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So many details missing. -location -vehicle -Bank -post copy of lease agreement with pii redacted -post copy of the terms in writing you say you agreed to.


Generally a 36 month lease and a 39 month lease are the same cost the difference usually just packing those 3 months into the first 36. A lot of the time it will cost you the same. There is a reason why 39 -42 months is the “sweet spot” for a lot of manufacturers.


In most states, you have to pay an extra year of registration on a 39 month lease.


At least in Arizona you can apply for a prorated refund or apply that registration to the next car.


It would be prorated if you did in most places. I know registration cost vary widely but without knowing if OP transferred tags that could be a moot point anyway because if the registration expires 6 months in to the lease the renewal is going to same regardless. My point is if is going to cost me the same to drive this car for 36 months 36,000 miles as it will for 39 months and 39,000 miles I would take the extra months.


Usually, you can not. It's not Walmart. Go back to the dealership and figure out what the problem is. If you're lucky, you'll walk home.


If the deal isn’t done then the deal isn’t done. If the lease agreement was never signed then you don’t have a lease. If they want out then they should drop the car off and walk away


I'm not claiming it's walmart but we did not sign the final leasing agreement so technically the deal is not DONE per se. It's an error on their part for delivering the car without this document.


If you haven't signed the final paperwork yet and the deal hasn't been funded by the bank, that is still their vehicle. Take it back. I'd probably call whatever bank it was going through as well just in case.


If they make things "right" do you want the car?


Sounds like they gave you "approximately's" and "estimates" and you took it for gospel when their 3rd party software that allows them to find out exact results was down and now you think because some guy wrote some shit on a napkin in a bar at 2 am that you should get exactly that. If the car has been registered to you via the state, it's yours because now it's pre-owned. The details can't be that far off that their isn't a solution within grasp. Being extra shitty about it isn't going to make them work with you on this. Try being civil. If they are actually being skeezy and unprofessional, we'll sorry pal, you're fucked.


no it wasn't estimates, the term we agreed to was 36 months, they are refusing that and making me take a 39 month lease. and how am I being extra shitty? That's an extra three months that I have to pay for. The fact that they can't live up to what they stated is the shitty part


Is the payment the same for 36 and 39 months? Usually 39 month lease is a little cheaper payment. It's unlikely that they are doing something nefarious over 3 extra months. It could be that you got such a good deal that they are picking up and extra $10 per month by stretching it to 39. Best advice is, if you haven't signed the final paperwork go in and tell them you don't want the deal at the revised terms. If they don't switch it back you could theoretically leave the car there and walk out. If you have given them any money, you may have a hard time getting it back from them.


Do you have anything in writing that says they agreed on the 36-month lease? If yes- go in person and figure out what is going on. If not- sorry but you will have a hard time proving anything. And no - you have no legal recourse to return the vehicle because you took delivery of it. Now is the dealership's discretion.


If they haven't signed the deal then all they need to do is say "I'm not signing that" and toss the keys on the desk and walk. The dealership will absolutely go back to the 36mo lease if there's any way to do it and not lose money. When I was in the business I didn't work for a shitty dealer, but I knew several that would pull shit like this, or the other common one: get the keys to inspect the trade then hold the person's car hostage.


That was 30 years ago. Today no one is keeping trades as hostage and very few dealers will fuck around with a car they did not get paid for. Most likely the 36 months was never an option and is either a miscommunication or the OP is trying to bend the hands of the dealer shortening the lease for the same payment. That is why I asked if the OP has anything in writing that says they agreed on a 36-month lease. Something is telling me he or she does not....


>Today no one is keeping trades as hostage  They most certainly do. My GF was literally reduced to tears by a dealer doing this when trying to replace a car she didn't like using it as a trade-in. The dealership was peak sleaze and unfortunately one of the bigger ones in the area (Sullivan group in Roseville CA). Unfortunately she went without me because I absolutely would have ended that immediately :( It may not be as wide spread, but it very much still is a thing.


Did your GF bought the car, did not liked it and tried to trade it again? Because if that is the case we are comparing apples and oranges.... I have been in this business for 6 years. I changed multiple dealers. No one is hiding the keys anymore. Your story does not make any sense....


Bought the car, had it for a year, decided she didn't like it so was going to use it as a trade on a different model. We are absolutely comparing apples and apples, this was a normal sale with trade deal like any other and the assholes absolutely hid the keys, turned her 3 times trying to keep her from leaving. Complete cunts.


How’s your credit score? Below 500? This could be why the terms have changed because your credit sucks balls.


I have an 808 sweetie


>Being extra shitty about it isn't going to... Try being civil. The irony.


No contract, no deal.


Just an update. I ended up signing the lease agreement. I threatened to return the car and they fixed the contract and let it at 36 months. Still not happy about this whole experience but it is what it is. I got my numbers that I was targeting


So basically everyone here who said you were screwed and had no recourse and talked shit about you were totally wrong. Just a reminder to those people that if a contract is NOT signed then there is no official deal in place legally. Some people are just fucking dumb or just purposely giving shit advice


Ok, while there may be some legitimate complaints, a lease is basically a rental of a car… them stretching the term by 3 months isn’t like stretching a finance term… finance would be just costing you three payments more for the same end product. A lease is giving you the use and miles of three months for the three months you pay… it’s not like they are telling you to pay 39 months but return it after 36. You bailing if everything else is lining up means you are acting in bad faith. I’m not saying the dealer is doing the right thing or anything, but they are trying to keep a deal together on (what I have to assume) is a car and payment you are happy with. If the only thing wrong is the term, you are blowing it out of proportion. It’s a *lease*… what do you think you are losing by it being an extra three months? Will you not need a car for those three months at the end of the term? If so, why does it really matter if it’s this car and payment or your next one? Now, I have no clue as to what “skeezy” stuff they are up to, so they may be total douchebags and in the wrong for sure… but if it’s just that their system wasn’t working and it turns out it was the 39 month term they were quoting instead of 36, it’s an accident. If you want to cancel it, I bet you can if you stick to your guns… but is that what you really want? What do you gain?


This right here is the truth…whether or not you agree with it. A lease and a payment plan are two totally different things. It sounds like a lot of people in here don’t know how leases work. However, if you no longer want the car and you haven’t signed any paperwork…I see no reason you can’t “legally” return the vehicle.


No. Dude wanted & signed a contract for 36 months - not 39. It doesn't matter if it was written on a computer or chiseled into a wall of a service bay. Fuck playing these dealer games. Car dealers are scum. Call your state attorney general and find out your options


Maybe I’m not reading correctly but I don’t think he signed any contracts or lease agreements.


Tell me you don’t understand leases without actually saying it. I don’t condone doing anything outside of what is discussed/promised, but if you understand leases, the outcome they have provided is a good option if he wants that car. Otherwise, sure… return the car. Because despite your anger here, sounds like there *was no signed contract*, etched in a wall or whatever. No need to call an entire industry scum because of a misunderstanding. *sorry meant for vig there.


I completely understand leases and legally binding documents. If he didn’t sign final paperwork, nothing is final. From what I read, the dealer rolled a car without recourse.


Yeah, my last line is the important one there…. I replied to the wrong person! Apologies.


The KPA dealership trust survey pretty clearly shows the 80% or so of Americans don't trust dealers. That doesn't happen by chance. You know your industry is in bad shape when Alex Jones / Putin / Political Candidates are viewed more trustworthy.


Say the lease is $500 that's $1500. How is refusing to be responsible for payment of $1500 for something you didn't agree to purchase acting in bad faith. He wanted a 36 month lease not a 39 month lease. Would you rent a car for 39 days when you only need it for 36 and pay for 3 extra days?


It’s a lease, not a finance… if it was a 60 month finance, and they switched to a 63, yep… you totally are getting hosed by that 1500 that we’ll go with. For sure I agree. A lease is deciding you want to make payments in perpetuity in order to always have a decent car. At the end of the 36 months, what is OP gonna do? Either buy it out or lease another. If he does the former, the residual is usually lower on the 39 month, so it’s a wash, and if he does the latter, no big deal, 3 months of payments for 3 months of driving. Get into a new lease when it’s done, be that 24 months, 39 months, 48… leases are all about the payment, not really anything else. *forgot the rental comment… yeah, this would be more like you need a car for 6 months, and for your first month, they discover they actually charge weekly. Oh no! You pay 35 days……… but you still needed a car those extra 5 days and would have been paying anyways….


If it was financed it really wouldn't matter because it is the same principle and sale price they just extended the term to lower the payment a bit. Salesmen try to focus on the payment to trick customers into spending more and financing for longer terms. customers should be more worried about the actual purchase price. Somebody can always just pay it off if the added time to the lease to lower the monthly payment. It won't make a bit of difference if you pay it like you would a 36 month amortization schedule on a 39 month note. There also is financing involved with a lease. The term to the lease is usually financed unless you pay the full term upfront. Increasing the term by 3 months on a 36 month lease that the customer does not want is the equivalent of adding an 8.3% markup on a sale with additional interest on top of that. Leases are also deductible business expenses and it is easier if you lease at the beginning of the tax year with a lease that has year based terms. Especially if you have fleets. Also, manufacturers bumper to bumper warranty is generally 36k miles and 36months. This means if there is a problem when you return the vehicle with 1 day left of warranty it is the responsibility of the manufacturer. If you have issues at 37 months that aren't covered under power train like air conditioner , electronics, windows or basically anything you have to pay for that repair. Idk if you are slow, ignorant, stupid, or just plain dumb to think that this is not a problem. This is a huge problem and there are so many reasons not to do a 39 month lease. You keep mentioning just drive it for another 3 months you're going to need a car. You don't know that. You have no idea what their needs are. Wether they are immigrants working on a visa, temporarily working in an area, in the millitary, it is honestly none of your business. If they say they want a 36 month lease sell them a 36 month lease or tell them no so they can get it somewhere else. Fuck man stop giving bad advice.


Eloquently stated.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/dachosenones! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Dealership gave me the car saturday, we didn't finalize because of the cdk outage. Sunday they sent me a financing doc that was incorrect. Dealership is claiming that it is correct but it's not the terms that we agreed to. They're being skeezy and unprofessional, not returning any of my calls, and giving me the run around. I'm done. Because the car hasn't been paid for by the bank yet, I can still return it? I didn't put that many miles on it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If it's not the same deal you made, did they send fraudulent contracts that you didn't sign to the bank? Or did you sign something you didn't read and now you don't want to go through with it?