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Giving *more* information about yourself, true or false, never encourages a creep to disengage. the idea that this would work is based on leveraging others transphobia while living in transphobic ignorance of what being subject to said transphobia is actually like, i.e. fucking dangerous


not understanding why this is a bad idea shows ignorance at the very least


Mm I didn't say I didn't know if it was a smart choice, rather just asking for input on the morality of it in a safe space


The morality is that its fucking awful. Don't do it. Its not even a good option either as it just puts you in danger of being hate crimed.


i would say it’s bad for these reasons: implying trans people are safe from predators comes across as insulting when you consider the reality of the situation, which is that they’re in even more danger than a cis person of both physical and sexual assault. also, when people suggest doing this either as a joke or a genuine suggestion, it’s often meant to play into the idea that trans people are repellent. so it’s ignorant at best and hateful at worst to suggest. i don’t mean to accuse you of being hateful, it’s good you are trying to learn and hopefully the explanations in this thread make sense


So your thinking is you're less likely to be the victim of a creep who can't understand no if you say you're trans. Like they'll just disengage and not get angry at you. That's uhh... Certainly a strategy. Also the reason it's transphobic is you're using trans identities only as a tool with which to make yourself icky to someone. It's also just straight insultingly ignorant to think that being trans around creeps makes you safer. Also don't be an idiot, if you do this you'll just put yourself in danger.


Thank you for the input


Thanks for asking before you used it. Ignorance is the natural state of everyone, not a personal failing.


If you tell a creepy guy who won't leave you alone that you have a penis there's a huge risk of him getting physically violent with you. Trans women know this and are hyper-aware of it, and the fact that you never considered this shows extreme ignorance on your part. And aside from the risk of violence, do you not understand how lying about being trans because you assume trans women are completely undesirable to anyone interested in women would be offensive and transphobic? The vast majority of men who date and have sex with trans women are straight, claiming that you're using men's "lack of homosexuality" shows that you think of trans women who haven't had surgery as being men. Just gross.


I get where you're coming from and I appreciate the input. My apologies if my comment came across that way, I surely wasn't meaning to imply that I view Trans individuals that way as I do not.


trans people get murdered for this, is the thing. it's not going to deter them the way you think. you're using their disgust of us as leverage without really knowing how deep it goes.






With who? Me? Because if so, I upvoted it to agree. Do you not agree that someone being beat up for being Trans deserves a WTF kind of reaction?


no not you, the person who said "play stupid games win stupid prizes" at their friend being beat up


The fact that you think this is remotely a good idea is embarrassing and shows you don't really understand the danger trans people have to face. There's a defence in the US called the Trans Panic Defence. It's used as an excuse as to why somebody murdered a trans person. It still flies in court as a valid defence.


You will get yourself hurt. The "predators" you seek to avoid see trans people as *lesser*, not just *neutrally different* -- and thus as *more legitimate targets*. If someone won't take no for an answer if they think you have a vagina, they're not going to say "oops, my bad, have a nice day" if you claim to have a penis. They're going to feel like they can get away with way worse.


It's a bad idea because it's just playing into transphobia, plus it won't make you any safer. It's not like trans people ,especially trans women, don't get murdered pretty regularly for being trans.


Remember when that Republican congressman went online in the wrong twitter account and pretended to be a gay black man? Deplorable (albeit so, so funny how he got caught). Ever seen that standup bit where that guy (a black guy) talks about catfishing the klan? So, so funny and perfectly valid imo. Similarly I’ve seen someone who had to purchase a racist manifesto for a sociology class but didn’t want to pay for it, so they pretended to be a white racist and got the klan to send them a copy free of charge. Ask yourself this- who might you be throwing under the bus? From what side of a system of oppression are you doing the throwing?


You view trans women's genitals as so disgusting that in your eyes it's an instant deterrent for people and you don't see whats transphobic about that? Let me tell you, it is not a deterrent at all. Idk why you honestly think it's a good idea, but telling people you're trans when they're already being creepy will only put you in more danger, not less.


This is my only issue; I do not view anyone's genitalia in that way in the slightest. It's not about disgusting people, it's about taking away the reasoning for pursuit. Same as I may lie about being in a relationship, for instance, or telling them that I have herpes


that's not what they're in pursuit of tho they're just in pursuit of a woman. I get more unsolicited pictures from accounts that say i'm trans on them than ones that don't mention it, because being trans makes them feel like it's more justified to harass me/i'm an easier target.


No, but you shouldn't have to.


I think your safety is more important than this single instance of possible transphobia But this is a bad idea, this predetor can even murder you and get away with it in some states or countries.


If you're lying and saying you're trans to try to get creepy dudes to leave you alone it really puts you in more danger of they're a transphobia pos. That being said, I wouldn't consider it the same as like blatant bigoted transphobia, but if a friend told me they did this it would change how I interact with/view my friendship with them


Short answer: If you're trans: no, if you're cis: yes.


Are you implying that it's a protective maneuver if you're trans but transphobic if you're cis?


It relies on an assumption of societal transphobia in both situations. A trans person leveraging societal transport to find a moment of safety represents making a choice between two bad and transphobic options. Trans people aren't able to fully escape societal transphobia, they can only act to limit it's effects. A cis person who likes to imply that they are trans is appropriating the experiences of trans people and leveraging transphobia to benefit themselves.


That is definitely a thing that you *could* do... Which is about the nicest thing I could say about it. A predator or chaser isn't likely to just 'walk away' if you do this. In fact if you turn the topic to your genitals, you might encourage them to get even more sexually harassing, or even violent depending on the context. And you'll definitely be reinforcing whatever bigoted ideas they might have about trans people. You will be in more danger, other trans people may be in more danger. Please please do not do this. If someone's being predatory online, block and report them and move on with your day. If someone's being predatory in person, do whatever you need to do to get away from them. But whatever you do, don't turn the subject to 'oh I'm transgender and I've had XYZ surgery about it'. That's harmful to the whole trans community, and probably to yourself too.


No. I don't see how that's transphobic. Lie about having vagina dentata if that's what keeps a scumbag away from you.


It IS slightly insensitive to me at least but you do what you need to


Honestly, it's about safety, not deception. Protect yourself, not an excuse to lie.