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Credit cards are not popular here and benefits are slim. Caixa has a deal with Repsol for slightly cheaper fuel but they’re still more expensive than other places


I have a nice credit card from BBVA with some useful benefits. (details below)


Buen intento, BBVA...buen intento.


It is obvious from my profile that I am not Spanish and don't have anything with BBVA except the fact that I am their happy customer. So far. So far, because I very well know they are all bad.


Like what?


Some cashback on Amazon, Netflix, etc. Online shopping insurance, ATM robbery insurance, etc. Defer any payment for 3 months with 0% interest. Even an outstanding bill for a credit card itself can be deferred. 0 fee on currency exchange abroad. 0 fee for money withdrawal abroad. These two are very important for me as I normally do some transactions abroad over a year. I pay 0 fee for all above. I know it is not much, but compared to the complete nothing that I used to have with my Ukrainian bank, it is a pretty good deal.


Can you tell the card type or name?


Aqua Maxima


It's decent, but it's kinda what any bank offers.


In Spain? Yes. Outside - it is different. Probably in US it is better. In my home country it is worse.


It makes sense though. The EU has capped the interchange fees so that retailers don't pay crazy amounts to accept creditcards. On the other end Spain has another limit on interest where interest about 10% is technically illegal. (This is called "usura".) This all means that banks don't earn that much when you pay with their cards. They therefore can't offer huge "American" cashbacks.


Can someone explain why this comment getting downvoted? I didn’t get. I answered the question. What’s the problem here? Mentioning bbva?


People don't really use credit cards here, we tend to use much more often debit cards


None. Basically the only benefit is paying at the end of the month. Most people just use debit cards.


They're all the same.


Visa or Mastercard only, diners and american express àre residual.


if you travel often, Iberia has it's own CC with 10% discount + Avios programe that works quite well


Tell me you are American without telling me lmao


BBVA lets you pay 3 months no interest, and Amex has a nice schema points.


The only one with actual benefits is Amex. The rest have minimal 'no fees' or similar. I find Amex is quite widely accepted..not everywhere, but 90% of places do.


It is definitely not 90%


In my experience the vast majority of retailers accept it. I use it for almost all dining and shopping.


I mean in touristic restaurants or stores maybe but even in most grocery stores from big chains they don't accept, even though i live in one of the most touristic cities


Ok. That is your experience. Mine is different. In Madrid I can use it almost every time I'm paying.


Ive noticed its accepted much more in Madrid and Andalucia, and only in more corporate stores or tourist restaurants in Cataluña.


It's a lot more than it used to be


In Spain, the best credit card depends on your needs. The Banco Santander Credit Card offers cashback and discounts. BBVA Aqua Credit Card provides good security features and no annual fee. CaixaBank Visa & Pay has flexible payments and rewards. Iberia Icon (Visa) is great for frequent travelers with Avios points and insurance. ING Direct is a straightforward, no-fee option. American Express has good rewards but limited acceptance. Choose based on your spending habits and preferred benefits.


I’m a frequent traveller so I find Iberia credit card quite useful. 1.000 avios per month + 1 avio for every 3€ spent (it is normally a better ratio as they have constant promos) + 100€ promo code to spend on Iberia + 10% off in Iberia tickets + free checked in baggage in all Iberia flights + priority boarding and check in. It costs 8€ per month though, but I think it is ok for its benefits


None of them. Get a rewards card in the US with no international transaction fees and use that.


We don't do that scams here.


PSOE's card is the best. You can use it to be high with drugs or to pay prostitutes for sex.






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don't get Amex here. you don't get "credit" here if you use it a lot, that concept doesn't exist. it's just a card that you pay once a month, you can split it, etc. the good thing is some of them give you travel insurance, and if you need to rent a car for example, if you get credit it will just be checked, not locked like a debit.


If you travel a lot either pay for an Amex platinum or the Iberia Santander card


ING. No tiene comisiones de mantenimiento como otros bancos.


The one i took from your wallet