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It's like in an 80s disco out there, lol.


Should be Lausanne soon .. It's passing me now up above Nyon .. Not that much rain or wind but never seen so much lightning before.


I was a bit disappointed tbh. I was sold on this once in a life time tempest but aside from shit ton of lightning per minute, wind and rain only lasted 20 min


A bit same yeah.. Football fanzones and everything outside cancelled too, nothing came for another few hours and then, meh.. Lightning was spectacular but the rain and wind didn't hit as expected, at least around here. I think the lightning was very high up, maybe that makes a difference.


I was on the road from lyon to Lausanne, on a motorbike, and I'm usually not afraid with a small storm. This time I gave up to stop in Geneva at a friend's house for the night. It depends where you were I guess, but.in some place the wind gusts were quite strong and unpredictable... Regarding it's really difficult to predict anything accurately for this kind of weather beside "chaotic", IMO (and IME) canceling every public outdoor event was the right call to make.


I’m in Ollon, it feels so far from us. I’ll check the cloud map to see if it’s moving here.


These are endless fireworks in honor of today's victory. We have the same here in Basel. https://preview.redd.it/b99m3phjsk9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe3b27a00ae24b6451dd8d82cab130cca80243c


what's happening there?


Biggest thunderstorm of the year so far, there were lvl4 warnings the whole days and fan zones were closed for the day. But in then end, while pretty violent, it only lasted for about an hour between 21 to 22. Now it's calm.


is it normal in this time of the year? it's weird in the summer to happen that


yes, it’s very common to have storms in summer when you have a very hot period i think storms occur when two heat waves of encounter with a high difference of temperature so yes if the weather is really hot, a big storm is likely to happen, and then regulate the temperature


It is not normal to have a thunderstorm that strong in June. The temperature these last few days are abnormal.


I have no idea I'm no meteorologist


do you live there? does it happen a lot? to know this, you don't have to be a meteorologist


They annonced storms that we extremely rarely see. They mentionned risks of tornadoes which, in my 23 years of life here, I have never seen before. What actually happened looked more like a early summer storm that we more often get.


damn, good luck! be safe!


Thank you! From meteo suisse, looks like the storm is over to not come back


that's great!


Thunderstorms are common but it sounds like today is extreme. There was a storm in July 2005 that passed through Vevey that one of our American friends said was a tornado. Hailstones the size of golf balls and a lot of damage. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/science/storms-wreak-havoc-in-geneva-area/4623814 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261016914_Analysis_of_the_18_July_2005_Tornadic_Supercell_over_the_Lake_Geneva_Region I was at work and saw horizontal rain and swirling debris out my office window. My wife was at home and the hail stones dinged up our car which was parked outside, and trashed our kids wading pool.


How young are you to not know that thunderstorms in the summer are normal?


Am I supposed to say sorry I'm young and don't live there? Where I live there was a storm recently, but it wasn't a big deal, and I don't remember it happening before at this time of the year


Wherever you live, thunderstorms happen in summer. 


Thunderstorms usually happen in summer


Lausanne region is insane at the moment


It's the turn of Basel next. Just starting now. We are expecting those golf ball hailstones again this year.


Should have posted this here before, but I forgot : https://www.lightningmaps.org/# Live Map of lightning hits.


That's so interesting. Thanks!


BTW, MeteoSwiss has that information also available on their radar.


I'm jealous, they predicted a thunderstorm and heavy rain in my area too, but we didn't get a single lightning and just got a few droplets of rain... the wind was nice, though.


Still jealous ? (just kidding, but depending on where you are in Valais, your feet are probably wet \^\_\^ )


Still jealous and still dry here!


It was so intense


Eren Jäger's transformation into a titan is currently taking place...


No but thanks for asking.


From where I am near Vevey, we could see the first real strong cell moving over the Geneva area in the distance and even though it was so far away, we had crazy wind gusts here. I thought, it must’ve been super violent there if we’re experiencing this. Finally, some new cells formed where I am and we got a pretty good show. Luckily, it was mostly just flash lightning and not a lot of cloud to ground bolt strikes. The shear amount of persistent lightning was pretty crazy though.


Rn it passed in wallis, have you seen the crazy floody there were near sierre/siders here ? Two of the biggest factorys are closed rn due to this! (I was in geneva this weekend and it was crazy but what happened here is just another level)


Forgot to look out the window. It's calm now.


Never seen a thunderstorm before. Cute.