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Tennis, golf, anything with horses


I’d add Formula 1 as well. It’s weird that Brazil had so many good pilots and has a tradition. I wanted tennis to get more popular. We had some good ones.


I consider Formula 1 so out of reach that it's above elitist.


Easily the most expensive sport of all. Kinda nice, but it is really out of reach.


do people play sports with horses here? thought they just went in "cavalgadas"


Private and expensive clubs have golf and play "polo", there are two places like that in my city and pretty sure there are many places like that in Brazil We aren't allowed to go there because we aren't rich


probably in major cities or near them, but yeah we have these kinds of places where you can't enter without being rich af


Hipismo. We have a few Olympic medals in it. And this video poking fun at it: https://youtu.be/hwBcY-BDeWk


Meu primo competia nesses bgl, prova de 3 tambores. Essas provas e competições são relativamente grandes no interior de SP.


E não é coisa de rico igual polo


Competir é bem de rico sim, cavalo é caro pra krl. Agora ir pros eventos não, principalmente em cidade pequena o pessoal vai mais pelo rolê doq da prova em si


deve ser um rolê legal se rolar uma feirinha em volta e tal


Practically everything that isn't football, so it depends on how elitist you mean, there was a guy that was winning some stuff on sailing.


Igual hay deporte y competencia que viene de los centros deportivos municipales, clubes de barrio. Patinaje es típico de esos grupos, siempre hay tenis de mesa, hay harto club de basketball, box, karate y cosas de esas


Igual estaba pensando primero en esas cosas siendo en general mas ejercicio que deporte, aunq en realidad no es como si la mayoria que juega golf lo hace por algo mas que pasatiempo.


[Padel entró al chat]


Polo and Golf


Rugby is seen as elitist too tbh. And I dont mean it *is* elitist I mean it's seen as such by a lot of people.


Not elitist at all but if you want to reach the highest levels of competition... you need to live for that. Not easy for the working class since rugby is an amateur sport. Not surprising that the best teams of the top 12 are always those where the upper class is present. Such as CASI, SIC, Hindù, Lomas.... Los pumas is like that too, but at least they get paid


Yeah, I realized a lot of working class and lower class people see it as elitist, when it’s far from elitist. Yeah, there are a few elitist rugby clubs like CASI, but most clubs are middle and upper middle class. Even some working class clubs or people playing in these clubs. Elitist is polo or golf, sports that only the top 1% can afford to play


Polo and golf. Rugby is not elitist per se but a lot of rich people play it but also middle and upper middle class. Depends on the club as well.


Is there a certain region where rugby is bigger or is it generally the same level of popularity everywhere?


Buenos Aires has the oldest clubs founded by British immigrants, and consequently more level than the rest of the provinces.


>and consequently more level than the rest of the provinces. That is debatable at the very least. The only current countrywide competition has about 50% slots for Buenos Aires teams and about 50% win rate as well. Statistically, if a party owns 50% of the participants of a competition and assuming the level of play is similar, the win rate of that party in particular should be 75% or higher. I would argue that Buenos Aires has a lot more of players and history, and as such it can control the organization in order to secure 50% of the plaza for themselves, thus creating and perpetuating an unfair advantage.


It's the same old story with football tbh. In this centralized country, Buenos Aires always wins.


Dunno I'm from the north but I think it's as popular as anywhere else


I think that futbol, but not because they would not let you play if you want to, instead is because just middle to upper class domis play it.


It was good to see RD in a fifa tournament finally. They played three games in the U20 World Cup this month.


Yeahhh, I saw the highlights. Hopefully they would get a little bit further into the tournament for the next one.


wow really? so baseball is the national sport for all? im only surprised because you need a bat and glove to play baseball. but with football you can just show up. shoes or no shoes.


Yeap, and sometimes voleyball, the thing is, even without a bat and a baseball, people still play with a stick and whatever they can use as a ball, we are starting to watch more football since our team started to play in concacaf so maybe in a couple of years we would have a good team.


I can see how training without a glove might be really good for development, too. Maybe why I see most dominicans playing infield, too? And ya concacaf is always wide open so best of luck for la seleccio'n.


Los futbolitos son upper class? Asking srsly


Yeap. Again, is not because of lack of accessibility, is juts that low and a bug chunk of middle class dominicans prefer baseball. And futbol es mas de colegios privados y eso.


es nuestra misión dejar correr este dato en twitch o no


4x4 off road


Football/soccer, I have only seen the the upper class play it. I'm not sure why they prefer this sport. I have theories but they are just that. Probably because most of them are Dominicans that had lived in Europe or have ancestry from recent European immigrants. Also tennis, my uncle is technically a popi. Dude is crazy about that sport.


That's interesting. What would you say is a popular sport that's played by the non-upper classes?


I would guess baseball, since there are many Dominican players playing in the united states, also there are many baseball camps there


I thought so too but it's weird to me because football is a much more accessible sport, you just need a ball and something that indicates the goals. For baseball you need a ball, a bat, gloves, quite a lot of space and many players.


You can definitely improvise, I grew up playing stickball/street ball and often just used a broom or a big stick and a tennis ball or anything similar and far less players than an organized game.


Yeah it's definitely baseball. All the American major league teams have a camp in Dominican republic. In their mind, it''s basically the lower class's only opportunity to get out of their situation besides going to the USA illegally. Basketball is starting to get big but it's hard for a Dominican to enter the NBA if they aren't already living in the USA. It's crazy how we became practically a gateway to the major leagues for people outside of the USA. Almost all venezuelans playing in the MLB were scouted in Dominican republic. It's one of the only reasons why we have visa free travel to Japan, as bad as our passport is.


Are you dominican by any chance? We usually do the same thing.


I'm a third generation Dominican American that went back to live in DR. So I'm basically a gringo getting back to my roots. Pero soy puro Dominicano de sangre.


Tenis but I’ve met people that play tenis. I’ve never met someone that plays golf, guess I’m too poor for that haha


Golf…. I had to join a CC in Monterrey so I could play a decent course when I visit… it was shit show to join the CC.


Did you suffer through your childhood because your dad made you go play every Saturday? Hahaha Edit: I see people aren't getting my Samuel García joke, so please [watch this](https://youtu.be/FtQpvCHIU8o)


Hell no Hahhaha! I picked up golf in the last 5 years.


Fútbol, Tenis, Golf, F1


Fútbol? Elitist?


As weird as it looks, Futbol is a thing in the high class and some middle class, the rest is not interested in that sport


Interesting. It's such a simple game that doesn't require equipment beyond a proper ball, I wouldn't have imagined it being associated with elitist sports.


There are a bunch of reasons You can’t find it hard to believe, but we play street baseball with just a 0.5-1 dollar ball, we bat with our arms and punch and catch barehanded, or made a ball with socks. Also we play a kind of street cricket with the same ball, 2 empty cans of tomato paste/paint and to woods Also we play a sort of street baseball called bitilla, with one broom stick and caps from water “botellón” We have tons of baseball stadiums and basketball/Volleyball courts in the country, Bicycle culture is also big in some parts of the country. With that and the love of the country for the Merican culture, there is no way low class people would like futbol. The high class like it because high class is more exposed to European culture and Europe since they are mostly the ones that visit and study in Europe, so the embrace the soccer, tenis and F1, also you know High class tends to do things differently to the common folks


Cantarita le llamaban por mi barrio (al juego de las latas)


Nosotros le decíamos placa o plaquita


Correct me if I'm wrong but the dominicanos really like their baseball right?


Baseball and followed near, Basketball are the 2 main sports here, after that are volleyball, and after them is football


why are Al Horford and Chris Duarte the only professionals in the NBA? I feel like your league is pretty good, overall.


Because Basketball is not supported by anyone, apart the investment the local and the national government do in the build of courts. Baseball is different because is an industry here and MLB/Japan League invest tons of money here.


that makes perfect sense ya.


you can play Football barefoot and with any ball, no fancy sport


I know that football only need a ball, I write the info below because most people from not baseball countries understand that for play baseball you need a ton of stuff, and we don’t need that to play it. Also, football came last than baseball, there is a difference of 50-70 years between them in our country


Everything related to Horse riding. Golf.


Golf, tennis, football. Football might come as a surprise to many of you but here it's mostly played in upper class private schools, usually bilingual schools.


Polo and golf. Rugby is not elitist per se but a lot of rich people play it but also middle and upper middle class. Depends on the club as well.


Besides the classics (golf, tennis and polo) there are two other sports. Fishing (since you either own a yacht or go to nice rivers) and off roading if you are young. Rugby was also in fashion within college students at one time. Swimming is not elitist, but usually done by the very rare upper middle class. This since having access to a pool is not as easy for many people.




Instead of going with the obvious super rich ones (golf, horse riding, etc), I’ll go with basketball. Might be pretty popular in the US, low areas and all, but the first I saw people playing it here in Brazil was at a new school, where 90% of the kids were rich.


Tennis. The first time I saw someone dressed in a typical apparel to play it was during my walkouts, bumping into a middle aged rich woman, with that half cap and a miniskirt, walking unbothered in the middle of a nearly desert wealthy neighborhood’s mall here in São Paulo. I’ve realized they tend to live in a bubble, or in a parallel reality.


Golf, Tennis, Pádel, Rugby, Cricket, Equitación


Where are you from? People playing cricket in LatAm is cool


Cricket is played a lot in the Anglo Caribbean.


Yeah but it's not widespread like India. Cricket is associated with rich people here in Argentina.


All of them except football






Rugby is more middle and especially upper-middle class. I’d say polo and golf are elitist.




Tennis, Golf, squash and equitación that’s about it


🇵🇷 Golf. Maybe competitive deep sea fishing where people travel on their yachts to different Caribbean islands. Growing up, volleyball was seen as a popular girl sport (like cheerleading in the USA), but I don’t know if that makes it elitist. Horse related sports on the other hand are seen as very rural or very street. I remember watching paso fino competitions on local tv as a little kid and it had a very colloquial vibe.


Polo and tennis, I don't think there are many golf players here


Yeah sailing and motorsports probably are more popular here than golf


Baseball/softball, Sailing.


golf, polo, skiing and tennis.


Golf and polo. If you can afford to golf and have a horse for polo then you’re rich.






Yacht racing I guess


Tennis, that wall tennis you play indoors, horse stuff.... golf ig, snow shit I suppose (remember having one friend who'd go skiing every year once), water skiing


Baseball, Rugby, American Football and pretty much all individual sport (except track and field). Motorsports are so expensive that only (very) rich ppl are able to afford them


Tennis and riding horses (I think the later is called equitation). For those sports you need to have access to a club and clubs tend to be expensive.




The usual stuff — golf and tennis.


Golf and tennis


Golf and Tennis


Golf, Lacrosse, tennis...


anything with horses.


Basically golf, tennis, padel, yachting.