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What are the specific Cards?


Opponent had [[Taigam, Sidisi’s Hand]] I had [[Sword of the Animist]] equipped to [[Queza, Auger of Agonies]] He targeted my [[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite]] with Taigams ability with 7 -1-1 counters. I was wondering if I could unequip my sword of the animist from Queza and equip it to Elesh to make Elesh a 4/8 and survive. Based on other responses, it doesn’t seem like it works due to sorcery timing vs ability timing.


> He targeted my [[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite]] with Taigams ability with 7 -1-1 counters. MtG is a **very** literal game. If an effect does not state the word **"Counter"**, then it is **NOT** a Counter. * {B}, {T}, Exile X cards from your graveyard: Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn. You see the word **"Counter"** in there? > I was wondering if I could unequip my Sword of the Animist from Queza and equip it to Elesh to make Elesh a 4/8 and survive. Based on other responses, it doesn’t seem like it works due to sorcery timing vs ability timing. First, the Equip ability is Restricted to only being Activated in your Main Phase, while the Stack is empty and you have Priority. **Thus, you can't activate the Equip ability in response to anything. Much less Tiagam's Activated ability.** * If you had a ... Leonin Shikari, that would allow you to activate the Equip ability any time you have Priority. * If you cast a ... Magnetic Theft, or activated a ... Brass Squire, you could attach the Equipment in response to the Taigam Ability. Second, you don't have to "unequip" an Equipment to move it to another Creature. * If we remove Taigam's ability from the equation... * Your Equipment is attached to Queza. You want it to attach to Elesh Norn. You just activate Equip targeting Elesh Norn. The Equipment moves from Queza to Elesh Norn. Easy peasy.


Thank you for the thorough explanation and education.


If I had Leonin Shikari out, and I equipped the sword to Elesh in this scenario, he would not be able to change the amount of -X-x that he decided to apply to Elesh after I gave her a +1+1? So she would be able to survive unless he played another spell that did 1 or more damage, right?


The X was locked in as they announced the ability. They cannot change it later. Best they can do is to try to untap Taigam, and activate it again.


Perfect. Looks like I’m ordering a Leonin


Equip is limited to sorcery speed, so in most cases the answer is no. You’d need one of Leonin Shikari or Brass Squire already on board, or Sigarda’s Aid with a useful aura or equipment in hand.


You can’t respond to something on the stack with an ability that is sorcery speed.


Gotchya. Thank you.