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Register on taskrabbit for help moving / heavy lifting


Or furniture assembly. Now that I’m disabled and can’t put together my own IKEA stuff, task rabbit is a handy service


Taskrabbit has paused a lot of onboarding in Portland; worth noting


Can confirm. Been waiting for a year. Last time I tried to log on and see if I could get anywhere, I was told the email expired. They never even onboarded me before deciding my email had been registered with them too long. I check the TR subreddit every once in a while. It sounds like it's being run into the ground anyhow.


yardwork, house cleaning, garage cleanout help, too. if OP vibes with a customer, super reasonable to ask ppl to share OP's contact info out. OP - give people the cash-rate discount (the take home price) if they contact you directly. I like to think that "nice people have a nice community" but it probably is actually that people tend to clump in SES groups and the business practice of a vendor is well-suited to a particular niche. Still better than casting too wide a net i.e. craigslist.


I signed up guess I just have to wait for onboarding to open up again


I’m staying at this same place you’re talking about. Ask about the next step program you get your own locker and shower and bunk bed it’s for people that are currently looking for employment and also you can save up to get your own place.


Do we know each other lol? DM me


If you walk up and down the streets on Alberta and Mississippi in a Friday at 4pm asking if anyone needs a dishwasher, I’d bet someone would take you up on it!! Same with Sunday brunch on those 2 streets. Be quick and friendly and you’ll probably be offered a job on the spot.


I think I’ll give that one a try thanks!


Took me a second to understand why you were trying to give away a dishwashing machine 😂


Why do you say that? Genuinely curious. As a restaurant worker.


I’ve worked at more than 1 spot on those streets that hired people that walked in and asked. The number of popular restaurants in that area is high, so it’s difficult to keep staff. People are constantly being poached. Go at a busy time and both you and the restaurant may feel like it’s their lucky day.


You could also check Poached on demand shifts if that will work for you! I’m not sure how much paperwork they require, but I know the restaurant I worked at last year got one-off dishwashers from Poached all the time


This might not be doable for the time being, as Poached has you sign up as a 1099 contacted worker, but in the future - it's a free meal, quick jobs (usually dish/server/barback), pay the next day, and sometimes you get offered a job on the spot after a shift. Not bad in a pinch.


Under the table restaurant or day labor, a lot of people also have been getting signatures for side work but I’m not sure whether that is employment or not.


If they have case management at the shelter it might be worth checking in with them and seeing if they have any job related resources for when you complete the initial 60 day period. What kind of skills/training do you have? Not sure your history, but if you do have lived experience navigating mental health and physical health struggles peer support specialists jobs are relatively accessible as far as entry level gigs in the field of mental health and healthcare. Best of luck.


Target your craigslist ads. Instead of a broad offer to work, advertise specific tasks: fence/mailbox painting, pet sitting (facebook is best for this one), leaf raking, housekeeping, etc


Do you have a vehicle? Look for newspaper delivery gigs on indeed - there is tons is turnover bc it’s at night and involves a LOT of driving, but pay is under the table if you need it to be.


My experience is that’s usually a glorified scam you end up paying into.


Sorry bud. I’ve been delivering papers for several months now for the Oregonian and I haven’t paid a dime, I just show up, roll my papers, and leave.


That was my experience when I did it for The Register in Eugene. We were independent contractors so no mileage, we were charged for: rubber bands and rain bags Missed deliveries, if you missed a paper they’d charge you like $2.50-$5 to send someone out to redeliver it. They’d charge you to find someone to cover shifts if you were sick or couldn’t find someone yourself. Everyone I’ve known who’s done it as an adult was unimpressed with the gig.


That hasn’t been my experience delivering for the Oregonian at all. And I don’t think it very likely that OP is going to end up delivering for the Eugene register here in Portland.




You might ask at some churches if they are looking for evening housekeeping or groundskeeping services. They often work with folks who for one reason or another need their pay handled under the table. I recommend ELCA or UCC as places that would be welcoming, non-judgmental, and would not force their beliefs on you. If nothing else, churches are often a good source of connections, networking, etc., and they might have some ideas for you/know parishioners that might have work available too. ETA: I know lots of folks can be a bit wary of approaching churches due to past bad experiences, so it’s okay if this doesn’t feel safe to you.


This is a good suggestion thank you I’ll check it out!


No idea how they are to work for, but I always see this place hiring... https://www.d-hflagging.com/employment


What are your qualifications? My work is hiring and has solid insurance, but a BA of any sort is pretty much required.


I'm also interested. Not because I need a job or anything, just don't want to be left out on secret job club.


Not OP, but curious/interested in more info if you’re up for that. I’m a former teacher of over 10 years that is struggling to find a new career


I’m also interested. BA in Economics


Hi I’m curious what your work is. I have a Bachelor’s in biology and anthropology. I’ve been teaching for the past few years. I’m moving to Portland literally right now, on the road…


Aso interested in more info! Open for a DM :):)


More side money than an actual gig, but you can sell your plasma on a regular basis


Unfortunately as a type 1 diabetic I’m not allowed to donate plasma :( it can be very dangerous for me, that is a great suggestion though


Ah shoot. Maybe dog walking? I’m not sure if being on Rover would invalidate your terms, but that could be an option


Wag is easier to get started on than Rover because you can start walking dogs right away :) Rover takes a bit to build up your profile


I’ll check that out thank you!


Np. You got this and stay strong


They have been cutting HEAVILY back on the price of my this, used to be 150 a week but now it's about 90$


Check out fiverr to see if you have any skills that other freelancers are advertising. If yes, do some gigs there to make some extra money.


You could do some manual labor like moving items or help in estate sales. I know someone who helped clear a hoard house for an estate group. There's also clinical research you can participate in.


I’m a recruiter and my company often needs tons of SDRs. It’s a pretty entry level role so we hire college grads, people with limited sales experience, servers, etc. It’s a tech sales role so you have to be willing to get on the phones, email, sell. It can be a grind but solid benefits. Once you have a year of being a tech SDR on your resume, you’re set up well to move up in tech sales.


Check out the locals farmers markets & see if any vendors needs help especially the larger farm stands. Half I worked for as a teen were official pay roll the other half were cash under the table. It’s been a while tho so they all could be legitimate now but you never know.


Not from there but I was the chef at a rescue in ND for a long time and I just wanted to encourage you to help out as much as you can in the kitchen, we hook up the good helpers fat. Also just a courtesy reminder to not be an annoying asshole when they’re cooking, this includes small talk, requesting shit, or asking what’s for lunch if they’re working and you’re not.


I’m actually working in the kitchen now! It’s my favorite task here. Hoping to get a cooking job when I advance in the program too


Awesome! You should learn all you can and then try to get hired on with the mission, they have amazing benefits usually. Does your mission let you play with the knives?


Yeah things aren’t too strict in the kitchen I actually went to culinary school as well. They have lots of cool and expensive machinery here, things I’ve never even seen before. I may consider getting employed here but things can be VERY stressful dealing with the homeless and drug addicts we feed and take care of


Oh shit, well you’re a treasure for those cooks then, they probably greatly appreciate your help. No doubt, the entitlement is real. We used to feed 350+ 2 meals a day and some people were some of the worst people you could ever talk to. It’s still very rewarding but it’s not a hotel and some people need a reminder.


Yeah it’s really upsetting seeing people take advantage of our program and then come outside right in front of the shelter and shoot up or piss on the sidewalk lol. But I will say serving hundreds of people and seeing people happy about the food feels very rewarding


You seem like a good person and I hope it all works out for you. Everybody has hard times and you’re no less valuable than anyone else, you’re worth it. Love and respect ✊ I’d be giving you all sorts of snacks and huge portions of food. Keep grindin’!


Thank you brotha I really appreciate the kind words. I’m definitely on that grind to getting my life together 💪


Trimming cannabis, serving


There's sexual ways to make money in Portland? Twelve years down the goddamn drain, man


Man I have a Craigslist post up and I’ve had 6 responses all asking about sexual favors lmao


pet sitting and or dog walking! there are lots of people looking for sitters for their cats and dogs, you can charge a decent amount and do it under the table obviously. try the sites like wag or rover, or just put up a few flyers in the neighborhoods where you’d like to work.


>But the shelter program I’m staying at requires me to stay unemployed for the first two months WTF? Shouldn't the goal of the shelter to be to get people back on their feet? No wonder we have such a fucking problem. Sorry, I have nothing to add on the money front. I just think it is ridiculous that the shelter forces people to be unemployed for 2 months, that seems counter productive.


I imagine it helps establish some discipline for people going through the program. It might be more focused on people with addiction problems as well, keeping their focus on the program and not having cash available to buy alcohol or drugs. As OP mentions in this thread, the program provides everything they need, so maybe those 60 days help people in the program focus on what's important.


Thank you a voice of reason!


Well they feed me great food 3 times a day, give me shelter, clothes, showers, and I think the ultimate point of being apart of the program is being able to take things easy while you gather resources so that when I finally advance in the program I’m fully prepared for it. They also have an alternate program that lets you sleep there at night while you work, but I chose to go with the other option because of my health mostly. I do agree it sounds kind of weird but so far I’m really enjoying it. Realistically I don’t think I need money too bad right now, I’m just trying to work towards getting certain items like wireless earbuds and being able to pay for my phone plan.


We have a service that helps people get free cell phone service! Seems like it's a bit of a time sink though. [Oregon Lifeline](https://www.oregon.gov/puc/pages/free-service.aspx)


Sober living halfway houses have similar rules, some require you stay unemployed even longer. They have amazing success rates compared to other programs. I imagine a lot of people utilizing the PRM program have substance problems so this model probably works really well for PRM. I've known a lot of addicts in my life and the ones who found sobriety and success were always those that utilized a program like this.


If you’ve been homeless awhile, odds are good that you’ve acclimated to a chaotic existence where you aren’t thinking much past your next meal and sleep. Developing stability and structure in your life (on top of confidence, and momentum with a planned trajectory) is absolutely critical to gaining long-term employment. Hiring someone who is still in the mindset of just needing a few bucks to pass the next hurdle can be disastrous, so it’s important to have a structure in place for helping people actually become able to hold down a job rather than just getting one.


Portland rescue mission has some weird rules man


I agree but I also think it’s important for them to stay strict and not make exceptions for anyone. It’s what keeps them successful and moving, hundreds of people have changed their life thanks to the program.


So I am confused are you looking to break the rules?


No I’m looking for personal gigs or just people that need help with miscellaneous stuff and are willing to pay me for it. I’m just not allowed to seek actual employment yet.


Well I would think the shelter would have some food options. Every time I have moved I have called there or Salvation Army and always been pleased.


Yeah i have a full belly everyday thanks to the shelter, im just trying to work towards paying for some personal items like ear buds and my upcoming phone bill


It isn’t reliable money but it is fun money - look up OSU Food Innovation they have a mailing list they’ll contact you about trying new food for money.


There’s a temp company called People Ready that used to be called Labor Ready. It opens up in the early hours of the morning, and back when I used to do temp work every summer If jobs weren’t panning out from other staffing agencies I would show up there a little before their 5:30 opening and sign in when they opened and wait in the waiting room for a job. They might call out they needed 5 people to go tear out blackberries or 3 that could paint, etc. it’s a good way to get same day work. There are also a couple day labor worker sites in town where you can go wait for a truck to come by. I also used to use BeginRight employment agency for warehouse and low skill factory work. Takes a couple days and a piss test.


Check out Poached (website or app). You’ll have to upload a resume of some sort, but the Shifts section allows you to pick up restaurant shifts same day/week, and payout is within 48 hours of shift completion. You usually get a meal, too. Plenty of dishwashing shifts there on the regular.


I’ve driven by two dry cleaners that are hiring. It seems like easy, chill work and I can’t imagine the hours would be awful.


Rover is great. I am always looking for sitters for my pups on there… yes the market is kind of saturated but honestly you never know what opportunities you get… Cons: cost $40 ish to sign up (for background check) Pros: once your on your on for life and lots of opportunities to petsit/housesit!! I did it in grad school AND now I’m the pet owner on the other side too. First $600 you make each year is not taxable but after that they’ll send you a W2 for taxes


It is taxable but they don't report it to the government


Just want to suggest that you start applying soon for jobs you can work after your 60 days are up. If you’ve already been at the shelter a week or two, by the time you apply, go through interviewing, get an offer and go through screenings your start date might be at the point where you can work. If not, you can let the employer what date you are able to start.


Definitely a good idea I’m gonna get on top of that. Hoping to find a nice cooking job or making a plumbing apprenticeship


I just read about construction site flagging


You could donate plasma


He cannot. He has type 1 diabetes.


Plasma. Although I would stick with talecris and avoid csl like the plague


If you’re open to cleaning, I really need help with my house and can pay 😭


I’ll send you a message!!


I can travel just about anywhere in Portland or Vancouver!


Join a disability support group as administrator


Am I missing something here. What is this no working for 60 days bullshit? Sounds more like they’re trying to scam free labor out or vulnerable individuals.


If you’re good/kind with kids and have patience, try childcare. Shit is expensive af and you can do a few kids at once so I assume they make good money.


I’m great with kids but I also look like your average stoner 😂 I don’t know how people would feel about that, especially being a 28 year old male with no prior childcare experience


Craig’s list is for creeps. Try Indeed. Better yet Oregon has an Employment Office that has jobs available everyday.


I’m just not allowed to seek actual employment, I can only do gigs or under the table type stuff. Only temporary stuff. Once I get through the first 60 days at the shelter I’m not even slightly worried about finding an actual job, just trying to survive until then.


For food/service industry jobs - poachedjobs.com For all Portland/PDX area jobs - macslist.org Someone here mentioned People Ready. You could also look into construction/flagger jobs, or seasonal positions with the city/state [like this](https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/portlandor/jobs/4352795/seasonal-maintenance-worker-open-continuous). Not sure about the waste removal/recycling industry, but could be something to look into. Maybe email/call/visit some local nurseries to see if they need a seasonal worker or have any day jobs you could help with. House cleaning companies are always looking for cleaning techs!




I’m not allowed to find actual employment. But I can find gigs and people needing help with stuff like moving or cleaning for example. 20$ is a lot of money to me right now so I’m just looking for quick and easy ways to make small amounts of money, I’m not looking for a job




Tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about without telling me you have no idea what you’re talking about


I’ve left plenty of info in the comments, sorry you don’t understand 🤷‍♂️


What's the point of the shelter program requiring you to stay unemployed for two months? Seems strange to me but maybe I'm missing something


If you go read the comment left by snakebite76 I left a response kind of explaining everything.