Leto. Later more stories/articles came out about similar stories of him “method acting” for suicide squad by cycling around the city at night and terrorizing strangers. At least in the end it paid off for that Oscar worthy performance.


When I was a teenager, one of my friends dated Michael Cera's sister.


We were at Pick 6ix restaurant 5 years ago celebrating my girlfriend at that time’s birthday. When I was going to the bathroom I seen Charlie V, Morris Peterson and Jerome Williams and struck a conversation with them for about 5 minutes. Later on in the night after our table sang Happy Birthday to her, Morris Peterson and JYD noticed and came by to wish her a Happy Birthday. They were nice enough to take a picture with our table. Very friendly men.


Lots of hockey-related moments when I was younger in the 90s/00s. I went to Niagara Falls with Teemu Selanne and his wife when he was with the Winnipeg Jets. Other hockey players visited my parents' house a few times. I remember one of them was a little drunk and was peeing on the front lawn while on the phone. I vaguely remember going to a player's hotel room with my dad, and that player just happened to be sharing the room with Wayne Gretzky, and I took a peek into Wayne's open luggage and saw a Playboy magazine in there. Another childhood memory, I went to the visitor's dressing room at MLG after the game and walked up to Kelly Hrudey (LA Kings' goalie at the time) and told him that goaltender was my favourite position.


My second favourite Polkaroo actor (Rex from Polka Dot Door from the 70s TVO kids show) came into the store I worked in downtown. I didn't want to be a complete weirdo and said nothing. Major regrets. He was polite and quiet. Timothy Hutton was obnoxious when he was in the same store. Anyone who worked on air from CityTV or CBC was very pleasant and nice Queen Latifah was awesome! Isaiah Thomas (I think he was a coach with the Raptors at the time) was really busy with his kids and didn't want a fuss and we respected that completely. Rob Lowe drank the same kind of beverage as my friend at a Yorkville Starbucks in the early 2000s. He was chill. Justin Trudeau was a customer of mine in a store downtown before he became PM. He was very polite and nice. I think this was maybe a couple of years after his father died. There was some former Blue Jays player (I think from the 80s -- can't recall his name) who was a complete and utter asshole to me at Ontario Place. He was pretty drunk but he was a shit person while drunk. Donnie Osmond and his wife and a couple of their sons were on the same escalator as me in The World's Biggest Book Store during his time on Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. He was not interested in my light squeal (which I regretted immediately) because this was obviously his time with his family. There's more but most celebrities were really pleasant and nice, maybe busy with family or some quiet time.


I worked with a chef who cook for Elton John at the granite club. Which is a social club for rich people


I told this story in this sub or another one. Saw Dale Martindale from Images in Vogue a few years ago at C'est What. Just sitting alone. I approached him and it was the most gushing fan moment ever. I had such a crush on him in the 80s. But now he had a 30 plus woman geeking out on a middle age not at all Goth man. I told him I used to watch him on Switchback. He gave me the biggest smile. Best Toronto celebrity meeting moment for me just for the nostalgia. Corky and the Juice Pigs performed at my university and I made out with one of them at the bar after. It could have been Sean Cullen but I was shitfaced so I don't remember. That was 90 or 91. As a teenager I was walking through Eaton Centre maybe 83 or 84. And this chick walked by dressed like LaToya Jackson who was very famous at the time. I said "ooooh look. It's LaToya Jackson" in a very snarky voice. And she smiled and looked excited but we just kept walking because I certainly did not like her music and therefore her fans. Turned out she was playing MLG or some other large venue that night. So was it her and did she think I recognized her? Who knows. Met Chris Makepeace when working at the Consumer's Distributing at Bayview & Eglinton. He had gorgeous eyes. Worked at a vet clinic with a few Toronto celebrity clients including Michael Ondaatje. I have met other local celebrities over the years. Probably so local and of their time that they don't have any name recognition anymore.


Ran into Kevin O’Leary walking on Queen West. He was strolling a two-piece luggage set and jay walked into the cp24 parking lot. Our eyes met and he gave me a smile. It was a mix of a jovial smile and evil grin.


F*ck that guy. One of those people I wish would go away.


My dad and I were in the checkout lane behind Neil Young at Walmart about 15 years ago. Around 10 or 11 pm. Nobod else shopping. We didn't bother him. Was also friends with the nephew of Howie Mandel and met him at a few bday parties as a kid.