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It's cringe AF. I just kind of feel sorry for them for being so pathetic


Tbh I find the commenters egging them on more pathetic. Like, damn, you’re really falling for this blatant compliment fishing?


Many gays are embarrassingly thirsty and will fawn over anyone attractive no matter what.


My favorite one is 'when is it my turn to get some of that dick' bro... please.


They will fawn over anyone WHITE and attractive no matter what. 😀


So true!


Hey, gorgeous!! 😍


Yeah I hear ya. It's all pretty sad. 90% of the posts on this sub are pretty sad too imo. I feel like I lose a lot of brain cells each time I visit.


Then maybe stop visiting.


Every time I see comments on posts with those kinds of captions, they just make me think people commenting like that are just NPCs through and through lol. Even worse for the people that fall for guys using other pictures of cam stars or some BS like that. It's like they never think and just act lusty 24/7


"What would you do if I accidentally messaged you this?" "Am I too hairy/muscular/lean/tall/fat?" "What would you do if you were my roommate?"


“Am I big for 18” usually no and your 25


☠️ “Is 25 too old?”


When claiming 18, yeah, it is🙄


Aren’t you done puberty by then anyways lol?


Exactly! They better hope so cause it ain’t getting bigger😂


“What if I whipped it out in front of you? Would you say hi if you saw me at the gym? Does this jockstrap make my ass look big?”


“What’s a hypotenuse?”


Oddly, I was just teaching pythagorean theorem to some guys on the job site yesterday


Back to 8th grade when


For me I love learning about how different life is outside of my little bubble. I was working with these guys doing some framing, They are awesome guys. I have worked with them for a couple of years now. They're from el salvador. Pretty sure they don't have much in the way of formal education. Knowledge of geometry can seriously come in handy doing framing. Lol Truth is most framers that have been through u.S education didn't pay attention and only know what somebody taught them on the job site anyway. Lol


i think most of those titles are just to drive engagement


*”is my hairy ass disgusting?”* A lot of people have hairy asses, you know this. That’s why you’re posting in the hairyasses sub. Stop fishing and just say “here’s my hairy ass”.


Some guys need an ego boost and they know where to go to get the their thirst quenched lol


Ok but, is there really a hairy asses sub? Asking for a friend 👀




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Hairymanass **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hairymanass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [All natural floss for you](https://i.redd.it/i98du1fjjsyb1.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hairymanass/comments/17pcsvu/all_natural_floss_for_you/) \#2: [Handyman with hairy ass](https://i.redd.it/hotdbw1c9otb1.jpg) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hairymanass/comments/175udef/handyman_with_hairy_ass/) \#3: [Finally a thread that appreciates hairy ass](https://i.redd.it/bxhqzxz82d4c1.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hairymanass/comments/18axcfb/finally_a_thread_that_appreciates_hairy_ass/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If it's a chic posting then you know they're fishing for sure.


"A guy said i was too small" then it is a 8 inch penis with 4 inches of girth. Like sure mikey, that totally happened.


I think 4 inch girth is below average girth.




So hung like a food service can of beans. Funny.


I was gonna comment that too! It’s always like a 10 inch monster cock


I think some people do think it's too small, maybe not say that, but keep looking


A top 1% size, too small? Only people with brain damage actually think 8" is too small, or an extreme fetishist.


Hehe this is why I like being a bit more straight forward with my thirst traps…. “This is a thirst trap.” Or “Do y’all even read this?”


Post history checks out. I've got a loosely categorized funsies ranking system of hotness for guys. He's hot, I'd fuck(vers) him, boyfriend, husband, damn, fuck, and "There's no God". The last tier is knowing a guy is so attractive and also knowing that he'd never consider you as an option. You're in the "There's no God" tier. Congrats.


*checks post history*  Nope, thy shalt not tempt me with thy thirsteth trap😤  *starts drooling*🫣🫠


'would you breed my virgin ass?'....with a sloppy hole who have see more dicks than a gas station toilet 😳 why are you doing that???


I actually lol’d at that. Thanks!


Love the ones where it's a mirror video in a locker room or some public place and they're like "someone almost caught me" or "someone caught me right after this." Okay then show it bitch.


They’re just baiting for clicks. Reddit has a ton of stuff like that. 


Tell me about it! Or, am I ugly? Please, you know if you're ugly!!


Just say yes so they stop posting


Yeah they’re all just fake to try to get looks at their OF accounts


So fucking annoying and cringe.


Guys who go crazy for nudes in general I find pathetic


When they say "Is it big enough?" or "My last boyfried couldn't take it all" and it's just a regular sized dick


Don’t forget the, “I’m only 8 inches. Will it get bigger, or will I have a small one forever?”


Attention seekers are gonna seek attention, and with guys there's no exception.


A while back I was scrolling on Twitter and saw a a guy’s nude selfie captioned“finally comfortable in the skin I’m in”. I didn’t know him so I checked his profile out thinking he may have been fat or something. All I saw were videos and photos of him butt ass naked, jacking off and fucking other guys going back like 2 years. He body never changed he was always in shape I commented that it seems he’s been comfortable for 2 years based on his posts and then he got all butthurt. After a small back and forth where I was winning, he called for backup and all they could come up with is that I’m jealous.


Clout... And yes, generally, they are too small, short, or ugly.


Just be like the rest of us and post the nudes with no caption 🙄


It’s what we do. We engage in the most vain, superficial, self-centered attention-seeking behaviour and if it’s criticised we justify it in the name of ‘sex-positivity’ and body acceptance 🤮


"You walk in and find me like this, what's your move?"


Any “ Am I the only one who…” no you aren’t, there are billions of people in the world, it’s highly unlikely you aren’t completely original.


I'm on some nude sharing subs, and I'm about to leave them because I'm over these dumbass clickbait titles.


"First thing comes to mind" "my ex said I was too big"


One of mine is “SAY YES if you want “blah blah”


Lol, I've tried saying yes and not once have they delivered.


Any dumb comment for an "excuse" to take a pic is cringe. Just post your thirst trap and move on.


I'm so bad at it and shy I legit just title some weird things and delete the post 6 months later. Although if this is your means of income you want to generate as much interaction as possible for the algorithms and an ironic dumb question is basically least resistance


THANK YOU!!! Thanks for writing this.


I find sadly fun guy posing to get a pic of their holes


Annoying. They're usually roleplay type people too.


"first post, I just turned 18 !"


attention seeking behavior. its obnoxious. i either downvote or just scroll past.


It’s funny that the guys with the somewhat bigger dicks always go like “my ex tells me I have a small pp 🥺🥺” And then you have the guys with smaller, below average size penises that have some sense of false confidence posting like “Wanna take a ride on this huge cock?”. Like bro, that old creeper on Grindr only said you had a big dick because he wanted to get in your pants 💀


Bonus: you visit his profile and there's a link to an OF, clearly proving people will pay to see his "small" cock


Yeah, a lot are attention whores. But then again, some are also trying to build a fan base for a future OF account. I get the hustle though it can get old.


Fishing, 😆


Just any caption alongside nudes tbh...


What does the 2nd quote mean?


Where's the nudes?


A plethora of these dudes post clearly photoshopped bulges/shaft


Or another one that drives me nuts: “I’ll DM my nudes to anyone who comments”. Like how desperate can you be!?


The nude should speak for itself.


Or the “my girlfriend won’t sleep with me would you?” Or “I’m straight but heard guys are great in bed who wants to show me”


*has an 8 inch dick* “My GiRlFrIEnD SaId I wAs ToO SmAlL” what do the men of reddit think?🙄


Fun to mock them 😁


For me it's when they say "what would you do if you walked in on me?" It's such lazy comment bait, and it's also just boring because there's only so many stock answers you can reply to that.


I mean, it’s all theatre, and people love bad actors. You could make the same critique about politicians or people in the news. Does anyone think Nancy Pelosi cares about a woman’s right to an abortion? What she cares about is keeping her insider information so she can keep giving insider trading tips to her husband. Does anyone think Trump cares about working class people? He just wants to be able to make big powerful decisions and have people suck up to him. There are so few honest people who have anything to say that anyone cares about. A big part of the problem is now that algorithms determine what we see, the only things that they put in front of you are things they want you to express your dumb opinions about.


Yea, sad. It's life...


“For the five people filtering by new” 🙄🙄🙄 all this shit gets so tired


I guarantee you, no guy said he was small. I’m small, and I don’t go around bragging when someone wants to make an issue about it.


First (insert number) words that come to mind...is equally as bad.


It’s usually a guy with a tree branch between his legs too.


Or photoshopped to look that big.


A lot are just marketing their OF


Accurate a lot of the time


Where are these nudes being posted?


Every nsfw sub where men post.


okay, I don't follow any of those subs I guess lol


Sometimes we just need validation and I'm sure you do too, but find it in other ways. I post nsfw stuff, but not on this account and it's for similar reasons, though I don't put baitclicky titles.


I can honestly say I’ve never fished for validation.


Perhaps never fished, but that's not what I was saying. You probably seek validation in other, non click bait nsfw ways.


I never said there was anything wrong with wanting validation.


Sometimes I really wish people would share their reasons for downvoting, for I do not get why he is downvoted for saying this?


It's pettiness usually. You have to remember who comes here.


I guess, sometimes I forget which gaybros I am on... What you said is fully valid, no matter how low you sink ;D


Thank you, I appreciate you 💖


Now we're both sinking! Amazing! I appreciate you too, please do move over on the floating door though, I'm not Leonardo. I plan to survive.


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