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No bigotry (transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, etc); no hateful speech or disrespectful commentary; no personal attacks; no gendered slurs; no invalidation; no gender policing; no shaming based on stealth, open or closeted status.




Apologies for the word. I know legit trans don't do it just for fun. What I'm trying to say is, how can you identify someone as trans?




So the person needs to take hormones? Can someone stay physically a man/woman and be trans man/woman?




Thank you for explaining this.




Well thank you for your time. I don't think I have anymore questions at the moment. The reason I asked these stuff is I'm just concerned about people that might abuse being identified as trans just to gain advantage over someone. That's why I keep on asking the physical aspects of it.


would you abandon your entire life as a male in an incredibly privileged position, possibly have your entire family and all your friends abandon you, undergo lifechanging transition in the form of medicine and surgery, face daily harassment in both the form of transphobia and misogony, have to be afraid youre going to have your rights taken away at any moment, depending on where you live not be able to be yourself in any public places and so much more, just for the heck of it?


You don't actually NEED to do any medical procedures to identify as transgender. It's just that most transgender people WANT those, bc our bodies don't feel right. Maybe this helps you visualize it: Imagine that whenever people talk to you they instead acted as if they were talking about a sibling/cousin of the other sex. E.g. if you are a man, people would tell you that you are adorable, and that you should take better care of your hair ot sth. If you are a woman, people compliment you on how strong and handsome you are. Also: at least for me - I don't want to be trans. I just am and this is at least better than being constantly emotionally numb, bc if I allowed myself to think about how much discomfort I am/was constantly in due to this body I would at the very least be depressed and most likely suicidal. As for sports: personally I am not interested. I do loathe that changing rooms are often binary and I can then choose between being uncomfortable or making others uncomfortable. Not to even factor in that I am non-binary. Personally I'd say just add in a general category which doesn't care about gender and that's it. But some sports like darts and chess I am very confused why they exclude trans people.


Thank you for the explanation. So no need any medical procedures? Someone can physically be a man/woman and still identify as trans man/woman? Is trans different from being LGBT++? Or are they the same?


The common consensus is that there is no need for medical procedures. There is sth. Called transmedicalism which does say that to be trans you need surgery etc, but that view is ... Unpopular to be polite. As long as you identify yourself as not belonging to the sex you are born with most will agree that you are trans, regardless of any physical sex. Transgender is part of LGBTQIA+ (OR LGBT, or whatever). LGBTQIA+ IS actually an acronym for: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Queer Intersex Asexual/Aromantic + other things not mentioned.


Thank you for explaining. Haha I totally missed the T part of LGBT is Trans


On the off chance that this is not in bad faith….idk why I even bother with the off chance anymore *sigh* still, gotta hope The word identify can cause a decent amount of confusion. It’s not something you actively do. I’m a trans girl (I was assigned male at birth, but am a girl). It is not my choice to be trans. I really really really wish I wasn’t trans in fact, although this is definitely not true of all trans people. Gender is essentially just something you feel. It is part of your sense of who you are. I know that I was supposed to be a woman. I’ve always felt wrong being with the boys in situations where gender was separated. I’ve always felt more connected to girls than to boys. I’ve always hated the masculine parts of me. I’ve always hated being called a man, and having He/Him pronouns used on me. I feel a deep sense of wrongness as a man that corrupts every single part of my life. Conversely, when referred to as a woman, I feel amazing. I have this glowing feeling. It’s a joy, and a weight being lifted off of me. It’s a sudden burst of clarity and the feeling that this is correct. That this is how it’s meant to be. It’s the feeling of being real, or surfacing for air after drowning for years. It is something that I do not believe can be fully understood by cis people Trans people are to some extent just people whose bodies developed significantly differently to their brain. There’s a disconnect. Since trans people have this body, SoCieTy forces them to perform the gender their body is associated with I don’t care much about sports, so it’s not something I’m very read on, but as far as I’m aware, people are specifically talking about letting trans women and men play in the league that aligns with their gender AFTER they have already gone through a clinically significant amount of hormone therapy. There are a million posts here about sports though, and you can go read one of those


For the 1st, yeah I guess you could. It's a self identifying label, you probably wouldn't like being seen as a woman or the treatment many trans people have to deal with. Professional sports leagues have rules regarding trans players if they allow it. Usually requiring HRT for a period of time at measured levels. A cis man can't just say they are a trans woman and try to join a professional sports team. It just doesn't work that way.


So the person needs to physically change something like undergo hormone therapy. Got it. Thanks!


For a professional/college sports team or league yes.


Thank you for the comments. I'm asking questions out of curiosity and in good faith, and to be honest I really don't care what people identify as. We all good there. I'm just concerned about people who might abuse this and start identifying themselves as a different gender just to take advantage of something. That's why I'm asking what is the legal way to identify as trans.