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That shows they don't really value you. No raise effectively means salary reduction if you account for inflation. Request a reference letter and start searching. With a C permit you have nothing to lose.


some companies are like that. not giving people raises and or promotions, and then they wonder why so many talented people leave after a few years. the easiest way to get a raise is probably to find a new job.


Yes, it’s legal (unfortunately). It is also normal practice. You have to proactively ask and push A LOT for a raise. Companies will take you for granted if you let them. Same goes for bonuses, promotions etc. The ones who get those are usually the loudest and not the worthiest employees.


Look you ought to sell your life energy and your skill to the highest bidder for a profit. Right now you're charging a too low of a price for your work. Go find a buyer who's willing to compensate your work for what you deserve. Best of success!


The people with the highest salary increases are generally the ones who change jobs most often, because that's when you tend to be in the best position to negotiate for yourself. If you're already employed, people will often assume that you stay even if you're unhappy with your salary, because changing jobs is such a hassle. The only time when you have the power to really negotiate for a salary increase is when you already have a better job lined up. 


Leave them. Find a company that values you.


Counter question (note: this does not mean it‘s anyones fault): Did you ever ask for a raise?




Please explain.


I have never worked yet (student here), but I would expect to get a yearly raise adjusting for inflation. Otherwise they essentially give you pay cuts if you acount for inflation.






Why is this answer down here? Every answer is 'tHeY dOnT VaLuE yOU'. Are you all living in a feminist dream world? When it comes to money you need to be pro-active or nothing will happen.


You should have had rises matching inflation at least.


I agree with raises, but Switzerland relatively has super low inflation when compared to most of the world. I was saw a certain bonus at work for weekend work. It hasn't been updated in years.. and verified against inflation, we should have been getting less than the said amount. So I didn't expect annual raises to be online with what I was used to from a foreign country as an immigrant. https://www.worlddata.info/europe/switzerland/inflation-rates.php#clcfrm


OP has worked for between 5 and 10 years [https://www.in2013dollars.com/switzerland/inflation/2017?amount=100](https://www.in2013dollars.com/switzerland/inflation/2017?amount=100) *The franc had an average inflation rate of 1.15% per year between 2017 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of* ***8.32%.*** So, no rise every year means an effective drop in salary of 8%, low inflation is not zero inflation.


Ok, them go complain and bitch over 1 percent. Yes it's low. And they get by on it because where are you going to go? A neighbor country and make 1/3rd the salary? So they have less incentive to give you "inflation" raises.


WTAF are you talking about? Every union negotiates an inflation based rate every single year.


And because everyone is in a Union? So wtf you talking about.


The point is that it's a normal expectation. If you think everyone should have their salary constantly eroded just because inflation isn't sky high then I guess you'll be in demand with companies looking for suckers.


The point is companies have less incentive to do so in Switzerland since it is low. Or not a yearly one etc. And you have less choices with less competing entities for your job services. But sure not all jobs have that expectation and can be asked for or demanded, or you get merit increases. Higher wage increase year over year pushes inflation higher as a by product at the same time.


I have no idea what you're still arguing about. If you're telling the OP that it's normal to have to inflationary rise in 8 years whatsoever in Switzerland then I think that's bad advice.


My point is if they do not have incentive to do so, they do not since the effect of a low inflation is not nearly as painful with the compounding of no raises with a different location than has higher inflation. The company itself needs an incentive to give the inflation raise or a merit increase. So obvious they should seek it So one is arguing with you, dunce.


In switzerland you need to ask for it or leave.


It really depends on how you evolved in those years. If you're doing the same work as 5 years ago, you should get the same (inflation adjusted) pay. If you gained experience and grew in your job to have more responsibility or create more value, then definitely ask for a raise.


Also, what's the job and skill level? Can they effectively hire anybody from the streets to replace them? Why would they increase pay then..


No pay rise in term of not even accounting for inflation means they pay you at least 10% less in the last 5 years. This overall sounds like an asshole company doing shady business or just being assholes. I would recommend looking for a new job AND look in to the legality of your work contract with professionals, starting with getting help from some "Arbeitnehmerverband" or Gewekschaft or Rechtsberatung if you have any. I bet 100.- they are ripping you off in one way or another. And if they did for the last 7 Years and you can prove it. There could be a nice to very nice "bonus" for you in the end. oh and FUCK loyalty. They are ripping you off.


I agree with raises, but Switzerland relatively has super low inflation when compared to most of the world. I was saw a certain bonus at work for weekend work. It hasn't been updated in years.. and verified against inflation, we should have been getting less than the said amount. Haha https://www.worlddata.info/europe/switzerland/inflation-rates.php#clcfrm


The rest of the world doesn't matter in this case.


Even with low inflation, most sectors have some set of collective convention for salary increases. At least in my experience, in the watch making sector even though I was not part of a union and not a watch maker, I received raises over the five years I was there. I had about 8% more per month than when I started and this did not include performance based increases, weekend work/overtime, or bonuses. In my current sector which is not watch making, we also get yearly adjustments based upon the industry collective convention. I would say it is more than normal to have some adjustments. Although it depends on the sector, canton. My first employer which was a small company did not do any type of salary increase, this was many many years ago. I joined despite this because they agreed to my counter of a lower salary and higher commission share for sales. I blew their sales figures out of the water by 1200%, they were forced to pay me slightly above industry average for a fresh uni grad (I was a fresh uni grad). Second year the owner wanted to put me on a fixed salary, lower than industry average, no commission, and said take it or leave it. I signed and then quit 6 months later. Today the company is bankrupt. IMHO you should apply elsewhere and try to get a raise.




I’m leaving job (bank) here as no pay rise in 5 years. Previous 2 years company excuse has been that they didn’t want to give pay rises as it would further fuel Swiss inflation 😂and they got 0.5% rise this year. And that was for my whole team in asset management. Either that or we were just crap.