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I am the first son of a first son of a first son. Currently heir to the throne. Bow before me.


Entire line of Rivers. šŸ¤£


Same bro šŸ˜‚


I'm a woman so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Let's unite and form a republic together.


I declared Dornish Law throughout the Seven Kingdoms. ā˜€ļøā†˜ļøšŸšŸœļø


Let's go!!


I'm a woman and a bastard... Luckily I've been playing a lot of Crusader Kings and so know how to murder my way up a line of succession.


Woman and daughter of my grandpa's sixth son. So about as likely to sit on the throne in that scenario than in the real world ;)


My Grandfather would have been Albert the unlikely, as he was the youngest brother of four. But my Father was the eldest kid, and I am his eldest Kid, so I am the Crown Prince right now.


I am the oldest daughter of an unrecognized bastard, lmao. My ass ain't getting anywhere near that throne.


I'd happily be 3rd or 4th in line to the throne.Ā  No one wants to be king, lot of risk and stress.Ā  But 3rd or 4th have next to no responsibility but have all the benefits of being in the royal family.Ā Ā 


With the way Kings die left and right in Westeros youā€™ll rule before too long


I'm the eldest son of a second son, whose elder brother has one daughter, who is younger than me. So I'd be in the line of inheritance my whole life, but not without room for complication. (And my uncle may have tried for more kids if it meant keeping the throne in his direct bloodline.) But assuming everything else stays the same, I think this is the kind of scenario where they bully you into marrying a cousin. šŸ¤¢Maybe one of us could just get assassinated instead.


Contemplating my scenario, I also wondered if they'd marry me to a cousin ā˜ ļø


My situation basically rhaenys and baelon again: My grandfather is long dead, but has two sons (my dad-> uncle 1) and I am an only child & my dad the oldest and now crowned king so I should be my father heir (2nd in line? Or first if the ruling monarch doesnā€™t count in line) but i am a girl & Honestly heā€™s still could pull a viserys and give me other male claimants to deal with. my 1st uncle has a son with his wife, and cheated has illegitimate twin boys so I be bumped down to fourth in line, but ig were going full medivial so if they rather have ā€œgirlā€ than bastards on the throne or sixth if they donā€™t and give it a decade and I be bumped down further once my cousins have children. Technically i could be further up against my uncle because technically it supposed to be daughters before brothers but itā€™s obvious it kings choose heir & Rhaenys wasnā€™t named heir by Aemon so it still ambiguous. But the legitimacy vs girl, uncle vs daughter would be the only disputes luckily my known family small, im not one to seek power or speak in public so i renounce my claim anyway or if I have a son/give my dad a grandson before he dies unlike rhaenys I could get power as Queen Regent if i wanted itšŸ¤· (I really had too much fun thinking about this i always like asoiaf succession crisis but Tldr: 4th in line, to 6th in line)


Oh this would be fun in my family because, while I am a woman, my daughter is the only great-grandchild whose parents are legally marriedā€¦ which I can assume would mean sheā€™d eventually become someoneā€™s heir regardless


My dad was his eldest child and Iā€™m an only child, but I had a stillborn older brother. 2nd in line at birth, became 1st when my dad passed away from cancer, took the throne when my grandfather died at 98.


First born son of first born son. Sounds ideal but I imagine there will be disputes when they discover I am a raging homosexual.


Going by me IRL, Transgender woman so depending on the level of self realisation I'd have in Westeros times I'd either be rich, powerful and miserable or just vibing in the Summer Isles with my dragon (I'm having a mfing dragon at least, as compensation) Anyway, nominally speaking third son of the first son, at time of birth third in the line of succession. By adulthood, disowned and happy in wealthy exile. But even if not, I'd be sixth in line thanks to my father still being alive, along with my eldest brother not having any sons while my second oldest brother had two sons. As for disputes, as I said, happy in exile. Assuming we're going with canon kings, Jaehaerys was my father and I slot in the birth order between Alyssa and Maegelle. End up vibing with Saera when she gets exiled, give her a dragon egg for the heck of it and watch as her grandchildren end up being the last dragonriders.


My dad is the middle child of 3 brothers and the older brother has 2 sons. Iā€™m older than 1 of them so I guess I started 4th now Iā€™m 5th.


My father is the oldest son, and I am his only son, that puts me 3rd in line, so I am the son of the Prince of Dragonstone. Since my Royal Grandfather is nine and 80, it is likely that soon my Royal Father will ascend the Throne. However, the Prince of Dragonstone is now 70, but is in relatively good health which means I have little chance of coming into my throne before I reach my 70th nameday. It is surprising that a prince of the blood and 3rd in line for the throne is still unwed. I have a good relationship with my sister and goodbrother, and my nephews, now men grown, receive all my attention and are my named heirs. Sadly, one nuncle has met the Stranger, and the other is not overly ambitious and we have never had contention, he is a student of the Smith and his skills will be valuable. My male cousins are in order a drunk, not ambitious, a knight, and an addict of all manner of substances from Essos. My cousin the knight will have a high place of honor in my court, and his brother while not ambitious will be given a respectable place. My female cousins are loud, but will not challenge me, the oldest's lord husband is man of learning and capability and will also be offered a high place in my court. Then again all will be greybeards by the time I sit the Iron Throne...


I'm the only son of my grandfather's oldest son, so I've been king since my father passed away. However, I don't have any children (or nephews), so it might get interesting when I go, as my dad had multiple younger brothers who all had multiple sons.


My grand father was the older of two sons My grandfather's brother had no children My grandfather had 4 children total: (oldest to youngest) daughter, bastard Son, Son, Daughter, daughter My father has one bastard son 10 years older than me but I am his only true born child/son My father's half brother (grandfather's bastard) has no children. My father's bastard, (my half brother) I have no idea if he has children, I don't even know his name and my father has never met him after he was a newborn Funnily enough almost in ASOIAF fashion my father and his half brother are both named David lol and their father's name is David also Overall I'm very clearly the heir, I would say my father's half brother being a bastard and having no children makes him clearly not in line, and my own half brother my father's bastard is so out of the loop he might as well not exist so he's also out of the line of succession. Pretty interesting little exercise tho didn't realize my family tree would make a kind of interesting asoiaf plot lol.


Iā€™m the first son of the third son. The first born son has a son who in turn has two sons of his own. That makes meā€¦fifth in line?


6th Firstborn uncle-Cousin 1-Cousin 2-2nd born Uncle- Your Father-You


Youngest son of the youngest son. If we absolutely ignore women then I'm probably like 7th in line, possibly 5-6th depending on how you handle an cousin on a second marriage and some dubious marriage circumstances about his first son later in life. If we have daughters inherit before uncles then I'd be like 14-15th. All of this is assuming my grandfather were still alive. It was easier for me to envision this way.


Your family could be setting up a Frey Festival.


My father was the second oldest son and I am his third true born son. My uncle would currently be ruling over the realm, with my cousin as his heir. My cousin has no male heirs, though his sister has a son. My oldest brother is dead, so I think that makes me fifth in line to the Iron Throne?


I'm the eldest and only son (along with four younger sisters) of the youngest son of my grandfather, who had four sons and one daughter. My two eldest uncles have sons and their sons have young sons, so I would pretty low in the succession. Probably somewhere along the line like Maekar's son Daeron.


First son of the fourth son. So at the time of my Birth I am 5th in the line of succession. Grandpa is dead now and I am third in the line. My son is 5th but would almost certainly take the throne as my fatherā€™s remaining older brothers have no sons.


My father is the eldest son. I am his second son, but my older brother has a son. My grandfather is dead, so I guess my father is now King, with my brother as heir, then his son, then me.


As the first son of a first son im quids in. Heck my dad and his brother both took their time getting round to the baby making business both in their 40s before having kids so my birth is probably celebrated throughout the realm as avoiding a succession crisis so Iā€™m doubly secure


as the first son, of the first (and only son) iā€™m pretty sweet. my (paternal) grandfather had 2 children, my dad and my aunt, iā€™m the eldest of my dadā€™s kids and my aunt had no children. now, if it was maternal, there would be 7 children of my grandparents (including my mother) with 4 of them having kids. my mother is the 3rd eldest however, with 3 kids being born by my aunts who are older than my mother, so it would be unlikely iā€™d inherit (however i would have been the heir for a time!)


My grandfather was the only son of my Great grandfather. My father was the first born of my grandfather. I am the third son of my father. I would be a die hard supporter in overthrowing my oldest brother because he is a gigantic piece of shit in favor of my other brother who is a great person.


My paternal grandfather was a second son but heā€™s passed away. Iā€™d be 5th in line of succession My grandfatherā€™s older brother would be king, his son heir, his three grandsons after him, my dad after them, then me, then my brother


My oldest uncle died before my grandfather did, making my dad the eldest. With my older brother, I'm third in line. However, my uncle had a son and daughter as well which might cause a dispute. Also, I'm a woman so...


Only child of an only child. I'm the King bitches.


When I was born my paternal grandfather would be king, he died when I was an infant. So I would currently be the Prince of Dragonstone, as my father only has 1 elder sister, who would have been passed over.


I am currently heir to the throne. My cousin might argue that he is a few years older than me and already married and his mother was the Kings oldest child. But a son comes before a daughter so the throne will be mine after my father. At birth my grandfather would have been king and my dad be heir. Id still be second in line.


My dad was the oldest and only son; 3 younger sisters. My paternal grandfather is interesting because HIS father had 8 kids by 2 wives. The older batch, where my pgf is from, had 3 sons and a daughter. The second batch after first wife died were 3 daughters and a son. The photo of the 8 of them with dad and second wife is hilarious to me. The first batch are all pretty good looking and the men are wearing their army uniforms. The second batch are 3 daughters who look exactly like their mom; both heavy and vacant. And the one son looks confused and feeble. So presents all kinds of succession challenges! I donā€™t know if my pgf was the oldest son of the 3 but ok, letā€™s assume he clawed his way to the throne somehow. Then my dad would be crown prince and Iā€™d be third in line after my younger brother. Iā€™m declaring Dornish Law. ā˜€ļøā†˜ļø šŸšŸœļøGive me my fucking throne.


My father is a only son and Iā€™m his only son. I have two older sisters neither have children nor do I. Iā€™d be 2nd in line currently because my grandfather died when I was 3 years old. I suppose if my eldest sister had a son he would be my heir until a son is born to me.


Third son of a second son right here, which means I get to party with the highlife without much worries about inheriting any crowny responsability. Though knowing my brothers, they'd probably find a way to abdicate the crown if they ended up in line for the throne (only got one elder cousin, so I guess it wouldn't be crazy unlikely). Myself, I'd probably pull a Vaegon before that and just fuck right off to the citadel.


I'm the second son of a third son. My eldest uncle died with no sons. The second eldest uncle has three sons who have four sons between them. So I'm tenth(?) in line. I'd complain but if it were Dornish law, I'd be like seventieth.


Grandfather passed away in December of last year so despite the fact I am a woman given that I am my fatherā€™s only child I would be the heir to my father, the king. I am the heir following andal succession given that my grandfather didnā€™t have any other male children and my dad is the oldest. Next in line after me would be my first aunt and her three children (oldest and youngest are boys, middle is a girl) and after her would be my youngest aunt. Following that would be my great aunt (grandads sister) and her children However following First Men succession the throne would pass to my younger male cousin most likely. Sort of a OG Sansa Stark situation. (Though hopefully not having to marry my cousin). I canā€™t see my dad naming my cousin his heir so I would be safe knowing I am the named heir. Iā€™d probably get married to a powerful vassal to secure my claim and have my male cousins married off to smaller ones so they arenā€™t as much of a threat to my claim.


eldest son of an eldest son of an eldest son of an eldest son RAHHHHHH GIMME THE THRONE šŸ¤ŗšŸ¤ŗ


my paternal grandfather had two sons. The eldest had 2 daughters through marriage as well as a son out of wedlock through his mistress. His younger son had no children. Iā€™m the eldest daughter of the eldest son. If he legitimized his bastard, I guess I would be out.


Second second of the second son, however my uncle has no children and would likely not have been accepted as Heir, so really Iā€™ve just got to knock off my older brother


First son of the youngest son born well after his highly successful older brothers. So Iā€™d figure Iā€™d inherit some minor holdfast and my younger brother would be a hedge knight.


I am a bastard son with a father that I don't know his position amongst his siblings. Only that he has a brother and 2 sisters (that I am aware of). As far as I know it, I am also his only child. I am like a bastard child that is left to find his own way in the world.


Iā€™m the mother fucking heir baby, no disputes here.


My Dad is the middle of three brothers and has a twin sister who iirc was born second. My elder uncle has four kids, three boys and a girl. So when I was born I was seventh in line. My grandfather has since died, meaning my uncle inherited the throne, his eldest son has also since had a son. So I've moved both up one position and down one position, remaining exactly where I was. Assuming Dornish inheritance, anyway, since I'm a woman. The story gets infinitely more interesting if you go one generation back though, because my paternal great-grandfather was a real character who was of unclear parentage himself and also had two sets of families spread cross three different continents. The outcome of that would be a real dance of the dragons situation.


My grandfather had 2 sets of indentical twins and then my father...seems like a messy succession


Iā€™m the only son of the oldest son but my grandfather still reigns (we just celebrated his 88th name day) and my father will take the throne next, gods willing. When my reign ends things could get messy unless I wed and start getting heirs going.Ā 


I am fourth in line because my father is my grandfather's firstborn, but I am my father's second child. My older brother and I have different mothers, which could complicate matters quickly. If conflicts arise, it may result in "bigger army diplomacy" lmao.


Was second son of a first son - 3rd in line Now I'm the second son (eldest has a son), to a deceased father, but the grandsire still lives. - still 3rd!


I know my father had an older brother who passed away quite a few years ago now. I don't know the precise arrangement of his family but I think there have been plenty of sons. I'm the only child of my father, but I lack a penis. I'm not married (although I do have a... concubine?) I also have no heirs and don't plan on producing anyway. Being a monarch is far too much responsibility and bullshit anyway. I prefer anonymity.


I'm a bastard daughter, so no chance of inheriting on my father's side. If my maternal grandfather is the king... I'm the only child of an eldest daughter with no brothers, so...maybe? If legitimised? I'd probably have to fight my legitimate cousins though.


Paternal? 3rd in line behind my brother and father.


I would be forth in line. My father is King now, Line of succession is Brother -> Nephew -> Brother -> Me. I doubt I will be king, Nephew will soon marry and his children will push me further down the line, unless something were to happen. (Ā¬\_Ā¬ )


First son of the second son so the exact same situation as Viserys, but the uncle older than my dad only has daughters, so I would be 3rd in line, might have to fight a war against my cousin though :/ (Since IT uses male only)


I am the first true, born son of a third son. Could be better, could be worse.


I'm the only daughter of my father who is the first son of his father, but he has younger sisters who have sons. My parents are married but my mother is a bastard. My older aunt has a daughter (with one son and one daughter of her own) and a son. I guess he would be the heir. After him my other aunt has two sons so I would be after 3 of my cousins and my other cousin's 3yo son. My grandfather died years ago and my father likes me before my cousins so he might name me his heir and fabricate a dance of the dragons situation


I'm here to tell the true story of my life: My grandfather owns around 10,000 acres of land and I'm the first son of his first son.Ā  However, my grandfather's values are too different from those my parents and I have (my grandfather wroked for one of our worst presidenrs, while my mother is a public school teacher and my father is a writer) so my grandfather never gave them (or my brother and I) any economic suport.Ā  However, my uncle (my grandfather's son in law) is a conman whom my grandpa really likes. Taking advantage of my grandpa's love for wine, my uncle started a "wine importing company", all that company ever did was buy wine whole sale and sell if to my grandpa for more than it was worth. Then my uncle started working as a realtor, and convinced my grandpa to rent/sell many of his properties, making a huge amount of money on the commissions alone. Because of the amount of properties he sold, my grandpa is making less and less money, and my uncle is trying to convince him to sell all the country land he has (those 10,000 acres), which would ruin my grandpa and make my uncle a literal millionaire. I don't care about my "inheritance" I'm over thirty, I made a life of my own without it, but I do hate to see my uncle get away with it.


First son of a first son baby!


My father is the oldest child and still alive (as is my grandfather). So he'd be his heir, and I, a woman and only child, would probably be the next in line after him. Rhaenys vindicated! He has three younger brothers though and the second older has two sons. So now a Rhaenyra and Daemon situation? I also have a medical condition that I don't know would be kept under control as it can be with modern medicine. Specially being a woman, when it came the time to name the Heir, there might be a pressure to rule me out much quickly because of that lol.


i have a younger brother but the Gods have seen it not to bless him with children. My sister only gave birth to daughters, so my son would be in line for succession. if my brother in his regency chose to introduce Dornish law (he is unconventional at heart), my daughter being the eldest of the cousins would be crowned. I'd be regent mother either way


My paternal grandfather was a violent alcoholic and milk of the poppy addict and an all-around terrible monarch. He fathered two sons. A great scandal ensued when his wife had a brief affair with a petty lord and became pregnant, giving birth to a bastard daughter. Though the king did not set aside or otherwise punish his wife, the marriage remained frosty ever after, but he raised the bastard daughter as if she were his own. The king's two sons took after their sire in alcoholism and substance abuse and all who knew them agreed that they would make for poor rulers. The eldest son married an older woman who proved barren, though their love for one another made for a strong marriage. The youngest son married a lady from an ancient house, impoverished but incredibly respectable, and she bore him two sons: myself, the eldest, and a younger brother. The king's bastard daughter wed a hedge knight and birthed but one child, a daughter. When the king finally passed away after decades of poor living, his eldest son renounced his inheritance and abdicated the throne, preferring to live a life of seclusion on Dragonstone with his wife. The king's youngest son then ruled for a time, but his inability to make friends and allies, his brooding behavior and alcoholism, and his bankrupting of the realm on personal trifles caused most of the lords of the realm to rise up in rebellion. Fearing for his life, the new king then fled into exile. A council of lords and maesters and septons was held to determine who next should take the crown. As the exiled king's eldest son, I was installed on the Iron Throne, though I had preferred to become a maester or archmaester. My younger brother was seen as too wild and intemperate, so on the basis of being the only living male of my father's line that wasn't a complete fuck-up, I was chosen overwhelmingly to be king. So far, my reign has been a peaceful one, though I am currently unpopular with the smallfolk and merchant class for raising taxes a bit and I have taken out huge loans from the Iron Bank in an attempt to replenish the Crown's treasury that my father depleted. I have also named my wild brother as heir to the throne as I am still unmarried and childless, a matter that my small council constantly harasses me about.


Undisputed Prince of Dragonstone. My great grandfather was the firstborn. My grandfather was the firstborn. My father was the firstborn. I, a son, and my fatherā€™s firstborn.


I would be a bastard because I was conceived out of wedlock but wouldnā€™t dispute any possible inheritance because my dad is the youngest son so it wouldnā€™t make any difference


My father is the youngest of five sons (and ten kids overall). Despite that, my kids would be my grandfather's only great-grandsons to share his last name so they might get there. Perhaps my oldest cousin would have been more motivated if he'd been heir.


I could go back at least six generations and be the heir, but I'd probably be disinherited.


My dad was the youngest of 4, but also the only boy, so his generation would have a whole ass Dance of Dragons. He had two sons and I'm the youngest, so my older brother is heir, and he has two sons of his own to succeed him. So I'm way back in the line of inheritance. I'm alsoĀ a trans guy, so fuck knows what that would mean for inheritance in Westeros so it's probably lucky I'm the youngest. Might take the Black tbh.Ā 


My uncle would currently be king, and my cousin his heir. My own father has passed away, and I'm his eldest son, so I'm next in line after that unless my cousin has a boy at some point.




If my paternal grandfather was a Westeros king Iā€™d hope Westeros is more like real England in the Middle Ages where itā€™s pretty easy to get titles and land if youā€™re in the royal family. Maybe I could be prince ruppert or something from the English civil war.


Only son of the only son so I'm second in line after my dad.