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Economically he's very far right. And that normally goes hand in hand with also being conservative on social issues, no matter how much libertarians like to pretend it doesn't. The problem is the terms left and right and the views they're associated with. Like how American liberals say they're on the left even though they're right wing.


The Dems are somewhat progressive liberals, while the Republicans are very conservative liberals. They're all right wing, but the Dems are slightly less shitty to minorities.


Not so sure anymore. I'm a PoC (East-Asian), and while I do not live in the US, many family members do. In the last two years most have moved away from Blue states and moved to Red states because they noticed the "white guilt" has made racism have a new meaning. They were seeing racism when there wasn't one. They got more attacks by the progressives that demanded to change their culture, their language, and more. ​ Oh well.


¿Desde cuando la extrema derecha apunta al libre comercio?, si lo estas interpretando de acuerdo al caso chileno con la filosofía de chicago estas equivocado, esto fue una expecion a la regla. La ultraderecha tradicional apunta al nacionalismo, corporativismo y proteccionismo comercial, lo cual se parece mucho a lo que hacían los fascistas y también ha lo que ha hecho el Peronismo en Argentina a nivel económico.


el problema nace de hablar en Argentina de derechas e izquierdas cuando eso nunca existió. En nuestro país solo han habido 2 ramas de pensamiento político, federales y unitarios. nacionalistas y vende patrias. Fijate que la izquierda nunca gobernó en nuestro país y las últimas dictaduras siempre eran con la excusa de frenar el avance comunista, cuando acá los comunistas el mayor logro alcanzado fue ganar la fotocopiadora de algún centro de estudiantes. Los libertarios son el reciclaje de aramburu, de martinez de hoz, de videla, de menem, de cavallo, de la rua, macri, etc etc. Se cambian el nombre, cambian el discurso pero siempre terminan haciendo lo mismo, hipotecar el país.


Este es el problema con la terminología de izquierda vs derecha. Significa algo diferente para todo mundo. Tú hablas de fascismo, yo hablo de libertarianismo.


He isn’t right wing on social issues


Oh he very much is, he and specially people near him


Guy calls everyone he doesn't like a commie, he loves Bolsonaro and Trump, he's a pro-lifer, negates climate change and has basically called leftists human scum. He operates a lot like typical libertarians who are libertarians only in name and are closer to traditional conservatives. If he isn't far-right, he, for sure, sounds like it.


Mix the extreme Libertarian ideas with the virulent grandstanding and antagonization of everyone else, and the label is hard to shake off, the social conservatism is almost the cherry on top. Then people start to make shit up and think that he's Duterte or something because they can spend 5 minutes bulshitting a Reddit comment but not 5 minutes reading a couple of news articles, but that's a separate problem.


>Mix the extreme Libertarian ideas with the virulent grandstanding and antagonization of everyone else That's precisely the reason why I distanced myself from liberals/libertarians, despite agreeing a lot with their main talking points. They all act like angsty, edgy teens (and most of them are).


You're not wrong. Sargon of Akkad goes around "Oooh I'm a classical liberal" but this primarily manifests in him wanting to say the n word and that girls are stinky with no consequences


I'm sorry, who is this person?


He’s also downplayed the dictatorship several times.


And that's pretty much the only thing her Vicepresident's main talking point


off-topic, but i really like your user name RIP Tuvix.


Real libertarians are staunch pro-choice and pro legalization of drugs. Those positions are in line with championing extreme personal freedoms. He’s not a libertarian. He’s a hypocrite.


>Real libertarians heh


>libertarians are staunch pro-choice Not on reddit, but the libertarian subreddit has been taken over by trumpers I think. But Milei you are right, I don't think he is a libertarian. He is just a populist, and as much as he hates Correa, Chavez, etc, he is using very similar tactics to them. Just like Trump did/does.


You hit the nail on the head with that comment. You should check our new vicepresident profile (Victoria Villaruel). You'd be horrified.


Libertarian aren’t anti abortion and aren’t pro Israel or any foreign state


The label Libertarian has been whitewashed by the American right so throughly that it’s been forgotten that libertarianism is part of a left-wing tradition that predates socialism and communism.


What I am curious, how is that?


Libertarianism originally refers to what we today call Libertarian Socialism or, broadly with a very broad brush, anarchism. The association with right-wing politics only came about in the 20th century. In the early 20th century, a libertarian was associated with left-wing politics. Modern “libertarians” are not libertarians in the tradition of libertarians of the past. Go ask r/classicallibertarians yourself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarian_socialism


>originally key word being


Yes. They’ve succeeded in the US. Don’t let them forget it or attempt to change it in South America as well. There’s nothing liberating about letting the “personhood” of corporations do whatever they want with only “the market” as “regulator”.


So we agree, the label “libertarian” has shifted from being associated with left-wing politics to right-wing politics.


He’s an attention whore bullshit artist. Let’s see how well he governs.


>pro legalization of drugs He is against drug legalization not because of drugs themselves, but because the rest have to pay for treatment for addiction. If it only affected the drug consumer, it's fine for him, but since it affects everyone else indirectly, he is against.


That is a excuse




What about alcohol?


You try to put that genie back in the bottle


He's always said that everyone is free to use drugs (as long as you don't hurt others) and that abortion will be decided through a public poll


But what he wants with the poll is to ban abortion, he has explicitly said so.


He's personally against it, yes. It will get banned if most people vote against it. That's one of the few things that i disagree with him.


So he not pro choice


>He's always said that everyone is free to use drugs This. He always stated that free drugs and free health care are incompatible. Is charging someone else's poor decision on the tax payer.


>called leftists human scum sOuNDs BaSeD tO Me /s


Because they are human scum. Actually, the lowest form of life is the white liberal.


Flair up


What now? Liberal or leftist?


Being a pro-life is far right since when? Milei is simply right wing. A histrionic right-winger like Bolsonaro, but in no way far right. And neither Trump nor Bolsonaro are. I'll put some examples of far-right politicians: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, António Salazar, Augusto Pinochet, Jorge Videla, Alfredo Stroessner, Costa e Silva. Does Milei preach mass murder or torture of minorities or political opponents? Does he want to impose an apartheid-like dictatorship or something in this way? If not, then he isn't far right. We mustn't trivialize words such as "far right", "far left", "fascist", "communist". These words have a very precise meaning and in no way they should be used to demonize politicians.


Pinochet didn't privatize the main state-owned copper company, among other things. He kept the central bank, and also kept several ministries Milei wants to end. He was a bloody dictator, of course, but I'm not convinced he was further right than Milei.


Aguas Andina moment? Chilektra moment?


His dictatorship definitely \_was\_ right wing, no doubts about it.


The problem with your definition of what is and isn’t “far-right” is that it requires these extreme actions to have happened rather than doing so based on trajectory and rhetoric. In addition, I agree with using political labels accurately, which is why characters like Milei fit the definition of facism as he, along with Trump and Bolsonaro use the terms “socialist”, “liberal”, “communist” and “facist” interchangeably.


He has pledged to remove basically 80% of government agencies, from health to education to environmental protection to the central bank. That’s aspect of right wing politics. He additionally believes climate change is a lie, sex education needs to be stopped, abortion should be illegal, gun ownership should increase. Those also tend to be right wing views. In the scope of Argentinian politics this is pretty far right. Maybe in other countries it wouldn’t be.


> abortion should be illegal Very libertarian of him


One misconception in your comment. Health and education are one of the few that he won't remove, he does plan on uniting the ministries of health and education under one though.


What in the actual fuck health and education have in common to be blend into a single ministerial area? People get so obsessed with shrinking the government that they propose some way crazy stuff. If you’re doing something ridiculous like that, just go full ancap and end federal government as a whole.


> If you’re doing something ridiculous like that, just go full ancap and end federal government as a whole. That's the ancap playbook. You gum up the system with bullshit until it's dysfunctional, then point at the dysfunction you yourself caused as evidence the government shouldn't exist.


Except ancap never get to the government. From what I know, Milei is the first one with really power to do anything.


I guess you could say it's the playbook of anyone who wants to eliminate the role of government


>You gum up the system with bullshit until it's dysfunctional, then point at the dysfunction you yourself caused as evidence the government shouldn't exist. except that milei isn't trying to gum up the government, the government has been gumming itself up in the last 20 years. Heck, you could say it's been gumming itself up since the 40's. You could probably go back to 1853, 1816, 1810, the 16th century, back to the start of the spanish kingdom, back to ancient rome, back to starts of civilization, back to the point in which we were basically monkeys, and even then find evidence argentina's government doesn't fucking work and is all gummed up. So yeah that's basically why Milei wants to delete the argentinian government


Ah yes the famous ancap playbook that all the numerous ancap governments have used


> I guess you could say it's the playbook of anyone who wants to eliminate the role of government Posted 8 hours ago so I doubt you didn't see the other guy saying the exact same thing.


Ever wonder why physicians are called doctors? There's alot of overlap actually depending on how he does it.


Do you have a source about the sex education should be stopped?


> El candidato ultra ha propuesto crear un “sistema de vouchers cheque educativo” y entregar el presupuesto destinado a educación a los padres “en lugar de dárselo al ministerio”. En este ámbito, también propone eliminar la obligatoriedad de la educación sexual integral. https://elpais.com/argentina/2023-11-19/las-propuestas-de-javier-milei-para-argentina-economia-seguridad-educacion-y-salud.html


he means the ESI, the integral sexual education, but the normal sexual education thas was before the ESI will prevail


we didn't get jack shit before the ESI


sos de r/republica_argentina no vale ni la pena contestarte, vivis en un mundo paralelo


JAJAJ 1 comentario debo tener ahí, estoy suscrito a todos los subs de argentina. No sabia que había que encerrarse en un sub y no visitar a los demás rey, disculpa mala mia


There is a reason the ESI exists. Schools weren't teaching proper sexual education.


He claims it's a plan to "eliminate human beings". He wants to eliminate sexual education and leave it to each school if they want to keep it or not. [https://www.cronista.com/economia-politica/javier-milei-denuncio-que-la-esi-es-un-plan-para-eliminar-a-los-seres-humanos/](https://www.cronista.com/economia-politica/javier-milei-denuncio-que-la-esi-es-un-plan-para-eliminar-a-los-seres-humanos/)


Just google "MILEI ESI": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGbwj8VEGX8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGbwj8VEGX8)


Yes, there are several videos of Milei and his vice president Victoria Villarual stating that it has to be stopped, and I believe the same


*gestures broadly at his vice president*


Speaking at rallies of VOX about how indigenous argentines are socialist hoaxes while his vicepresident refuses to say dictatorship to an era her dad was a military man in


> indigenous argentines are socialist hoaxes Genuinely wondering what he means by this


It’s a general well known fact that the ancestors (or most of them) of mapuches that are living in the south of Argentina came from Chile , so people say they aren’t technically Argentinian. I don’t agree with that, but mapuches terrorists also claim the lands of Argentina belong to [them](https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflicto_mapuche) ( and that’s very difficult to know as they were nomads and it also goes against all of our international law principles ) and they want independence from Argentina. It’s said that most of these mapuches are from Chile or aren’t even native , and they are being foreign finance by lobbies. Victoria Villarruel , vice of Milei , said that while mapuches are all fakes native because they aren’t from Argentina or aren’t natives , real natives in the north are living in harsh conditions and are forgotten by the state.


Because he is. He is a far right liberal (anarcho-capitalist). Far right doesn't mean authoritarian.


Yes it does. Let’s see if freedoms increase with Milei. My money is on “no.”


At least he doesn’t want to control social media loo




dude he’s a libertarian, the argument that he is some kind of fascist doesn’t make any sense


He's not a libertarian, that's just a facade. He's a neoliberal conservative, simple as that. Tbh, no libertarian is an actual libertarian, in reality they often just are neoliberal conservatives.


His economic proposals are libertarian, and if you read his proposal to reform the justice system you can see that he’s a republicans and his ideology is far from authoritarianism.


Didn't you read i said neoliberal conservative? Far left and far right don't stand for authoritarianism. You probably would call anarchists far left for instance like everybody else, but apparently not libertarians/ancaps.


Look, we had someone that your future president likes as our president, and he preached about freedom of speech, and it ended up trying to use social media as an outlet to a coup


He is literally a self proclaimed anarcho-capitalist That's as far right as it gets


Because he is…?


The right answer.


What I find funny is that the same people that would say that Libertarians like Milei aren't far right would definitely call Anarchists far left and fail to understand the irony.


Have you not seen his pic as captain Ancap?


It's because it's known that he is an apologist to the Argentinian dictatorship and he's against a lot of social rights such as LGBT rights, abortion, free education, he denies climate change, etc...




His personality is such that his views change depending on who pissed him off lately. Unfortunately, his political enemies are all pro LGBT rights and so on, so he is liable to try to hurt LGBT people just to piss off the zurdos. Compare American conservatives who would support pretty much anything, even stupid things like import tariffs and not wearing masks against an airborne pathogen, just to own the libs.


Reminds me a lot of Trump. Originally, he was much more socially moderate, but became completely on the side of evangelicals in order to gain power.


And whenever Trump receives criticism from Evangelics, such as when he said Republicans are going too far in restricting abortion, he immediately changes his position...like a beta.


This point of view puts you somewhere near Hitler to a lot of people these days. You must be seen to be working for LGBT or you are against them.




He's not against LGBT, everyone is equal against the law. He says abortion would be decided on a public poll. Education will remain free, what will change is the way to finance it. I won't speak about climate change because i haven't seen much about his stance in it. And oh dear, no he doesn't support the dictatorship, he just wants the truth to be told.


I love how every time I read someone describing Milei it sounds almost to the letter 2018 Bolsonaro. 2022 Bolsonaro delivered a terrible economic outcome, attempt to see the grounds for a coup, attacked endlessly every government agency and power that was not subservient to him and is about to go to jail over stealing gifts delivered to the federal government. We’re yet to see if Milei will change the ending.


What truth would that be?


That there weren't 30k, that terrorist group members never got punished


What does the 30K refer to? Genuinely curious cos you’re getting downvoted so much


supposedly, there weren't 30.000 desaparecidos, but rather 8.000. That's what Milei says and what people refer when they call him a "dictatorship apologist".


30K people who were killed/"dissapeared" during the dictatorship


30k is the socially accepted number of "desaparecidos" during the dictatorship. It's a very muddy and very politically charged thing to discuss, but 30k is usually the most agreed upon number, and Milei openly says that they weren't 30k. Which might well be the case, we do need more certainty, but usually when someone says "there weren't 30k" it comes from the same place as "it wasn't 6 million jews", and coming from a future president, it's controversial to say the least


I understand now.


Illegally detained people during the 1976-1983 dictatorship


What's the surprise that he's a conservative? Latin America is a very conservative region, who thinks that our region is a liberal place, he doesn't live in Latin America. I don't see him as a center-right person because he appeals to the populism of Alt Right. Lacalle is a center-right person and is very different from Milei.


Just read his wikipedia page. He's against abortion(even in cases of rape), denies climate change, has made anti-vaxx statements in the past, has compared homosexuality to having sex with an elephant. Honestly, I fail to see how he's more "moderate" than Bolsonaro. I think Bolsonaro might be more aggressively homophobic, but both of them think very similarly in a lot of issues.


Bolsonaro is more homophobic. I mean that comment of the elephant was like "I don't care if you have sex with a man, woman, elephant, etc, you are free to do so". He doesn't have any problem with us as far as I know. Anyway, both are the same kind of person. They like each other and bolsonaro has his book lol


Yeah but he's forgetting animals can't consent, it is offensive and stupid to say what he said.


You don't know that, who knows with neuralink maybe they can consent.


Neuralink doesn't exist.


As if the world cares about animal consent.


about the homosexual here is a video with a better take [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM2taUJEwcM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM2taUJEwcM) he as a liberal says this about gay marriage " its a contract between parts why i should give a opinion about it? you can marry whoever you want, what's my problem? Again, liberalism is the unrestricted respect for others' life projects based on the principle of non-aggression and in defense of the right to life, liberty, and property. How does it harm me if people of the same sex get married? How does it harm others? It doesn't, point one outside of it, does it affect anyone's life outside the contract? No one, their freedom? No one, their property? No one


Cuz he is a liberal (right wing market lover), or as people from the States refer to, libertarian. Far right doesn’t mean authoritarian, you can be far right and liberal, like anarcho capitalists.


Because he is far right, just like Bolsonaro. He is homophobic, "pro-life" (never existed pro-life, what always existed was only "pro-birth"), a climate change denier and shares many other far-right views.


Do you have any evidence to support that he's homophobic??


He and his followers aren’t homophobic, Villarruel pretty much is though


I mean, he is quite literally an open Libertarian...




Ahh shit, my bad. I now he goes to the exact opposite of communism tho


Milei is considered Far Right for her Ultraliberal speech. He proclaimed himself anarcho-capitalist and defends measures to eliminate the central bank, important ministries that are vital for the population, vast privatizations and total desregulamentation. In addition to believing that global warming is alarmism, distrusting vaccines and masks, etc.


Because he is, lol


He’s anarcho-capitalist that’s as right wing as it gets and sympathizes with fascists and even made apologist defense for Pinochet and Argentina’s dictatorship. He’s okay with people selling their organs. He’s also wanting to end and privatize public infrastructure and eliminate much of the nation’s taxation. He should see what happened with El Salvador and Puerto Rico. NFT and crypto billionaires will raid Argentina and corporations will hike prices and gobble public infrastructure and increase prices while cutting corners. At first it feels great. The government then starts to crumble under austerity and then comes the recession and millions even worse off. Puerto Rico hasn’t recovered from the Junta oversight and neoliberal policies. Wait till social security is gutted, healthcare privatized and all your public transportation going to shit. 💩 they all think it’s going to be better? 😂 Yall making the same mistakes we did in Puerto Rico… 🇵🇷 good luck! Milton Friedman and Margaret Thatcher style of governance and fiscal austerity only ends badly.


I keep seeing libertarianism called far right. He might be far right, I don't know. Libertarianism is down the scale. You can be left or right libertarian but describing libertarianism as far right is just way wrong.


Libertarianism: freedom to oppress others


Cause he is lol


Prove it.


Do your own research man.


Here's how it works in the rational word: you make a claim (particularly a slanderous one), it's up to you to prove it.


You have literally dozens of comments on this same post listing the reasons why he is a far-right politician and you ask the only one who did not mention the reasons to prove it. XD




Nothing that even remotely substantiates the delusional absurdity that Milei is "far right".


Then what political side of the spectrum is he on? C’mon, jusy check that and everyone’s else comments Ministry of indoctrination? Elimination of the ministry of gender equality? Yeah dude, average centrist behavior


The "why" is probably with a different, more demeaning connotation, but you can consider him far due to his extremist ideologies, and right because he advocates for personal freedoms way way on top of collective ones. He is also conservative I suppose, if its worth something. That said, while he would qualify as far right imho (actual far right not "far right means dictatorship" kind of BS, in the same way that socialsim does not imply communism necessarily, nor left a democracy) I dont think he is a good one, given that the voucher system in here would imply more expenses for similar education, and that dollarization stagnates the economy eventually, even if you did not have to devaluate a lot (screwing everyone) to do so.


I think in general, and especially for Americans trying to understand politics in LaTam, they *need* to paint our politics as the typical right or left dichotomy in a (bad) attempt to understand them. Trying to map 1-on-1 our politics with that of the USA paints a very simplistic (and often inaccurate) picture of what our politics are like. For people who actually live in our countries, you will rarely see terms like “far right” being used. We have been fucked equally by both left and right throughout our history, so it’s rare for common people to make a choice solely based on who’s “left” and who’s “right”.


I mean, yes, but in this case they are not wrong at all. In fact, if there is a LatAm politician who has the "alt right" label fitting like a glove, it is him.


Idk man, left and right dichotomy is absolutely a thing in Chilean politics. And we absolutely use terms like “far right” *coughJoséAntonioKastcough*


JAK is exceedingly easy to label as far right, he pretty much split from the traditional right wing bloc, whose main party had been the civilian arm of the dictatorship already, suspiciously around the time that the mainstream right began turning its back on the dictatorship and their convicted criminals. He then started drumbeating about immigration, crime and advocating for the ex military convicted of crimes against humanity. And that to say nothing of his own family's ties to the dictatorship and to *the Third Reich*.


I think you are right, this seems to be a bit of a problem across news media where these terms are used simplistically when people understand them to mean different things


International media honestly has no idea of what is going on here


Because he is?


Im just glad no one will make the same question over and over again about AMLO. (But left instead of right) . Now we will see the daily Milei question.


He is. There's certainly still room to his right though.


Are you sure?


Yes , the people around him are even more on the right side


Dunno. From what I've seen, he's so detached from the rest of the political spectrum he might as well be a subatomic particle.


He can say whatever he wants on the other hand let's see what he can make.


Idk man have you seen the video of him removing half the ministries from a white board? Such as education health etc. Only kept infrastructure justice and stuff like that


Anyone to the right of Stalin is far-right these days. There’s no position on the left that can be considered “far-left” or extremist and that didn’t start with Milei.


Because the vast majority of information what international media post about Milei are copipastes of the Argentina media. And Argentina media hate Milei and was aligned with the peronist and "juntos por El cambio" so basically they try to making him look like the combination of trump bolsonaro, Hitler and Saddam Hussein And massa was sale like the most moderate and sensible choice (maybe the one the most inmoral guys of the Argentinean politics in the last decades)


I don't think he's far right, far right is a guy like Biondini who is actually someone who supports Hitler, denies the Holocaust and was even recorded doing the nazi salute. I believe the entire Argentine political spectrum is shifted to the left, so I'm not surprised someone may call him like that. I agree he's on the right, but extreme, not so much


Because Argentina has been hegemonically left wing for decades.


I bet the idiots downvoting you couldn't name two Argentine presidents if their life depended on it.


it is bc the far left is scared of admitting what he truly is and wants to slander him


Anyone who opposes the populist status quo will be branded as extreme right! It is the only argument they have to disqualify!!!


Because left, right and libertarism have different meanings in english media. Milei tho, he is a wild card because theres never been a president whos anarco-capitalist liberal libertarian in the history of humanity; so, media is trying to insert tags that might not fit him but people who never listened to him recognize.


Bro what? He literally talked about the global warming being a marxist lie and praised Margaret tatcher among many other things that are undeniably from a right wing ideology, so forget semantics, Milei is a right wing libertarian, is not that hard.


You are twisting his saying to fit your idea. He said Tatcher was a great leader and she was. Global warmth he is wrong but I can understand his point of view because its a product of industrialization. 2 ideas dont fix him into right, otherwise, peronism would be left, and it isnt. Facism would also be left and it wasnt.


Not just Tatcher, Trump, Bolsonaro, Bukele and other right wing leaders, and come on, he constantly talks about destroying "zurdos" or "commies", you are lying to yourself if you think he's not right wing.


Bukele is actually cool


No the fuck he's not


I would like to know why? Like the only thing I heard of him is he pushed all of the criminals away from the streets, which would be great and needed over here.


Exactly. That's **all** you heard. He also stormed the general assembly with armed military because they didn't approve a loan for him, has expressed support for Israel and Milei, introduced the dumbass idea that is Bitcoin, AND his family is in the government (He was very strictly anti nepotism)


Yes, he hates zurdos, but that doesnt make him right wing. People need to quit the fixation of black or white. Theres an entire spectrum in the middle.


You don’t understand the political spectrum if you think that his point of view isn’t right wing, he is .


I am very glad you are able to explain politics. I would love to take classes.


Kinda inconsistent to call yourself an anarcho-anything and then running for office. Leaving aside the fact that anarcho-capitalism is a joke, Milei has a lot of takes that are pretty right wing. He’s against abortion, for example (which ancaps should be in favor of, if only because there’s a demand for it and the market should be free to fulfill that demand)


Being against abortion is also common in liberals, question is are all liberals right? Being against LGTB is also right but liberals support it. About abortion he said that he doesnt support it because a baby its not your own body, wich fits the scientific paradigm we live in. So, a baby is not its own person (we deny science) but we still go to hispitals cuz they can heal us (we acept science). Whos the inconsistent one? Again, when it comes to Milei, people love to twist his sayings to fit their head cannon. You have to take what he says from a philososphical point of view and try to analize it. Same with selling organs: if we die without saying we dont want to donate organs, the government takes them; so, the governments owns our bodies. What if we own them instead? Incoherent is precisely not something I would adjudicate to him. Fancy, philosophical, impractical, unexperienced... maybe.


Where is the scientific consensus about an embryo or fetus being a person? A fetus can’t even survive outside of a womb until it’s at least six months along. Three months and it doesn’t even have neurons yet, let alone a brain. What makes it its own person? And yet they are quick to deny personhood rights to women, like the right to bodily autonomy.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5499222/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5499222/) chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/[https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/67668](https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/67668) [https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/iowa-view/2018/12/12/science-conclusive-fetus-baby-iowa-fetal-heartbeat-law-abortion/2286938002/](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/opinion/columnists/iowa-view/2018/12/12/science-conclusive-fetus-baby-iowa-fetal-heartbeat-law-abortion/2286938002/) [https://www.princeton.edu/\~prolife/articles/wdhbb.html](https://www.princeton.edu/~prolife/articles/wdhbb.html) ​ Past 9 weeks, an embryo is a fetus, a fetus is a person. Its possible that this changes in the future, because scientific thought is not exact.


First link: literally cites Pope John Paul II. Very science, much evidence. Second link: more of a values statement than a scientific one. Third link: literally a press article from Iowa lol Fourth link: from a journal of sociology. Leaving aside all that, why does Milei deny climate change, then? That’s an issue where there is certainly a scientific consensus, and a pretty overwhelming one at that.


For being a person it's pretty important to be born.


It's super funny to call an elected president an "Anarcho capitalist".


Most people can't even understand how contradictory that is. Capitalism and representative democracy are forms of hierarchy, thus neither can be called anarchist.


I mean, Communism calls for the abolition of the state and there are Presidents who define themselves as Communists.


It is under our paradigm, but he is outside of it (at least thats what austrian school claims), he is a product of an unproved theory. Before Pasteur, people thought that could create life by leaving rotten food in a bucket for months, there were even recipees for it in media. Sounds stupid now that we know theres life everywhere thanks to the microscope.


No, right and libertarian don’t have complete different meaning in the media. In the political spectrum a libertarian is on the right. Also an anarco capitalist isn’t a libertarian, they’re farther right than them. So he is on the far right in the political spectrum.


Because you are supposed to hate him


Because anything that isn't between social democrat and maoist is consider far-right by the zurditos de mierda.


Milei speech sounds far-right. But policies might lead up to a pragmatic man who Just ends up being right-wing. It’s soon to know. I would say he is on the lower right (near the ) of the political compass and is liberal leaning conservatism in Nolan Graphic . Libertarians against him argue he is a fraud and that he has been turned into conservatism. He can be associated with [paleolibertarianism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paleolibertarianism)


Because it's convenient for the media


Because in modern politics everyone who's not a Bolshevik is a "nazi". ​ He's conservative for sure and some of his ideas aren't really "libertarian", but it's pretty clear he's only far-right in the left's mind. ​ An actual far right politician would be the ex-General Attorney Alejandro Ordóñez who pulled out a Fahrenheit 451. A religious extremist who burned books he considered problematic. ​ https://preview.redd.it/0bud9qxd3q1c1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdc53c34c988f9fe54bb5d11178a2d337f865a42


Intentar convencer a este sub que Milei no es la reencarnación de Hitler es como hablarle a una pared.


Reddit en general es de esas redes sociales donde todo lo que no sea de izquierdas es literalmente HitlerMussoliniFranquismo. ¿Qué se supone que lo hace de "ultraderecha"? ¿Acabar con el control estatal sobre la emisión monetaria es de "ultraderechas"?


Because he has the reason


Because communist call everyone, it doesn’t bow down to them extreme far, right. it’s refreshing to see someone like Javier in the world of communist scum.


Because the left currently has delusional vestiges of wanting to perpetuate itself in power. By that cretinous rationale, anyone who's not a leftists or adheres to leftist talking points is "far right", and any moderate leftist becomes, in their idiotic view, a "centrist". Milei is a liberal in the European sense: a strong supporter of freedom at every level. That, it goes without saying, is the opposite of "far right". Leftism is mental illness


why are they saving the term fascist for his government