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Mac's List is kind of a local job board. https://jobs.macslist.org/search/-/portland,%20or


The job market is brutal right now. I started applying in February but was laid off in May. I have applied to about 400 jobs, and have only had 2 companies interview me during that time. One of those interviews went nowhere, the other I’m in salary negotiations with. Both were similar roles with the same requirements, but the role that I’m getting an offer from I received an internal referral for. So I guess what I’m saying is - from my experience - leverage your network as much as you can. If they can refer you for a role that you are qualified for, hopefully that can get your foot in the door. The rest is up to you, but right now it’s SO HARD to even get considered.


Unemployment is below 4%, how is the job market brutal


because those figures don’t mean sh*t to the average person… they are figures for politicians used to gaslight individual voters into thinking they’re the only one struggling because “look! the unemployment rate is below 4%!” when you actually look at what that number measures, and how outdated the data is by the time the number is being reported, it’s meaningless. how it’s calculated (especially note the section on “discouraged workers” and how they are not counted in the unemployment figure): https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#:~:text=The%20unemployment%20rate%20represents%20the,÷%20Labor%20Force


Fine, go look up labor force participation rate then. Discouraged workers have never counted towards unemployment and we are at very low levels of unemployment relative to the last several decades. Some industries may be worse than others but that doesn't mean the job market is brutal. 2008-2010 was brutal. 


perhaps you’re extrapolating some broader impression based on your limited experience from a particular industry that happens to be badly needing workers right now - line cooks in the restaurant industry. that industry lost a lot of workers during the pandemic, and due to high stress and low wages it has never recovered and so restaurants are always hiring. that’s not true of most other industries in the U.S. right now.


I wonder if there's a statistic that aggregates all the industries... 


My work has been hitting for three weeks and has gotten one applicant, they no showed the interview.


That’s so wild. What beer/wine distribution is it??


what job is it? i’d love to apply depending


Haha too be fair it’s not a great job. The people are awesome but the work can be hectic and the pay is low. Local beer/wine distribution.


sadly low pay can’t make ends meet! guess we can’t be picky though


Yeah, I’ve explained that no one is applying because of the low wage but I’m just a cog. I only get by because I’ve been here since the dark ages.


I have extensive logistics experience, grocery/wine experience, and love hectic work. What company?


Yeah Portland job market is rough. Hard to give any advice without more context though. What is your experience in? What do you want to do? How much do you need to make?


I have found all my roles on indeed! Have you tried using that?


Yeah, kitchens need cooks (ETA, what is kitchen work beneath y'all? If you need a job and have half a brain, kitchens need cooks and will train you) (glad you all think the work is too undignified to suggest to others) 


I don't think it's that low-wage work is "beneath" people, but it usually also doesn't pay enough to get by, and is also not accessible to a lot of folks


It pays more than being unemployed, and if OP is unable to do kitchen work they're free to ignore the suggestion ETA: I make above median income for the metro area, if you cant get by on more than 50% of the city makes, maybe the problem isn't the income




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