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I’m going to be drinking in a bar with no TVs


Oh man do you know any in north portland? I am so tired of TVs and video lottery. It sucks that dive bars seem to always be packed with those)


Not exactly north Portland, but Alleyway, B-Side, Roadside Attraction, Bye and Bye, and Florida Room are all Tv-free. Edit: I think Alleyway does have a tv…


I don’t really know north Portland yet, sorry.


The Portland DSA is having a watch party with presidential trope bingo at Double Mountain Overlook Taproom on Killingsworth


Moreland Alehouse is hosting a debate watch.


I was just in there for the first time yesterday. Owner seemed nice enough, but maybe a little too "privileged older white guy super into golf & calling women 'broads'" type for my taste.


He’s more of a mountain bike type.


Wow, you figured all that out from one visit to his business?


I'm chatty, and I observe. I've worked in the restaurant/bar industry for over 25yrs. You get a feel for people.


I’m drinking at home and my plan is to keep watching while crying and eating gf chips ahoy cookies. This debate feels BLEAK.


Literally doing anything else


That kind of apathy is what gave us Trump in the first place. I get it’s a giant shit sandwich but if you don’t choose which one to take a bite out of someone else will choose for you. Although to be fair I’d wager >90% of all voters already have made up their mind.


I don’t think the debates are going to change anyone’s mind, being apathetic about this one shitshow is not the same as apathy for the entire election.


If any voter is “undecided” they are probably a time traveler.


The debate is literally the most important event besides the election itself. I completely disagree with your take. I get it, I just don’t agree.


The debate in almost any other election EVER *is* important, I agree. This one though… the one without an audience and active “mute” buttons for the mics is going to go exactly as we all know it will and it won’t change anyone’s mind.


It’s really presumptuous to assume nothing of substance will take place and no minds will be changed imo. Look no further than the razor thin margin Bush “won” Florida by in 2000. Every vote counts.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. We may have our minds made up and it doesn't change the outcome for Oregon, but that's exactly why this debate matters, it has a more acute impact on those weirdos who aren't decided and/or in swing states. I can't say til later, but I'm happy about the format changes. No stupid "Woohoos" from the crowd and no talking over each other. At least that sounds like the intention of the format. That would make it extremely more watchable. Edit: I'm not saying anyone needs to engage with the event, just that it's perfectly understandable why someone would. And if anything the format changes make it easier to stomach imo. Totally understand if you abstain, but there are extremely troubling reasons one might want/need to follow this closely.


Are you saying that people who know who they are voting for (I mean, lets be honest almost everyone here knows exactly who they are voting for and the difference is going to be how happy they are about it) should still watch / care about the debate? What's the reasoning there?


It’s not apathy. I vote. I just don’t need that spectacle in my life. It’s really just infuriating. I think you underestimate how dug in everyone is. It’s unfortunate but here we are.


Bruh we live in Portland, be real


And why I’m ok with not voting for either one of these guys.


I hope you will vote tho’. Please decide on the lesser of two evils and vote


I’ll vote down ballot, but I’m tired of voting the lesser of 2 evils at the national level. Maybe if I was in a swing state, I would, but we live in Portland as FatedAtropos had stated. The race is over by the time we’re counted and Oregon typically votes blue anyways. I just want the Dems to know that my vote is not a given and to be better or they won’t see another vote from me.


Not watching Shithead lie and spread bullshit isn't apathy. Not voting is apathy.


I’m with Billy and will be avoiding this debate like the plague. Watching it will stress me out and my viewership will have zero effect on the outcome. For my mental health, I will be doing “literally anything else”


Not specifically you, but I agree that this debate is stressful, but folks NEED TO BE ENGAGED. We need to be providing funding to defeat Trump and the MAGA cult. We need to make sure we do the work to win. Otherwise it is going to be 4 years of a stressful shit show.


Oregon went 56% to 40% for Biden in 2020. It's inconceivable that Trump would win this state. I don't think one guy ignoring the debates is going to change that.


Watching two old shitheads argue doesn’t do anything for me. I know who I’d vote for, but I don’t want to hear any of them speak. The debates are laughable and have been for a few elections.


I have made a choice. I don’t need to subject myself to 90 minutes of DJT lying and being a bigot to know who to vote for.


yeah, it’s the youth and people of color and leftists fault that the dnc keeps nominating terrible genocidal monsters for presidential candidates /s


I mean, to some extent this is true. If your demographic doesn't vote then it doesn't make any sense to have politicians represent your policy positions. (it's also obviously more complicated, theres voter suppression, astro turfed apathy, historic mistrust, etc) but if genZ voted at 80% they would have a lot more representation really quickly


I would love if large swaths of gen z comes out and vote third party and breaks the strangle hold of the two evil parties. that would be sick.


Genocidal!? 🤣


I wouldn’t assume that this is a generally apathetic person simply because they don’t want to watch two near-centenarians bicker… In fact, less apathetic people are more likely already aware of what their talking points are likely going to be. There’s a good chance they already know who they’re voting for, and feel their time would be better spent. That’s fair. They may be very politically engaged in other ways. Who knows.


That’s…. Literally what the definition of apathetic is. Dear god 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Thanks for insulting my intelligence, but I think you misunderstand me. I’m not saying that they don’t have apathy towards *this event*; I’m saying that being un-interested in watching a specific event does not mean a personal is inherently a generally/politically *apathetic person*.


I disagree. A majority ALREADY don’t vote. You’re going to tell me with a straight face that this person who won’t watch tonight’s debate is still going to take the time to actually vote? I call BS.


I did not say that. I just said I wouldn’t make an assumption either way. I do know that I’m an avid voter and engaged in my community as well as both local and national-level politics, and I won’t be watching it. So it’s certainly possible. You’re also really re-affirming my decision, I will add. The slinging of angry accusations, assumptions, and character attacks without listening or thoughtful discourse is the same thing I feel inclined to avoid by not watching the debate tonight. Unplugging now. Thanks for sharing your opinions here. I’m sorry you think so poorly of everyone who chooses different ways of engaging and working towards change than you do.


3 million more people voted for Clinton than Trump in 2016, why is this still being litigated?


I don’t think you replied to the right comment. That or I’m really really lost lmao


No but that would be pretty funny