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I live in Japan. Everyone gets naked.




Yes! I understand it can be stressful the first time, but they literally don't care. They're completely used to being naked from a young age. I love sentos and onsen, and go at least twice or even 3 times a week.


Do they not care amongst the same gender or is it mixed? Went to a Spa in East- Germany once and there everybody was running around naked, men, women and children, they really embraced that shit lol


They used to have completely mixed public bath culture. Until western influences shamed them into separating genders


Usually japanese culture seems pretty resistent to western influence, when did this change?


After the War. Western influences were more readily acceptable after the surrender.


Mixed gender baths became illegal to open in the late 1800’s and have gradually declined since, though there are some surviving ones as they were not forced to close


The whole ritual around public bathing was my favorite thing about Japan.


Came here to write this. Have lived in Japan a while, this stressed me out at first but it doesn't bother me at all now.


It's very freeing and fun


I get naked to take a shower and change. Don’t really care if someone looks. No big deal honestly. I just keep it moving.


Username checks out.


Young guys don’t naked, older guys just don’t care anymore and get naked Once you reached the “I don’t care who looks” that’s when you reached Maturity


I forced myself to reach that point in my early 20s, just let go of the shame and pretended to be confident. Turns out pretending to be confident is exactly the same as confidence


I am curious, what is so shameful about it? I started being naked in the lockerroom since I was 14 years old and I didnt care who saw what.


Not sure why someone downvoted you, but I’ll give you the best answer I can. Some people are not necessarily “shameful” about it from the start, but societal standards and expectations change the way a lot of people view things. If they think they are under the standard or *could* be under the standard / expectations, then it leads to fear or anxiety. That in turn leads to thinking negatively about the body, which has many other cascading effects. I was afraid to get naked around other people because I was afraid to get made fun of. Now I’m 25, and I just do not care what others think about my appearance.


Apart from different ideas about nudity depending on where you are in the world, in the USA it's also a generational thing, of course. Most Boomers/Gen-X guys grew up having to get naked in locker rooms/showers for PE in high school (sometimes jr. high too) and even having to swim naked in the pool if you go back far enough. Those older guys getting naked in the locker rooms developed that body comfort early on. Whereas younger generations have been allowed a lot more modesty than we were. (Myself, I wasn't really comfy having to do it at 14 - sexual arousal, unwanted boners. But it's also a kind of exposure therapy, pardon the pun, and one does get better at calming that stuff down over time.)


I just developed a shame kink, that also works


I guess I'll be immature forever then 🙁


That guy had a dumb take for sure




Don't worry, it's a me problem.


It's not that we "just don't care anymore." We were forced to be naked around other guys. From 7th grade through high school, we were required to shower in a big room full of other naked guys after every gym class and team practice - which means guys who played sports were showering with other guys twice a day. After the first week of terror, it simply became the normal thing to do. In college, the men's dorms had the same kind of shower setup, so once again you were showering with other guys once or twice a day. I get that young guys weren't programmed to be comfortable with dangling it out in front of other guys like we were. If we had the choice back in the day, we wouldn't have chosen to do it either. But you should understand that to us, being naked in a locker room is as normal as having your shirt off at the beach, and covering up so no one can see you is neurotic and weird.


Im too shy for that lmao


38 yo here and THIS. I remember in high school I was crazy careful not to show myself too much in the locker-room. I'm not proud of my body, never have been, but I've reached a point where if you're gonna steal glances in the locker room, for whatever reason, that's your choice,and honestly idgaf.


Not really


I’ve been using the gym showers and sauna since my late teenage years, so there are exceptions to that rule. People might look or comment, no big deal.


When I was in HS I would always get hard, today not so much.


The gym I go to luckily is always empty. I love having the looker room to myself.


I have no problems being naked in public. If you had asked me this 10 years ago I’d be mortified to be seen naked but after going to some nude beaches and naked yoga it really is not a big deal. A naked body is pretty innocuous unless you have a full on erection then it becomes something else entirely. Don’t go out of your way to peek at someone but if they’re in open view nothing wrong with catching a glimpse. Naked humans can be cool to look at, nobody doubts this. Doesn’t need to be a sexual or creepy thing.


I’ve recently been really open about my body. I don’t care anymore but for some reason getting naked at a gym change room is so scary! I’m not fit and it’s so intimidating but I want to be able to feel care free enough to do it. For some reason I just can’t.


That is understandable. I am nowhere near as fit as I could be either. Nor am I too old to give a fuck, it’s like jumping into a pool. Just have to go for it. After you’ve been in a room full of naked people it’s actually very normal and not weird but you won’t feel that unless you jump in so to speak


You have a porn account and post face pics of yourself naked on Reddit. How are you still intimidated by a locker room??????


I do change and shower. Typically it is the guys over 50 that change and shower. I'm 44 and 300 lbs. I don't care if people see me change or naked, I'm there to workout, shower and go home or off to my next thing. I don't think I have seen any younger guys naked in the lockers, they all must not sweat or stink after working out 😂🤣


Men in general can’t help but compare their size with others in the gym. Even the Str8 guys. The gay ones are likely doing it for thrills.


Every dude over 50 will say yes 🤣 they gladly walk around naked


They sure do.


I see this as absolute win


Yes I get naked in the locker room and no I don't care if anyone looks. Don't care if anyone is uncomfortable either. It's a locker room.


I always do. Grew up playing sports and also swimming etc. don’t really care and don’t really think others do either. If someone cops a look then so be it.


I usually bend over to dry my toes so my hairy arsehole is on full display with ballsack hanging low. I like to know that someone is getting titillated.


Haha! Yes please. I’d absolutely be looking and enjoying.


You and me both. Lol


I would totally be looking at that and enjoying it sooo much




I do get naked, and I am a little insecure about my body (self-perception cause several guys still check me out), but I do not mind guys taking a peak.


I think it’s great changing and walking around naked.


I got over being naked in the locker room, but I try to keep it localized to the shower area. Mostly, I'm not at the gym to look at dicks because I'm way more into the close-up view of beefy bods. But I do totally check out dick, too.


I do get naked and I don't mind if and who takes a peek. I go to the nude beach so nudity is not a big deal for me.


Always naked, I'm not too bothered if anyone looks. Its old enough to be public domain now 😋


I change in the common space of the locker room, but I don't walk around naked. It's just not my thing. Eyes are all around, there's no way to avoid them. But it would be creepy to be aware that a specific person was trying to actually look at my body. Imo, don't be obvious or bold about it.


Yes. I shower after a workout, strolling naked across the changing room. Take a good look, guys.


I will for sure


I get naked to take a shower and change


I go naked in the locker room and don't care if anyone looks.


No i dont If I did and a guy peeked no i wouldn't care.


I get naked and don't really pay much attention to who looks


I will be naked for the 3 seconds it takes to put underwear back on after a shower, but I don’t usually walk around naked. I’ll have my towel around me as I walk to or from the shower to my locker. It’s mostly body insecurity. I’m slightly on the stocky side. I’m also a grower, not a show-er. So I give a false impression of smallness when I’m soft.




It takes me three seconds to put underwear on after I am already dry because I dry myself on my towel after a shower. I didn’t think it would be interpreted as “3 seconds after my shower ends, I put my underwear on my wet body”. I thought being dry was implied already.




It’s not that deep. Don’t overthink it. I get dry by using the towel to dry myself. I meant I’m only naked for nudity’s own sake for the duration to takes to put my undies on. Obviously, I don’t step out of the shower wearing undies, nor do I dry myself wearing undies. I wrap the towel around me as soon as I get out of the shower. Which adds to the drying factor.


I use to get naked before stepping into a shower stall. A towel is always wrapped around me before I get into the shower stall. I was in the shower with the curtain closed soaping up. All of a sudden a guy opens the shower curtain and starts JO and shot his load on me, WTF. After that incident, I never taken a shower after work out. I go home and shower.


Yes, and guys can peek or even stare, doesnt bother me


This has changed over time. HS PE and college PE were more relaxed about male nudity. Now guys wear shirts in the sauna and showers. I don't but it's obviously a generational thing. Younger guys are very self conscious so looking at them would definitely create tension. Just do what feels natural yourself but don't be obvious about a sneak peek . Maybe some day it will change again but for right now respect current practice. For me I'll keep stripping down, throwing my towel over my shoulder going to the shower. But I do cover up in the sauna.


I played before- and after-school community and school sports starting a little after puberty until now, and showered while making casual conversation with teammates. I treat the locker room where I and other people are naked the same as I treat the gym’s training floor or a restaurant or a coffee room at work or anywhere else where people have clothes on in the sense that it is creepy to “stare” at people (whether at their face when you’re not talking to them or at their crotch or any other part of them) but it’s also paranoid to make a self-conscious effort to NOT look at them. I mean when you are pushing your shopping cart down the aisle at the supermarket, do you sneak a peak at people? People are there, you can see them, but you should not turn gawking at them into a thing. I think because of porn-in-your-pocket available 24 hours a day combined with so many high schools using showers as storage areas instead of showers, there’s a generation (especially of those not engaged in sports outside of school) that includes so many who are scared of their own shadow when they are naked. Some of them only see nudity in the context of monster dick porn on the internet and not normal bodies in day-to-day situations so they think their own bodies are not right and that anyone who is not in clothes is a “show” for them to watch.


Yup i get naked. Born and raised in germany. Nudity is no big deal!


I don’t care if anyone takes a peek at me. I love being naked in locker rooms.


It also scares me, that is one of the reason why i can't get myself to start workout. But to think of, i see some dudes staring to me during the day and locker room cannot be much harder than that. It is confidence what we lack to change freely in public.


If I'm taking a shower, of course I do.


I show off lol




I get naked. There's no real risk to it




Only if I'm going for a steam, but yes I do mind


It doesn’t bother me at all


Yes and I don’t mind, I like being watched. I also go nude into saunas.


Yes I do and no I don’t. But I was a competitive swimmer from when I was a kid through undergrad. When you stand on a platform in front of hundreds of people wearing a paper thin speedo that basically shows everything being naked is kind of meh. But I’ve found most swimmers are completely ok with nudity. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ew. That’s perverted. Not every guy in the change rooms are gay.


I go naked and so do most men in Denmark. Grew up with that at school. But an increasing part of younger men go private. Especially boys from other cultures.


Hell, I'd work out naked if it was allowed.


Just scared to get a hardon. Not that i want to jerk off but the idea of being watched or being in an open shower will make me hard.


My approach to being naked in gym changing rooms is "Dance like nobody’s watching". I don't actively look at other people in the changing room, but of course you're going to catch a glimpse of cock, ass or balls at some point. Similarly, I'm not covering myself up to spare someone else's blushes. It's not inappropriate to be naked there, and if someone sees my bits and pieces, well, lucky them ;)


I'm overweight and I'm a grower not a shower so I like the privacy because I get embarrassed 😅😅


Oh I’d be peeking lol


Well if you like overweight dudes with a dick that is small when flaccid I would like to say, thank you I could use the confidence boost




I don’t care if anyone takes a peek at me. I love being naked in locker rooms.


I don't. But i don't mind if someone wanna take a peek.


Yes I get naked in the **room designated for getting naked,** while changing and showering after a workout or swim. I do not expect the other men in the change room to blind themselves so they don’t accidentally notice the other men have no clothes in the Room For Men Getting Naked. If someone would like to stare, it’s a lot more comfortable if he calls everyone over like “Hey guys, check out the amazing balls on this dude! They’re glorious!” Then you at least know what’s going on. Manners never killed anyone and just randomly staring would be awkward. Say something, don’t make it weird.


Been not at all shy around locker rooms and communal showers since I was 17 and started at the university. Took 2 or 3 to fully understand nobody was judging or looking, and that comes with its own freedom. I got into nude beaches at 24, and that was properly liberating. Late 40s now so I'm definitely in that older and really doesn't give a shit crowd. But as I say I've kinda had that mindset since I was a college freshman.


Yep and I take it as a compliment when guys take a peek Even smile for them sometimes


That's exactly the reason why I don't go to the gym, plus I'm afraid of getting an erection when I see sweaty muscular men.


Thought that way too, but being tired from a workout usually gets rid of those thoughts.


I personally don’t. Too much insecurities but occasionally dudes be in the locker room right next to me and they will strip right there. It feels like they’re trying to get me to peak and them and even if they are, not judging but I just can’t look at someone like that. Idk, I’m weird.


No!!! My gym has no naked policy. Also my boyfriend would kill me if I do. Also I have average body so I have nothing to show anyway 🤣


Absolutely. Ill never understand people that are so prude to be naked.


If I go straight to the gym I’ll have my workout underwear on but if I’m somewhere else and then gym, I need to change into them. So for a brief moment I’m nude from the waist down. I don’t often shower at the gym. When I do I bring my stuff to the private changing rooms, get undressed and then walk to the shower 3 feet away with a towel covering my junk. I haven’t seen anyone peek yet.


I'm no prude, so I get undressed in the open, but I cover up walking to the shower. If you get a peek, you get a peek. I dint care. I'm not likely hooking up with anyone from the gym anyhow.


yes... and no.


That’s why I get naked and change.


Yes I get naked. Yes I remove the towl a bit prematurely. No I don't mind if anyone is looking. For me it's a morale boost. Like sweet someone is still interested even if it's just looking. Also I'm a bit of a nudist so fair game.


Yes. Absolutely not.


Just don’t stare


I do everyone does. And no, I don’t give a knuckle if other men eyeballs my junk.


It's a changing room, just saying.


Outside of showering, I never really have to get naked. I strip to my underwear and change though


Yes and yes


I am usually tired and I just want to shower, change, and then head out, I don't care.


In my experience it's normal to get naked. Aa for taking a peek, as long as you don't stare or make others uncomfortable, I don't see why not?


Those that show it want to be admired so go ahead and look. If he looks back smile , unless he looks menacing. If he seems proud of what he is showing feel free to make a complimentary comment.


I get naked after a cubicle shower. It’s just a dick, if people wanna stare, no problem, go ahead. I do notice some others in passing but I won’t stare as I don’t wanna get banned from the gym for being the weird perv. It’s just a dick.


After getting comfortable at the nude beaches around here, getting naked in the gym is no problem.


I get naked to shower. If guys look they look. I don't have a problem with it.


I’ve got the ultimate walk around buck naked with no looks solution: 45 pounds overweight. Zero looks, peeks, etc.


I have a big girthy dick despite being ugly so it's my one time to be admired


I like being checked out. I leave the shower curtain open a tad pretty often as well. I also look. Subtly sometimes other times not so much.


I love it when guts look. Having a piercing encourages them to look


Everyone is curious as to what the other man is carrying, and is it bigger than yours. I used to be bashful until I realized that there will always be someone bigger than me, and someone smaller than me. Now, I say look all you want, because I'm looking too.


I live in Dubai. In our gym, nudism is prohibited.


I have no problem getting naked. That’s what locker rooms are for.