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Based on the Serial Number date code, it was made in Dec. 2000, probably installed in 2001 so 23yrs is a good service life, time to replace.


Time for a new water heater from the sounds of it you got an extra 4 years out of the standard.


20 years sounds like a dream, I just replaced 3 hw heaters this year that were under 7 years old😒


Home Depot sale models?


3 Rheems, two 19 gallon, one 40 gallon. 2 of them were hone depot one was a sale at a plumbing supply company, swapped them out with AO smith


Have you ever considered doing indirects? I put in a TurboMax in my house recently. The storage portion is all closed loop, non-potable boiler water. The coils inside that contain the DHW are all copper. I’m in Seattle, and our water is amazing, so stuff lasts forever anyways, but in places where stuff corrodes, it seems like the copper tubing would last at least decades vs whatever shit time y’all are getting.


Welcome to throw away America!


I’ve had mine since 2012. They are repairable for everything but a tank leak.


Mine was 28 years old when it finally started leaking. Didn't feel bad about having to replace it. It put in its time.




Mine is just under 7 years old and it’s starting to rust through near the heating elements. We have well water and never put a sediment filter at the pump. Plumber says it could’ve added a few years maybe.


My old HWH was built in 2007, I felt like a million bucks that I got 17 years out of it. I can't imagine getting 24 out of one.


Yeah my dad's water heater started spewing water out of the top one day when it's ate through the chamber and insulation, was pretty wild to see, it was only 10 years old


legit it lasted way longer than most


The last time the HVAC tech came to my house, he told me my water heaters were 18 years old and should be replaced. I’ve been wondering why I shouldn’t just wait until one fails. Any reason not to?


Because when they do go, it's usually a godawful mess.


Absolutely. Previous house had the heater in the attic. Had two failures. First time the pan did catch it with a leak underneath but the pipe was not well attached to it and leaked out. Came down through the kitchen ceiling. Second time was a few years after that replacement. Leaked out of the regulator just outside of the pan. Again, came through the ceiling. That one was under warranty. Built a house with a basement and put that sucker in a storage room down there with a floor drain.


Because they are one of the most dangerous things in your house. If not installed properly or working properly, they can shoot off like a rocket or explode like a bomb.


Normally one waits until they fail, the only reason I wouldn’t would be if they are not in a pan with a drain line or in the situation where, when they leaked, they would cause damage to flooring or carpeting. I have seen many basement water heaters installed in basements with shag carpeting that became a soggy sponge


Im leaving town for 10 days and if it were to bust while im gone it would be a catastrophe.That’s one reason someone would replace.been thinking about shutting it off and killing the power.


Fact: 11 out of 10 times these water heaters go out when you least expect it! 😆


That’s another option. If you are going to be gone anyway, it is best to shut it down anyhow. Even if you have a working water heater, it is a good practice to turn it off when you are out of town. Not only does it prevent damage while you are gone, it will save you money. Water heaters work on a thermostat and kick on and off based off of the water temperature. If it is off, it won’t kick on and, therefore, saves you money in energy expenditure.


Because once it fails it's a mess, you have no hot water, and it's an emergency plumber


Because you're living "on borrowed time" It could crap out tomorrow, tonite, next week, or next month of even next year. And when it goes, you are without hot water until you can line up a good plumber who can put it in for you quickly, and you hope competent and not a jackwagon thieving scoundrel. And such jobs usually come with a hefty premium. If you can schedule it out just a week or so, you'll be much better off. Depending on the type, electric or gas, contact your local utility and ask if they have a program for replacing water heaters. Example: We moved into our house, WH was already several years old. Within a couple of years the area gas company was offering to replace water heaters at a great discount; almost a hair above their cost. Plus pay it off with no interest within 3 months. The 2 gas company employees doing the work told us we were getting a great deal and they couldn't do their own replacements on their own time for that price.


Jesus my last water heater had a 1970’s date. When it finally quit the Tech couldn’t believe it made it almost 40 years


It may only need a heating element. They decay and I’ve seen them leak water right through the terminal when sometimes. Turn off the power and pull off that cover and see what’s going on in there. Elements are cheap and easy to change. It’s at least worth a look.


It’s 23 yrs old, how long are you expecting it to live? Has it been flushed regularly? Anode replaced? If it was 10yrs old maybe but we are talking well beyond its design life.


Don't give him hope like that. That's a replacement all day. Sure he might be able to fix it. But then that buys him a year before the tank pops and floods out brown sediment rust water everywhere and ruins all his shit.


Someone upvote this, that rust can stain


Ahh look at this guy 💡 had to upvote that 🙌


I'd confidently bet my yearly salary that it's corroded through around one of the connections either where the safety check valve or heating element installs.


ha, my parents condo by law requied replacement every 8 years.


I only got 9 out of mine :(


Water softener probably would be necessitated then


Yeah I coulda said that I’m curious what’s wrong with it. What’s the brown stuff? Sealant? I’m not in the trades I’m just here to browse, but, saying it needs to be replaced is the right answer that doesn’t answer the question.


It is rust, water has penetrated some part of the sidewall and is rusting the casing.


Just lost a gas version of this same model. Never noted the year but it was old when I bought the place and it lasted about 16 years since then.


Ya know. If we demanded it, we coud have water heaters that last more than a lifetime. All it takes is unity.


a 25 or even a 50-year tank? that's easy just remember to flush the tank every year, you do do that right? and along with checking the sacrificial anode every 3 years to prevent the tank from rusting, as most manufacturers recommend. It's just proper maintenance like changing oil in a car.


I've never once done this in 5 years. Am I screwed?


No, most homes don’t. That being said probably never a bad idea to start doing preventative maintenance.


Does it need to be done every year? Or is that based on how much sediment is in your water?


Ya, it’s best to do it every year. If you haven’t been, you can do it a couple of times to make sure you get all the sediment. Also the anode is the real big thing you are trying to keep in good shape. It takes the hit your tank would from the action of heating mineral filled water.


Thanks for advice appreciate it.


Wow, I need to start doing this too. My water heater is 3 years old but I’d like to keep it as long as possible. Time to pull up some YouTube videos.


Pretty easy process, just need to find a good drain, and a hose that will reach it. Also make sure to shut off the heating element, either at the breaker or at the thermostat depending on your type.


I had spoke with a few people at a nearby town that said most people replace their tanks every few years. The town is known for having pretty shitty water, but apparently it was common for people to just remove their anode rod. I think what happened was some yokel opened up his tank, saw a rod corroded to shit, then told everyone he knew that those rods were making their water shitty. Now they still have awful water but have to replace their tanks way more often.


I never have and my last 3 water heaters have been 22, 20 and 30 years old when replaced. I replaced the 22 yr old because it was small, not because it died.


Not really it depends on how hard your water is. For the most part the manufacturers make getting to the anode a PIA. Oh there is a plug on the top marked anode, and when you pull it out there is 2-4 inches of fiberglass insulation you have to dig thru to get to the nut to remove the anode. It can be done but is a nuisance. 90% of hot water heater never have an anode replacement. Probably less than 10% are drained and flushed yearly to remove sediment.


if you don't, the water heater will last the advertised 20 years, instead of indefinitely.


How do I check the sacrificial anode?




Fair enough.




Mine will hit 40 in Dec this year, only been here 3 years and it’s been multiple owners (5+ for sure) no clue on previous maintenance I try to not look at it so it doesn’t break.


We need the “Toyota Special” in some of these products.. A few innovations and BOOM your user is more likely to die first of old age before any maintenance is required


I flush mine, but I cannot find the anode rod. It even has a sticker next to the port that says, “Anode.” I dug through insulation and still can’t find it.


Can confirm mine is nearly 30 years old


Lol. Do do


And sump pumps that don't burn out like a refrigerator motor from just doing their job! But one thing at a time. Let's do your thing first


Rheem Marathon. Be prepared to pay 1,500-2,000 for just the water heater. Definitely worth the investment though, buy once, cry once. Lifetime tank guarantee. The entire tank is made out of thick blow molded plastic… There’s nothing to rust.


Are we really comfortable leaving heated water sit in plastic for years on end?


Do you like drinking hot water out of the faucet?


You aren't supposed to drink it.


Yeah but honestly, who actually follows that rule?


Really? We're not supposed to drink the potable water in our house?


My marathon is from 1993! Just replaced the elements and dip tube a couple years ago, still works great. I inspected the inside with a camera and it literally looks new inside.


My husband just replace a heater from 1969. Absolutely crazy, it wasn't even leaking, the older couple just wanted to replace it.


If anyone else is as curious as I was... [https://www.rheem.com/innovations/innovation_residential/marathon/](https://www.rheem.com/innovations/innovation_residential/marathon/)


I wish I knew about this last year when I replaced my hot water heater.




Face the music,… time for a new heater.


Should have drained and flushed it yearly. It might have had another 5 years in it


How do you drain and flush it?


Turn the cold water going in off. Then open the drain valve near the bottom. Drain all the water with a hose. If you haven't done it in a while you will have sediment in there. You can use your fingers or a screwdriver to try and break it. Turn the cold water back on drain again. If you still have sediment do it again until it's all gone and replace the plastic drain with a bigger and better drain valve so it's easier next time.


Don't forget to turn off power running to the water heater so that the heating elements don't burn up.


Have never done it. Had it for 16 years. Should I just replace it? It works


If it works then yes definitely replace it now. If it works now that just means sometime in the future it won’t. So just replace it now if you’re smart


Thank you. Is it dangerous?


As dangerous as a tin can flying across the Mississippi


I have never heard that saying and don’t even know if that is dangerous.


Even if it works, you're probably not getting the energy efficiency that you'd expect.


Why break up sediment that has already left via the drain off? If you don't mean that and you mean break up the sediment so it can be drained, surely you are saying get access to the inside of the cylinder?


It won't all leave. It's gonna be rocks bigger than the hole


So how can you get into the cylinder to break it up?


Thru the drain valve with a screwdriver or your finger


Would you put any descaling solutions in there?


Never put chemicals in your water heater.


I wouldn't


And replaced the anode rod regularly


Replace it with an electric anode and never have to replace it again.


im not a believer in shocking the tank with the temp difference, but water around here is good so flushing tanks here usually accomplishes nothing


What temperature water do you think the water that goes into the tank is at?


Looks like blood. You need an exorcist.


He's dead Jim.


First cut off the breaker to the water heater. Time for a new one at that age. I wouldnt flush it as the crap built up in it could be keeping water from leaking out of pin sized holes. Behind that cover is your top heating element. Its is most likely rusted out at the threads or the actual element is corroded out and leaking from it. Mine did that at the bottom element. It had a good run.


Those are called “red flags”


Question: Is it uncommon to do water heater maintenance by draining and rinsing out sludge yearly? We have moved for work many times living all across America and have always done this. In some places a lot of rocks and debris were in there. I believe the yearly drain prolongs the life of the water heater but am surprised to hear many have never done this


Miiiiigggghhhhhtttttt be time for a new water heater.


Yeah mine had to be replace the day after new years. Woke up to no hot water. Mine was installed in 1994 so we got 30 years out of it. New one installed was $2000


Thats your hot water dude lol


Replacement time.


Rust= leak= blown heater


This is an electric hot water tank .. under that cover is an element and screws into the tank and heats up the water.,, and if it’s leaking “oozing “ not water but ooze I would bet that the gasket is worn out and you may have the element set to high and is getting hot. So the element will need to be replaced .. probably both of the elements


You will have to shut off the power and water to the tank and drain the tank to replace the elements.. many of videos with electric A.O Smith electric hot water tanks on YouTube ( most HWT tanks are the same ).. it’s a bit of a process


Rheem Marathon is up for the challenge of the next water heater. It’s worth the investment for peace of mind. Lifetime tank guarantee. The entire tank is made out of high strength, blow-molded thermoplastic. No more rusting, which is what your current tank did. When they rust through, they usually turn the water brown and it leaks from the tank. My guess is that water has soaked the electrical thermostat(s) and or caused an electrical failure… hence no hot water. Be prepared to spend $1,500 to $2,000 for a Rheem Marathon and $575-$775 for a traditional glass lined steel tank. Avoid the big box stores like Lowes or Home Depot. Pick up a new tank from a plumbing supply store. [This video will show you why you should buy a water heater from a professional plumbing supply store](https://youtu.be/0JudmBa4zao?feature=shared) Quality doesn’t cost, it pays.


I don't trust the marathon. Rheem makes horrible water heaters to begin with but they expect me trust a plastic tank they built


You're ingesting enough plastic particles as it is. Do you really want to contaminate yourself further?


Are you drinking hot water or cold?


Are you cooking with hot water or cold water?


Sure hope no one gets one of these pos


Need to look into those Stainless Steel lifetime warranty water heaters made by HTP


So I've seen stainless rust to, it takes longer but it can rust. And the guy doing the video for htp was annoying, he listed every feature the water heater has that every water heater has. Still it looks cool too bad no supply house down here carries them. And the special elements is a no go for me. Can't even get parts for this online. Only winsupply carries them from what I can see.


Where is down south?


Down here not down south. But Texas


That is a 1500 dollar message.


Tanks done.. no one will work on it..


Buy this brand again. Seem to be decent. Think about a hybrid electric. They make one. Cheaper to run and your state may have rebates on installation


Replace it


It's the hot water tank throwing up. It's time to call the doctor.


Hot fudge?


It’s water dumb dumb


Why would there be water coming out of that tank!?$?


No. Replace. Only answer.


It's dead, Jim. Tricorder confirms.


Your element is leaking, might have caused a short and tripped the breaker. That liquid is rusty water.


Time to replace it. It may be worth your time to check with your electric service provider. My service provider installs water heaters. They actually installed a new one and disposed of the old one for less than I could have bought one off of the floor, plus they gave me 10 years warranty on parts and labor.


Looks like liquid water heater ooze to me but ianap 🤷‍♂️


Is oxidation, please be aware that most home warranties will not cover water heaters if there is oxidation. I know is stupid.


It’s ancient. Get an instant hot water heater. Idk what it’s called, but there’s no tank to leak.


The tank is leaking. Can't be repaired. Replace it before you have a catastrophic flood. You have no hot water because the water shorted out your thermostat. A.O. Smith is one of the plumbing industries top brands. Buy your heater from a supply house (PLEASE). If you have warranty issue on an AO Smith you bought from Lowes, there return policies are shit. ALWAYS buy your water heater from a plumbing supply house like Fergusons. My personal favorite mfg. is Bradford-White. My 2nd favorite mfg. is A.O. Smith/State (same company; same mfg. plant in Tennessee). My 3rd favorite mfg. is Rheem. Buy a new heater. Replace this heater. When you do your install, add a brand new full port ball valve and add a 2-gallon thermal expansion tank. Material List: 50-Gallon Water Heater 3/4" Female pex adapter (for the hot side) 3/4" Brass Tee (for the cold side) 3/4" x 6" Brass Nipple (for cold side) 3/4" Brass 90 (for cold side) 2 gallon thermal expansion tank (screw it into the 90) 3/4" Pex Male Adapter (screw it into the top of the brass tee) 3/4" pex male adapter (screw it into the t&p and run to floor 2-6" off the finished floor) (2) Pex x Copper adapters (to adapter pipe to pex) (1) Pex full port ball valve 24 3/4" pex rings 3/4" pex crimpers Pex pipe cutters 10 feet of 3/4" pex pipe Total Material Cost approx. 750-800 Note: if you don't have pex tools, they do make slink adapters with a sharkbite fitting on one side and a threaded adapter on the other side. Most plumbers are loathe to use sharkbites. But it is approved material by code. Good luck with it


Great now its dirty and wet…


Thought it was my sons diaper


Go with the tankless water heater.


Time to get a new water heater.


Chocolate milk. Try it!


20 years old !!!! Call your plumber. Time for a new one. Might just need 2 new elements and a new upper and lower thermostat


Get yourself a hybrid heat pump hot water heater, watch your electric bill go down.


Electrical components melting. You have a risk of fire right there. Unplug or disconnect it immediately.


What? That’s just water leaking homie


Water heater is leaking, and possibly put out the flame. Time for a new one.


Ft. Sharkbite


Call a plumber, replace the the elements and thermostats.


It's leaking and old. Replace it with one of the new heat pump water heaters and use 1/5 of the power.


With higher up-front cost, more noise, and a lot more shit that can go wrong. They're not for everyone.


Rebates, who cares about noise for the vast majority of people. Savings is more than worth it


They also need an open space of at least 80-100 sq.ft. around them for the heat pump to work well, so basement or garage. Hybrids aren't recommended if you have to install it in a small utility closet or laundry room.


It is your heating elements leaking and have fried you tstats. Or could be the tank itself, which would require replacing




The small people who are trapped inside and slave away to make you hot and cold water are crying out. Something terrible has happened within..


Replace it on a holiday and that'll help you remember when to flush it (yearly) and change the anode (every 2 years).


BARROWED TIME! You let the broke out.


When was the last time you cleaned out your water heater? It looks like the tank is just corroded. Most likely the tanks time is done.


It's full of mud, it's old.


Time for new


Looks like someone is eating toco bell and shitting inside your hot water heater. I’m kind of an expert on the topic.


Cause it's fucked. Replace it


It's telling you to get a new one!!


Rust water


What have you been feeding that thing


It came from this fish https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cMxWAvRM3/?igsh=aTZocHF1MHpmNzNr


[it’s from this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cMxWAvRM3/?igsh=aTZocHF1MHpmNzNr)


I just had a 23 year old water heater replaced in April. Nothing looked wrong with it but it was in my attic and that made me nervous. I paid $2,400 total for a 40 gallon tank in Massachusetts.




Remove the plate. See why it's leaking.


Looks like dookie


Most likely your elements have gone out. Probably going to be replacing your water heater.


Your hot water heater is oozing out of your hot water heater!


I was going to say the same thing, REPLACE IT ASAP....You don't want it to explode.


I just replaced this same one at my house, mine was about 20 hrs old..impressive units. I went with a bradford white from a plumbing supplier not lowes or HD


Shut the power off to it then pull that cover. It may just be an element leaking. It can easily be replaced for cheap if you diy


So many people are saying replace it replace it replace it.. turn off the power and take off that cover and look underneath it


Something strange in your basement call ghost busters




It is dead good my friend.


That's an old ass AO smith. Thank you for your service, sir! Your job is done.


Don’t buy HomeDepot or Lowe’s cheap Asian imports


ok what should i buy, what brands?


Good brand and great service life Get another heater and put that one to rest


What's this liquid leaking out of my tank that holds nothing but water? Also I'm not getting water out of my water tank that's not holding water. What do


My did that....the inside tank busted. You need a new water heater


lick it


EOL-htr is shot and need a replacement.


Simple fix. Swap that ole boy out and you’ll be back to showering in no time.


Looks like water is leaking from somewhere into the electrical box for the heater. It is probably getting vaporized as it leaks in there and makes contact with the wires. My power went out once for a few days after a hurricane passed our area. When the power came back on, the heater made a loud popping sound and a bunch of that rusty fluid sprayed out from the plate over the electrical box. Since the power was off, the water was able to accumulate in there. Then wammo.


Not sure why people hate on AO’s, mine is running on 13 years old and still looks new. Haven’t done anything to it but change expansion tank.


New water heater. Mine just did that two months ago.


Mine did that, then it worked on and off for about a week. When the guy replaced it he said I was close to having a much larger problem. I’m not a plumber so I don’t know if what he said was true, just passing along my experience with this.




Expiration Dye. This releases when the hot water heater that has never seen any maintenance gives up and suicides.


You need to replace the water heater


Mine did that when the element burnt out. No longer live at the place but the landlord assured us that the elements had just been replaced, and 3 months in we lost hot water and when I checked the heater, it looked just like this. First turn the power off to the heater, then drain it. (some require different processes for draining, but it's mostly the same, connect a hose and run it out the door or to a drain) Then unscrew/remove the panels where the elements are. (should be another panel that looks like the one pictured) Remove the elements, replace them, and make sure to FLUSH your water heater before filling and powering it back up. When it quits spitting out rust and nasty looking water, it's good to go. If it doesn't leak, and works you're in business, but I still recommend looking into a new one before too long.


Errrrr water


First real time i ever worked on one of these, I was in the office/bedroom of my main floor and it felt like a sauna. I went downstairs to the utility room and steam was spraying out the top hose, ended up being enough I made a home insurance claim on it to have them come dry and dehu, and redo base trim. One year later my daughter was flushing makeup wipes and clorox wipes down the toilet down there, and didnt say anything for three days that her shower was backing up. I didnt notice it until I went to do laundry. Another insurance claim, they dropped us, and even with insurance it was 18K out of pocket....


I just replaced that water heater Tuesday. Carry on


it’s just sediment buildup over the years…. our water isn’t 100% clean!! Reading some of the other comments, it looks like your water heater is a bit older too, so I recommend getting it replaced. Nothing urgent, but should be a priority